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Ricky Poyet is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Les Chasseurs d'Immunité.


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Ricky, 23 ans
Assistant d'éducation, Pyrénées Orientales (66)

Celui que son entourage surnomme Rikiki du fait de son mètre 64, est un sportif aguerri. Il a remporté plusieurs titres en karaté dont celui de champion de France en 2018. Ce sport lui a permis de prendre confiance en lui alors qu'il souffrait de harcèlement à l'école. Ricky est le copain sympathique dont on ne se méfie pas, mais sur Koh Lanta il a prévu de tout oser pour offrir la victoire aux femmes de sa vie : sa mère et sa grand-mère ![1]


Ricky was placed on the Matukad tribe. The Matukad tribe won the majority of the early challenges, keeping the tribe generally intact throughout the tribal phase with only two visits to Tribal Council. At the beginning of the second cycle, the contestants were joined by two new competitors, the challenge-oriented Léa Notardonato and the survival-oriented William Plancq, both of whom would be immune for the cycle. After losing the corresponding Reward Challenge, the Matukad tribe was left with Léa N. to join them and increase their numbers to eleven. The Matukad tribe did their best to make Léa N. feel welcome, but many of its members would have preferred recruiting William because the tribe needed a fire.

At the beginning of the third cycle, the twenty remaining contestants competed in an endurance challenge in which the two contestants that dropped out first of the tribe that would see all of its members drop out before the last of the other tribe's members would face off in an elimination duel. Cécile Poprawa and Mégane Rouland were the first and second, respectively, to drop out of the Matukad tribe and Léa N. dropped out right after Mégane. Fortunately for Cécile and Mégane, Maxime Barbet and Ricky outlasted the last of the rival Kadasi tribe, William, and saved the two from the elimination duel. Between these two, however, Ricky outlasted Maxime and won himself a clue to a Hidden Immunity Necklace, which he found soon after. This Hidden Immunity Necklace was only useable up until and including the first Tribal Council after the merge, but Ricky did not feel the need to use it as he was one of the more popular members of his tribe. Though Maxime was voted out of the Matukad tribe at the end of the seventh cycle due to his arrogance and due to falsely accusing some of his tribemates, including Ricky, of being in an alliance, Léa N. herself received two votes from David Murail and Ricky. The next morning, when Léa N. asked why she had received votes, the pair explained to her that it was in case Maxime had played a Hidden Immunity Necklace for himself.

After the eighth Reward Challenge, which was won by the Kadasi tribe, Denis Brogniart announced that the merge would be taking place the next day and that both tribes would have to nominate their opposition's Ambassador. On the Matukad tribe, the members originally considered nominating a man to be the Kadasi tribe's Ambassador, but upon Ricky's suggestion, they ultimately decided upon Pauline Bonneil as they had chosen her to receive a clue to a Hidden Immunity Necklace two cycles prior and felt that they would be able to use this as a means of convincing her to flip. Meanwhile, the Kadasi tribe chose Léa N. to be the Matukad tribe's Ambassador because they felt that she may be less integrated into her tribe as their newest member. At the Ambassadors' Meeting, neither Pauline nor Léa N. budged on sacrificing one of their tribemates and that they were willing to go to rocks, so they prepared for the draw. At the last second, Léa N. revealed that she was testing Pauline to see if she would give in and that she is willing to offer up Ricky's name. Léa N. stated that it was because Ricky had voted against her the previous cycle, he admitted to not being willing to go to rocks if he were the Matukad tribe's Ambassador, and he was being less active around camp due to a decrease in morale. Pauline agreed to Léa N.'s offer and Ricky was eliminated.

After Pauline and Léa N. returned to camp and broke the news, the latter revealed another reason for offering up Ricky's name, that he had spoken to each of this tribemates beforehand to ask them to sacrifice him in the case that they became the Matukad tribe's Ambassador because he had had enough of the experience and was ready to return home. The original Kadasi tribe members were shocked to hear this, but the original Matukad tribe members confirmed that this indeed happened. Before leaving, Ricky hugged all of his original tribemates except for Léa N. and secretly gave Meïssa Seck his Hidden Immunity Necklace.

Voting History[]

Episode Ricky's
Voted Against
1 Matukad Tribe Immune
2 Alicia -
3 Matukad Tribe Immune
4 Matukad Tribe Immune
5 Émilie -
6 Matukad Tribe Immune
7 Léa N. -
8 Ineligible Léa N., Pauline1
Voted Out, Day 22

^1 In "Episode 8", at the ambassadors meeting, the two ambassadors agreed to vote Ricky out of the game.


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  • Ricky is the youngest man on Matukad.


Koh-Lanta: Les Chasseurs d'Immunité Castaways
FRS30 Alexis t
FRS30 Alicia t
FRS30 Amri t
FRS30 Aurélien t
FRS30 Cécile t
FRS30 David t
FRS30 Émilie t
FRS30 Jean t
FRS30 Julie t
 Léa N.
FRS30 Léa N t
 Léa S.
FRS30 Léa t
FRS30 Maxime t
FRS30 Mégane t
FRS30 Meïssa t
FRS30 Nathalie t
FRS30 Océane t
FRS30 Pauline t
FRS30 Ricky t
FRS30 Sarah t
FRS30 Sébastien t
FRS30 Steve t
FRS30 William t