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The Hashira Unite ( (ばしら) (けっ) (しゅう) Bashira・Kesshū?) is the 63rd episode of the Kimetsu no Yaiba TV series and the eighth and final episode of its fourth season.


During a silent night when the moon shines, Kagaya finally meets Muzan Kibutsuji, who appears at the Ubuyashiki mansion.[1]


Muzan remarks of his disappointment in Kagaya

Muzan remarks of his disappointment in seeing Kagaya.

Facing his greatest adversary for the first time, Kagaya politely greets his visitor, while Muzan in turn remarks about his now hideous appearance. With the demon his family and the Demon Slayer Corps has spent the last thousand years hunting now before them, he asks Amane to describe his appearance. She informs him that Muzan appears as a man in his early to late twenties, but that his eyes are of a light pink and his pupils are cat-like vertical slits. Kagaya is amazed at the description and mentions knowing that he would appear soon, believing Muzan must be furious at the Ubuyashikis, enough to eventually confront him.

Muzan responds with his disappointment in Kagaya, seeing the head of the family that has thwarted him for so long in a deplorable state; he makes emphasis on his unsightly looks and his corpse-like scent. As he attempts to sit up, coughing blood in doing so, Kagaya acknowledges his state and explains that six months ago, his doctor had given him only a few days left to live. Yet, he has continued to survive; even his doctor at a loss for words, and it is all because of his sole unwavering desire to defeat him. In response, Muzan only tells him his fleeting dream will end when he kills him.

Kagaya reveals his curse's origin

Kagaya explains Muzan's role in his family curse.

Kagaya then explains that unbeknownst to him, they both come from the same bloodline, though he would not know it being born over a thousand years ago. Muzan disregards this and asks of its importance, and the Corps leader explains that his family was cursed for giving birth to a monster like him. Children born to the Ubuyashiki family would die soon after birth, and as the clan faced extinction, a priest had advised them; because a demon was born out of their bloodline, only by committing themselves to hunting him down can they survive. The Ubuyashikis also began to marry the daughters of priests, and although it has made their children less likely to die early, it still remains that no one in his clan has lived past the age of 30.

Unimpressed, Muzan mocks his family's history as nonsense that makes him want to gag, wondering if his illness has reached his brain. He claims he has never faced divine retribution for his killing of thousands of humans, and that throughout his long life, he has never seen the gods or Buddha intervene. To this, Kagaya acknowledges the demon's way of perceiving things but adds that he too has his own way of thinking, before asking Muzan about what he has been dreaming of for the last thousand years. The demon doesn't respond and instead notes the odd feeling he is experiencing. Despite now confronting the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps, an eyesore and nuisance to him, he does not feel any hatred in him.

Kagaya claims Muzan will fail

Despite Muzan's confidence, Kagaya assures the demon of his failure.

To his right, he observes as Kagaya's two daughters Nichika and Hinaki continue act almost blissfully unaware of his presence, playing with a kamifūsen and singing to each other. He experiences an odd sense of familiarity and relief, disgusting him, and he looks around to realize only four humans are present at the mansion, with no bodyguards present. Claiming to know what is on his mind, Kagaya offers to answer the question and states that Muzan dreams of eternity, to become immortal. Muzan acknowledges his response and adds that he will achieve his dream when he gets his hands on Nezuko, only for Kagaya to boldly remark that his dream will not come true.

The demon believes he is confident in hiding Nezuko and tells Kagaya that unlike him, he will have all the time in the world to look. Kagaya continues by stating that he is misunderstood because he knows what true eternity is: it is the will and feelings of people, and only it can exist forever. Muzan disregards this idea as rubbish and claims his words sicken him, but Kagaya continues by explaining that for the last thousand years, the Demon Slayer Corps has never been eradicated. Even with the countless deaths of its members, it still remains; the Corps itself is the very proof of what he has just brushed aside being truly immortal.

The Tiger and the Dragon's anger

"They had their gaze fixed on you all this time..."

Humanity's refusal to forgive those who senselessly take the lives of those they love is an eternal feeling, and Kagaya believes that no one for the last thousand years has ever forgiven Muzan. He has stepped on the tiger's tail and provoked the dragon's wrath countless times; they have remained asleep until now and their gaze is transfixed on Muzan, determined to never let him escape. He also mentions that his own death bears little importance to the Demon Slayer Corps before he then surmises that the reason Muzan cannot understand human feelings and bonds is because when he dies, all demons will be wiped out as a result. This final taunt enrages Muzan into silence, causing the Oyakata to realize that his assumption is correct, proven further when the demon demands he cease from talking any further.

Kagaya thanks Muzan for letting him speak what he had wanted to say but mentions that while his own death is unimportant, it is far from meaningless. He is fortunate to be respected and loved by the Demon Slayer Corps, and particularly by the Hashira; thus, his demise will only fuel their determination even more so. Having had enough, Muzan lengthens his nails into claws to kill him and asks the Corps leader if he is done talking. Never imagining he would be listening for so long, Kagaya thanks the demon for his time, angering him further.

Sanemi races to reach Kagaya

A desperate Sanemi races to reach the mansion.

Simultaneously, the Hashira's Kasugai crows announce an emergency summons: Sanemi, Obanai, Mitsuri, Muichiro, Shinobu, Giyu, and Tanjiro rush to the Ubuyashiki mansion, horrified that it is under attack and begging to reach Kagaya. In a past meeting, they discuss his lack of protection; Sanemi proposes at least two Hashira always guarding him and asks Gyomei if something can be done. Gyomei sadly explains that nothing can; he became a Hashira at age of nineteen and had asked the same question to Kagaya ever since. He had always refused and insisted the Hashira are too valuable to be used as his personal protection, concerning them. Shinobu mentions hearing that not one of the Ubuyashiki family heads have ever had a bodyguard.

The Ubuyashiki Mansion explodes

Ubuyashiki mansion is destroyed in an explosion.

Running through the forest while led by their Kasugai crows, the Hashira catch sight of the Ubuyashiki mansion in the distance, but as Sanemi remains hopeful that he can reach it in time, Kagaya, Amane, and Muzan are engulfed in flames as an explosion erupts from within the building. As numerous explosives are detonated and begins to burn its surroundings, Muzan can only glare angrily at the Oyakata and his wife in their final moments. The explosion destroys the entire compound; the fireball rises high into the sky and is witnessed by the arriving Hashira, horrifying them all; Tanjiro himself is shocked by the scent of explosives, as well as the smell of burning blood and flesh.

Kagaya's smile akin to a Buddha

"With the smile of a Buddha plastered on his face, he blew himself up..."

Thrown back by the blast, the severely damaged Muzan winces in agony as he begins to heal himself, burning while regenerating his destroyed legs and arms as he angrily curses Kagaya. He recalls the man's last moments being his face curved into a Buddha-like smile as he killed himself in an explosion, all while taking his wife and two daughters with him. He had underestimated the Oyakata, believing him to be like any human but now understanding he was completely insane, and despite knowing he would have laid a trap for him, he did not think it was to the extent Kagaya inevitably went to. As he heals, he sees his hands are laced with numerous makibishi, which Kagaya had added with the explosives to increase their lethality and prolong his healing as much as possible.

Nonetheless, he knows Kagaya has planned more to come; he senses the arriving presence of something and realizes it is the Hashira as they gather to his location. Despite his anger, he begrudgingly commends Kagaya for using himself as bait. Like a viper, his rage and hatred coiled inside his "pitch-black heart" and he is astonished someone so young was able to conceal his murderous intent so effectively; Muzan even begins questioning if his wife and children had knowingly took part in his plan. He concentrates on healing himself and his body is soon back to normal.

Tamayo stabs Muzan with her hand

Tamayo stabs the immobilized Muzan with her hand.

Glowing red orbs suddenly appear and hover around him; he realizes too late that they are a Blood Demon Art of Flesh Seeds as they burst into giant red thorns, piercing into Muzan and branching further inside his body, completely immobilizing him. Wondering who the Blood Demon Art's owner is, he brushes aside his confusion and begins to absorb them to free himself, only to then be stabbed by something in the stomach. He looks down to see Tamayo and questions her reason to be here, upon which she reveals that the thorn Blood Demon Art had belonged to the man he transformed in Asakusa. Muzan notices talismans tied to her and realizes she had hidden herself with a concealment Blood Demon Art.

As he questions her reason to appear now, she reveals that when he absorbed her fist, it held a drug that turns demons back into humans, asking if he feels its effects. Muzan does not believe such a drug exists but Tamayo tells him she has perfected it; the situation has now changed, though she could not have done it alone. Muzan kicks her off balance and pierces his thumb into her head, angered by her persistence and claiming her grudge is misplaced. He reminds Tamayo she was responsible for killing and devouring her husband and children. She tearfully replies she would have never transformed if she knew what would happen, claiming that she only wanted to survive her illness.

Gyomei smashes Muzan's head

Gyomei destroys Muzan's head with a blow from his flail.

Muzan then mentions that she killed many more people afterwards, insinuating that she enjoyed devouring them as he cruelly pierces her eye. To this, Tamayo does not deny that she has killed in her desperation, and to atone for her sins, she will die with him, before calling out for Gyomei's assistance. Unable to move, Muzan can only hear as a whirring sound rings through the air; the Stone Hashira manifests onto the battlefield, hidden by concealment talismans and angered by Kagaya's death. Winding his flail for an attack, he lets go and pulls his chain taut, sending the massive spiked weight hurtling towards the demon, pulverizing his head completely.

Gyomei's last meeting with Kagaya

Gyomei's last meeting with Kagaya.

Gyomei remembers first meeting Kagaya, when the Oyakata was fourteen and he was eighteen; he was surprised someone of his demeanor was four years younger than him. Kagaya acknowledges that he fought for the sake of others and assures the monk he was not a murderer. Touched by his acknowledgement of his innocence, Gyomei fell to his knees in tears as Kagaya comforted him, recalling that he would always say what someone yearned to hear in the moment, and his solemnity remained from the first time they met till his final moments. When they last met, Kagaya had predicted that Muzan would come in five days, asking Gyomei to use him as bait for a chance to behead him.

When asked of his certainty, the Oyakata simply replied it was his intuition. Gyomei remembers that along with his soothing voice, Kagaya possessed the Ubuyashiki clan's extraordinary intuition, known as Foresight. Able to see into the future, the clan used the ability to amass great fortune and avoid numerous crises. Knowing that the others will not agree with his plan, he can only ask Gyomei to carry out this final instruction. Reluctant but understanding, Gyomei acknowledges his wish, and the thankful Kagaya hopes that less of his precious Demon Slayers will be killed in the coming battle.

Gyomei defends from Muzan's attack using Stone Skin

Gyomei fends off Black Blood Brambles with Stone Breathing, Third Form: Stone Skin.

As Muzan heals from Gyomei's attack, he remarks of Kagaya's correct assumption that decapitation is futile; he had also mentioned that if sunlight is the only option left, they will be forced to fight until dawn. Gyomei notes that based on the sounds of his healing, Muzan is truly unlike any demon he has faced, and despite Kagaya's plan and Tamayo's aid, his reserves of power still remains. As he resolves to keep the demon restrained, Muzan attacks the Stone Hashira with Black Blood Brambles, manipulating his blood to an array of long, barbed tendrils. Gyomei defends himself with Stone Breathing, Third Form: Stone Skin, wielding his chained flail and axe in a rapid flurry of attacks to fend off the incoming Blood Demon Art.

Sanemi arrives and witnesses the remains of the Ubuyashiki mansion; he sees Muzan fighting Gyomei and demands to know what has happened to Kagaya. Shinobu and Muichiro soon appear, followed by Mitsuri and Obanai both asking Kagaya for his status; Giyu then arrives shortly after and is shocked into silence by what he sees. As the Hashira look at the devastation before them, Gyomei praises Kagaya's strategy to unite the Hashira. Tanjiro soon appears to join everyone and is shocked to see Muzan, while he himself is surprised to notice the familiar Demon Slayer is amongst his opponents. Gyomei calls out to all of them, announcing that they are now facing Muzan Kibutsuji himself and emphasizing that he will not die even with a decapitation.

The Demon Slayers converge as the Infinity Castle opens

As the Demon Slayers converge, doors to the Infinity Castle open.

The Hashira are shocked to see Muzan for the first time, but Tanjiro, the only one to have personally faced him, draws his katana in a rage as he calls out his name. Together, the Hashira draw their blades and prepare to attack him; Muichiro uses Mist Breathing, Fourth Form, Shinobu uses Insect Breathing, Dance of the Butterfly, Obanai uses Serpent Breathing, First Form, Mitsuri uses Love Breathing, Fifth Form, Giyu uses Water Breathing, Third Form, and Sanemi uses Wind Breathing, Seventh Form; Tanjiro too joins the fray and performs Hinokami Kagura, Sunflower Thrust. They leap into the air to attack the demon at once, but instead of being concerned, Muzan only laughs to himself as he gives off an eerie grin.

A biwa strum signals the manifestation of sliding doors beneath the Demon Slayers, opening into the Infinity Castle; Tanjiro and the Hashira can only comprehend their new predicament for a moment before they fall inside. Elsewhere, Genya practices his marksmanship when he suddenly finds himself falling into the castle. In the woods, Inosuke attempts to enjoy his single tempura meal when a sliding door appears and opens under him, dropping him inside as well before he could react. While on night patrol on the mountain, Murata and several other Demon Slayers find themselves falling inside the Infinity Castle through the doors, landing on the platforms and walkways amidst the unusual warped gravity.

Zenitsu falling inside the Infinity Castle

Zenitsu enters the Infinity Castle, silent and ready.

Kasugai crows rush inside to accompany their owners as more of the Corps' members plummet inside the alternate dimension. Initially surprised, Inosuke then grows excited at the turn of events, donning his mask and clashing his blades as he laughs during his plummet. Confused and falling helplessly, Genya anxiously clutches onto his shotgun as he bemoans his new strange circumstances, while hanging on to a ledge nearby, Kanao urges a Demon Slayer to hold on as she saves him from falling. At the same time, Zenitsu catches his katana and reattaches to his belt; he falls with an air of readiness and silent fury as he uncharacteristically opens his eyes.

Shinobu falls by herself and grows nervous at her surroundings, Obanai and Mitsuri plummet together, Sanemi is angered by his predicament, and Muichiro is trailed by Gyomei as they fall in close proximity to each other. Giyu calls to Tanjiro above him and he breaks his fall by rolling safely onto a floating platform. Tanjiro faces Muzan in the castle as he mocks them for believing they had him cornered; he claims they have fallen into his Hell and vows to massacre every last Demon Slayer tonight.

Muzan challenges Tanjiro's threat

"Let's see you try, Tanjiro Kamado!"

Enraged, Tanjiro fails to react as a door opens beneath him and drops him deeper into the castle. He responds to the demon's boast by exclaiming it is he who is in Hell and he will not get away now. Muzan goads the Demon Slayer to follow through with his threat as numerous doors manifest to cut him off from everyone, and as he plummets, Tanjiro angrily swears to defeat him.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Anime Notes[]

  • In the manga, Kagaya's illness had deteriorated his body to the point that his sclera was black. The anime however keeps them in their original white color.
  • When Kagaya explains how he believes that human feelings are eternal, the visuals depict several of the glowing ball Hinaki and Nichika were playing with falling, possibly to symbolize the lives of those who died trying to defeat Muzan. In addition, when he remarks on how Muzan had rallied people against him in his cruelty, the manga visualizes this by having the remaining Hashira and the Kamado siblings lumped together in a panel. The anime instead depicts the back facing Hashira turning around before ending with the Kamado siblings staring at the camera.
  • The anime extends the destruction of the Ubuyashiki Mansion by having the explosion scene be in slow motion. In addition, after the explosion in the manga, Muzan is shown to be still standing despite his heavy injuries. In the anime however, the explosion knocked back Muzan and caused him to fall onto his back. Furthermore, when Muzan vindictively calls out Kagaya's name after the fact, the manga portrays it as a furious yell while the anime has it be a guttural growl, likely due to Muzan's vocal cords being destroyed.
  • The anime does not include the narration, presumably by Gyomei, which explains how Kagaya died at 23 years old.
  • In the manga, the doors to the Infinity Castle appear beneath everyone, including Muzan and the accompanying Tamayo. In the anime, only the Demon Slayers have doors open beneath them, though Muzan is later shown inside the castle.
  • In the manga, as the Hashira and Tanjiro are falling inside the Infinity Castle, Muzan boasts of how he will kill every one of the Demon Slayers that night, causing Tanjiro to respond vowing to hunt him down. In the anime he does this after everyone has already been transported, and Tanjiro and Giyu are the only ones around to hear Muzan's boast.
  • In the manga, only the Hashira and Tanjiro are shown to be teleported inside the Infinity Castle. Everyone else is transported off-screen with the exception of Inosuke who is shown falling in a Volume Extra which the anime adapts. In the anime, Genya practicing his shooting, Inosuke about to eat tempura, and Murata and Noguchi on night patrol are explicitly shown being transported inside. Kanao and Zenitsu were transported off-screen in the manga but they are shown to have fallen inside the castle as well.
  • This episode notably holds the distinction of being the only season finale to contain a Taisho Secret at the end credits.



[v · e · ?]
Season 1
Episodes: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26
BD&DVD: Vol.1 · Vol.2 · Vol.3 · Vol.4 · Vol.5 · Vol.6 · Vol.7 · Vol.8 · Vol.9 · Vol.10 · Vol.11 · Kimetsu no Utage
Season 2
Episodes: 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 · 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 44
BD&DVD: Mugen Train Vol.1 · Mugen Train Vol.2 · Entertainment District Vol.1 · Entertainment District Vol.2 · Entertainment District Vol.3 · Entertainment District Vol.4 · Entertainment District Vol.5 · Entertainment District Vol.6
Season 3
Episodes: 45 · 46 · 47 · 48 · 49 · 50 · 51 · 52 · 53 · 54 · 55
BD&DVD: Swordsmith Village Vol.1 · Swordsmith Village Vol.2 · Swordsmith Village Vol.3 · Swordsmith Village Vol.4 · Swordsmith Village Vol.5 · Swordsmith Village Vol.6
Other: Rebroadcast Night 1 · Rebroadcast Night 2
Season 4
Episodes: 56 · 57 · 58 · 59 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 63
BD&DVD: Hashira Training Vol.1 · Hashira Training Vol.2 · Hashira Training Vol.3 · Hashira Training Vol.4
Movies: Sibling's Bond · Mugen Train (BD&DVD) · To the Swordsmith Village · To the Hashira Training · Infinity Castle Trilogy
OP/ED: Gurenge · From the Edge · Akeboshi · Shirogane · Homura · Zankyosanka · Asa ga Kuru · Kizuna no Kiseki · Koi Kogare · Mugen · Tokoshie
Insert Songs: Kamado Tanjiro no Uta · Kamado Nezuko no Uta
OST: Original Soundtrack Vol. 1 · Risshi-hen Original Soundtrack · Mugen Train Music Collection
Mini series: Junior High and High School!! Kimetsu Academy Story
Character Books: Volume 1 · Volume 2 · Volume 3 · Volume 4 · Volume 5
Illustration Books: Book 1 · Book 2
Setting Books: Main Characters · Unwavering Resolve Characters · Unwavering Resolve Art · Mugen Train Characters · Mugen Train Art · Entertainment District Characters · Entertainment District Art · Swordsmith Village Characters · Swordsmith Village Art