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Ringo's caravan é uma localidade não marcada em Mojave Wasteland, localizada a noroeste de Jean Sky Diving.


Uma semana antes de o Courier chegar em Goodsprings, os Powder Gangers, liderados por Joe Cobb, emboscaram este empreendimento da Crimson Caravan em sua viagem de volta a sua filial de New Vegas.[1]

Os Powder Gangers assassinaram os dois guardas e seu brahmin de carga. Ringo, o líder da caravana, conseguiu reduzir seus números e escapar, fugindo para o local seguro mais próximo que podia: Goodsprings.[2] Since then, the town has been hiding him, not thinking that the men attacked him would come looking for him.[1][3][4]


A caravana agora é apenas um trailer engatado no meio da I-15 com os corpos dos dois guardas e dos pack brahmin espalhados ao redor dela e seus objetos saqueados pelos Powder Gangers.


Ringo's caravan aparece apenas em Fallout: New Vegas.


Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3 Nenhum dos guardas mortos aparecem. [verificado]



  1. 1,0 1,1 Courier: "I overheard your argument. What was that all about?"
    Trudy: "It looks like our little town got itself dragged into the middle of something we don't want anything to do with. About a week ago, this trader, Ringo, comes into town. Survivor of an attack, he says. Bad men after him, needs a place to hide. We figured he was just in shock, so we gave him a place to lie low. We didn't actually expect anyone to come after him."
    (Diálogo de Trudy)
  2. Courier: "Why are the Powder Gangers out to get you?"
    Ringo: "My caravan was on the return trip from California and heading back up to the company branch in New Vegas when we got jumped. Not even a "drop your weapons and hands up" before the bullets started flying. We put up a good fight, but there was too many of them. I took a few of the bandits down before I ran, so I figure their friends are out for revenge."
    (Diálogo de Ringo)
  3. Courier: "What was that you said about Ringo?"
    Joe Cobb: "He's some trader who decided he'd rather shoot than pay the toll for being in our territory. He's hiding somewhere in town. Would serve these idiots right if me and my guys shot the place up after we got payback on Ringo."
    (Diálogo de Joe Cobb)
  4. Joe Cobb: "I'm done being nice. If you don't hand Ringo over soon, I'm going to get my friends and we're burning this town to the ground, got it?"
    Trudy: "We'll keep that in mind. Now, if you're not going to buy something, get out."
    (Diálogo de Joe Cobb e Trudy)