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This is a transcript for dialogue with Dave.


GREETING GREETING Surprise 50 Do you need more than that gift? 1
GREETING Happy 25 This is the new Republic of Dave! Go away! 2
GREETING Happy 25 By the order of the new Republic of Dave, I order you to go away! This is your last warning! 3
GREETING Happy 25 I warned you! 4
GREETING Happy 25 I guess you're wondering where I'm going. I'm off to annex Old Olney and forge the New Republic of Dave! Don't try to stop me! 5
GREETING Happy 25 Ah, you're back. So, have you brought a gift for the President? Which is it? The rifle or the money? 6
GREETING Anger 50 We have nothing more to talk about. Leave my republic within 24 hours or you will be executed for treason. 7
GREETING Surprise 50 Breach! How did you make it in here without an escort? Only a master spy could be so skilled! Are you a spy? 8
Anger 50 You are, aren't you? Come on now, confess! Have you been sent to spy on the Republic of Dave? 9
GREETING Neutral 50 I am Dave, President of the Republic of Dave. You will address me as "Mister President" or I will have you executed. 10
Surprise 50 Now, are you applying for citizenship, asylum, or just vacationing in the Republic of Dave? 11
GREETING Surprise 50 Hmmm. You look familiar. No matter. We never hold prior meetings against tourists. 12
Surprise 50 Now, are you applying for citizenship, asylum, or just vacationing in the Republic of Dave? 13
GREETING Anger 50 Yeah? What do you want? {Snappy; he didn't win the election.} 14
GREETING Disgust 50 Oh, look at this, the spy has returned to gather intelligence. You'll get nothing from me, spy. What do you want? 15
GREETING Neutral 50 Out with it, Ambassador. This Republic isn't going to run itself. 16
GREETING Neutral 50 Yes? What can President Dave do for you? 17
What can you tell me about Mister Crowley?
Mister President, do you know a Ghoul named Mister Crowley? Surprise 50 There's a name I haven't heard in a long time. 18
Neutral 50 Before the people elected me President, I worked with a mercenary named Mister Crowley. 19
Sad 50 We were part of an expedition to Fort Constantine. 20
MS14DaveAboutKey Mr. President, what's so special about this key? Neutral 50 You need all the keys to get through Fort Constantine. 21
Sad 50 With only one key, there's no point in my going back. 22
MS14DaveBigot Mister Crowley is alive. He sent me to kill you because you hate Ghouls. Surprise 50 Me? Hate Ghouls? Preposterous. 23
Disgust 50 Wait. You said you're here to kill me? I'm going to have to recind your diplomatic immunity. 24
Anger 50 Then I'm going to execute you. 25
Neutral 50 Wait. I've changed my mind. You have one hour to leave the Republic. Then I'll execute you. 26
MS14DaveEndNoThreat Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Mister President. Sad 50 It is such a burden being the wisest. 27
Neutral 50 I hope these scraps of wisdom make your life better. 28
MS14DaveEndThreat Not good enough, Mister President. Disgust 50 Of course, of course. I should have you killed, but that would be boring. {First part is said dismissively and condescendingly} 29
Neutral 50 Mister Crowley on the other hand... 30
MS14DaveFort What happened in the Fort, Mister President? Neutral 50 Two of us died, including Crowley. The rest achieved the mission goals and were paid. 31
MS14DaveGiveKey A gift of the key would be a strategic diplomatic move, Mister President. Anger 50 Hmm. Of course it would. I knew that. I was just testing you to see if you would realize it. 32
Fear 50 Here, take the key. It is a gift from the Republic of Dave to the Wasteland. 33
A gift would be a strategic diplomatic move, Mr. President. Something personal. Anger 50 Hmm. Of course it would. I knew that. I was just testing you to see if you would realize it. 34
Fear 50 Here, take this key. It is a gift from the Republic of Dave to the Wasteland. 35
MS14DaveHowDie How did Mister Crowley die, Mister President? Sad 50 When the Feral Ghouls killed Tara, Dukov realized that he would get more of the commission. 36
Disgust 50 He decided to kill off the rest of us too. He locked Crowley into a room with Feral Ghouls, and that was the last we saw of him. 37
Sad 50 Strayer and I didn't trust Dukov after that. The three of us finished the mission together, but with guns drawn. 38
MS14DaveIntimidate I think it would be good for the Republic, Mister President. Surprise 50 Of course it would. I knew that. You heard me say that before, didn't you. It was my idea after all. Here, take it. 39
Neutral 50 Your audience is over. 40
MS14DaveKillYou Your "Republic" is a joke, and your presidency is a farce. You need to die. Anger 50 What! How dare you! I'm going to have you executed. 41
Fear 50 Help! Your president is being attacked! 42
MS14DaveWantsKey Crowley is alive, Mister President. I'm supposed to bring him the key. Surprise 50 Alive? I always wondered. He was locked in with a bunch of Feral Ghouls. They won't attack Ghouls, you see. 43
Sad 50 The key is part of the Republic of Dave treasury. I couldn't possibly part with it. 44
Crowley is alive, Mr. President. I'm supposed to bring back proof of your death. Surprise 50 Alive? I always wondered. He was locked in with a bunch of Feral Ghouls. They won't attack Ghouls, you see. 45
Surprise 50 Would you consider taking him a personal item, like this key, and just telling him you killed me? 46
I'm here to kill you, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Time for the Republic to hold a new election... and a state funeral. Fear 50 Assassin! 47
PLAYERJUMP PLAYER JUMP Neutral 50 Hey, there's no jumping in the capitol. 48
RDBacktoTopics I think I get the idea. Let me ask you something else. Anger 10 What now? 49
RDDaveAmbassador Most exalted President Dave, I am an ambassador from the Wasteland. Happy 50 You are? Excellent. It's good to see that the Wasteland has finally recognized the sovereign Republic of Dave. 50
Neutral 50 If the people of the Wasteland are generous and respectful, I might deign to annex them. 51
RDDaveApologizeGoodbye I'm sorry. I'll just be leaving... Anger 10 You do that. Personal note: remind the guards to fire on sight. 52
RDDaveAsylum I am seeking asylum, Mister President. Surprise 50 Ahh... another victim of persecution seeking protection from the mighty Republic of Dave. We get a lot of that here. 53
Happy 50 I'll agree to harbor you for now. However, in exchange, you will reveal the secrets of your former nation to me or face exile. 54
RDDaveBRB If you'll excuse me a moment, I'll be right back. Anger 10 Don't waste my time. I've got important things to do around here. 55
I'll just get going, then. Neutral 50 Good riddance. 56
RDDaveButterfly Your father was a monarch? You mean like the butterfly? Disgust 50 How much radiation have you been exposed to? Not the butterfly, you moron. I meant the kind of leader that holds his office for life. 57
Neutral 50 My father inherited his political power from birth and renamed this great nation the Kingdom of Tom. 58
Neutral 50 Although I also inherited my political power from my father when I took over I formed a Republic so the people may elect their leader. 59
RDDaveCitizenship I seek citizenship in the Republic of Dave. Anger 50 First off, you will address me as Mister President. Always. No exceptions. 60
Disgust 50 Secondly, after careful consideration, the Office of Immigrant Affairs reports that we've already exceeded our quota for immigration this year. 61
Disgust 50 Appication denied. You have 24 hours to leave the Republic, or face deportation. 62
RDDaveDictatorship I'd say it looks more like a dictatorship. Anger 50 Dictatorship? You insult me. Obviously the Wasteland radiation has taken away your capacity to reason. 63
RDDaveElectionDontKnow I really wouldn't know. I just got here. Neutral 50 Ah, a seeker of knowledge, then? Well, trust me, an election is what separates a president like myself from a monarch like my father. 64
RDDaveElectionYes Yes, absolutely. Happy 10 Well then, there you go. An election is what separates a president like myself from a monarch like my father. 65
RDDaveHelp What am I supposed to do? Sad 50 What am I supposed to do? {Mocking/Mimics the player.} 66
Anger 10 Go see the guard at the front gate and schedule an appointment or something like everybody else does. 67
RDDaveLetStayA1 There must be something I can do to stay. Neutral 50 Hmm... now that you mention it, the President could use a new hunting rifle. 68
Neutral 50 Tell you what. You find me a serviceable hunting rifle, and I'll grant you special asylum within my Republic. 69
Neutral 50 Or, you can just pay the 250 cap tax on "unwanted refugees." 70
RDDaveLetStayA2 What if I just make a donation to the Republic... and you let me stay? Neutral 50 A donation, huh? Well, it just so happens that the Republic of Dave does grant special asylum to its supporters in times of crisis. 71
Neutral 50 A one-time refugee tax of 250 caps should be enough to handle the administration costs of letting you stay. 72
Neutral 50 Or, you could always find the President a new hunting rifle. I lost the last one when I was out stalking Mirelurks. 73
RDDaveLetStayA3 You crazy, condescending asshole! No one exiles me! Anger 50 Have it your way. You'll never leave the Republic. Alive, that is. 74
RDDaveLetStayB1 A Hunting Rifle? Fine, I'll be back with one. Happy 25 Very well. I look forward to it, future refugee. 75
I have a Hunting Rifle right here. Happy 50 Yes, this will do nicely. Congratulations, you are now an official refugee of the Republic of Dave. 76
RDDaveLetStayB2 I'll be back with 250 caps. Happy 25 Very well. I look forward to it, future refugee. 77
I'll pay your refugee tax. Here's 250 caps. Happy 50 Yes, this will do nicely. Congratulations, you are now an official refugee of the Republic of Dave. 78
RDDaveLetStayB3 I'm not giving you anything. Neutral 50 Then you have 24 hours to remain in the Republic or face execution. Enjoy your stay. 79
RDDaveMonarch So, your father was a monarch and you're a president? How does that work? Neutral 50 My father inherited his political power from birth and renamed this great nation the Kingdom of Tom. 80
Neutral 50 Although I also inherited my political power from my father when I took over I formed a Republic so the people may elect their leader. 81
RDDaveSpyNo No, of course not! Neutral 50 Ah-ha! Just what I'd expect a spy to say! Look, I don't know how you got in here, spy, but there will be consequences for your actions. 82
Neutral 50 It is unacceptable for you to enter the Capitol Building without an invitation! 83
RDDaveSpyRidiculous Spy on what? Your trailer-home? Anger 20 If the Capitol Building does not meet your incredible standards, feel free to escort yourself out. In fact, just leave now. 84
RDDaveSpyYes I don't consider myself a spy so much as... your assassin. Anger 50 Assassin? And you really thought you could succeed against the Army of Dave? 85
RDDaveStandUp Nobody talks to me that way. Anger 10 The President of the Republic does. Now get out of my sight. 86
RDDaveTraveller I'm just a traveler. I guess you could say I'm vacationing. Disgust 50 The Department of Tourist Rights has declared a tourism embargo that affects the entirety of the Republic of Dave. 87
Neutral 50 You have 24 hours to return to your home nation or face "accelerated" deportation. 88
RDGottaGo I've got to go. Anger 10 You've wasted enough presidential time. Be gone. 89
RDNeverMind Actually, I think I have all the info I need. Neutral 50 Anything else? 90
RDSubElectionOpponents Who's running in the election? Neutral 50 Nobody except me. Why would the people need anyone else but Dave? I give them all that they ask for. 91
Looks like you might have an opponent in the race, Mister President. Anger 50 An opponent? Seriously? But... but... Wait. No, this is a free republic. 92
Anger 50 Let the people make their choice. I am confident that they will recognize me as their true and proper leader. {(After a short pause)} 93
RDSubElectionThrowHat I'd like to throw my hat into the ring and run for the presidency. Fear 10 I'm sorry, but the president must be a citizen of the Republic to run for office. So you do not qualify. 94
RDTopicCountVotes Who's eligible to vote? Neutral 50 That would be Bob, Shawna, Jessica, Rosie and myself. In the Republic, if you're old enough to carry a weapon, you're old enough to vote. 95
Neutral 50 Rosie and Jessica are usually here in the Capitol. Bob usually hangs out outside near the Brahmin pen. 96
Neutral 50 Shawna runs the Museum of Dave, so you can find her there. 97
Are the votes in, Mister President? Anger 50 Bob still hasn't voted, that dumb bastard. 98
Are the votes in, Mister President? Neutral 50 Jessica hasn't voted yet. 99
Are the votes in, Mister President? Neutral 50 Tell Shawna that Dave commands her to vote in the election. She'll come running, trust me. 100
Are the votes in, Mister President? Neutral 50 Not yet. Rosie still hasn't voted. 101
Looks like all the votes are in, Mister President. Neutral 50 Good, the votes are in. If you'll excuse me, I'll be getting started on tallying the numbers. 102
Neutral 50 Oh yes, I almost forgot. Here's your caps. Keep this up and I may deign to make you a citizen, in a few years. 103
Looks like all the votes are in, Mister President. Neutral 50 I know that. The people will see the results shortly, I assure you. 104
So, what are the results, Mister President? Neutral 50 The people have re-elected me as their president. 105
Neutral 50 It's great to see the democratic process at work. 106
So, what are the results, Mister President? Neutral 50 Rosie somehow came up with the most votes. 107
Neutral 50 There must be some kind of bug in the voting system. 108
So, what are the results, Mister President? Anger 20 Somehow Bob won the election. 109
Anger 50 I should have known the little bastard was conspiring against me. 110
So, what are the results, Mister President? Neutral 50 There was a tie. Under these unique circumstances, I'll have to remain the leader until we know the results for sure. 111
So, what are the results, Mister President? Neutral 50 Under these unique circumstances, I'll have to remain the leader until we know the results for sure. 112
RDTopicElection I'd like to discuss the election with you. Neutral 50 The election is still going on. What do you want to know? 113
You should go vote, if you haven't already.
Did you already vote, Mister President? Neutral 50 Of course I voted. I was the first to vote. Now I'm just waiting for the rest of the votes to come in. 114
RDTopicKill Your Republic is forfeit. Prepare to be reclaimed by the Wasteland! Anger 50 Let's see what the Army of Dave has to say about that, invader! 115
I'd like to know more about the Republic.
Anything happening in this place, Mister President? Neutral 50 There's an election for the next president. 116
Neutral 50 Don't look so surprised. Can't you see this is a Republic? 117
Tell me more about the Republic, Mister President. Neutral 50 The Department of Tourism usually handles all questions for outsiders. Make it quick. 118
RDTopicRoDEND That's all I need to know. Neutral 50 Well, good for you then. {Sarcasm} 119
RDTopicRoundUp Could I help with the election, Mister President? Neutral 50 Alright sure, why not. The people have a tendency to wait until the last minute to vote, but I'd just like to get it over with. 120
Happy 50 I'll spare a few caps if you just tell each of the adults to get over to the voting booth sometime today so I cinch the victory. 121
Neutral 50 Not that I have anything to worry about. The people know who their leader is in this Republic. 122
Remind me how can I help the election, Mister President. Neutral 50 I told you before: I'll spare a few caps if you just tell each of the adults to get over to the voting booth sometime today. 123
Neutral 50 There's Jessica, Rosie, Bob, and Shawna. I already voted. 124
RDTopicSecretsBRB Forget it, Dave. I'm not giving you any secrets. Anger 50 Then you are hereby exiled from the Republic of Dave. 125
Anger 50 Leave within 24 hours, or I will have you executed by firing squad. 126
RDTopicSecretsInsult I come from the Land of the Mirelurks! They demand you surrender the Republic! Anger 50 The Republic of Dave does not recognize the rights of Mirelurks or the sovereignty of any Mirelurk nation. 127
Anger 50 Your asylum is hereby revoked. You have 24-hours to leave the Republic of Dave or face execution. 128
RDTopicSecretsPersuade My nation is a helpless, unarmed village to the north. We beg your assistance. Neutral 50 My assistance? Hmm... I suppose I can spare a few caps from the Department of Foreign Relations budget. Here. 129
Neutral 50 In a few years, I might annex your village to the Republic of Dave. Until then, you are free to exist in my fair nation as a refugee. 130
RDTopicSecretsTruth My former nation was a Vault. The only secrets were kept by the Overseer. Surprise 50 Interesting... um... well, the Republic of Dave is glad to welcome a former Vault citizen to our fair nation. {Dave wasn't expecting that one.} 131
Neutral 50 You hereby are granted asylum within the Republic of Dave. Just don't get on my bad side, refugee. 132
What's your take on the Republic?
Any future plans for the Republic, Mister President? Neutral 50 Well, the Republic of Dave is the only true sovereign nation in the Wasteland. The only really civilized place left in the world. 133
Neutral 50 One day, all wastelanders will be citizens in the republic, and know the greatness of their president. 134
Tell me more about this Dave guy.
So, you're in charge here, Mister President? Neutral 50 That's right. As president, I am head of the Department of Tourist Rights, the Office of Immigrant Affairs, and the Bureau of Davelike Activities. 135
Neutral 50 My proudest duty, second to the presidency, is commander-and-chief of the Army of Davethe most ruthless military in the Wasteland. 136
Dave has two wives?
You have two wives, Mister President? Neutral 50 Of course. As President of the Republic, I have a mandate to repopulate the Wasteland. 137
What can you tell me about yourself?
I'd be interested in learning more about you, Mister President. Neutral 50 Years ago, I freed these poor people from the wrath of Tom, former monarch of the Kingdom of Tom. 138
Neutral 50 Afterwards, the people naturally elected me as their president, and the Republic of Dave was formed. 139
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 50 Mister Crowley was a mercenary I worked with a long time ago. 140
Fear 50 Wait! You're seeking to discredit me before the next election! 141
Anger 50 You're status is revoked. You have one hour to leave the Republic or I will have you executed. 142
SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 50 How dare you question my military record? 143
Disgust 50 You have one hour to leave the Republic of Dave or I will have you executed. 144
SpeechChallengeFailure Surprise 50 So you were sent to plunder the treasury? 145
Anger 50 Your diplomatic status is hereby revoked. 146
Neutral 50 You have one hour to leave the Republic of Dave, or I will have you executed. 147
SpeechChallengeFailure Surprise 50 Are you accusing me of impropriety? In an election year? 148
Neutral 50 I'll give you one hour to leave the Republic of Dave. After that, I'll have you executed. 149
SpeechChallengeFailure Surprise 50 You must be joking. 150
Anger 50 I'm tired of you're presence. Leave the Republic of Dave within the hour, or I'll have you executed. 151
SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 50 That's just what I would expect to hear from another spy from the Wasteland. You have one hour to leave the Republic of Dave or be executed. 152


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Very well. 153
Goodbye, Mister President. Neutral 50 Remember that the Department of Tourist Rights only guarantees your safety for 24 hours. After that time, you will be executed. 154
I'm going to go tour the Republic. Neutral 50 Very well. Goodbye, Ambassador. 155
I'm going to go tour the Republic. Neutral 50 You are safe here so long as you obey me, refugee. 156
I think I'll just be going. Anger 50 All spies say that. 157
HELLO HELLO Surprise 50 Ah! It's the keeper of the key. 158
HELLO Happy 50 How's my first lady doing today? 159
HELLO Neutral 50 Hello Rosie. 160
HELLO Neutral 50 We have someone new in my Republic. 161
RDElectionTalk DaveElectionTalk Neutral 50 Glad to hear that. 162
RDGuardDaveResponse RDGuardDaveResponse Anger 50 I keep telling you, it's Mister President! Now get back to guarding the gate! 163
RDPackageDone RDPackageDone Neutral 50 Let's see what we have here. 164
RDPackageDone Happy 50 A vote for me... 165
RDPackageDone Happy 50 And another vote for me... 166
RDPackageDone Disgust 50 A vote for Rosie? 167
RDPackageDone Disgust 50 Bob!? 168
RDPackageDone Anger 50 Wait a minute, has somebody tampered with the ballot box? 169
RDPackageDone Neutral 50 Hmm... after counting the votes, the president is... 170
RDPackageDone Happy 50 Well, looks like another triumphant victory for myself. 171
RDPackageDone Anger 10 Well, despite the hiccup, it looks like I am still declared the winner. 172
RDPackageDone Anger 50 ROSIE? Rosie can't be president! NO! This is unfair! This can't be! FINE! I'm LEAVING! See how you people do without me! Enjoy your new president! 173
RDPackageDone Anger 50 BOB? Bob can't be president! NO! This is unfair! This can't be! FINE! I'm LEAVING! See how you people do without me! Enjoy your new president! 174