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This is a transcript for dialogue with Dukov.


DukovBitches Who are those girls? And where are their clothes? Happy 50 Ha ha! They're my party girls. {Over loud laugh, like a bad used car salesman.} 1
Happy 50 I'm too much man for just one woman, so I need two! I wear them out every night. {It's all a big joke to him.} 2
Happy 50 Why should they bother getting dressed when I'm just going to take it off? {over loud laugh, like a bad used car salesman. Laughs as he says it.} 3
Who's that girl? And why isn't she dressed? Happy 50 Ha ha! Cherry is my play toy. {Over loud laugh.} 4
Happy 50 I love my Cherry pie! Love it all night long! {It's all a big joke to him.} 5
Happy 50 I like her half naked. I like her all naked, but she says she gets cold. 6
That girl looks cold. Why isn't she dressed? Happy 50 Ha ha! Fantasia is my girl Friday... and Monday, and Wednesday... {Over loud laugh, like a bad used car salesman.} 7
Happy 50 She makes all my fantasies come true. Ha ha! {It's all a big joke to him.} 8
Happy 50 That's my favorite outfit. If she gets cold, old Dukov knows how to warm her up! {over loud laugh, like a bad used car salesman. Laughs as he says it.} 9
So those girls are just your... whores? Anger 50 Hey! Watch your language, clown shoes. 10
Happy 50 I don't pay them. They take care of me, so I take care of them. We rub each other wrong all night long! Ha, ha! {over loud laugh, like a bad used car salesman. Laughs as he says it.} 11
So that girl is just your... whore? Anger 50 Hey! Watch you language, clown shoes. 12
Happy 50 I take care of her, so she takes care of me. Ha, ha! She rubs me wrong all night long. Ha, ha! 13
DukovDrink Hey, can I have some of that hooch? Happy 50 Help yourself, clown shoes. Grab one from the liquor cabinet. I never trust anyone without a drink in their hand. 14
Surprise 50 Of course I never trust one that does either! Ha, ha! 15
Can I have another drink? Surprise 50 Sure. Didn't I already tell you to? 16
DukovGoodbye I'd better go before I get a headache. Surprise 50 You need to drink more. Ha, ha! 17
DukovThisPlace So... What exactly is this place? Happy 50 It's my hidey hole. Nobody can fuck with me here. 18
Surprise 50 I got my women and my booze. What the hell else is there? 19
So... What exactly is this place? Happy 50 It's my hidey hole. Nobody can fuck with me here. 20
Surprise 50 My women are gone, but I've got my booze. That's enough. 21
DukovWhyHere What are you doing way out here by yourself? Happy 50 Eating, drinking, farting and screwing! Ha, ha! 22
Neutral 50 Out here, nobody bothers me. I can do whatever I like to whoever I want. 23
GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 You've got your god damn key. Isn't that enough? 24
GREETING Happy 50 Hey! It's my favorite wanker! I so fucking glad I talked you out of putting a bullet in my brain. Hah ha! {Loud and boisterous, overly so} 25
GREETING Happy 50 Hey! It's my favorite bitch assassin! Hah ha! I so fucking glad I talked you out of putting a bullet in my brain! {Loud and boisterous, overly so} 26
GREETING Surprise 50 Oh, baby! Let me get you something special. How about a Dukov surprise? Hah ha! {loud and boisterous (think used car salesman), laughs at his own tasteless joke.} 27
Happy 50 Nevermind. You need a drink. Cherry! Need some fucking booze over here! 28
GREETING Surprise 50 Hello sweet cheeks! What can old Dukov do for you? {loud and boisterous (think used car salesman)} 29
Happy 50 Nevermind. You need a drink. Cherry! I'm thirsty over here! 30
GREETING Disgust 50 Have you seen Cherry? I think the bitch ran out on me. 31
GREETING Neutral 50 Who the hell are you? 32
Happy 50 Nevermind. You need a drink. Cherry! I'm thirsty over here! 33
GREETING Neutral 50 Who the hell are you? 34
Happy 50 Nevermind. You need a drink. Fantasia! I'm thirsty over here! 35
GREETING Neutral 50 Who the hell are you? 36
Happy 50 Nevermind. You need a drink. My women are gone, so help yourself. 37
GREETING Surprise 50 Whatcha need? How about a drink? No? Suit yourself. 38
What can you tell me about Mister Crowley?
Someone said you might know a Mister Crowley. Care to comment? Surprise 50 He's fucking dead, that's what I can tell you. {Loud and boisterous} 39
Neutral 50 Feral Ghouls ripped his nuts off and ate them for dinner. {Loud and boisterous} 40
MS14DukovAboutKey What's the key for? Neutral 50 You need all the keys to get through that fucking fort. 41
Fear 50 Since I've only got the one, no point in my going back there. 42
Happy 50 If you want that key, I need to see your caps on the table, clown shoes. Ha, ha! 43
MS14DukovBigot Crowley is alive, and he paid me to kill you because you hate Ghouls. Anger 50 What? Fuck me sideways! No, better yet, fuck him. I swear, I'll jam a grenade so far up his ass... 44
Anger 50 I've got nothing against Ghouls. Ha! I even had a Ghoul party girl once, to see what it was like! 45
Disgust 50 This is about the key, isn't it? The goddamn key. If you want it, I'd better see some fucking caps on the table, clown shoes. 46
MS14DukovBuyKey Can your table handle 200 caps? Happy 50 Now that's what I'm talking about! 47
Neutral 50 You just bought yourself a motherfucking key. 48
Disgust 50 Now take it and get the hell out of here. 49
Here's 200 caps. Give me something to "prove" I killed you. Happy 50 Now that's what I'm talking about! 50
Neutral 50 You don't even know what's going on, do you clown shoes? Ha! You just bought yourself a motherfucking key. 51
Disgust 50 Now take it and get the hell out of here. 52
MS14DukovConstantine Where is this Fort Constantine? Neutral 50 It's northwest of here, numb nuts. A long fucking walk, too. 53
Neutral 50 Wankers like you can't get in though. You need a special set of keys. 54
MS14DukovEndNoThreat I don't think I need to hear any more. Disgust 50 Good. I'm getting tired of flapping jaw with you, clown shoes. 55
Happy 50 I think I'll flap my balls against Cherry's ass instead! Oh, yeah! 56
MS14DukovEndThreat I've heard enough for now. Disgust 50 Motherfucking right you have! He should have known better than to send some clown shoes of an assassin to take me out. 57
MS14DukovGiveKey You can give me the key, or I can take it. Your choice. Surprise 50 You got some big brass ones, you know that. And fuck me if I don't think you could do it. 58
Disgust 50 Here. Take it. Now go fuck yourself before I change my mind. 59
Give me something I can use as proof that I killed you. Or else. Surprise 50 You got some big brass ones, you know that. And fuck me if I don't think you could do it. 60
Disgust 50 Here. Take this key. It's all he really wants anyway. Now go fuck yourself before I change my mind. 61
Are you sure I can't just have that key, handsome? You know, as a present?
How about I let you live, and you give me something so I can lie to Crowley? Surprise 50 For you, sweet cheeks? Sure thing! 62
Happy 50 Now, how about I show you how I keep my two bitches happy all night long? 63
MS14DukovNotEnoughCaps I have some caps. How about I buy "proof" that I killed you. Surprise 50 What the fuck is this? You call that money? 64
Anger 50 Unless you pull 200 caps out of your ass, don't bother me, motherfucker. 65
I'm a little short on caps right now. Disgust 50 That's too bad, clown shoes. Come back when you can pay to play. 66
MS14DukovTenpenny How did all of you meet? Neutral 50 Tenpenny hired us as mercs. He wanted some fancy fucking gun. 67
Surprise 50 Don't know how he got Crowley to sign on. Tenpenny fucking hates Ghouls. 68
MS14DukovWantsKey Actually, Crowley is alive. He wants some sort of security key you have. Happy 50 So the meatbag is alive, huh? Fine with me. Just show me the money. Put your fucking caps on the table and you can have it. 69
He wants some sort of security key you have. Happy 50 Fine with me. Just show me the money. Put your fucking caps on the table and you can have it. 70
Actually, Crowley is alive. I'm supposed to kill you and bring him proof. Surprise 50 So the meatbag is alive, huh? And I bet I know what he wants. 71
Disgust 50 But I don't know what you want. What's your angle, clown shoes? 72
MS14DukovWhereDied Where did he die? Happy 50 A little shithole called Fort Constantine. It fucked us up but good. 73
MS14DukovWhoWith So it was just you and Mister Crowley? Disgust 50 Ha, ha! No, clown shoes. Tenpenny hired a whole fucking team. 74
Happy 50 Strayer, Crowley, Tara, Dave and me. Tara had a pair on her! Sweet Jesus they were nice. Ha, ha! 75
Neutral 50 That place fucked her up more than I did. The rest of us went our separate ways after that. 76
I'm here to kill you, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I'm going to put a bullet right between your eyes. Anger 50 Oh, yeah? Give it your best shot, clown shoes! 77
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 50 That dog ain't gonna hunt. You're going to have to do better than that. 78


DukovReplySteal DukovReplySteal Surprise 50 Huh? What? Oh yeah, baby! That's what I like. 79
DukovResponse1 DukovResponse Neutral 50 Maybe next week, babe. We've got enough liquor to last for a while. That's the only thing that's important! Hah ha! {Loud and obnoxious, thinks everything he says is hilarious.} 80
DukovResponse Happy 50 Fantasia, baby! You know you're my favorite. I need your special talents tonight. Hah ha! {Loud and obnoxious, thinks everything he says is hilarious.} 81
DukovResponse2 DukovResponse2 Happy 50 Nonsense. You haven't had enough to drink. Hah ha!. Have another shot. That will settle your stomach. {Over emphasize "enough"Loud and obnoxious, thinks everything he says is hilarious.} 82
DukovResponse2 Happy 50 Fantasia, you know I'm too much man for just one woman. I need both my playmates tonight! Hah ha! {Over emphasize "enough"Loud and obnoxious, thinks everything he says is hilarious.} 83
DukovResponse3 DukovResponse3 Neutral 50 That's just the river. Have some booze. {Loud and obnoxious.} 84
DukovResponse3 Happy 50 Quit your bitching. You weren't complaining last night. Ha, ha! I rode you hard and long. Just like me. Ha, ha! {Loud and obnoxious, thinks everything he says is hilarious. Very sexist.} 85
DukovStartShoot DukovStartShoot Neutral 50 Think I'll get in some target practice. 86
DukovStartShoot Neutral 50 Time to fire off a few more rounds. 87
DukovStopShoot DukovStopShoot Neutral 50 I need a drink. 88
I have to go now.
I'd better leave. Happy 50 Don't let the door hit you on the ass, clown shoes. Hah ha! 89
I really need to leave now. Happy 50 Don't let the door hit your sweet, sweet ass. Hah ha! 90
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Hey, clown shoes. I hope that key was worth it. 91
HELLO Anger 50 I oughta tear you a new asshole for what you did to her. Do your business and get outta here. 92
HELLO Anger 50 Hey, clown shoes. I remember what you did before. Keep you hands where I can see them. 93
HELLO Happy 50 I've got the best whores in the Wasteland. The two of them are going to break my bed springs some day. Hah ha! {overly loud and boisterous.} 94
HELLO Happy 50 Aren't my party girls sweet? I just want to eat them like candy. Ha ha! {overly loud and boisterous.} 95
HELLO Sad 50 I don't have my Cherry pie any more. That bitch ran away. 96
HELLO Sad 50 My women are dead. I'm gonna have to get me some new ones. 97
HELLO Happy 50 Hey, let's get wasted. I mean really stinking drunk. Ha ha! {overly loud and boisterous.} 98
HELLO Happy 50 Hey, sexy, let's get wasted. I mean really stinking drunk. Hah ha! If you're lucky I might let you hold onto my love handle. Hah ha! {overly loud and boisterous.} 99
HELLO Neutral 50 You've got a smokin' bod, sugar pie. How about letting old Dukov rock you to sleep, if you know what I mean? Hah ha! {overly loud and boisterous. He's a total sexist pig.} 100
HELLO Anger 50 If you know what's good for you, you'll keep your gun in it's holster. 101
HELLO Happy 50 We should call this the wasted land, not the Wasteland! Ha, ha! Come on, Cherry. Let's get wasted out here. {loud and obnoxious, totally sexist} 102
HELLO Happy 50 Cherry! Oh, you are looking fine, my Cherry pie! I'm gonna have me a piece of pie for dessert tonight! Ha ha! {loud and obnoxious, totally sexist} 103
HELLO Happy 50 I'm thirsty. How about a drink, Cherry. I'm planning on getting totally plastered tonight, so what I need now is a drink. {loud and obnoxious, thinks everything he says is uproariously funny.} 104
HELLO Happy 50 Hey baby, I'm paying you to entertain me. So keep a smile on that pretty face and get me a drink. {loud and obnoxious, thinks everything he says is uproariously funny.} 105
HELLO Happy 50 I'm bored. We should get naked and do it in the fountain! {loud and obnoxious, totally sexist, thinks everything he says is incredibly funny.} 106
HELLO Happy 50 I like the way you jiggle Fantasia! Maybe later tonight you can come to Papa, if you know what I mean! Hah ha! {loud and obnoxious, totally sexist, thinks everything he says is incredibly funny.} 107
HELLO Happy 50 You aren't nearly wasted enough Fantasia. Come on, drink up. We're gonna get real liquored up tonight! Hah ha! {loud and obnoxious, totally sexist, thinks everything he says is incredibly funny.} 108
HELLO Happy 50 Fantasia, if you want to earn your keep, you've got to keep me happy. And you know what makes me happy, baby! Ha ha! {loud and obnoxious, totally sexist, thinks everything he says is incredibly funny.} 109
MS14DukovRecordedNote MS14DukovRecordedNote Anger 50 Tara's dead. Crowley fucked up and got her killed. Fucking ghoul. When I'm done, he'll sniff butts with the ferals for the rest of his life. 110
MS14DukovYell MS14DukovYell Surprise 50 You're drawing on me, clown shoes? I don't think so! 111
MS14DukovYell Surprise 50 You're drawing on me, bitch? I don't think so! 112


AcceptYield AcceptYield Disgust 50 Smart choice, clown shoes. 113
Assault Assault Anger 50 It's on now, clown shoes! 114
Attack Attack Anger 50 I'm gonna rip you up, clown shoes! 115
Attack Anger 50 Die, mother fucker! 116
Flee Flee Fear 100 Son of a bitch! I'm outta here! 117
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Anger 50 Hey! You! Get the hell out of here! 118
Hit Hit Pained 100 Ahh! 119
Hit Pained 100 Ugh! 120
Hit Pained 100 Fuck! 121
Murder Murder Disgust 50 Ah! What did you have to go and do that for? Such a fucking waste. 122
Pickpocket Pickpocket Surprise 50 Hey! Only my bitches are allowed in my pants! 123
Pickpocket Anger 50 Get your fucking hands out of my stuff. 124
Pickpocket Surprise 50 Aw, baby. A little to the right. Hey, that's not my...why you little thief! 125
Steal Steal Surprise 50 Hey! That's mine. 126


AlertIdle AlertIdle Anger 50 I know you're out there, clown shoes! 127
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Surprise 50 Somebody protect the booze! 128
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Hmm. I'm seeing things. I need another drink. 129
CombatToLost CombatToLost Disgust 50 So you want to play hide and seek, eh? 130
LostToCombat LostToCombat Surprise 50 There you are! 131
LostToNormal LostToNormal Neutral 50 Hmph. Better get back to my bitches! Ha, ha! 132
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Surprise 50 Huh? What was that? 133
NormalToCombat StartCombat Anger 50 I'll teach you to pull a gun on me! 134
StartCombat Surprise 50 Got me a wanker! Gonna fuck him up good! 135