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I'm Ronnie Shaw. Commonwealth Minutemen. At least I was. Back before Joe Becker got himself killed and the idiots took over.

Ronnie Shaw is a veteran member and officer of the Commonwealth Minutemen residing in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.



One of the few remaining veterans of the Minutemen that still considers themselves one, Ronnie Shaw was a part of the organization long before Preston Garvey, Colonel Ezra Hollis or even General Becker; around the time she joined up, the Minutemen's leader was still General McGann.[1] She was present at, or at least heard the reports about the Castle as it was being overrun by mirelurks led by a queen.

Ronnie later grew dissatisfied with the direction the Minutemen were going after the death of General Becker in 2282 and internal strife shook up their ranks with one ineffectual general after another. She eventually abandoned the organization but never forgot about it, even staying close long enough to learn about Colonel Hollis and Preston and their involvement in the Quincy Massacre, though like most of the other Minutemen, she did not come to provide reinforcements against the Gunners.

Old Guns[]

In 2287, if the Castle was retaken by the Sole Survivor, Ronnie hears about it and returns to the reclaimed Minuteman HQ to see the new General for herself. She says to them directly that despite Preston's hasty decision to promote them to general, she won't immediately opt to serve under them; her respect must be earned and is not going to come just because of a title. She's seen many Minutemen leaders come and go with little to show for it, so she only respects results and the gumption to get things done.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Sells: weapons (The Last Minute)


  • Old Guns: Retaking the Castle gets Ronnie's attention and she's curious about the current state of the Minutemen. She helps the new General reopen the Castle's armory and restore the Minutemen's trump card of artillery.
  • Defend the Castle: She can be the one to start the quest, if she is spoken to when arriving at the Castle after completing both Form Ranks and Banished from the Institute. After the battle, she will give a speech to the remaining Minutemen.



  • Once Ronnie becomes a merchant after completion of Old Guns, she sells The Last Minute, a legendary variant of the standard Gauss rifle. She is also the only merchant in the game who sells mini nukes. She regularly has a supply of various laser muskets.
  • She is, in effect, a "Tier 4" or "expert" weapon trader. This means she has 100 caps more available than a Tier 3 weapon trader, in addition to her special inventory items. It also means that her non-unique caps and non-unique (Tier 1-3) inventory are shared with all player-created weapons traders.
  • She will only sell items during the day. At night, talking to her will open her inventory like normal settlers, which allows the player character to change her gear.
  • When first meeting Ronnie, the negative dialogue option after "You were in the Minutemen?" will lead to her and the Sole Survivor having an unarmed sparring match that is commented on and has effects on companions' Affinity:
    • Strong and MacCready will like it when brawling with her.
    • Preston Garvey will dislike brawling with her and will like convincing her to rejoin the Minutemen.
  • Ronnie Shaw is the only named Minuteman not to wear any form of Minutemen apparel.
  • Ronnie has Rank 3 of the Iron Fist perk, allowing her to deal 60% more damage with her fists, as well as giving her power attacks a 10% chance of crippling a limb.
  • Ronnie has a unique perk that makes her take 25% less damage from attacks.
  • A cut dialogue would have had Ronnie comment on how the player character defeated the mirelurk queen during Taking Independence, asking how they sent away the sea monster.


Ronnie Shaw appears in Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter Online


  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One The player character may be unable to assign or trade with Ronnie after completing Old Guns, talking to her only opening her inventory (like generic settlers). This bug may happen if the Radio Freedom bug occurred.[verified]
    • PCPC If this occurs, it is possible to restore her shop functions by assigning her to a constructed weapon shop. In the console, click on the store and type setpapyrusvar bAllowPlayerAssignment True, then click her and type addkeyword WorkshopAllowCommand. Fast traveling away from the Castle and back may be required before the console command's effect works, but once it does, she will resume her former dialogue and still offer her unique inventory, including laser muskets and The Last Minute.
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 When choosing the option to brawl Ronnie may permanently become hostile. After about 5–10 seconds she will draw her weapon stating "You're no Minuteman." Ronnie and the settlement will become permanently hostile, forcing the player character to kill them all. Ronnie cannot be killed as she is marked essential. She will go into a downed state, but when she regains her health she will once again become hostile. If this happens the player character will not be able to continue the quest Old Guns.[verified]
    • Reloading a save will not prevent this bug from occurring. The game must be closed completely (quit to desktop) and restarted to prevent this bug from appearing again.
    • PCPC It is advised not to build structures such as foundations before Old Guns, due to Ronnie's navmeshing not being aligned with what could potentially be built over her final destination before throwing smoke grenades.



  1. Ronnie Shaw: "That explains all the landmines. This is, well... was, General McGann. He had your job back when I first joined up. Must have gotten trapped down here when that sea beast attacked the Castle. He did manage to keep the armory secure. I'll give him that much. I guess the uniform is yours now, if you want it. This old geezer doesn't need it any more. Rest in peace, general. Your fight is done and the Minutemen live on. No point in getting all sentimental about something that happened 40 years ago. Come on, we're almost through."
    (Ronnie Shaw's dialogue)
Fo4 Minutemen Flag
Fo4 Minutemen Flag