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Jeff Strayer[1][Non-game 1] is the father of Ted Strayer, and was a mercenary prior to his death.


He and several others (Mister Crowley, Dave, Dukov and Tara Fields) were hired by Allistair Tenpenny as part of an expedition to retrieve a weapon from Fort Constantine. As they made their way through the facility, Tara was killed by feral ghouls. Dukov, realizing that he would acquire a bigger share of the reward with less partners, seized the opportunity and locked Mister Crowley in a room with ferals. Jeff and Dave couldn't trust Dukov afterward and finished the expedition with their weapons drawn.[2][3][4][5][6]

After his passing, his son Ted inherited his sizable savings and his key[5][Non-game 2] to the Fort Constantine experimental chamber.[Non-game 3] As a result, his son eventually became a target of Mister Crowley. Crowley would attempt to hire a mercenary of his own to murder his former compatriots for their keys[2] and seize a greater prize at the armory, the perfectly preserved suit of T-51b power armor. Crowley’s true motives were unbeknownst to the mercenary, who operated under the guise that their targets were anti-ghoul bigots. Jeff's passing is unknown to Mister Crowley, and upon learning of it he is unfazed and instead emphasizes the retrieval of the key.[7]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.



Jeff Strayer is mentioned only in Fallout 3.


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "Here's Strayer's key. He's dead, but not from a shot to the head."
    Crowley: "Not much of a shot, eh? I couldn't kill Jeff, but I got his son. That will have to do. Here's your caps. I'll just take that key."
    (Crowley's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Mister President, do you know a Ghoul named Mister Crowley?"
    Dave: "There's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Before the people elected me President, I worked with a mercenary named Mister Crowley. We were part of an expedition to Fort Constantine."
    The Lone Wanderer: "What happened in the Fort, Mister President?"
    Dave: "Two of us died, including Crowley. The rest achieved the mission goals and were paid."
    The Lone Wanderer: "How did Mister Crowley die, Mister President?"
    Dave: "When the Feral Ghouls killed Tara, Dukov realized that he would get more of the commission. He decided to kill off the rest of us too. He locked Crowley into a room with Feral Ghouls, and that was the last we saw of him. Strayer and I didn't trust Dukov after that. The three of us finished the mission together, but with guns drawn."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Crowley is alive, Mr. President. I'm supposed to bring back proof of your death."
    Dave: "Alive? I always wondered. He was locked in with a bunch of Feral Ghouls. They won't attack Ghouls, you see. Would you consider taking him a personal item, like this key, and just telling him you killed me?"
    (Dave's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "Someone said you might know a Mister Crowley. Care to comment?"
    Dukov: "He's fucking dead, that's what I can tell you. Feral Ghouls ripped his nuts off and ate them for dinner."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Where did he die?"
    Dukov: "A little shithole called Fort Constantine. It fucked us up but good."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Where is this Fort Constantine?"
    Dukov: "It's northwest of here, numb nuts. A long fucking walk, too. Wankers like you can't get in though. You need a special set of keys."
    The Lone Wanderer: "How did all of you meet?"
    Dukov: "Tenpenny hired us as mercs. He wanted some fancy fucking gun. Don't know how he got Crowley to sign on. Tenpenny fucking hates Ghouls."
    The Lone Wanderer: "So it was just you and Mister Crowley?"
    Dukov: "Ha, ha! No, clown shoes. Tenpenny hired a whole fucking team. Strayer, Crowley, Tara, Dave and me. Tara had a pair on her! Sweet Jesus they were nice. Ha, ha! That place fucked her up more than I did. The rest of us went our separate ways after that."
    (Dukov's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "Do you remember a Mister Crowley?"
    Allistair Tenpenny: "The Ghoul? He's dead. Died twenty years ago. Good riddance too. I hate those shufflers."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Mister Crowley is alive. I'm here to kill you because you hate Ghouls."
    Allistair Tenpenny: "He's alive? I should have known. It's hard to kill those zombies. You gotta shoot 'em in the head. Whatever he's paying you, I'll double it."
    The Lone Wanderer: "How did he die?"
    Allistair Tenpenny: "Who cares? I hired some mercenaries to get me some equipment from Fort Constantine. He was one of them. Of the five, only three survived. You'll have to ask one of them if you want the gory details."
    (Allistair Tenpenny's dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Do you know what they were doing at the fort?"
    Ted Strayer: "Nah. He said that old man Tenpenny hired him and some other guys to go in there, but he never said why. My dad made enough caps off it to set him up good though."
    (Ted Strayer's dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "Do you know a Mister Crowley?"
    Ted Strayer: "Whoa! That's a blast from the past. My dad knew a dude named Crowley. I never met him though. I think Dad said he died when they were checking out some old fort."
    (Ted Strayer's dialogue)
  7. The events of the quest You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head in Fallout 3.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.277: "Ted tells you his father Jeff knew Crowley, and they investi- gated an old fort together. Ted has “needs,” and refuses to hand over the key. Use Speech and insinuate that you'll cut him. Your thug-like behavior saves Ted’s life, and he hands the key over."
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.100: "Ted Strayer
    Ted is a 19-year-old who has spent most of his life wandering the Wasteland. He's new to Rivet City and is staying in the common room until he figures out where he's going next. Ted rarely plans beyond the moment. It is easy to pique his interest, but it's difficult to hold it. His father used to have dealings with someone named Mister Crowley."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  3. These are the names of the room in the Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.275 "secret storage chamber", p.279 "special experimental chamber", and p.312 "Experimental Chamber".