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Fallout Wiki

Gametitle-FNV HH
Gametitle-FNV HH

That's Pine Creek up there. Supposedly it's one of only two ways out of Zion Valley. Of course, without a map, good luck surviving.


O Pine Creek tunnel é uma localidade em Zion Canyon em 2281.


Encontrado ao longo da Route 9. Caso o Courier decida ajudar os Sorrows à fugir do vale de Zion, Waking Cloud menciona que Pine Creek é uma das únicas formas através de se sair de Zion Valley, e que varias criaturas perigosas fazem deste seu lar.[1] Follows-Chalk mirrors the sentiment, adding that it would be difficult to survive traversing it without a map.[2]


É um túnel com um grande portão cobrindo a entrada, sem nenhuma maneira de acessar o interior inicialmente.

Quests relacionadas[]


O Pine Creek tunnel aparece apenas na DLC Honest Hearts do Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Waking Cloud: "This is Pine Creek, one of the only ways out of Zion Valley. Watch out - many dangerous beasts lair nearby."
    (Diálogo de Waking Cloud)
  2. Follows-Chalk: "That's Pine Creek up there. Supposedly it's one of only two ways out of Zion Valley. Of course, without a map, good luck surviving."
    (Diálogo de Follows-Chalk)