Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Sorry, don't have anything to sell. I'm on my way to Vault 81 to restock. Maybe you can find what you need there?

Fred O'Connell is a travelling merchant in the Commonwealth in 2287.


Fred appears as a Travelling Vault Merchant random encounter, accompanied by a mercenary bodyguard. He can appear up the road, north of Mass Pike Interchange. When spoken to, he explains that he does not have anything to sell at the moment, but is on his way to Vault 81 to restock. He can often be found outside Vault 81 at the makeshift campsite with two Gunner mercenary escorts.

O'Connell is listed as the leader of the ill-fated Stockton caravan[1] and can also be found dead at the site outside of Covenant alongside two dead mercenaries and three dead brahmin as part of the quest Human Error.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui roleplay team
This character is involved in random encounters.

Travelling Vault Merchant


Apparel Weapon Other items
Padded blue jacket 10mm pistol 10mm rounds


  • If the player character follows Fred after he spawns in a random encounter it is possible he will walk past his own dead body outside of Covenant.
  • Fred's random encounter can still occur following the completion of Human Error.
  • Strong "likes" it if the player character kills Fred.


Fred O'Connell appears only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

Fred's Editor ID (RESceneJSDN077Merchant) indicates that he and his random encounter were created by level designer Justin Schram.

