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Fallout Wiki

In the river, there's a twisted pile of metal and glass, all full of bones. Joshua says they were scouts, but they looked awful small to me.Follows-Chalk

The crashed scout bus is a location in Zion Canyon in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


The Dead Horses know the site of the crashed bus as the place where "the little ones" fell, with Follows-Chalk mentioning that Joshua Graham told them the deceased were once "scouts," further implying they were child members and two adult caretakers of a scout troop that was visiting Zion on the day of the Great War.[1]


Situated south of Ranger Substation Peregrine and east of the Spine, the small ravine splits off from the Virgin River leading up to the crash site where, upon impact, the bus split in two and some of its contents scattering around the general area including lunchboxes and cherry bombs.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]


The bus contains a total of 16 child skeletons and 2 adult skeletons.


The crashed scout bus appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.



  1. Courier: "What's this 'place where the little ones fell?'"
    Follows-Chalk: "In the river, there's a twisted pile of metal and glass, all full of bones. Joshua says they were scouts, but they looked awful small to me."
    (Follows-Chalk's dialogue)