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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mister Crowley.


GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 What are you looking at? You'd think you'd never seen a Ghoul up close before. 1
GREETING Disgust 50 What the hell did you wake me up for, smoothskin? What are you staring at? You think you'd never seen a Ghoul up close before. 2
GREETING Disgust 50 What now? You're starting to piss me off. Are you one of them Ghoul haters? 3
GREETING Surprise 50 Back again, eh? Changed your mind? I still need to know if you have any problems with killing. 4
GREETING Surprise 50 I thought you weren't interested in what I had to say? 5
GREETING Surprise 50 Do you have those keys yet? 6
GREETING Surprise 50 Are they all dead yet? Did you bring me any proof? 7
GREETING Surprise 50 Is Tenpenny dead? God, I hope so. 8
GREETING Disgust 50 Don't you have something to do? 9
GREETING Happy 50 You did me a great favor with those keys. How do you like my new armor? Those keys led me right to it. 10
GREETING Anger 50 You stole what was rightfully mine! Get lost. 11
GREETING Happy 50 You did me a great favor with those keys. I know just how to use them. 12
GREETING Anger 50 Why the hell did you wake me up? 13
GREETING Disgust 50 Oh, you again. 14
MS14AlreadyDead Allistair Tenpenny is already dead. Anger 50 Damn! He's the one I most wanted to die by my hand. 15
Disgust 50 At least he's dead somehow. Here. I'll give you 25 caps for the news, but I'm not going to pay you to kill a dead man. 16
I've got bad news. Ted Strayer is already dead. Surprise 50 He is? 17
Disgust 50 I don't care. All I want is that damn key. No key, no caps. 18
I've got bad news. Ted Strayer is already dead. Surprise 50 He is? 19
Neutral 50 I don't believe you. Give me some proof, a ring, a key, something. 20
I hate to admit this, but Dukov is already dead. Sad 50 I shouldn't be surprised. The way he lived it was bound to happen sooner or later. 21
Neutral 50 All you have to do now is bring me his key. No key, no caps. 22
I hate to admit this, but Dukov is already dead. Sad 50 I shouldn't be surprised. The way he lived it was bound to happen sooner or later. 23
Disgust 50 Wait. How do I know you aren't lying? I want proof. Some personal object of his. No proof, no caps. 24
Um... Dave is kind of... Well, he's dead. Surprise 50 Really? That bastard finally bit it? 25
Surprise 50 Such is life. Do you have his key? No key, no caps. 26
Um... Dave is kind of... Well, he's dead. Surprise 50 Really? That bastard finally bit it? 27
Neutral 50 Wait a minute. You could be lying. You got something of his as proof? No proof, no caps. 28
MS14BackAtYou No, I haven't. Say, does that hurt? Disgust 50 No, it tickles. Everyone's got to be a comedian. {sarcasm} 29
Surprise 50 Say, for someone who hasn't seen many Ghouls before, you don't seem too bothered. 30
Surprise 50 I could use someone like you. How would you feel about working for a Ghoul? 31
MS14BuildUnderworld Zombies couldn't make a place like Underworld. Surprise 50 See? I knew you understood Ghouls. 32
MS14CanKill Not for the right cause. Happy 50 Or the right money, heh? 33
Anger 50 I've got this list of people. Ghoul bigots. Real scum. 34
Disgust 50 I've only got four guys left on the list. Started with eleven. All of them hate Ghouls and treat us like we're zombies. 35
Anger 50 They all deserve to die. But it has to be done with a head shot. Just like the old stories where zombies can only be killed that way. 36
Neutral 50 I'll give you 100 caps for each of them. If they die some other way, I'm only paying 25 though. 37
MS14Defuse Easy now. I've got nothing against Ghouls. Neutral 50 Is that so? Even if I call you a milk-sucking, mutant-loving, water-stealing whore? 38
Easy now. I've got nothing against Ghouls. Neutral 50 Is that so? Even if I call you a milk-sucking, mutant-loving, water-stealing son of a whore? 39
MS14ExitDialogue This has been fun, but I've got things to do. Happy 50 Don't let me keep you. 40
MS14FortConstantine Tell me where Fort Constantine is. Fear 50 It's pretty far away, northwest of here. Getting there won't do you any good though, not without those keys. 41
Tell me where Fort Constantine is. Happy 50 It's pretty far away, northwest of here. Knowing won't do you any good with these keys though. 42
MS14GoAway I don't need to stay here and listen to your lame insults. Anger 50 That's it. Run away like a smoothskin coward. 43
Have you got what I want?
Here's Strayer's key. Shot in the head, just like you asked. Happy 50 Marvelous! My list is growing shorter. 44
Here's Strayer's key. He's dead, but not from a shot to the head. Neutral 50 Not much of a shot, eh? I couldn't kill Jeff, but I got his son. That will have to do. 45
Happy 50 Here's your caps. I'll just take that key. 46
Here's Strayer's key. But I'm afraid he's still alive. Disgust 50 That wasn't the plan. I suppose I have to pay for the key anyway though. Here. 47
Here's Strayer's key. But I'm afraid he's still alive Happy 50 So long as I get that key, I don't care. 48
Neutral 50 Here's your caps. 49
Dukov is dead, with a head shot, and here's his key. Happy 50 May his soul rot! This is great news. 50
Neutral 50 I'll take that key as a memento. Here, take your caps. 51
Here's Dukov's key. He's dead, but not from a shot to the head. Disgust 50 Well, better dead than alive I suppose. 52
Neutral 50 Take your caps. I'll take that key. 53
Here's Dukov's key. I got it without killing him. Anger 50 I thought I told you to kill him? That rat bastard is still alive! {Frustrated and angry} 54
Disgust 50 I'll pay for the key, but you really screwed up! 55
Here's Dukov's key. I got it without killing him. Disgust 50 Who cares? I've got his key. That's all I really want. {Dismissive} 56
Here's Dave's key. One shot, right through the brain. Happy 50 Yes, yes, yes! Another bigot bites the dust. 57
Happy 50 I'll just take that key, and you can take these caps. 58
Here's Dave's key. He's dead, but not from a shot to the head. Neutral 50 Well, at least he's dead. 59
Disgust 50 I suppose I have to pay you anyway since you brought back that key. Here. 60
Here's Dave's key, but he's not dead. Disgust 50 I'll pay you for the key, but I'm very disappointed. 61
Here's Dave's key, but he's not dead. Happy 50 All I care about is the key...which I'll take now. 62
MS14GotLie I put a bullet right between Ted Strayer's eyes. <Lie.> Happy 50 So, the Ghoul hater got what was coming to him. Good riddance. 63
Neutral 50 Here's your caps. I'll take that key. 64
Dukov is dead. I blew his brains out. <Lie> Happy 50 Excellent! That will be a lesson for all the Ghoul haters out there. 65
Neutral 50 Here's you payment for the key. 66
Dave's head popped like a zit. <Lie> Happy 50 Serves him right. He won't be spreading lies about Ghouls any more. 67
Neutral 50 I'll take that key, and here are your caps. 68
MS14GotTenpennyDead I've decided not to kill Tenpenny. He made me a better offer. Anger 50 What! I hired you to kill him! I want him dead! You double crossed me. 69
Disgust 50 I won't get into a bidding war with him. I'll lose. 70
Anger 50 Guess I've got to kill you now. 71
Allistair Tenpenny is dead. One shot, right through the brain. Happy 50 Yes, yes, yes! Another bigot bites the dust. 72
Allistair Tenpenny is dead, but not from a shot to the head. Neutral 50 Good riddance. The wasteland is better off without him. 73
MS14GotTenpennyLie Tenpenny is dead. I watched his brains splatter. <Lie.> Anger 50 Don't lie to me. The whole wasteland would be talking about it if Tenpenny died. 74
Disgust 50 Come back when you've done it right. 75
MS14HaveKey Sure. Take it. I don't have any use for it. Happy 50 Ah! My trophy. You've earned your reward. 76
Sure. Take it. I don't have any use for it. Surprise 50 Hmm. I guess you were telling me the truth. Take your caps. 77
Sure. Take it. I don't have any use for it. Surprise 50 Okay. I believe you. Here's your money. 78
MS14Insult Fucking brain eater! Surprise 50 Are you comparing me to a...a...zombie! 79
Anger 50 You bigot! Take your sweaty carcass elsewhere. 80
MS14Insulted Milk sucking? You shuffle stepping, brain eating, grave loving zombie! Anger 50 Another human bigot. It figures. Go mate with a Super Mutant. 81
MS14JustGossip Hey! I'm just looking to trade a drink for some gossip. Surprise 50 Humph. Not sure I know anything of use, but I'll take that drink. 82
Neutral 50 That will cost you two caps. 83
Hey! I'm just trying to get some fresh news. Surprise 50 Humph. Not sure I know anything of use, but ask away. 84
MS14KillHumans You want to kill humans? I thought it would just be Ghouls. No way. Anger 50 Watch the attitude, human. Right here, right now, there are more of us than there are of you. 85
MS14KillLots The day isn't complete until I've killed something. Surprise 50 Well aren't you the bloodthirsty type? 86
Anger 50 I've got this list of people. Ghoul bigots. Real scum. 87
Disgust 50 I've only got four guys left on the list. Started out with eleven. All of them hate Ghouls and treat us like we're zombies. 88
Anger 50 They all deserve to die. But it has to be done with a head shot. Just like the old stories where zombies can only be killed that way. 89
Neutral 50 I'll pay you 100 caps for each one, 25 if they die some other way. 90
MS14NewDealNo No way. I'm going to keep those keys for myself. Anger 50 What! You bastard, I'll kill you! 91
MS14NewDealYes More caps? You've got a deal. Anger 50 Good. Oh, and I still want Tenpenny dead. That bastard really does hate Ghouls. 92
More caps? You've got a deal. Neutral 50 Good. Just get me those keys. 93
MS14NoKey Um... I don't have it. Anger 50 Well, go get it! 94
Disgust 50 I'm not going to just take your word for it. I want that key. 95
Um... I didn't bring back any proof. Anger 50 Well, go get it! 96
Disgust 50 I'm not going to just take your word for it. I want something of his as proof. 97
MS14NoOffense All true, except for the part about the mutants, the water and the whore. Happy 50 Ha, ha! I like a human that knows his place. Too many of you think we're all just zombies. 98
Anger 50 They don’t know, or don’t care, that we’re just as human as they are inside. We bleed! We hurt! We regret! 99
Surprise 50 And you know what really pisses me off? 100
Disgust 50 They think the only way to kill us is to shoot us in the head, like in the old zombie stories, and that will put us out of our misery. 101
Surprise 50 Hey, I know! Maybe you could help me even the score. 102
MS14NoQuestions Sounds simple enough. Neutral 50 Then get going. 103
MS14NotBigot Those people you sent me to kill aren't Ghoul haters... Anger 50 You weren't supposed to talk to them! You were just supposed to kill them! 104
Disgust 50 Okay. Okay. All I really want are those security keys. Killing them is just a bonus. {big sigh before reading the line} 105
Neutral 50 Just get me the keys, and I'll still pay you. I'll even throw in a hundred cap bonus. Deal? 106
The word around Underworld is that this isn't about killing Ghoul bigots... Surprise 50 You're a nosy little bastard, aren't you? 107
Disgust 50 It's true. Tenpenny is a bigot, but the others aren't. All I want are those keys. 108
Surprise 50 Just bring me the keys and I'll give you the full price anyway. How about an extra hundred caps to seal the new deal? 109
The word around Underworld is that this isn't about killing Ghoul bigots... Surprise 50 You're a little slow, aren't ya? 110
Anger 50 Tenpenny is a bigot, but the others aren't. All I really want are those keys. 111
Disgust 50 Just bring me the keys and I'll give you the full price anyway. 112
MS14NotInterested I don't think so. Neutral 50 Hey, that's your loss, smoothkin. 113
Alrighty then. I'll just be going. Disgust 50 I thought so. No stomach for hard work. 114
Um... I should go. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. 115
MS14NotYet Not yet, but I'm working on it. Disgust 50 Well? what are you waiting for? 116
MS14Reconsidered I've reconsidered your offer. I'll kill those Ghoul-hating bigots for you. Neutral 50 Excellent! Okay, here's a list of the guys and their last known locations. 117
Surprise 50 Oh, and I'll need some proof. Word will get around about Tenpenny, so don't worry about him. 118
Neutral 50 As for the others...I know. The other three have special security keys. You'll know them when you see them. 119
Happy 50 For each one you bring me, I'll pay you 25 caps. If they die from a shot to the head, I'll make it 100 caps. 120
MS14ReluctantOffer Maybe. I don't know if I trust you. Disgust 50 The feeling's mutual, smoothskin. But that never stopped a business deal. 121
Anger 50 A lot of you humans are bigots. You don't like Ghouls and treat us like zombies, calling us brain eaters and shufflers. 122
Neutral 50 Well, they're going to pay. Uh...before I get into the details, you don't have anything against killing do you? 123
MS14TakeQuest Sure. People like that don't deserve to live. Happy 50 Excellent! Take this sniper rifle. You'll need it. 124
Neutral 50 Here's a list of the guys and their last known locations. Word will get around if Tenpenny is killed, but I'll need proof for the others. 125
Neutral 50 Bring me back something personal from each of them as proof. Like a key or ring or something. 126
MS14TakeQuestMoney Hey, anything for some extra caps. Happy 50 Excellent! Take this sniper rifle. You'll need it. 127
Neutral 50 Here's a list of the guys and their last known locations. Word will get around if Tenpenny is killed, but I'll need proof for the others. 128
Neutral 50 Bring me back something personal from each of them as proof. Like a key or ring or something. 129
MS14TooGood I don't like where this is headed. Fear 50 Forget it. I guess you aren't the right type. 130
MS14WhatOffer Okay. What's the plan? Disgust 50 Not everyone is as sympathetic to Ghouls as you are. In fact some humans are downright bigots. 131
Anger 50 They treat us like zombies, calling us brain eaters and shufflers. 132
Fear 50 Well, I'm going to make them pay. Uh...before I get into the details, you don't have anything against killing do you? 133
MS14WhyTheseGuys What do you have against these guys? Anger 50 They're Ghoul haters. I want them all dead. Don't you think that's enough? 134
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 50 You're lying. I bet you didn't have the guts to kill him. 135
SpeechChallengeFailure Fear 50 Right. You're just a lying bigot, like all humans. 136
UnderworldTownTopic What can you tell me about Underworld? Sad 50 It's a place for Ghouls. Here we're just people, not monsters. 137
Disgust 50 There are too many places where a Ghoul can't get a fair shake. 138
What can you tell me about Underworld? Anger 50 It's a place for Ghouls, not humans. 139
Disgust 50 We don't especially like humans. 140


GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 50 Yes! They're all dead! And I have the keys. The keys to the...are you still here? Get lost. I have a trip to plan. 141
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Finally, I have the keys. Your job is done and you've been paid, so move along. I have a trip to plan. 142
I have to go now. Disgust 50 Well, they may not all be dead, but I have the keys. I should have hired a better mercenary. Run along. I have a trip to plan. 143
I'd better start hunting the next one on the list. Neutral 50 Don't keep me waiting. 144
HELLO HELLO Anger 50 Hey you. Ya, you. I want to talk to you. 145
HELLO Surprise 50 Changed your mind? 146
HELLO Surprise 50 Well, look who's back. 147
HELLO Fear 50 You haven't seen any of those keys, have you? I seem to have lost one. 148
HELLO Neutral 50 This'd better be important. 149
HELLO Neutral 50 Make it fast, human. 150
HELLO Neutral 50 What is it, human? 151
HELLO Neutral 50 Greta, bring me some of that slop that you call food. 152
HELLO Neutral 50 Greta, bring me something. Preferably something dead this time. And not glowing. 153
UnderworldTalkGretaMisterCrowleyFood2 UnderworldTalkCrowleyGretaFood2 Neutral 50 If I thought there was a chance that it would be better than this slop, I'd do that. But as it stands, this is my only option. 154
UnderworldTalkCrowleyGretaFood2 Neutral 50 Very funny, Greta. I'd happily prepare my own meals if I could ever get anything was wasn't moldy, rotten, or still squirming. 155
UnderworldTalkGretaMisterCrowleyFood4 UnderworldTalkCrowleyGretaFood4 Neutral 50 Fine. I suppose I can choke down some of the squirrel stew. 156
UnderworldTalkCrowleyGretaFood4 Neutral 50 Very well, bring me some of that disgusting iguana. 157
UnderworldTalkCrowleyGretaFood4 Neutral 50 <sigh> Fine. I'll have the... squirrel. Cooked, please. 158
UnderworldTalkResponseShort1 UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Yeah, hello. Whatever. 159
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Yes, yes, hello... I don't know why everyone around here insists on being so damned friendly. 160
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Can't you see that I'm busy? Leave me alone. 161
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 I'd be much better off if you people would just leave me alone. 162
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Why, aren't we just the friendliest bunch of walking corpses that you ever did see? 163
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Oh, please. 164