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That's Pine Creek up there. Supposedly it's one of only two ways out of Zion Valley. Of course, without a map, good luck surviving.Follows-Chalk

Pine Creek Tunnel is a location in Zion Canyon in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


Constructed before the Great War to service travelers along Utah State Route 9 and Pine Creek, the tunnel serves to connect Zion Canyon to other regions of eastern Utah. In 2281, it is one of only two passable routes in and out of the canyon (with the other being the southern passage).[1] The Sorrows recognize that the area around Pine Creek is home to many dangerous creatures.[2] a sentiment mirrored by the Dead Horses who find the area difficult to navigate without a map.[1]


Situated southeast of the East Fork Bridge and the yao guai cave, the location consists of a tunnel with a large gate covering the entrance while the interior of the tunnel is inaccessible in-game.

During Flight from Zion, multiple White Legs including Salt-Upon-Wounds appear at the location and will attack on sight, required to be killed to complete the quest.

Related quests[]


The Pine Creek tunnel appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.

Behind the scenes[]

The in-game Pine Creek Tunnel is based on the real-world Zion-Mount Carmel Tunnel. Like its in-game equivalent, the tunnel is also built along Utah State Route 9, traveling along Pine Creek Canyon into Zion proper.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Follows-Chalk: "That's Pine Creek up there. Supposedly it's one of only two ways out of Zion Valley. Of course, without a map, good luck surviving."
    (Follows-Chalk's dialogue)
  2. Waking Cloud: "This is Pine Creek, one of the only ways out of Zion Valley. Watch out - many dangerous beasts lair nearby."
    (Waking Cloud's dialogue)