Make WordPress Core



21:16 Ticket #47514 (Change priority of make_clickable callback to boost performance) created by olliverh87
Hi! Preemptive: please excuse me if this ticket is inappropriate. …
18:04 Ticket #47513 (JavaScript TypeError when Video Playlists use native video elements) created by afercia
To reproduce the JavaScript TypeError: - use the Classic Editor - add …
15:47 Ticket #47458 (Fix tab sequence order in the Media attachment browser) closed by afercia
fixed: In 45506: […]
15:47 Changeset [45506] by afercia
Accessibility: Fix the order of the Previous, Next, and Close buttons …
03:18 Ticket #47512 (Added default unique prefix to database) created by jweston
Used 'uniqid()` in "setup-config.php" to generate a unique wp_ prefix …


23:49 Ticket #47511 (Add specific "default settings" for different locales) created by azaozz
In the UI there are several settings that are locale-specific, like …
21:24 Ticket #47510 (Developer tool - Best Practice - input comment field Does not use ...) created by efilippucci
Using chrome developer tool, I noticed that, when is displayed the …
19:33 Ticket #47509 (add a filter in wp_user_personal_data_exporter() to make it easier to ...) created by pbiron
wp_user_personal_data_exporter() has a fixed set of user properties …
18:41 Ticket #44541 (Text length should be localizable) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 45505: […]
18:41 Changeset [45505] by johnbillion
I18N: Allow the length of automatically generated excerpts to be …
17:24 Ticket #47501 (Security docs in Plugins hanbook for developing in block editor context) closed by SergeyBiryukov
reported-upstream: Hi @manooweb, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report. …
17:09 Ticket #25747 (The `http_api_debug` hook isn't called for all HTTP requests) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 45504: […]
17:09 Changeset [45504] by johnbillion
HTTP API: Ensure the http_api_debug hook is fired for all responses. …
16:31 Ticket #45094 (Dashboard elements don't always have clear focus states, tab order) reopened by afercia
Reopening for 5.2.2 consideration.
16:30 Ticket #45094 (Dashboard elements don't always have clear focus states, tab order) closed by afercia
fixed: In 45503: […]
16:30 Changeset [45503] by afercia
Accessibility: Improve the Screen Options and Help buttons order. - …
16:06 Changeset [45502] by afercia
Administration: Improve the Screen Options and Help buttons focus …
15:52 Ticket #47506 (edit_published_posts capability is broken) closed by johnbillion
invalid: Thanks for the report, @shlomitur. As you've observed, contributors …
14:50 Ticket #46749 (Extra border is displaying at bottom of Help section in Firefox ...) reopened by afercia
Reopening for 5.2.2 consideration.
14:49 Ticket #46749 (Extra border is displaying at bottom of Help section in Firefox ...) closed by afercia
fixed: In 45501: […]
14:49 Changeset [45501] by afercia
Administration: Remove extra border from the Screen Options and Help …
13:52 Ticket #47508 (Row number and column number needs to be swapped(Version 5.2.1 ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi @chfeng, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report. * …
12:20 Ticket #47503 (All themes for 4 different sites return error - Error: This theme ...) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @hawai50! It seems like you are experiencing the new fatal error …
12:20 Ticket #47507 (Lazy Separator) closed by sebastienserre
invalid: Happy to help you you can give this link to the Theme developper. …
11:38 Ticket #47508 (Row number and column number needs to be swapped(Version 5.2.1 ...) created by chfeng
Wordpress Version 5.2.1 Language zh_CN) When I am create a table …
11:13 Ticket #47507 (Lazy Separator) created by kc_pix
Windows 10 Pro, 64x WordPress 5.2.1 running Spike theme. Posts - Add …
08:25 Ticket #47506 (edit_published_posts capability is broken) created by shlomi.tur
Hi everyone, After couple of days of debugging, I've just installed …
00:29 Changeset [45500] by azaozz
Privacy tools: remove some left-over code and fix inline comment. See …


21:36 Ticket #46135 (Add filter to disable wp_favicon_request) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Thanks for the ticket! Going to close in favor of #47398, which has …
20:43 Tickets #47122,​47141 batch updated by afercia
fixed: In 45499: […]
20:43 Changeset [45499] by afercia
Accessibility: Improve accessibility of all the media views form …
20:23 Changeset [45498] by afercia
Regenerate the REST API fixtures after [45443]. See #38517.
19:46 Ticket #46135 (Add filter to disable wp_favicon_request) reopened by desrosj
Thanks for testing the latest patch, @shawfactor! The ticket should …
19:33 Ticket #42659 (Site logo images do not display in the media library) closed by desrosj
wontfix: Thanks for following up, @ravipatel! I am able to see what you mean …
15:50 Ticket #46135 (Add filter to disable wp_favicon_request) closed by shawfactor
invalid: @priyankkpatel yes that looks perfect. I am very unfamiliar with this …
14:24 Ticket #47505 (Create a comprehensive input validation API for WordPress editor and ...) created by greatislander
Currently, WordPress lacks a comprehensive API for validating form …
13:44 Ticket #47504 (Need to reduce the header height on hovering over the Heading block) closed by swissspidy
reported-upstream: Hi there I am closing this one as reported-upstream since you have …
13:43 Ticket #47504 (Need to reduce the header height on hovering over the Heading block) created by rohanraha
Describe the bug When we add a "Heading" block on the editor and …
13:34 Ticket #47503 (All themes for 4 different sites return error - Error: This theme ...) created by hawai50
Hi guys, hoping you can help as I can't get to the bottom of it. I …
13:28 Ticket #47457 (Fix the mediaelements player controls bar sizing) closed by afercia
fixed: In 45497: […]
13:28 Changeset [45497] by afercia
Fix the media player controls bar width in the media views. Props …
13:22 Ticket #47502 (Media modal bottom toolbar cuts-off content in Internet Explorer 11) created by afercia
Please refer to the attached screenshot. With Internet Explorer 11, …
11:37 Ticket #47501 (Security docs in Plugins hanbook for developing in block editor context) created by manooweb
Hello, As we discussed during a #core-editor meeting on wednesday 5th …
00:42 Ticket #47500 (Optimize customizer load time) created by Nick_theGeek
Please see some discussion in slack for background and ideas …


23:51 Ticket #47499 (Typo in comment_class function doc block) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45496: […]
23:51 Changeset [45496] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Fix typo in comment_class() DocBlock. Props mbabker. Fixes #47499.
21:40 Ticket #47499 (Typo in comment_class function doc block) created by mbabker
The word "echo" is misspelled in the doc block. Patch to fix.
19:28 Ticket #47498 (Revise checkbox/radio button css for better compatibility with text zoom) created by kjellr
Related to #47477. This just breaks out one smaller, manageable piece …
19:18 Ticket #47496 (A minor bug in twentynineteen theme) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi @khoshghalb, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report. …
18:57 Ticket #47497 (WordPress blog on Prestashop.) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @ezphinx, Welcome to WordPress Trac! Unfortunately, this is not …
18:53 Ticket #47497 (WordPress blog on Prestashop.) created by ezphinx
Hello. I am looking to integrate wordpress with 3 sites under …
18:27 Ticket #47496 (A minor bug in twentynineteen theme) created by khoshghalb
Hi, in template-tags.php:169 - @subpackage Twenty_Nineteen name of …
17:16 Ticket #47495 (WP_Privacy_Request_Table should not show views that have a count of 0.) created by pbiron
Other core list tables that have a get_views() method do not output a …
15:44 Ticket #47473 ("Update WordPress" link on Dashboard links to major version, not minor ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Replying to qaws: > Bug #47346 is to do with the release …
13:54 Ticket #47494 (current_time function return types) created by zzhovo
WP version 5.2.1, downloaded from
13:45 Ticket #47493 (Meta Query Sorting with relation => OR not behaving as expected) created by tcaneeaglepub
When sorting on multiple meta query clauses with the default AND …
13:40 Ticket #47492 (Multisite Feature for Plugins) created by anonymized_16100632
It would be great to see on the dashboard which plugins are running on …
07:28 Ticket #47491 (Avoid double colouring in privacy request rows w/ notices) created by garrett-eclipse
As initially raised here - …
06:46 Ticket #47490 (Getting new warning) created by dkarfa
== `Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did …
01:25 Ticket #46289 (RTL Bug: wrong navigation arrows in media modal) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Reopening for 5.2.2 consideration.
01:24 Ticket #46289 (RTL Bug: wrong navigation arrows in media modal) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45495: […]
01:24 Changeset [45495] by SergeyBiryukov
Media: Restore correct arrow direction in RTL in Attachment Details …


23:55 Ticket #44168 (Add is_countable() check to wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: I agree with comment:3. Thanks for the patch though!
22:31 Ticket #47489 (Emoji are substituted in preformatted blocks) created by jikamens
I have a preformatted block in a posting that is a shell script. …
20:09 Ticket #47488 (add "extensibility" to WP_Privacy_Requests_Table) created by pbiron
WP_Privacy_Requests_Table (and its 2 sub-classes …
16:01 Ticket #47451 (Twenty Ten: Make theme responsive) closed by ianbelanger
wontfix: Thanks for your ticket @skierpage. Twenty Ten is the oldest theme …
15:22 Ticket #47486 (I18n: Merge similar string) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45494: […]
15:22 Changeset [45494] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Merge duplicate "Original" strings used in the same context …
15:08 Changeset [45493] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Correct encoding for …
15:02 Ticket #47485 (I18n: Merge similar string between editor and widgets by unescaping a ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45492: […]
15:02 Changeset [45492] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Merge duplicate "A calendar of your site’s posts" strings used …
14:31 Ticket #47487 (Classic Editor plugin link and link target) created by derweili
The Editor shows following warning when JavaScript is disabled: …
11:28 Ticket #47484 (Contact Form 7 Verision 5.1.3) closed by Hareesh Pillai
invalid: Hello @songtrain, welcome to the WordPress Trac! This Trac is for …
11:21 Ticket #47486 (I18n: Merge similar string) created by mukesh27
The below string is similar and can be merged. …
10:35 Ticket #47217 (Missing htaccess Activation Breaks Rest API) closed by earnjam
09:57 Ticket #47485 (I18n: Merge similar string between editor and widgets by unescaping a ...) created by jorgefilipecosta
In the calendar block in the editor, we use the string 'A calendar of …
09:27 Ticket #47484 (Contact Form 7 Verision 5.1.3) created by songtrain
Hi I upgraded the PHP-Verion to 7.1 and afterwords the WordPress …
07:31 Ticket #47483 (Add filters for included CA bundle path) created by skithund
Allow overriding of CA bundle path. See also #45807
06:40 Ticket #43530 (date_i18n() outputs invalid Swatch Internet Time) closed by Rarst
duplicate: This should be solved by general refactor in #25768, added the unit …
06:23 Ticket #47482 (atom_site_icon() function not escaped) created by shawfactor
The outputted url of the atom_site_icon function is not appropriately …
00:15 Ticket #47481 (Wrong arguments order in the_meta()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45491: […]
00:15 Changeset [45491] by SergeyBiryukov
Posts, Post Types: Switch the order of arguments for implode() in …


23:39 Ticket #44839 (Privacy-data-requests-tables: Remove inline CSS, move it into a css ...) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 45490: […]
23:39 Changeset [45490] by desrosj
Privacy: Remove inline CSS within personal data request list tables. …
23:19 Ticket #42393 (Enqueue CDN Script With Dependency) closed by desrosj
invalid: I'm going to close this out because it seems like an issue with your …
23:16 Ticket #41899 ((k=r.handle) in jquery.js causes issues when resizing screen) closed by desrosj
invalid: I'm going to close this out due to lack of reporter feedback and an …
23:15 Ticket #43447 (Setting up an author for a post, gifs) closed by desrosj
invalid: I am going to close this out as it seems it works for everyone now.
23:12 Ticket #45360 (Store and get hook args in WP_Hook) closed by desrosj
wontfix: I tend to agree with @johnbillion. Going to close this out.
23:07 Ticket #45391 (Deleted and not working function) closed by desrosj
invalid: I am going to close this out because of a lack of user feedback. It's …
23:04 Ticket #45805 (WordPress 5.0.2 has broken my editor) closed by desrosj
worksforme: Hi @goseeorbis, Sorry that this ticket was missed for so long. It …
22:23 Ticket #45565 (Table Block: entire Create button is clickable but clicking lower part ...) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: Thanks for this, @subrataemfluence! I did some testing with the latest …
22:06 Ticket #43553 (resizing images) closed by desrosj
worksforme: Hi @andre58k, My apologies that this ticket was missed for so long. …
21:51 Ticket #46050 (blocks.php - Invalid argument supplied for foreach()) closed by desrosj
worksforme: I'm going to close this out because I am not able to reproduce the …
21:42 Ticket #45763 (Error after 5.0.2 Update wp-pollyfill) closed by desrosj
worksforme: I am going to close this out from lack of reporter feedback. I am also …
21:37 Ticket #45762 ("Install Now" button doesn't work In the detailed view of any plugin.) closed by desrosj
worksforme: I am going to close this ticket out from lack of reporter feedback. …
21:34 Ticket #45545 (WP 5.0 Custom field Issue) closed by desrosj
worksforme: I am going to close this out due to lack of reporter feedback. …
21:32 Ticket #46607 (Gutenberg whitespace issue on html tags) closed by desrosj
21:31 Ticket #46545 (HUNDREDS OF FALSE ERROR MESSAGES: After making the woocommerce plugin ...) closed by desrosj
invalid: Closing out from lack of reporter feedback and this seems to be …
21:28 Ticket #46434 (wp-login.php error) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @blairsuddarth, I'm sorry that this ticket was overlooked. I hope …
21:25 Ticket #46720 (pages created under a parent page don't appear in correct navigation menu) closed by desrosj
wontfix: While I appreciate your passion for this report, @anu24, I agree with …
21:23 Ticket #46744 (Prevent default_role being set to dangerous values) closed by desrosj
duplicate: I think that's fair, @kraftbj. @dd32 feel free to reopen if you feel …
21:17 Ticket #46245 (Some core metaboxes missing in Gutenberg) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @mireillesan! Hopefully this clears some of your questions up. - …
20:56 Ticket #46927 (Embedding GitHub gist with multiple files) closed by desrosj
invalid: Ah! The site that you have linked appears to be hosted on …
20:53 Ticket #47025 (Adding canonical tag feature) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @haseeb007, I just did some research, and it appears that …
20:41 Ticket #47240 (Debug at lightbox after installing wordpress 5.2 - debug only on IPAD) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @suzanas, If you are still experiencing this issue, the link that …
16:26 Ticket #47481 (Wrong arguments order in the_meta()) created by loyaltymanufaktur
./wp-includes/post-template.php:1107 […] The glue argument should …
15:38 Ticket #46605 (Custom meta box reordering) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @sakib44, Welcome to Trac! It seems like you are having issues …
15:08 Ticket #47480 (Set expiration of the recovery mode cookie) created by david.binda
The recovery mode cookie is set with no expiration, but any request …
14:49 Ticket #47479 (Do not return 5xx for invalid/expired recovery mode cookies) created by david.binda
The WP_Recovery_Mode class dies in certain situations where …
14:48 Ticket #47478 (Update Backbone.js to 1.4.0) created by desrosj
Backbone.js 1.4.0 was released on February 19, 2019. Core currently …
14:00 Ticket #44654 (Use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR instead of always using forward slash) closed by desrosj
maybelater: Thanks @mnelson4! I looked through Core and the only locations that …
13:54 Ticket #46119 (Add custom class to column) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: Hi there @thune! Welcome to Trac! Thank you for taking the time to …
13:12 Ticket #47471 (when i update latest version) closed by Presskopp
invalid: This place is for reporting core issues, please go to …
13:08 Ticket #47477 (Content overflows and is cut off at 200% text enlarge) created by kjellr
Moved from the WPCampus accessibility report issues on GitHub, see …
12:47 Ticket #47476 (Docs: fix variable reference in description of ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 45489: […]
12:47 Changeset [45489] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct parameter name for …
12:00 Ticket #47476 (Docs: fix variable reference in description of ...) created by needle
The docblock for the wp_new_user_notification_email_admin filter …
10:45 Ticket #47475 (I18n: Merge similar strings and fix typo) created by pedromendonca
1) The below strings are similar and can be merged by changing …
10:11 Ticket #47474 (Media & text Reusable blocks preview should be display proper) created by sumitbagthariya16
Describe the bug Media & text Reusable blocks preview should be …
08:11 Ticket #47473 ("Update WordPress" link on Dashboard links to major version, not minor ...) created by qaws
Using 5.1.1, on the Dashboard. When a new version of WordPress core is …
07:43 Ticket #47472 (In Multisite plugins are loaded if active on main site even if not ...) created by raftaar1191
When we activate the plugin into the First sites of Multisites and …
04:55 Ticket #47471 (when i update latest version) created by aloksingraur
when i update wordpress, i lost my previous theme,lost all …


21:10 Ticket #41434 ($wpdb need to be mentioned for documentation) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @tejas5989, Thanks for this suggestion! My apologies for not …
21:05 Ticket #40091 (Fatal Error and PHP shutdown leading to 503 errors rss_functions.php) closed by desrosj
worksforme: Hi @bigflannel, Welcome to Trac! I'm sorry that it took so long to …
21:02 Ticket #40058 (Non working of JavaScript) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @Mineshrai, Welcome to Trac! My apologies that it took so long to …
20:43 Ticket #45094 (Dashboard elements don't always have clear focus states, tab order) reopened by afercia
I'm guessing closing the ticket wasn't intentional :) Before commit, …
20:39 Ticket #45094 (Dashboard elements don't always have clear focus states, tab order) closed by marybaum
20:11 Ticket #36483 (Inline image replacement in Post Editor does not replace image) closed by Ipstenu
20:00 Ticket #36650 (inline link editor won't disappear in Chrome and obscures text) closed by desrosj
worksforme: @heidimark @reddalek Sorry that this ticket was missed for so long. …
19:52 Ticket #36619 (Error when adding a URL to Editor Screen !) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @mcjambi, First, my apologies that this issue was not followed up …
19:47 Ticket #36540 (Change Keyboard Shortcuts editor button into general Editor Help) closed by desrosj
wontfix: Since the introduction of the block editor, the Classic Editor is now …
18:56 Ticket #37313 (Right widget sidebar in Edit Post flickers between two positions on scroll) closed by desrosj
maybelater: This is still reproducible in Chrome 74.0.3729.169. …
18:55 Ticket #47470 (XML parsing error: undefined entity (revisited)) created by RavanH
After 10 years, bug #8464 seems to be back in 5.2.1 On a completely …
17:59 Ticket #47469 (Shortcodes not working) closed by desrosj
invalid: Thanks for following up, @frizzant. The [sitemap] shortcode is not …
16:26 Ticket #36756 (blockquote on embedded core post link disables rendering on frontend) closed by desrosj
wontfix: Hi @andreasnrb, Sorry that this ticket was overlooked for so long. A …
16:00 Ticket #36840 (Link widget sort of recognizes email addresses) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: Hi @stevesterndatacom, First, my apologies that it took so long for …
15:48 Ticket #47469 (Shortcodes not working) created by frizzant
Shortcodes seem to be displaying on a pure installation, but not on …
15:06 Ticket #47468 (Cookie Expiry & Login Popup causes loss of any work currently busy with) created by mitchellk
This is the most annoying thing in 5.x I will often start working on a …
14:21 Ticket #47467 (is_email and PHPMailer validateAddress() method does not match) created by ggPixel
Sorry if this is not meant to be posted here. Before sending an email …
14:19 Ticket #37091 (Make emojifying WordPress Posts easier) closed by desrosj
wontfix: With the introduction of the block editor, this will need to be …
12:44 Ticket #47466 (Add a comment to .htaccess markers, labelling inserted strings as ...) created by bradleyt
When using WordPress on an Apache server, with pretty permalinks …
12:32 Ticket #47465 (current_action function - return types) created by madeinua
I received a PHP notice "Array to string conversion" that led me to …
06:04 Ticket #47464 (Introduce current_datetime() for better time operations) created by Rarst
WordPress uses current_time() function to refer to the current …
05:46 Ticket #47463 (Refactor from using invalid timestamps in event filtering) created by Rarst
Event API sends WordCamp and Meetup data with date/time lacking time …
05:32 Ticket #44482 (Problem with interpretation of U and G formats in dates as WP timestamps) closed by Rarst
wontfix: Ok, we can't really obliterate the API. That was unrealistic. I …
05:26 Ticket #44491 (Date/time calculations should not depend on default UTC time zone) closed by Rarst
fixed: It seems the rest of it isn't friendly to a bulk change, since it's …
01:12 Ticket #47462 (Someone keeps gaining access to my site as an admin) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hello @madecker12, welcome to WordPress Trac! I'm sorry that your …


22:57 Ticket #47462 (Someone keeps gaining access to my site as an admin) created by madecker12
I have a potential hacker (dreamsbadtoyou2@…) that has …
18:38 Ticket #47461 (The message "This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it ...) created by superpoincare
In #43857, there was a fix which among other things added the message …
10:53 Ticket #47460 (Twenty Nineteen: heading style breaks headings in content added by ...) created by afercia
The Twenty Nineteen style for headings uses some CSS generated content …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.