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The advanced power armor Mk II, referred to as the Mk II by others,[1][2][3][4][5] often simply called Enclave power armor and nicknamed Black Devil power armor by the Brotherhood of Steel[6][7] is a high-end model of power armor developed after the Great War and started before the destruction of the Enclave Oil Rig in 2241. This suit is used as the standard power armor of the Enclave Department of the Army in the Capital Wasteland in 2277. It is composed entirely of lightweight composites rather than the usual combination of metal and composite plates found on the earlier advanced power armor.[8]


The advanced power armor Mark II represents a significant upgrade over the original advanced power armor. It is composed entirely of lightweight ceramic composites, providing even more protection than its predecessor.[8] Unlike the original advanced power armor, the Mark II features a large profile, and more effective, segmented armor plates to achieve a superior degree of protection, with the hump replaced with pauldrons that evoke old world power armor designs, such as the T-45. The helmet assembly retains the insectoid eyepiece arrangement of the Mark II helmet, but the overall shape has been changed to an even more insect-like appearance, with a reduced vertical profile.[9] The suit was originally available in limited quantities, the Chosen One was only able to find one suit on the oil rig. Following the destruction of the oil rig and the flight to the Capital Wasteland, the Mark II has become the standard power armor of the Enclave once it gained access to the manufacturing facilities of Raven Rock, displacing the older advanced power armor entirely.[10]


The set consists of two pieces, the body armor, and helmet. Like all power armor, power armor training is required to equip it. It provides +1 Strength and -1 Agility. There is also a 5% increase to Radiation Resistance.





  1. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you make of the Enclave, Squire?"
    Arthur Maxson: "Y... You're asking me what I think of the Enclave? Well... The Brotherhood of Steel has actually faced the Enclave before. Back West. More than thirty years ago, according to our chronicles. Judging from those records, I'd say their soldiers are outfitted in Advanced Power Armor Mark II. It's... pretty strong. Better than our Power Armor. And some of their technology is amazing! Vertibirds! Plasma weapons that can turn a man to goo! Does... that help?"
    (Arthur Maxson's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "So... Any thoughts on the Enclave?"
    Bowditch: "They're sporting some pretty impressive Power Armor, I'll give them that. The Advanced Mark II. But that's all right. With a few modifications, our own armor will more than handle anything they throw at it."
    (Bowditch's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "Here's some Power Armor from the Enclave."
    Henry Casdin: "Well I'll be damned. The Advanced Power Armor Mark II. This is superb. Absolutely superb."
    (Casdin's dialogue)
  4. Random Citadel conversation: "Have you seen that Enclave Power Armor? That's the Advanced Mark II! I don't know if a standard round can even penetrate that stuff!"[verification needed]
  5. Citadel terminal entries; Citadel lab terminal, Enclave Tactical Assessment
  6. Random Citadel conversation: "You're kidding me, right? Tin soldiers in devil suits, and you lose your nerve? Those Enclave troops are a joke."[verification needed]
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "So... Any thoughts on the Enclave?"
    Peabody: "So they have Plasma weapons! Bah! It's strong technology, I'll give you that, but limited in modability. I've already started removing the compensators on our laser weapons to cut through the Black Devil power armor of theirs. We'll drop them like any other meat, don't you worry."
    (Peabody's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Fallout 2 item description: "{34900}{}{Adv. Power Armor MKII}
    {34901}{}{This powered armor appears to be composed of entirely of lightweight ceramic composites rather than the usual combination of metal and ceramic plates. It seems as though it should give even more protection than the standard Advanced Power Armor.}"
    (Item description, Fallout 2)
  9. Mark II armor appearance
  10. Citadel terminal entries; Citadel information terminals and Citadel lab terminals, Enclave tactical assessment


Enclave Symbol (FO3)