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Para a localidade na DLC de Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road, veja Long 15.

A I-15 ou Interstate 15 (e em algumas ocasiões chamada de the Long 15) é uma auto-estrada no Mojave Wasteland em 2281.


Costumava atender turistas e passageiros antes da Grande Guerra, movendo do lado da Highway 95, conectando Los Angeles e Las Vegas.[1] Em 2281, a New California Republic patrulha o trecho Ivanpah Valley da interestadual, tentando proteger comunidades incipientes espalhadas ao longo dele de criaturas e criminosos.[2][3][4]

No entanto, apesar da interferência da NCR, uma recente fuga da prisão resultou no fechamento da I-15 para caravaneiros e comerciantes, forçando-os a ficar presos em Mojave Outpost ou encontrar outros locais para fazer negócios.[5][6][7] Como resultado, as cidades situadas na Rodovia 95 veem um fluxo de tráfego e negócios associados.[8]


Joshua Graham menciona viajar pela interestadual a caminho do Arizona.[9] A estrada entra na área pelo canto sudoeste do mapa e segue para nordeste em direção ao Mojave Outpost antes de passar pelo Monumento de Ranger Unification Treaty . No sopé da colina, encontra-se a Nevada 164 e, em seguida, viaja ao lado do Ivanpah Dry Lake em Primm e o California Sunset Drive-in. Antes de virar para nordeste, encontra-se a Nevada 160 perto de Jean Sky Diving.

A rodovia então corre paralela aos trilhos do trem oeste, deixando o território de Powder Ganger em Sloan. Continuando para nordeste, contorna Quarry Junction e Black Mountain, levando a Junction 15 railway station. Deathclaws invadiram a parte da rodovia entre Sloan e a estação ferroviária. A estrada vira à direita em Hunter's farm, então vira para o norte novamente ao entrar no território dos Fiends. A Samson rock crushing plant, New Vegas Steel e west pump station são todas construídas ao longo desta parte da rodovia, e as escadas próximas devem ser usadas para sair da rodovia para chegar até elas. Como uma divisão importante entre o território Fiend e a base NCR em Camp McCarran, este trecho da rodovia é esporadicamente defendido com frag mines espalhados ao longo da estrada e em certas escadas.

Assim que a rodovia chega ao sul de New Vegas, ela sai da trincheira para se tornar uma rodovia elevada fortemente danificada que não pode ser atravessada. A partir daqui, a auto-estrada continua acima de partes de Westside, virando para o leste através de Freeside aonde merge com a Highway 93 em um cruzamento destruído. Assim que deixa a área de New Vegas, vira para o norte fora da borda oeste da Base Aérea de Nellis. o south cistern, Freeside's north gate, e Fields' shack são todos construídos sob esta seção da rodovia.


  • Se os deathclaws na I-15 forem mortos, eles não reaparecerão.
  • Se a Brotherhood of Steel foi convencida a formar uma trégua com a NCR pelo Courier, e se a NCR venceu na Segunda Batalha de Hoover Dam, eles ajudarão a NCR a patrulhar a I-15.[10]


I-15 aparece apenas em Fallout: New Vegas, e é mencionada na DLC Honest Hearts[11] e Lonesome Road.[12] It also appears on an early version of the game's map.[13]


A Interstate 15 é baseada na rodovia da vida real, Interstate 15.



  1. "Two major routes lead into the city of New Vegas from the south: Interstate 15 and Highway 95."
    (Fallout: New Vegas loading screens)
  2. Courier: "Tell me about Primm."
    Primm Slim: "Primm is a thriving resort community located in Clark County, Nevada, right along Interstate 15. Whether you can't wait 'til Vegas to try your luck, or want to hit one last jackpot before you leave Nevada, Primm's your place! The town's Primm-eer attraction is the world-famous Vikki and Vance Casino and Museum, so you came to the right place, pardner!"
    (Primm Slim's dialogue)
  3. Slide 12: Goodsprings:"Goodsprings saw more trade along I-15 after NCR gained control of the Mojave Wasteland, but with that came a heavy burden of the Republic's taxes. Some old-timers, unable to handle the cost, were forced to move on, grumbling all the while."
    (Fallout: New vegas ending slides)
  4. Slide 25: Primm:"After Hoover Dam, NCR helps rebuild Primm as a major stopping point on the Long 15. Though Primm's citizens chafe under NCR's taxes, they benefit greatly from the increased protection and merchant traffic."
    (Fallout: New vegas ending slides)
  5. Courier: "Who are you?"
    Michelle Kerr: "Name's Michelle. My Dad and me run this store. His name's Samuel. I take the day shift and he takes nights. We came here about a month ago, when Primm went to hell on account of the prison break north of there. Found a bin to call home and set up shop."
    (Michelle Kerr's dialogue)
  6. Courier: " Why's business so good here?"
    Samuel Kerr: "When 15 shut down, 95 became the route NCR citizens use to get to the Strip - or limp back home, after the Strip's drained 'em of caps."
    (Samuel Kerr's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: " Why'd you leave Primm?"
    Samuel Kerr: "Michelle and I ran a little shop in Primm 'till a prison break north of town spoiled it for everyone. Goddamned convicts just about shut down I-15."
    (Samuel Kerr's dialogue)
  8. Courier: "Have you lived here a long time?"
    Alice McBride: "Oh! Well I'm Alice and you've already met my beau, Dusty. He's sweet, ain't he? I don't care what my mama said, I know how to pick 'em. (Oh! Well I'm Alice and that handsome stranger yonder is my husband Dusty. Going on fifty years, now.) I keep waiting for him to leave me for some young thing with platinum blonde hair and hoop earrings, but he still sticks around. Says it's my cooking. I think it's because I know which Brahmin udder you can milk without getting kicked in the noggin. We set up this ranch years back when Novac was just getting settled. But now with all the danger on I-15, folks are starting to come through here from all over. Novac might just be the next Nevada boom town."
    (Alice McBride's dialogue)
  9. Joshua Graham: "I traveled along the Long 15 and followed 89 south into Arizona. Along the way, I met two men from a group called the Followers of the Apocalypse."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  10. Slide 7: Brotherhood of Steel:"The Brotherhood and the NCR in the Mojave Wasteland declared an official truce, despite continued hostilities between the two in the west. As per their agreement, the NCR handed over all suits of salvaged power armor and in return the Brotherhood helped patrol I-15 and Highway 95."
    (Fallout: New vegas ending slides)
  11. Courier: "Why do you need a map of Grand Staircase?"
    Daniel: "Grand Staircase is farther east, deeper into the Colorado Plateau. The White Legs were able to reach us here, but it's only because Zion is close to the Long 15. They can't pursue us east of here. It's too wild."
    (Daniel's dialogue)
  12. Courier: "The Long 15 is no more. The main supply line into NCR is cut."
    Ulysses: "No damage done, not yet. Maybe in years. Keeps the Bear fenced... if Caesar can't drive it back, fire might. Only delays the end for the Bull, a new wall for them to scale and cross... once they're done with the Mojave. And Hoover Dam. Never again do you or any other courier and caravan need walk that route. Let the Mojave breathe without that asphalt scar raking it."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  13. Early map with roadway signage

Predefinição:Navbox highways FNV


Categorias:Rodovias do Fallout: New Vegas
