Minecraft Wiki
"Solid" redirects here. For the removed command, see Commands/solid.
This article is about blocks that have collision boxes you cannot move through. For see-through block textures, models, and lighting, see Opacity. For blocks that can conduct redstone, see Conductive.
Gear (item)
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Comparison of the solid stone and liquid water blocks

Solid blocks consist of any type of block that has a collision block that players, mobs, or other entities cannot move through.


Players, mobs and other entities are able to walk on top of solid blocks. Particles that are affected by gravity (e.g. slime particles or water drip particles) also collide with solid blocks.

Mobs require a solid top surface to spawn. Some mobs are able to spawn inside of the space occupied by another block, but only if their hitbox does not intersect the collision of any solid block. See spawn conditions for more info.

List of blocks[]

List of solid blocks[]

The following blocks are all solid blocks. They are categorized by their material.

Material Blocks
Stone Magma BlockPrismarineStonecutterPrismarine StairsPrismarine SlabPrismarine Wall
Metal Command BlockRepeating Command BlockChain Command Block
Glass Sea Lantern
Sculk SculkSculk ShriekerSculk SensorCalibrated Sculk Sensor

List of non-solid blocks[]

The following is a list of blocks that are not solid. They are categorized by their material.

Material Blocks
Air Air
Other Sculk Vein
Replaceable plants
Replacable water plant
Water plant
Fire FireSoul Fire
Snow layer
Portal Nether Portal
Structural air


Clock JE3
This section needs to be updated. 
Please update this section to reflect recent updates or newly available information.
Reason: List the ones in Bedrock Edition (due to a bug, they are different)

Most solid blocks are 1 meter high, but certain blocks have non-standard block heights.

A player can automatically step up from a lower to a higher height, if the difference is at most 0.6 (35) of a block. From ground level, this is anything the height of a chain or less.

A player can fit through spaces as small as 1.8125 (2916) blocks high, since players are 1.8 blocks tall. This allows players to fit through a 2-block gap with a floor as high as a trapdoor.

When sneaking, a player can fit through spaces as small as 1.75 (74) blocks high‌[Bedrock Edition only], or 1.5 blocks‌[Java Edition only], since sneaking players are 1.65 blocks or 1.5 blocks tall, respectively. In Bedrock, this allows players to fit through a 2-block gap with a floor as high as 3 layers of snow. In Java, players can fit through a 2-block space with a floor as high as a slab.

When gliding with elytra, a player can fit through spaces as small as 0.625 (58) blocks high, since gliding players are 0.6 blocks tall. This allows players to fit through a 1-block gap with a floor as high as 4 layers of snow, a flower pot, or a daylight sensor.

Note that doors, although appearing to be one 2-meter-high block, are actually composed of two (top and bottom) 1-meter-high blocks.

Here is a list of blocks with non-standard heights, from tallest to shortest in height:

Height Block types
Decimal Fractional Pixelspace
1.5 12 24 Open shulker boxes, fences, closed fence gates, walls.[note 1]
1.25 14 20 (Sticky) piston head facing down when short=false.[note 1]
0.9375 1516 15 Dirt path, farmland, honey block, cactus, top part of a single_wall/double_wall bell, non-drip big dripleaf.[note 1]
0.875 78 14 Soul sand[note 2], mud, 8 layers of snow, top part of lectern, chest, ender chest, trapped chest, top part of brewing stand, stone part of wall grindstone, candle part of candle cake.[note 1]
0.8125 1316 13 End portal frame without eye, frame part of end portal frame with eye, chorus plant when up=false, leg part of floor grindstone, center part of a single_wall/double_wall/ceiling bell, partial big dripleaf; medium amethyst bud, large amethyst bud, and amethyst cluster when place on the wall.[note 1]
0.75 34 12 Enchantment table, 7 layers of snow, cocoa plant on any age, wall heads, stone part of ceiling grindstone, extended (sticky) piston when facing up, small amethyst bud when place on the wall.[note 1]
0.6875 1116 11 Conduit, Inside of hopper, top leg part of wall grindstone, up tip pointed dripstone.[note 1]
0.625 58 10 6 layers of snow, sideways end rod and lightning rod, bottom leg part of wall grindstone, top part of hanging lantern and soul lantern, the arm part of (sticky) piston head when facing east/north/south/west.[note 1]
0.59375 1932 912 Sideways chain.[note 1]
0.5625 916 9 Beds, stonecutter, top part of non-hanging lantern and soul lantern, bottom leg part of ceiling grindstone.[note 1]
0.5 12 8 Bottom slabs, bottom part of bottom stairs, 5 layers of snow, heads on ground, 0-6 bite(s) of cake, cake part of candle cake, bottom part of hanging lantern and soul lantern, the mouth part of a/an east/north/south/west hopper, sculk sensor, calibrated sculk sensor, sculk shrieker.[note 1]
0.4375 716 7 Campfire, soul campfire, 1-4 turtle egg, 4 sea pickles, bottom part of non-hanging lantern and soul lantern, amethyst cluster when place on the floor.[note 1]
0.375 38 6 Daylight sensor, 4 layers of snow, flower pot and their potted variants, 1-3 sea pickle(s), bottom part of a single_wall/double_wall/ceiling bell, 1-4 candle(s).[note 1]
0.3125 516 5 Inner part of an anvil's base, large amethyst bud when place on the floor, pitcher plant that have the age > 0.[note 1]
0.25 14 4 3 layers of snow, base of (sticky) piston head when facing down, inside of cauldron, outer part of an anvil's base, medium amethyst bud when place on the floor.[note 1]
0.1875 316 3 Bottom trapdoors, small amethyst bud when place on the floor, age-0 pitcher plant.[note 1]
0.125 18 2 Redstone repeater, redstone comparator, bottom of floating scaffolding, base of lectern, 2 layers of snow, base of brewing stand, inside of composter.[note 1]
0.09375 332 112 Lily pad.[note 1]
0.0625 116 1 Carpets (including moss carpet).[note 1]


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Many blocks are less than 1 meter wide on one or more sides.

The table below shows the widths of various blocks. If a block has several hit boxes of different sizes (for example: brewing stands), then each hitbox is listed separately. Blocks with sides of different widths are listed with cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) for each side, assuming that the block was placed from above, with the player facing north.

Width Block types
Decimal Fractional Pixelspace
1 1 16 Full block, the front of grindstone, anvil, and non-hanging bell.
0.9375 1516 15 Chest, trapped chest, ender chest, cactus, dragon egg, cake, cake part of candle cake, the behind of cocoa, 2-4 turtle egg, honey block, base of brewing stand.
0.875 78 14 The outside of anvil, 3-4 sea pickle, the side of floor grindstone, the inside of azalea.
0.8125 1316 13 Chorus plant, cake that bite once, the inside of anvil, 2 sea pickle, 1 turtle egg, the leg part of wall grindstone, the wood part of wall bell, medium amethyst cluster.
0.75 34 12 The side of wall head, the base extended (sticky) piston, wall when up=true, the side of age 2 cocoa, the center part of hopper and lectern, grindstone (wall) main part, bell (floor), bell (wall) main part, bell (ceiling) main part, small amethyst (facing=east, west), the inside of azalea.
0.6875 1116 11 Cake 2, end portal frame eye part, wall (up=false), cocoa 1 (facing=east, west), conduit, grindstone (floor, facing=north, south) leg part, lantern, bell (wall) middle part, candle 2 (west, east side), candle 3 (west, south side), candle 4 (west, east, north side).
0.625 58 10 Fence, end rod, fence gate, piston arm, hopper tip, pickle 1, lantern top, candle 2 (north side), candle 3 (north, east), candle 4 (south side), azalea stem, azalea inside, lightning rod.
0.59375 1932 9.5 Chain.
0.5625 916 9 Iron bars, glass pane, the center of brewing stand, cake 3, cocoa 2 front, grindstone on side thick leg, wall bell top part, candle 1, candle 2 south.
0.5 12 8 Wall head, stairs, the inside of azalea.
0.4375 716 7 Cake 4, cocoa 1 front, amethyst cluster.
0.375 38 6 The inside of azalea.
0.3125 516 5 Cake 5, cocoa 0 front, large amethyst.
0.25 14 4 Piston arm front, cauldron leg outside, medium amethyst.
0.1875 316 3 Trapdoor side, cake 6, door, ladder, bed legs, small amethyst.
0.125 18 2 Hopper inside, cauldron inside, cauldron inside leg, the inside of azalea.
0.0625 116 1
  1. ��� a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s These blocks are also thinner, i.e. their length and width are less than that of a full block.
  2. Soul sand has inner collision boxes every eighth of a block, so there is a collision box at 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, and 3/4.



Java Edition pre-Classic
Cave game tech testAdded grass block, stone, and air (which was not considered a block at the time).
Solid blocks were the only available type of block, until rd-161348, when the first legitimately-obtainable non-solid blocks (saplings) were added.


Issues relating to "Solid block" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

See also[]
