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Fallout Wiki

She won't trade[]

Does anyone know how to un-bug her not letting me turn in With Out Powers Combined? This stops me from getting the vertibirds back.

She won't trade. Even when standing in the armoury all that is happening is that my character says he wants to trade a few things and the option comes up to give her or take gear. I cant buy or sell things from her. Is this a glitch or am I doing something wrong?

That's weird. I spoke with her today in the armory to trade and it worked just fine for me. Have you completely finished the quest by making the special artillery cannons and what not? --Nixerix (talk) 22:49, December 1, 2015 (UTC)
She won't trade me wither, i cannot find a way to fix this bug, but some people have suggested not fast traveling to the castle, but nearby and walking over which worked for them but not me.
The only interaction I have with her is a trade window like the one's that settlers have not an actual trader window or conversation. I'm gonna add a bug listing Nick3258 (talk) 09:19, December 24, 2015 (UTC)
Guys, I just wanna make sure, you are talking to her during the daytime, right? She'll only sell during business hours, not at night. --Xernoc (talk) 09:21, December 24, 2015 (UTC)
huh that might be the problem, opps forgot about the trader hours. Nick3258 (talk) 09:27, December 24, 2015 (UTC)
Just an update, no she didn't interact as a trader during day time. Nick3258 (talk) 13:30, December 24, 2015 (UTC)

She literally won't do anything[]

So I have come across a peculiar bug. I completed the mission to take the fort with no problem, Ronnie showed up and everything but... she won't speak. She'll walk up to me and say 'hey general' or 'I'll whip these kids into shape' but she won't offer the Old Guns quest.

Talking to Preston is equally fruitless, he hasn't told me to go find Ronnie or anything, he just hands out radiant quests.

I've tried disabling and enabling her, killing her with my gun, with a console command, progression the quest with console (still doesn't work because the artillery -won't- fire) and at this point I've all but given up on completing this questline.

Any ideas on what to do?
