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Alright... alright... relax. But all you've done is delay the inevitable. Without those parts, the plants gonna croak sooner or later. But what do you care? You just want your money. Here, take it and get out.

Walter is a resident of the settlement of Megaton in 2277.


Walter is an elderly handyman who has dedicated himself to maintaining Megaton's water purifier, having spent the past thirty five years keeping it operational.[1][2] In recent days, he has had more and more trouble maintaining the aging machine, becoming increasingly worried about the state of the purifier's infrastructure system.[Non-game 1] He spends most of his time in the plant, meaning that he is unable to fix the various leaks that have sprung up in the pipe system outside, as the only time he is able to leave is when he shuts off the system for the night.[3][4] He is more than willing to employ anyone capable of fixing the leaks, and would further employ them to find scrap metal to make his job of maintaining the plant easier.[5] Although originally frustrated over the poor state of the purifier despite his efforts, he will become much more optimistic if assistance is granted for both of his requests, especially if one donates scrap metal to him rather than selling it.[6][7]

In the few hours that he is away from maintaining the purifier, he likes to hang around Moriarty's Saloon to drink. When there, he has a preference for listening to Enclave Radio, citing it as being "downright patriotic” when the subject is discussed by the saloon's staff and patrons.[8]

Daily schedule[]

During the daytime, Walter can be found in the water processing plant for most of the day, though sometimes he will step outside for some air. During the night hours, he can be seen drinking in Moriarty's Saloon.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


  • Treatment: Walter will ask the Lone Wanderer to fix all the leaking water pipes around Megaton. When finished, he will give 200 caps and 100 XP.
  • Walter's Scrap Metal: Upon fixing all the leaking pipes, Walter will ask the Lone Wanderer to bring any scrap metal they find, and as a reward Walter will give them 10 caps and 5 XP per scrap metal. If scrap metal is given to Walter without charging him, they will gain Karma and earn extra XP.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
RobCo jumpsuit Lead pipe

Notable quotes[]


Walter appears only in Fallout 3.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Like all other Megaton characters, Walter might go missing or turn up dead. See recovering missing NPC in Fallout 3 on how to resolve this issue. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 When in the water processing plant, you can "drink" from Walter. The action to drink will show for a split second before switching to the normal talk option, timed right you can drink from him and gain HP and a few rads. Although the text is red, you will not incur a Karma penalty by drinking. [verified]


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you do around here?"
    Walter: "I take care of the water purification plant. This old rusted hunk keeps us in clean water... for now."
    (Walter's Dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "What's the word around town?"
    Walter: "Well, people've been sayin' that the water purifier's about to go. Honestly, I'll tell you what I tell them. I've been keeping that wreck going for thirty-five years and this is the first time I've ever had a problem I couldn't fix."
    (Walter's Dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "What can I do to help around here?"
    Walter: "Well, it's no secret that the ol' water treatment plant is on its last legs. And I'm the only one in town that can keep the damn thing running. I spend so much time up in the plant, that I can't take care of the leaks that keep springing up in the pipes around town. Now, I don't expect much from strangers, but if you've got the knowhow, I need someone to hunt down and repair those leaks."
    (Walter's Dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "Can't you fix the pipes?"
    Walter: "I could, but I can't hunt for leaks all damn day. That rust bucket purifier would fall apart without me up around to plug it up. The only break I get is when I shut the thing off for the night, and I can't look for leaks when the water isn't running."
    (Walter's Dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "The pipes are all fixed."
    Walter: "Well, I'll be... the pressure's up in the plant. It looks like all the leaks have been fixed. Thank you, stranger! Thank you! But listen, it's only a matter of time before they burst again, and someone like you might not be around to fix 'em. I'll make you a deal. I'll give you caps for any Scrap Metal you can bring me. You'll find 'em it over the place out there in the Wastes. If I have a steady supply of scrap, I can keep the plant running and the pipes should be just fine. We got a deal?"
    (Walter's Dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "Sounds good to me. I'll bring you the parts I find."
    Walter: "Good! This just keeps looking better! Those parts will keep this place running and the town in fresh water! Hurry back as soon as you find some!"
    (Walter's Dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "Just take all the scrap metal I have. No charge. I just want to help."
    Walter: "Are you serious? Why... I'll be. Thank you, stranger. I can't tell you what this means to Megaton."
    (Walter's Dialogue)
  8. Walter: "Boy, just leave it be. I like the Enclave station. It's downright patriotic!"
    (Walter's Dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.102:
    Walter spends his days minding the machines and fixing drainage devices that break. He's increasingly worried about the state of the water and drainage structure, and knows it won't hold much longer—and neither will he. At 61, he's one of the oldest residents."