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Make no mistake; your father would be proud of what you have done.

Star Paladin Cross is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel residing in the Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3. She is a possible companion of the Lone Wanderer.


It is well known among the Brotherhood's members that Cross is actually a cyborg; she no longer has a need to eat or sleep. This was the result of Scribe Reginald Rothchild performing an operation in order to save her life after she was gravely wounded while protecting Elder Owyn Lyons in the past.[Non-game 1]

Sometime after the Brotherhood arrived in the Capital Wasteland, they were approached to provide protection for the scientists of Project Purity; Cross in particular helped to guard the endeavor from when it was in its infancy in 2257. However, following the death of a lead scientist, Catherine, in childbirth, the progress ground to a halt. With super mutant attacks increasing,[3] Catherine's widower James took their newborn and left for Vault 101, with Cross serving as an escort for the pair as far as Megaton.[Non-game 1][4]

By 2277, Cross' service to the Brotherhood has led to her achieving the rank of star paladin as well as holding the title of Keeper of the ARM. She primarily acts as seneschal (steward) to Elder Lyons.[1]


Being the second highest-ranked soldier in the Brotherhood (behind Sentinel Sarah Lyons), Cross answers only to the elder, who has given her leave to pursue Project Purity's restoration as she sees fit.[5] Naturally, this means crushing the Enclave and fulfilling James' mission of purifying the wasteland's water and making it safe to drink.[6][7]

In traveling with the Lone Wanderer, Cross can express how she knew James well;[7] although saddened to hear of James' passing at the Jefferson Memorial, she took solace in his selfless sacrifice, dying doing what he knew to be right and protecting those that were dearest to him. She hoped that her death would have as much meaning. To her, how one dies is just as important as how one has lived.[4] As a member of the order, her reputation is very important to her. She is a "man of her word,"[8] and will swear to accompany and protect the Lone Wanderer in their travels.[9] However, she is not their servant,[6] and will leave if the Lone Wanderer obtains a bad reputation, preferring to be alone than in bad company.[10] She will also not travel with anyone not trusted by the Brotherhood.[11]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Paving the Way
This character is a permanent companion.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


  • Star Paladin Cross can be recruited as a companion after reaching the Citadel during The Waters of Life and only if the player character has Good Karma.
    • Cross has the same response to trying to hire her with Neutral or Evil Karma.[12]
  • Her utility as a companion is to act as a "tank," drawing enemy attention and using her power armor to reduce incoming damage.

Other interactions[]

  • Cross is one of only two characters in Fallout 3 who will recite excerpts from the Codex; the other is Arthur Maxson.
  • Like many other denizens of the Citadel, Star Paladin Cross will only spout lines such as "For Elder Lyons!" and "Good luck!" when Take it Back! is started.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • Cross will be immediately hostile towards any nearby Brotherhood Outcasts if she is dismissed in their presence.
  • If the Lone Wanderer insults her or James, she refuses to follow them anymore.
  • Broken Steel If the Lone Wanderer destroys the Citadel during Who Dares Wins while Cross is a companion, she will become hostile along with the rest of the Brotherhood of Steel.


Fallout 3

Cross wears a unique variant of power armor, editor ID FollowersOutfitCross, form ID 00066c73, though it does not have better statistics than any other power armor and is simply called power armor.

Fallout Shelter

Notable quotes[]


  • Cross is one of two companions in Fallout 3 that requires Good Karma to be recruited, along with Fawkes.
  • Although members are trained in all forms of combat as initiates,[13][14] Cross will voice a preference for melee weapons if asked to switch to using one.[15]
  • With Broken Steel installed, one will be able to recruit her as a companion after completing Take it Back!, even if they previously insulted James (though still requiring Good Karma).


Star Paladin Cross appears in Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter, Fallout Shelter Online, and Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, if Cross dies in battle, the player character will receive a message many in-game weeks later, stating that "Star Paladin Cross has returned to the Citadel." [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 If one tells Cross to wait, then reopen dialogue with her later, she will act as if the player character had not told her to wait and have normal dialogue, but she will still remain in that spot indefinitely. Firing her and rehiring her can fix this. [verified]
  • PCPC An alternative way of fixing the "wait bug", is by opening up the console and typing set "62735".Waiting to 0, and then, with her selected in the console - disable, then enable. The console should then show that she's picked package follow().
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 If the player character makes Cross hostile towards them (after she has been made a companion) she will not have a unique line when spoken to, but instead talk as if she is still a follower. If the player character tell her to switch to a new weapon, she will attack them with it upon exiting the conversation. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If the player character give Star Paladin Cross items to carry for them, she will fail to move. The only way to get her to move again is to take the items back, dismiss her, and then ask her to again become a follower. This can happen when she is asked to wait; the solution is the same, but the problem will reoccur whenever she is asked to wait. [verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes while entering areas such as Vault 87 Paladin Cross's hands will grow to humongous lengths, similar to that of a deathclaw, yet she can still use her weapons, waiting or entering and leaving an area seems to fix this. [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, if the player character kills Dogmeat while having a companion (usually Fawkes), and hire Star Paladin Cross, through a series of actions she may cause the whole town of Megaton to randomly become hostile to them. First, one has to take her there. Bring her into your house in Megaton, and tell her to wait. If the glitch where she acts like she was never waiting but waits anyway occurs and Dogmeat's puppy is not waiting at Vault 101 (or Fawkes is not fired) the player character can still fire and re-hire her. Taking her outside, however, causes the entire town to be hostile. Be wary of this, because if one does not have a recent save prior to re-hiring her the player character may have to retrace a lot of ground, or simply kill all of Megaton. [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, if the teleportation matrix in Mothership Zeta is used, Cross will die as soon as one enters the new area and the autosave is complete.[verified]
  • PCPC After entering the Museum of History with Star Paladin Cross, she will not follow the player character, although they will still be able to run the ordinary dialogues with her. This bug occurs even in cases one asks her to wait outside. The only way to fix this is to dismiss her and either catch Star Paladin Cross on her way or rejoin her in The Citadel.[verified]
  • PCPC After The Waters of Life, Cross may be nowhere to be found in the Citadel. Instead, she may be found wandering the wastes just south of Big Town. She will still greet the player as if they were in the Citadel, though.
  • Cross could originally be recruited even if the Lone Wanderer already has one (or more) followers: When speaking with her for the first time (having good karma and not insulting her or their father), she would ask the Lone Wanderer if she can ask a difficult question. if the player responded to that with: "I don't suppose I can stop you", she would join the party. This was fixed in subsequent patches.[clarification needed] [This has not been fixed for the steam version as of 1/10/23]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Cross: "Hail to you. By the traction of hospitality and on the word of Elder Lyons, I welcome you to the Citadel. I am Star Paladin Cross, Keeper of the ARM, and Seneschal to Elder Lyons. And, I am honored to say, I was acquainted with your father. Now, what may I do to help you?"
    (Cross' dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Who are the members of the Brotherhood?"
    Elizabeth Jameson: "Elder Lyons leads us. Star Paladin Cross is his seneschal. Sentinel Lyons', the Elder's daughter, commands the Lyons' Pride, our elite combat squad. The Paladins lead the Knights. The Knights are the core of the Brotherhood they scour the Wastes to eliminate evil and recover technology. Scribe Rothchild oversees the Scribes in their duties to seek knowledge and restore the technology the Brotherhood has acquired."
    (Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue)
  3. Project Purity Journal: Entry 8
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Lone Wanderer: "You knew my father?"
    Cross: "I did. And you as well! Long ago, I helped guard the water purifier against the Super Mutant horde. When your father left, I escorted the two of you to Megaton. He was... a noble man. I was saddened to hear of his passing. But from what I've heard, he died with honor. He died for you. I only pray that my own death has such meaning."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Why does it matter how a man dies? Death is death."
    Cross: "True. And in the end, death claims us all. But how we die can say just as much about our lives as how we lived. Your father died for what he knew to be right, and he died protecting those closest to him. This is a good man's death. But, I must ask you a difficult question, if I have your leave to do so."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "What about the Enclave?"
    Cross: "As a Star Paladin, I answer only to Elder Lyons. He has given me leave to pursue the restoration of Project Purity as I see fit. By aiding you in your travels, I shall fulfill that mission as best I am capable."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Lone Wanderer: "I would be honored, Star Paladin Cross."
    Cross: "Then I shall follow your leave and submit to your command. As James' child, I know I don't need to explain, but I am not your servant. If I do not like the path your actions take, I will return here. Now, let us go forward, crush the Enclave, and fulfill your father's mission."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Lone Wanderer: "I don't suppose I could stop you."
    Cross: "Wry. Much like James was. I escorted your father across the Wastes. It was the best I could contribute to his efforts to restore fresh water to the people. I would like the honor of escorting you in your journey to complete his work."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "I just wanted to make sure you were still here. Goodbye."
    Cross: "As I am a "man of my word", there is nowhere else that I could possibly be."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "I would like your assistance once again, Paladin Cross."
    Cross: "And it is my duty to offer it, as I have sworn. I shall follow and protect you."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "I would like your assistance once again, Paladin Cross."
    Cross: "It is regrettable, but I cannot follow one such as you. Restore your good name, and perhaps I shall reconsider."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "I would like your assistance once again, Paladin Cross."
    Cross: "It is my sincere wish to join you, but so long as you travel with one who is not of the Brotherhood, I simply cannot risk myself."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  12. The Lone Wanderer: "I want you to come with me."
    Cross: "I'm sorry, until you prove yourself worthy of the legacy of your father, I cannot join you."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "I want you to change your combat style."
    Cross: "A member of the Brotherhood is trained in all weapons as an Initiate. What do you wish?"
    (Cross' dialogue)
  14. The Lone Wanderer: "You're not bad with a ranged weapon. Keep it up."
    Cross: "The same can be said of any Brother. We are trained well and tempered in the fires of battle."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  15. The Lone Wanderer: "I like what you're doing. Stick with the melee."
    Cross: "I appreciate the compliment. It is where I am most comfortable."
    (Cross' dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.98: "Star Paladin Cross
    Star Paladin Cross is the highest ranking Brotherhood of Steel soldier in the Citadel, but she no longer works in the field. Instead, she now serves Elder Lyons's trusted bodyguard and advisor. It is well known that Star Paladin Cross has been technologically enhanced so that she no longer needs to eat or sleep. She is, in fact, a cyborg. The change occurred several years ago, after Cross was critically injured defending Elder Lyons while out in the field; Scribe Rothchild preformed the enhancement operation that saved Cross's life. But there's something even more important about Star Paladin Cross-she's none other than the Brotherhood of Steel soldier who helped save the player's life as a baby. Cross helped Dad get through the Super Mutants and escorted them all the way to Megaton."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)