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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ronnie Shaw.


1-{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Grrargh!
2{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Aggghh!
3{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Nyyarrggh!
4{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Rrarggh!
5{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Yearrgh!
6{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Hyargh!
7{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Hunh!
8{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Gah!
9{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Yah!
10{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Rargh!
11{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
12{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Oof! *heavy breathing*
13{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Agh! *cough* *wheeze*
14{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Gah!
15{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nargh!
16{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Unf!
17{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Grrh!
18{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nnh!
19{InPain} Agh.
20{InPain} Gosh darn it!
21{Angry} You're going to pay for that.
22{InPain} Another scar to add to my collection.
23{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Argh!
24{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Weergh!
25{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Yeagh!
26{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Nargh!
27{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Oof!
28{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Agh!
29{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
30{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
31{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh!
32{Confident} We're done being pushed around by the Institute.
33{Sarcastic} That's the best you can do, with all your fancy computer chips and whatnot?
34{Defiant} It's going to take more than this to shut me up.
35{Irritated} Let's get this over with.
36{Defiant} Pretty sad, if this is the Institute's best effort.
37{Confident} Come on. Let's see what you've got.
38{Defiant} What, did you think I was just gonna run?
39{Irritated} I've been putting down scum like you since before your mama was born.
40{Irritated} Just hold still a second. No point in dragging this out.
41{Defiant} Bet you thought an old broad like me couldn't fight.
42{Disgust} They get bigger and uglier every year.
43{Defiant} You shouldn't have messed with me, you big ugly mug.
44{Disgust} I can't decide which is worse - your face or your stink.
45{Defiant} Well, that's done.
46{Confident} I think that's it.
47{Defiant} You should've known better than to mess with me.
48{Defiant} It's over.
49{Confident} Another day in the Minutemen.
50{Confident} Look alive. Here they come.
51{Confident} We've got company.
52{Defiant} No wasted shots.
53{Irritated} Let's get this over with.
54{Defiant} Let's show the Institute what the Minutemen are made of.


55DN133_SentryBotSceneSentryBot: Comparing intruders to known Minutemen roster.Well I'll be. I would've never guessed the Sarge would still be down here. Don't worry, it's one of ours.SentryBot: Error. File corruption detected.A1a
56SentryBot: Initiating defensive protocols.Jiminy cricket, he's on the fritz! Look out!A1a


57GenericBrawlPlayerWinsSceneYou know how to throw a punch, I'll give you that.A
58GenericBrawlSceneYou're no Minuteman.Opponent: I enjoyed that. Come on, get up. Maybe now we can talk.A1a
59Opponent: You're no Minuteman.I enjoyed that. Come on, get up. Maybe now we can talk.A1a
60-Come on. Let's see what you've got.A


61Min03GeneralCorpseSceneRonnieShaw: No point in getting all sentimental about something that happened 40 years ago.{Confident} Come on, we're almost through.A1a
62RonnieShaw: I guess the uniform is yours now, if you want it. This old geezer doesn't need it any more.{quietly, uncharacteristically for you / Sad} Rest in peace, general. Your fight is done and the Minutemen live on.RonnieShaw: No point in getting all sentimental about something that happened 40 years ago.A1a
63RonnieShaw: He did manage to keep the armory secure. I'll give him that much.{using "old geezer" to cover up your sadness over his death / Somber} I guess the uniform is yours now, if you want it. This old geezer doesn't need it any more.RonnieShaw: Rest in peace, general. Your fight is done and the Minutemen live on.A1a
64RonnieShaw: Rest in peace, general. Your fight is done and the Minutemen live on.{brusquely, pretending you weren't getting all sentimental / Irritated} No point in getting all sentimental about something that happened 40 years ago.RonnieShaw: Come on, we're almost through.A1a
65{Sad} That explains all the landmines. This is, well... was, General McGann. He had your job back when I first joined up.A1a
66{Thinking} Must have gotten trapped down here when that sea beast attacked the Castle.A1b
67{Somber} He did manage to keep the armory secure. I'll give him that much.RonnieShaw: I guess the uniform is yours now, if you want it. This old geezer doesn't need it any more.A1c
68Min03RadioIntroSceneMinutemenRadioStation: Nothing serious, just... hey, you can't do that!Listen up, "General". Get your heinie over to the Castle pronto. This is Ronnie Shaw. You never heard of me but you'll want to talk to me.A1a
69{a bit faint, as if you stepped away from the mike - speaking to the announcer whose mike you just took over} Alright, don't get your panties in a bunch, you can have your precious mic back.MinutemenRadioStation: Uh... well, yeah. Sorry about that, folks.A1b
70Min03RadioTestFireScene01All right General, if you can hear me, we're ready. Toss one of those smoke grenades into the target area and we'll start the test fire.A1a
71Min03RonnieArmoryScene01This is the door to the armory.RonnieShaw: Hmm. Good. Looks like it might still be intact. Door's still sealed... bastion hasn't collapsed.A
72NPCFRonnieShaw: This is the door to the armory.Hmm. Good. Looks like it might still be intact. Door's still sealed... bastion hasn't collapsed.RonnieShaw: Trick now is finding a way in.A1a
73RonnieShaw: Hmm. Good. Looks like it might still be intact. Door's still sealed... bastion hasn't collapsed.Trick now is finding a way in.Player Default: I hope you have an idea.A1a
74Player Default: I hope you have an idea.Of course I do.RonnieShaw: If you can't go through, go around. Let's have a look at the northeast bastion.A1a
75Player Default: I don't see how we're getting through that door.Don't give up so quick.RonnieShaw: If you can't go through, go around. Let's have a look at the northeast bastion.B1a
76Player Default: Easier said than done.Don't worry. I've got an idea.RonnieShaw: If you can't go through, go around. Let's have a look at the northeast bastion.X1a
77Player Default: Do you know some way to open this door?No. And even if we could blast it open, we'd probably destroy what's inside while we're at it.RonnieShaw: If you can't go through, go around. Let's have a look at the northeast bastion.Y1a
78Player Default: Of course I do.If you can't go through, go around. Let's have a look at the northeast bastion.A1a
79Min03RonnieArmoryScene02RonnieShaw: This was the General's quarters. Used to be a tunnel leading from here to the armory.{Thinking} Hmm. Tunnel's blocked by this rubble. We'll have to find some way to clear it.RonnieShaw: Come on, General. You must have some way to clear this rubble.A1a
80RonnieShaw: This was the General's quarters. Used to be a tunnel leading from here to the armory.{grudging respect on the "good job" / Impressed} Well lookie here. You've already cleared it. Good job.RonnieShaw: Let's get down there and see if there's still a way through.A2a
81This was the General's quarters. Used to be a tunnel leading from here to the armory.RonnieShaw: Hmm. Tunnel's blocked by this rubble. We'll have to find some way to clear it.A1a
82Min03RonnieBuildArtilleryLooks like you've got everything we need.RonnieShaw: Gosh darn, it's good to see artillery here again.A
83NPCFRonnieShaw: Looks like you've got everything we need.Gosh darn, it's good to see artillery here again.RonnieShaw: So here's the thing about the big guns. They can't fire at anything too close, but their range is impressive.A1a
84NPCFRonnieShaw: Looks like you've got everything we need.As soon as you get some artillery built, we'll do a test fire to calibrate it.A2a
85Min03RonnieExplainArtillerySceneNPCFRonnieShaw: Gosh darn, it's good to see artillery here again.So here's the thing about the big guns. They can't fire at anything too close, but their range is impressive.A1a
86That's what the smoke grenades are for.A1b
87Toss one of those at the bad guys. If we have artillery in range, we'll confirm over the radio and target our fire on your smoke.A1c
88But first, we better do a test fire. Make sure we're hitting what we're aiming at.RonnieShaw: See that little building over there? We'll use that for our aiming point.A1d
89RonnieShaw: But first, we better do a test fire. Make sure we're hitting what we're aiming at.{Question} See that little building over there? We'll use that for our aiming point.A1a
90{Neutral} Keep your radio on and tuned to Radio Freedom so we can confirm we're ready.A1b
91Min03RonnieInsideArmory01{looking around at the old armory / Happy} Okay. Here we are.A1a
92Min03RonnieInsideArmory02{Confident} Now let's see what kinds of goodies are left.RonnieShaw: Excellent. The armory's still intact.A1a
93RonnieShaw: Now let's see what kinds of goodies are left.{Happy} Excellent. The armory's still intact.RonnieShaw: Everything we need, just waiting for us.A1a
94RonnieShaw: Everything we need, just waiting for us.{Happy} And the cream of the crop. Schematics for building artillery.Player Default: I have to admit, Ronnie, having artillery would help out quite a bit.A1a
95RonnieShaw: Everything we need, just waiting for us.{Puzzled} You found the schematics for building artillery, right?Player Default: I have to admit, Ronnie, having artillery would help out quite a bit.A2a
96Player Default: I have to admit, Ronnie, having artillery would help out quite a bit.{Happy} We used to rain down fire on deathclaws and super mutants alike. It was a glorious thing.RonnieShaw: Alright, let's get going. Don't forget to grab some smoke grenades, too.A1a
97Player Default: All this for a pile of musty papers? You've got to be kidding.{Irritated} You're smarter than that. Those musty old papers are going to help us take the Commonwealth back.RonnieShaw: Alright, let's get going. Don't forget to grab some smoke grenades, too.B1a
98Player Default: Well, let's see if it was worth the effort.{Confident} General, when you see those shells raining down on our enemies... well, you'll know it was worth it.RonnieShaw: Alright, let's get going. Don't forget to grab some smoke grenades, too.X1a
99Player Default: Artillery?{Sarcastic} Great big guns? Blow up our enemies from miles away? Any of this ringing a bell?RonnieShaw: Alright, let's get going. Don't forget to grab some smoke grenades, too.Y1a
100Player Default: We used to rain down fire on deathclaws and super mutants alike. It was a glorious thing.{Neutral} Alright, let's get going. Don't forget to grab some smoke grenades, too.A1a
101Player Default: We used to rain down fire on deathclaws and super mutants alike. It was a glorious thing.{Neutral} Alright, grab that schematic and let's get going. Don't forget to grab some smoke grenades, too.A2a
102RonnieShaw: Excellent. The armory's still intact.{Happy} Everything we need, just waiting for us.RonnieShaw: And the cream of the crop. Schematics for building artillery.A1a
103RonnieShaw: Excellent. The armory's still intact.{Happy} Looks like you've been having a field day in here.RonnieShaw: And the cream of the crop. Schematics for building artillery.A2a
104Min03RonnieInsideArmoryDoorNEWRonnieShaw: Let's see if this still opens from here.{with satisfaction as you watch a huge blast door open / Relieved} There we go.RonnieShaw: Told you I'd get us in here.A1a
105RonnieShaw: There we go.{a bit smug / Defiant} Told you I'd get us in here.A1a
106{Concerned} Let's see if this still opens from here.RonnieShaw: There we go.A1a
107Min03RonnieIntroBrawlPlayer Default: Easy. I just didn't know there were any other Minutemen out there.{Somber} Yeah, I did take a pretty long vacation after Joe died. Not surprised you never heard of me.A1a
108Player Default: I'd like to see you try.{Amused} This is going to be fun.B1a
109Player Default: I don't have time for a dick-measuring contest. What do you actually want?{Amused} You kiss your mother with that mouth? At least you're finally ready to get down to business.RonnieShaw: Heard you were trying to get the Minutemen back on their feet. Thought I'd come see the new General for myself.X1a
110Player Default: If you're a Minuteman, how come Preston never told me about you?{Impressed} Garvey? Oh yeah, I heard of him. Took over Hollis's group after the Quincy Massacre. One of the good ones.Y1a
111{Somber} Well, I've been gone a while. I guess even if he knew who I was, he figured I wasn't coming back. I never thought I would either.Y1b
112Min03RonnieIntroEndNPCFRonnieShaw: I'm probably the only one who still remembers this, but the Castle's armory was located in the west bastion.All of our best equipment was stored in there. Weapons, ammo, schematics, you name it.RonnieShaw: Come on, I'll show you.A1a
113RonnieShaw: All of our best equipment was stored in there. Weapons, ammo, schematics, you name it.Come on, I'll show you.A1a
114Min03RonnieIntroNegativeAPlayer Default: Finally.{you throw that out there waiting to see what kind of reaction you'll get / Defiant} I'm Ronnie Shaw. Commonwealth Minutemen.A1a
115{feel free to pronounce that "idjits" :) / Disgust} As least I was. Back before Joe Becker got himself killed and the idiots took over.Player Default: Glad to meet you. We could use some more veterans around here.A1b
116Player Default: I'm listening.{Irritated} Finally.RonnieShaw: I'm Ronnie Shaw. Commonwealth Minutemen.A1a
117Player Default: Actually I'm not.{Disgust} Not a great first impression for someone trying to help your sorry butt.RonnieShaw: I'm Ronnie Shaw. Commonwealth Minutemen.B1a
118Player Default: Get on with it, then.{Disgust} Don't get testy with me, sonny. I was field-stripping laser muskets when you were still in diapers.Player Default: I seriously doubt that. But please, get to the point.X1a
119Player Default: Get on with it, then.{Disgust} Don't get testy with me, missy. I was field-stripping laser muskets when you still in diapers.Player Default: I seriously doubt that. But please, get to the point.X2a
120Min03RonnieIntroNegativeArmoryPlayer Default: I'd like to hear about the armory.{Irritated} So polite now that I've got something you want, eh? Typical.A1a
121Player Default: You could have told me about that first thing.{Irritated} You could have been less of a jerk first thing.B1a
122Player Default: You could have told me about that first thing.{Irritated} I hauled my heinie all the way over here to do you a favor. Least you could do is listen politely.B2a
123Player Default: First I've heard of it.{Somber} I'm not surprised. It's been almost 50 years since this place was wiped out. I'm probably the last person alive who remembers how it was.X1a
124{Neutral} The Castle's armory was located over there, in the west bastion.RonnieShaw: All of our best equipment was stored in there. Weapons, ammo, schematics, you name it.X1b
125Player Default: How would you know about an old armory?{Defiant} I used to be stationed here, that's how. For a few years, right after I joined up.Y1a
126{Somber} Just dumb luck I was home on leave the day the lurks wiped this place out.Y1b
127Min03RonnieIntroScene{Irritated} Ready to talk to me?Player Default: You must be Ronnie Shaw, from the radio.A
128{Irritated} There you are. Finally. I've been waiting to talk to you.Player Default: You must be Ronnie Shaw, from the radio.A
129Player Default: You must be Ronnie Shaw, from the radio.{with a snort of amusement / Sarcastic} Who else would I be? Can't mistake me for one of these pups you've got running things around here.A1a
130{feel free to pronounce that "idjits" :) / Disgust} Used to be with the Minutemen myself, back before Joe Becker got himself killed and the idiots took over.Player Default: Glad to meet you. We could use some more veterans around here.A1b
131Player Default: Lady, I really don't want to talk to you.{Irritated} I don't much care what you want to do. But I want to talk to you, so you're going to listen.Player Default: I'm listening.B1a
132Player Default: You forgot to make an appointment.{you like that / Amused} Oh, a smartmouth, eh?RonnieShaw: I'm Ronnie Shaw. Commonwealth Minutemen.X1a
133Min03RonnieIntroWasMinutemanPlayer Default: Glad to meet you. We could use some more veterans around here.{Sarcastic} You're right about that. I feel like some of these you've got still may need their diapers changed.A1a
134Player Default: I don't like what you're implying.{Sarcastic} Easy there, cowboy. Joe Becker died years before you came along.RonnieShaw: I'm talking about the gang of clowns that let the Minutemen fall apart. I didn't respect any of them, so I took a vacation.B1a
135Player Default: I don't like what you're implying.{Sarcastic} Easy there, cowgirl. Joe Becker died years before you came along.RonnieShaw: I'm talking about the gang of clowns that let the Minutemen fall apart. I didn't respect any of them, so I took a vacation.B2a
136Player Default: You were a Minuteman?{Defiant} What? You don't think an old broad like me can fight? I could kick your butt... punk.Player Default: Easy. I just didn't know there were any other Minutemen out there.X1a
137Player Default: You were a Minuteman?{Defiant} What? You don't think an old broad like me can fight? I could kick your butt... princess.Player Default: Easy. I just didn't know there were any other Minutemen out there.X2a
138Player Default: Joe Becker? Who's that?{Disbelief} That's just sad. General Becker used to run the Minutemen. The last real leader we ever had.Y1a
139{Disgust} After he died, there wasn't anybody left with the guts and brains to pull things together.Y1b
140Player Default: Easy there, cowboy. Joe Becker died years before you came along.{Disgust} I'm talking about the gang of clowns that let the Minutemen fall apart. I didn't respect any of them, so I took a vacation.B1a
141Min03RonnieIntroWhatSheWants{Stern} We're not done yet.Player Default: I'd still like to hear what you came to talk to me about.A
142Player Default: The Minutemen are the good guys again. People are starting to realize that.{Neutral} I've heard some good things. Wouldn't be here otherwise.RonnieShaw: Now that I'm here, I can see you really need my help.A1a
143Player Default: I don't need to answer to you, soldier.{Disgust} You don't get a pass just because everybody calls you "General." In the Minutemen, you've got to earn respect.RonnieShaw: But, I've heard some good things about what you've been doing. Wouldn't be here otherwise.B1a
144Player Default: At least we're trying to help people. Can you say the same?{Irritated} Don't give me any attitude, sonny. I've been a Minuteman longer than you've been alive.RonnieShaw: But, I've heard some good things about what you've been doing. Wouldn't be here otherwise.Y1a
145Player Default: At least we're trying to help people. Can you say the same?{Irritated} Don't give me any attitude, missy. I've been a Minuteman longer than you've been alive.RonnieShaw: But, I've heard some good things about what you've been doing. Wouldn't be here otherwise.Y2a
146RonnieShaw: But, I've heard some good things about what you've been doing. Wouldn't be here otherwise.{emphasis on "really" - you're kind of being insulting / Concerned} Now that I'm here, I can see you really need my help.Player Default: We can always use more experienced soldiers.A1a
147Player Default: You don't get a pass just because everybody calls you "General." In the Minutemen, you've got to earn respect.{Friendly} But, I've heard some good things about what you've been doing. Wouldn't be here otherwise.RonnieShaw: Now that I'm here, I can see you really need my help.B1a
148Player Default: We can always use more experienced soldiers.{Confident} Yeah, you're not kidding. But I had something more specific in mind.RonnieShaw: I'm probably the only one who still remembers this, but the Castle's armory was located in the west bastion.A1a
149Player Default: We were doing just fine without your help.{Disbelief} Really? I guess you know all about the Castle's old armory then.Player Default: I'd like to hear about the armory.B1a
150Player Default: Are you offering to rejoin?{Friendly} I guess I am. But first things first.RonnieShaw: I'm probably the only one who still remembers this, but the Castle's armory was located in the west bastion.Y1a
151RonnieShaw: Yeah, you're not kidding. But I had something more specific in mind.{Confident} I'm probably the only one who still remembers this, but the Castle's armory was located in the west bastion.A1a
152Player Default: I've been trying to.{Defiant} Heard you were trying to get the Minutemen back on their feet. Thought I'd come see the new General for myself.A1a
153{Defiant} So what's your story? What makes you think anybody even wants the Minutemen back?Player Default: The Minutemen are the good guys again. People are starting to realize that.A1b
154Player Default: Get to the point.{Irritated} I've been trying to.RonnieShaw: Heard you were trying to get the Minutemen back on their feet. Thought I'd come see the new General for myself.B1a
155Min03RonnieIntroYoungsterReactionPlayer Default: I seriously doubt that. But please, get to the point.{Puzzled} Something about you I don't get. Like... you're from somewhere else...RonnieShaw: I'm Ronnie Shaw. Commonwealth Minutemen.A1a
156Player Default: Call me "missy" again and you'll find out exactly how far I can shove my boot up your ass.{Impressed} Oh, so you do have a backbone.B1a
157{Impressed} Good. I wouldn't fight for anyone who lets me push them around.RonnieShaw: I'm Ronnie Shaw. Commonwealth Minutemen.B1b
158Player Default: I get it. You're a hardass combat veteran. So am I. Can we move on?{a hint of sarcasm in your use of "General" here / Sarcastic} Sure thing, General.RonnieShaw: I'm Ronnie Shaw. Commonwealth Minutemen.X1a
159Player Default: Are you saying you were a Minuteman?{Disgust} Yeah, I was. Back before Joe Becker got himself killed and the idiots took over.Player Default: Glad to meet you. We could use some more veterans around here.Y1a
160Min03RonnieMirelurkQueenSceneSo, how'd you all get that big sea beast cleared out of here anyway?Player Default: We came in with a plan and everyone stuck to it. We've got some good people Ronnie, you'll see.A1a
161Player Default: We came in with a plan and everyone stuck to it. We've got some good people Ronnie, you'll see.{Thinking} Well, you've made a better start than anybody else for a darn long time. I'll give you that.RonnieShaw: Fine. You don't want to tell me? Whatever. I'll just have the story from someone else. Probably luck anyway.A1a
162Player Default: The queen? Please, that was nothing. I'm surprised no one cleared this place out sooner.{Stern} Hmph. Well I guess you've earned that much. But don't get cocky, General. There's still a lot of work to be done here.RonnieShaw: Fine. You don't want to tell me? Whatever. I'll just have the story from someone else. Probably luck anyway.B1a
163Player Default: The queen? Please, that was nothing. I'm surprised no one cleared this place out sooner.{Disgust} Oh bull. It's been here so long it was probably half dead already. You just finished it off and took the credit.RonnieShaw: Fine. You don't want to tell me? Whatever. I'll just have the story from someone else. Probably luck anyway.B2a
164Player Default: That big mirelurk that kicked your asses? Turns out it helps if you try shooting it.{Irritated} Fine, I get it. You're tough. But if you think that's enough to unite the Commonwealth, you got another thing coming.RonnieShaw: Fine. You don't want to tell me? Whatever. I'll just have the story from someone else. Probably luck anyway.X1a
165Player Default: That big mirelurk that kicked your asses? Turns out it helps if you try shooting it.{Angry} You'd better watch your mouth, kiddo. Good men and women died in that battle and you will respect their memory if I have to beat it into you.RonnieShaw: Fine. You don't want to tell me? Whatever. I'll just have the story from someone else. Probably luck anyway.X2a
166Player Default: It wasn't easy, but how did that thing get the better of you back then?{Worried} I wasn't here, but the survivors said it attacked out of the water in the middle of the night.Y1a
167{Somber} Smashed through the wall before anyone even saw it coming.RonnieShaw: Fine. You don't want to tell me? Whatever. I'll just have the story from someone else. Probably luck anyway.Y1b
168Player Default: Well, you've made a better start than anybody else for a darn long time. I'll give you that.{Irritated} Fine. You don't want to tell me? Whatever. I'll just have the story from someone else. Probably luck anyway.A1a
169Min03RonnieTunnelClearedLet's get down there and see if there's still a way through.RonnieShaw: Pretty dark down here. We'd better watch our step.A1a
170RonnieShaw: Let's get down there and see if there's still a way through.Pretty dark down here. We'd better watch our step.A1a
171Min03RonnieWaitForTunnelClear{Irritated} Come on, General. You must have some way to clear this rubble.RonnieShaw: That's done it.A1a
172RonnieShaw: Come on, General. You must have some way to clear this rubble.{Happy} That's done it.A1a
173Min03RonnieWalksToCourtyardBoy, gotta do everything myself here, huh?A1a
174I'll meet you in the courtyard.A2a
175Min03RonnieWallExplosionSceneAh, good. Give it here.RonnieShaw: Let's place it nestled in here. That should blow the major debris out of the way without causing any major structural damage.A1a
176RonnieShaw: Ah, good. Give it here.Let's place it nestled in here. That should blow the major debris out of the way without causing any major structural damage.RonnieShaw: All right, stand back.A1a
177RonnieShaw: Let's place it nestled in here. That should blow the major debris out of the way without causing any major structural damage.All right, stand back.RonnieShaw: Well, that seems to have done the trick. Though it looks like you got a window in your office now, General.A1a
178RonnieShaw: All right, stand back.{Light coughing from smoke after intentionally setting off an explosion} Well, that seems to have done the trick. Though it looks like you got a window in your office now, General.A1a
179Let's get down there and see if we can find a way to the armory.A1b
180Min03SecurityTerminalScene{Surprised} Sarge is still down here? I wouldn't want to be the unlucky one to have run upon him down here in the dark.RonnieShaw: Let's see, I used to know this password...A1a
181{Concerned} Too bad Sarge went haywire. He's been guarding the Castle since... forever, far as I know.RonnieShaw: Let's see, I used to know this password...A2a
182RonnieShaw: Sarge is still down here? I wouldn't want to be the unlucky one to have run upon him down here in the dark.{Thinking} Let's see, I used to know this password...RonnieShaw: "One if by land"... no, that's not it.A1a
183RonnieShaw: "United we stand"...{Relieved} Yeah, that was it.A1a
184RonnieShaw: Let's see, I used to know this password...{Puzzled} One if by land... no, that's not it.RonnieShaw: "One if by land"... no, that's not it.A1a
185RonnieShaw: Let's see, I used to know this password...{Puzzled} For the Commonwealth... goldurnit. It's been a long time...RonnieShaw: "One if by land"... no, that's not it.A2a
186RonnieShaw: Let's see, I used to know this password...{Thinking} United we stand...RonnieShaw: Yeah, that was it.A3a
187-Well what are you waiting for? Get that artillery set up.A
188Not so fast, General. You need to get the artillery schematic and smoke grenades.A
189Now that you got that out of your system, can we get down to business?
190Now maybe we can talk.
191Now maybe we can have an adult conversation.
192Ready to talk to me now?
193{Irritated} I want to talk to whoever's in charge around here. Since nobody else would fess up to it, guess it must be you.
194I'm Ronnie Shaw. Guess you don't listen to your own darn radio station. What's the point of it if you don't listen to it?
195{Concerned} Let me see if I can get that gate open.
196{Concerned} I'll back you up, General. My night vision ain't what it used to be.
197{Concerned} I know there was a way through down here.
198{Happy} I enjoyed that, General. Now we can really start taking the fight to our enemies.
199You put smoke on that target and we'll see if we can hit it.
200We'll need a gunner assigned to the arty. It's not going to fire itself.
201{Confident} If you're short of building supplies, there was some dismantled artillery in the armory that you could scrap for parts.
202{Confident} As soon as you get that artillery built, we'll see what it can do.
203Unless you're some kind of artillery expert, you're going to need the schematics before you can build it.
204{Neutral} You'll need the smoke grenades to show us what to shoot at.
205{Irritated} Come on, General. Let's clear that rubble already.
206{Irritated} I sure as heck hope you've got some way to clear this rubble.
207{Confident} Let's go see what's left.
208{smugly / Confident} What, didn't you believe me?
209{Confident} Just hold your horses and follow me.


210MinArtilleryRadioChatterOkay, we've got your smoke on the target. You might want to stand back. You know, just in case.MinutemenRadioStation: That looked good from here. You've now got artillery support. Use it wisely, General.A1a
211That's not the target.MinutemenRadioStation: That looked good from here. You've now got artillery support. Use it wisely, General.A3a
212Put the smoke on the target.MinutemenRadioStation: That looked good from here. You've now got artillery support. Use it wisely, General.A4a
213We can't use the artillery until we calibrate it on the test target.MinutemenRadioStation: That looked good from here. You've now got artillery support. Use it wisely, General.A5a
214MinutemenRadioStation: Okay, we've got your smoke on the target. You might want to stand back. You know, just in case.That looked good from here. You've now got artillery support. Use it wisely, General.A1a


215MinDefendCastlePost{Defiant} Ha! We broke them!MinutemanBackupSpokesman: They won't be back anytime soon.A1a
216MinDefendCastlePostRonnieSpeech{Defiant} Listen up, kiddies. The Institute thought they could push us around, and we showed them different.A1a
217{Defiant} Next time, we're going to be taking the fight to them and we'll see how they like it.RonnieShaw: We lost some good people today. You may wonder why you survived and your friend didn't.A1b
218{Defiant} All right, people. That was a tough fight, but we came through it. You can be proud of yourselves for how you handled yourselves today.RonnieShaw: We lost some good people today. You may wonder why you survived and your friend didn't.A2a
219{Defiant} Listen up, people. The Brotherhood threw everything they had at us, and we kicked their heinies good. This was my proudest day as a Minuteman.A3a
220{Defiant} Today, the Brotherhood is finished as a threat to the Commonwealth. Their fancy airship is a smoldering wreck across the harbor.A3b
221{SinisterSmile} And they did us a favor by bringing all the rest of their vertibirds over here so we could blow them up.A3c
222{Confident} There may still be a few stragglers roaming around, but we'll kick their heinies too until they decide to leave the Commonwealth alone for good.RonnieShaw: We lost some good people today. You may wonder why you survived and your friend didn't.A3d
223RonnieShaw: Next time, we're going to be taking the fight to them and we'll see how they like it.{Sad} We lost some good people today. You may wonder why you survived and your friend didn't.A1a
224{Stern} I'm afraid that's above my pay grade. All I can say is that it's up to us to make that sacrifice mean something.RonnieShaw: But we don't have time to sit around moping about our losses or bragging about winning.A1b
225RonnieShaw: I'm afraid that's above my pay grade. All I can say is that it's up to us to make that sacrifice mean something.{Defiant} But we don't have time to sit around moping about our losses or bragging about winning.RonnieShaw: We're the Minutemen, goldurnit, and that means we've always got to be ready for the next fight.A1a
226RonnieShaw: I'm afraid that's above my pay grade. All I can say is that it's up to us to make that sacrifice mean something.{Defiant} But we don't have time to sit around congratulating ourselves.RonnieShaw: We're the Minutemen, goldurnit, and that means we've always got to be ready for the next fight.A2a
227RonnieShaw: But we don't have time to sit around moping about our losses or bragging about winning.{Defiant} We're the Minutemen, goldurnit, and that means we've always got to be ready for the next fight.A1a
228{Confident} Let's get back to it, people.A1b
229MinDefendCastleRonnieIntroGlad you made it in time, General. I guess we're about to find out if these new Minutemen really have what it takes.RonnieShaw: We've gotten reports of a large group of raiders in the area. I guess they think they can take us.A
230I'm glad you're here. It bucks up the troops to see their General taking charge.RonnieShaw: We've gotten reports of a large group of raiders in the area. I guess they think they can take us.A
231Good to see you, General. You're just in time to see the brahmin chips go airborne.RonnieShaw: We've gotten reports of a large group of raiders in the area. I guess they think they can take us.A
232We've got trouble, General.RonnieShaw: We've gotten reports of a large group of raiders in the area. I guess they think they can take us.A
233NPCFRonnieShaw: Glad you made it in time, General. I guess we're about to find out if these new Minutemen really have what it takes.We've gotten reports of a large group of raiders in the area. I guess they think they can take us.RonnieShaw: We've called in volunteers, so we aren't short of people. We'll see how these greenhorns do in a real battle.A1a
234NPCFRonnieShaw: Glad you made it in time, General. I guess we're about to find out if these new Minutemen really have what it takes.You know those tough-guy wanna-be's that call themselves "Gunners"? They've been scouting our defenses. Expect an attack any time now.RonnieShaw: We've called in volunteers, so we aren't short of people. We'll see how these greenhorns do in a real battle.A2a
235NPCFRonnieShaw: Glad you made it in time, General. I guess we're about to find out if these new Minutemen really have what it takes.Our patrols have spotted a bunch of the green uglies in the area. Looks like they're working themselves up to attack us.RonnieShaw: We've called in volunteers, so we aren't short of people. We'll see how these greenhorns do in a real battle.A3a
236NPCFRonnieShaw: Glad you made it in time, General. I guess we're about to find out if these new Minutemen really have what it takes.We've had a bunch of tin suits sniffing around. I guess the goldurned Brotherhood of Steel think they can take us out.RonnieShaw: We've called in volunteers, so we aren't short of people. We'll see how these greenhorns do in a real battle.A4a
237NPCFRonnieShaw: Glad you made it in time, General. I guess we're about to find out if these new Minutemen really have what it takes.{Disgust} We've seen a lot of those Institute crow-things sniffing around. Looks like they're getting ready to try to take us out.RonnieShaw: We've called in volunteers, so we aren't short of people. We'll see how these greenhorns do in a real battle.A5a
238NPCFRonnieShaw: Glad you made it in time, General. I guess we're about to find out if these new Minutemen really have what it takes.{Worried} We've lost some scouts recently. Feels like trouble to me. Exactly what I would do before I tried to attack a place like this.RonnieShaw: We've called in volunteers, so we aren't short of people. We'll see how these greenhorns do in a real battle.A6a
239RonnieShaw: We've called in volunteers, so we aren't short of people. We'll see how these greenhorns do in a real battle.But our defenses could use some beefing up before it's too late.A1a
240RonnieShaw: We've called in volunteers, so we aren't short of people. We'll see how these greenhorns do in a real battle.I'm feeling pretty good about our defenses, but it sure wouldn't hurt for you to take a look around and shore up any weak points you see.A2a
241RonnieShaw: We've gotten reports of a large group of raiders in the area. I guess they think they can take us.We've called in volunteers, so we aren't short of people. We'll see how these greenhorns do in a real battle.RonnieShaw: But our defenses could use some beefing up before it's too late.A1a
242MinDefendCastleRonnieOutro{Defiant} I guess the Institute will think twice before tangling with the Minutemen again.RonnieShaw: I hear you're working on figuring out how to hit back at those rats. I hope you find a way and soon.A
243{Defiant} This morning the Brotherhood was sitting pretty with their airship and all their fancy vertibirds. Now that's all been blown to heck.RonnieShaw: I hear you're working on figuring out how to hit back at those rats. I hope you find a way and soon.A
244{Defiant} We sure showed them what happens when you mess with the Minutemen.RonnieShaw: I hear you're working on figuring out how to hit back at those rats. I hope you find a way and soon.A
245NPCFRonnieShaw: I guess the Institute will think twice before tangling with the Minutemen again.{Defiant} I hear you're working on figuring out how to hit back at those rats. I hope you find a way and soon.A1a
246{Angry} I'd like another crack at them, with the shoe on the other foot this time.RonnieShaw: I think Preston wanted to talk to you. Maybe he has some good news.A1b
247NPCFRonnieShaw: I guess the Institute will think twice before tangling with the Minutemen again.{Defiant} What happened here today was the most decisive victory I've ever heard of, in the whole history of the Commonwealth.A2a
248{Confident} I don't think the Brotherhood will be coming back for a second try any time soon. They're finished as a threat.RonnieShaw: I think Preston wanted to talk to you. Maybe he has some good news.A2b
249NPCFRonnieShaw: I guess the Institute will think twice before tangling with the Minutemen again.{Happy} I've got it from here, General. I don't think anyone's going to be testing our mettle again anytime soon.RonnieShaw: I think Preston wanted to talk to you. Maybe he has some good news.A3a
250RonnieShaw: I'd like another crack at them, with the shoe on the other foot this time.{Question} I think Preston wanted to talk to you. Maybe he has some good news.A1a
251-{Impressed} We didn't do too bad, all things considered.
252{Impressed} We may be able to turn a few of these youngsters into decent Minutemen after all.
253You'd better build whatever defenses you think we need pronto.
254If it was me in charge, I might want some stronger defenses.
255{Confident} Don't worry, General. We'll hold the Castle, no matter what.
256{Confident} Nobody's going to kick my old butt out of this place. Just let them try.


257MinDestBoSFiringMinutemenRadioStation: Confirmed. The Prydwen is down... the Brotherhood threat to the Commonwealth is over.{Concerned} Hold on. Let's see if they have any fight left in them.RonnieShaw: Uh oh. I guess they aren't as dumb as all that.A1a
258RonnieShaw: Hold on. Let's see if they have any fight left in them.{Concerned} Uh oh. I guess they aren't as dumb as all that.PrestonGarvey: Holy shit. Here they come.A1a
259PrestonGarvey: Holy shit. Here they come.{shouted to assembled soldiers / Defiant} Brotherhood vertibirds incoming! Take cover and get ready for the fight of your lives! Time to finish the job on these sons-of-biscuit-eaters.MinutemenRadioStation: Alert. Alert. Brotherhood vertibirds converging on the Castle.A1a
260PrestonGarvey: Good lord above. Almost makes you feel sorry for those poor bastards.{Stern} They had it coming. Should've never tried to lord it over the Commonwealth. That never ends well.MinutemenRadioStation: Confirmed. The Prydwen is down... the Brotherhood threat to the Commonwealth is over.A1a
261-{Defiant} That's what payback looks like.
262{Friendly} I gotta hand it to you, General. The old Minutemen could never have pulled off something like that.


263-I'll get these kids whipped into shape, don't worry.
264You do your job, I'll do mine.
265You need something, General?
267Hey, General.


268WorkshopVendorRonnieShawIntro{Confident} Now that we have the armory back, you can resupply here whenever you run low on supplies.RonnieShaw: Anything you need right now?A
269NPCFRonnieShaw: Now that we have the armory back, you can resupply here whenever you run low on supplies.{Question} Anything you need right now?Player Default: Let me see what you've got.A1a
270WorkshopVendorRonnieShawScene{Question} The Castle armory is at your service, General. What do you need?Player Default: Let me see what you've got.A
271{Question} Running low on supplies, General?Player Default: Let me see what you've got.A
272{Question} Looking to resupply?Player Default: Let me see what you've got.A
273Player Default: Let me see what you've got.Sure thing, General.A2a
274Player Default: Let me see what you've got.Here's what we have on hand.A3a
275Player Default: Let me see what you've got.Take a look.A4a
276Player Default: Not right now.{Irritated} What are you pestering me for, then?B2a
277Player Default: Not right now.{Neutral} Ok, then.B3a
278Player Default: Not right now.{Sarcastic} Then I'll get back to my busy schedule.B4a
279Player Default: Maybe. Let me take a look.The armory's always at your disposal, General.X2a
280Player Default: Maybe. Let me take a look.Help yourself.X3a
281Player Default: Maybe. Let me take a look.Must be something you need.X4a
282Player Default: The Castle armory is at your service, General. What do you need?{Confident} Nothing you need to worry about. We'll hold this place for the Minutemen as long as any of us are still breathing.Y1a
283{Question} Now, did you need anything or not?Player Default: Let me see what you've got.Y1b