Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki
Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki

I Even Ate Demons... ( (おに) () ってまで… Oni o Kutte Made...?) is the 60th episode of the Kimetsu no Yaiba TV anime series and the fifth episode of its fourth season.


After completing Mitsuri's training, Tanjiro heads to train with Iguro. When he arrives at the training site, Iguro is waiting for him, visibly angry. Will he be able to complete this horrifying training where he'll have to fix his sword skills...?[1]


Tanjiro is surprised by Mitsuri serving pancakes

Tanjiro seeing pancakes for the first time.

Arriving at Mitsuri's mansion, Tanjiro is excitedly welcomed by the Love Hashira; he bows to her in respect and remarks that he is glad to see her doing well, and she replies likewise. She takes him in as she explains she will brew him black tea and make him pancakes, adding that he must put butter on them, though the confused Tanjiro only wonders about what butter and pancakes are, barely able to recognize black tea. Seated at a table, Tanjiro is presented with a stack of pancakes covered in butter and topped with honey. He is surprised to see what pancakes are, but does not know how to eat them.

Mitsuri slices into the stack and feeds him a piece, causing him to exclaim that the taste is to die for. She concurs with his statement and adds that once he is done, he must don a pink uniform. He obliges and joins a group of other trainees, clearly embarrassed by their attire, though Tanjiro is excited to commence. As Mitsuri's Kasugai crow cranks a gramophone, the Demon Slayers dance to the rhythm of the music while twirling ribbons, following the Hashira's lead. As the trainees struggle to balance themselves, Tanjiro is able to follow Mitsuri in each exercise successfully. Afterwards, she emphasizes that a flexible body is key to having sharper movements.

Tanjiro horrified by Mitsuri's way of stretching

Tanjiro witnesses Mitsuri's way of stretching with brute strength.

With each trainee in a pair and with their legs pushed against their partner's, she commences their stretching regimen. When Tanjiro and a trainee struggle to stretch each other, Mitsuri steps in and asks that he step aside as she demonstrates how to do so. She sits down, holds onto the trainee's hands, and pulls her legs apart, forcing the unfortunate young man into a painful split. As his screams of pain fill the room, the horrified Tanjiro mutters that she is using brute force more than a stretching technique, before Mitsuri then asks that he take his turn. In front of nervous trainees, he anxiously sits in front of her as she prepares to stretch him, yelling out that flexibility training is hellish as he howls in pain at being forced into a split.

Obanai asks Tanjiro to follow him to training

An already angry Obanai prepares to train Tanjiro.

Tanjiro arrives at Obanai's residence, who had been waiting for him; he tries to tell him of his excitement to train but is silenced by a threat to his life. The Serpent Hashira informs him that Mitsuri had spoke of her experience with training him, adding that she seemingly had fun doing so. Previously, he was presented with a letter from her Kasugai crow; he reads it as Mitsuri tells him she had tea with Tanjiro after training, mentioning that he looks "so adorable" whenever he eats something she has made, causing the Hashira to seethe with anger. Obanai tells the Demon Slayer that he is not soft like the Love Hashira, causing Tanjiro to realize that he hates him from the beginning.

He presents the training designed especially for him, and Tanjiro is startled to see numerous trainees tied to posts all throughout the Hashira's dojo; his objective is to swing a sword while dodging the "obstacles" to refine his swordsmanship, but the Demon Slayer only asks if the room is grounds for execution. When asked if those tied up were guilty of a crime deserving to be punished, Obanai replies that they committed the crimes of "weakness, failing to learn, wasting his time, and annoying him,"  causing Tanjiro to question how he will go about with his task. Presented with a bokuto, Tanjiro is given a single demonstration and watches as Obanai slashes between the trainees to strike spring-loaded chimes. He marvels at the speed and accuracy of his attacks before being ordered to take his turn.

Tanjiro is hit by Obanai

Obanai strikes Tanjiro in the ribs for being too slow.

As he takes a stance, Tanjiro's mind is immediately filled with the inner voices of the trainees, all of whom are begging not to be hit. As a result, his swings are slow and sloppy, as he hesitates to swing his sword to avoid hitting his peers. Unimpressed, Obanai scoffs at Tanjiro's attempt at "training" and challenges him to a spar inside the dojo. He obliges, but as he attempts to swing, a trainee silently yells out, causing him to hesitate and leading Obanai to strike him in the ribs. Tanjiro tries again and runs to the right to lead Obanai, but the Hashira attacks first and strikes him in the chest, deriding him for being too slow. As Obanai orders him to get up and attack again, Tanjiro only remarks that "the most terrifying training ever just started."

Obanai's snaking strike hits Tanjiro

Obanai's serpent-like attacks hits Tanjiro.

Despite only using a bokuto, Tanjiro knows it would nonetheless cause injuries by accidentally hitting someone, and his task is worsened by having to navigate his way around the trainees to avoid Obanai, whose slashes are able to weave around the posts at seemingly impossible angles, akin to a serpent. He questions how the Hashira can attack in such a way even as they wield the same weapon. Additionally, he continues to hear the inner voices of the trainees as he aims between them, only leading to the hesitation that Obanai uses to reprimand him. Later, Tanjiro continues to strike the chimes as his peers ask why he is insisting on training after sparring with Obanai.

When he explains that he wishes to make it less troublesome for them, they appreciate his thoughtful gesture and join him in practice. Later, Tanjiro and the trainees look at the onsen they are about to enter, grimacing as they realize the pain of their injuries will aggravate in the hot water. They enter the bath at once and promptly scream in pain at their cuts stinging. Over the second and third days with the Hashira, Tanjiro's training makes little progress as he continues to be struck during his matches with Obanai, who repeatedly criticizes him for his sluggishness in attacking, only to be followed later that night by another painfully hot bath in the onsen. On the fourth day, Tanjiro runs to the left as Obanai mocks him for not attacking; when he does swing, he misses, nearly hitting a trainee's head doing so.

Tanjiro trains with Obanai

Tanjiro spars with Obanai, able to read him better.

Realizing he must focus on nothing else but facing Obanai, Tanjiro also acknowledges that getting his sword caught on a real obstacle would prove fatal in battle. To isolate all other distractions, he imagines himself and Obanai within a dense forest. As the two commence battle once more, the Serpent Hashira quickly goes on the offensive, but Tanjiro is now able to react and block his attacks, successfully evading and maneuvering his way around the imaginary forest. With confidence in his skills and awareness, Tanjiro begins to attack his opponent with more accurate swings than ever and defend against his every move, culminating in landing a slash on Obanai's haori, the sign that he has passed his stage of training.

After the spar, Tanjiro bows to the Hashira and thanks him, only to receive a callous order to die and a stern warning to avoid interacting with Mitsuri again, causing the Demon Slayer to lament that he is hated even until the end. On his way to Sanemi's dojo, Tanjiro gets lost and must be pointed in the right direction by his crow, but the two are intensely startled by Zenitsu's sudden appearance, who clutches onto his friend and pleads with him to help his escape. Confused by what he means, Zenitsu explains that he cannot stand upright anymore and crawls along the walls to make his escape, claiming it is a matter of life and death.

Tanjiro witnesses Sanemi grab hold of Zenitsu

Sanemi appears, frightening Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

The two are then covered by the shadow of a tall figure and stare in horrified silence as the Wind Hashira himself grabs Zenitsu by the head, demanding he choose between returning to training or being killed by him. Zenitsu grabs onto Tanjiro and pleads for mercy, only to be chopped in the neck and knocked unconscious before Sanemi orders the Demon Slayer to carry him back. Tanjiro obeys and apologizes to Zenitsu, promising to endure training with him. While en route to the dojo, he tells Sanemi of his excitement to begin training. Sanemi stops to tell the Demon Slayer not to get cocky, as he still has not accepted him.

Tanjiro cheerfully retorts that he doesn't mind, as he doesn't accept him either, recalling when he stabbed Nezuko. Watching as Tanjiro walks off, Sanemi stares at him before angrily remarking on his nerve to reply back. The Wind Hashira's drills involved trainees sparring against him, a straightforward task that becomes immensely difficult due to Sanemi's brutality and refusal to give any breaks, only allowing trainees to stop when they vomit blood or lose consciousness. Tanjiro remarks that he understands why Zenitsu was so desperate to escape and that even Obanai gave him more breaks; additionally, when Zenitsu regained consciousness, he furiously lashed out at him as if he murdered his parents.

Sanemi demands Genya quit as a Demon Slayer

Sanemi berates Genya and demands he quit as a Demon Slayer.

Sanemi is especially hard on Tanjiro, using any brief lapse in concentration to focus all his attacks on him and even backfist the Demon Slayer across the face. The result is that Tanjiro's body becomes swollen and covered in bruises. Demoralized by his dismal first day, Tanjiro walks inside the Hashira's house when he hears Genya's voice, calling for his brother's attention. He senses his scent and finds him with Sanemi. Genya pleads with him to listen, but Sanemi dismisses him, claiming he does not have a brother and threatening to kill him if he continues.

As Genya listens to his threat, Tanjiro sadly notes that their confrontation is unlike how he fights with his siblings, remembering when he tickled Shigeru into surrender. Sanemi tells Genya not to act like they are close and belittles him by noting his lack of skill, remarking that he should quit the Demon Slayer Corps since he cannot call himself a swordsman without using breathing techniques. As he turns away, Genya tries to explain that he had always wanted to apologize to him, but Sanemi ignores it as unimportant to him and walks on. Desperate not to lose his chance, Genya confesses that he even ate demons to fight and reach where he is now, causing Sanemi to stop.

Tanjiro shoves Genya away from Sanemi's attack

Tanjiro pushes Genya as Sanemi attempts to gouge his eyes.

Taking in what he just said, the Wind Hashira angrily demands he repeat himself, stomping down his foot and frightening Genya and Tanjiro with his rage. He then vanishes; as Genya grows confused at his sudden disappearance, Tanjiro bursts forth to reach him as Sanemi viciously attempts to gouge out his eyes. Tanjiro grabs Genya and pushes him away, causing a cut across his face from his fingers as the two punch through the wall. In the yard, Zenitsu and the trainees question how much longer their training will last when he is startled by the loud sound of Tanjiro and Genya landing outside.

Believing Sanemi has returned, Zenitsu and the trainees pretend to faint and lie down; he then sees Tanjiro and questions what he is doing, breaking his wall. As Tanjiro looks in the house and pleads with Sanemi to stop, Zenitsu grows frightened at a loud and ominous sound filling the air as the enraged Wind Hashira steps out to confront the Demon Slayer. Tanjiro demands to know if Sanemi intended to kill Genya, to which he replies he was not, claiming it would be too simple; instead, he intends to cripple him beyond his healing, though he would "forgive" him if he leaves the Corps at once. Tanjiro refuses to accept his authority and tells Sanemi he has no right to make Genya's decisions by disowning him as his brother only moments prior.

Tanjiro is punched upwards by Sanemi

Sanemi retaliates, angered by Tanjiro's defense of Genya.

He explains that he chose to risk his life battling demons, whether he had the talent to do so or not, and promises not to let even him get in his way; without Genya, they wouldn't have defeated an Upper Rank without him, and he will not let the Hashira harm him. Hearing this, Sanemi instead decides he will cripple the Demon Slayer first before taking a fighting stance. With tremendous speed, he lunges forward and punches Tanjiro in the chest, lifting him up and shocking Genya and Zenitsu. To his surprise, he finds the Demon Slayer has stopped his fist from actually hitting him before he kicks him in the head into letting go. The trainees are stunned to see the Hashira has been dealt a blow.

Tanjiro evades Sanemi's kick

Sanemi narrowly misses a kick at Tanjiro's head.

Tanjiro orders Zenitsu to force Genya away from the scene, though he unintentionally annoys him with an attempt at a signal. Genya then warns him as Sanemi attempts to kick him in the head; he narrowly misses, but his foot cuts across Tanjiro's ear. Sanemi claims that Tanjiro's actions must be part of his death wish, and he would be happy to kill him. As Genya attempts to dissuade his brother from further violence, Zenitsu pulls him away from the scene, much to his chagrin. He remarks that it is best to separate two arguing individuals as they flee, before claiming he pities him for having a "total lunatic" as an elder brother, though Genya does not take kindly to the insult and punches Zenitsu in the face.

Despite the trainees attempting to restrain Sanemi from hurting Tanjiro further, their brawl lasts until sundown. Afterwards, Tanjiro was reprimanded by the Corps for his actions, and as such, his training with Sanemi was suspended and he was barred from approaching him, though Tanjiro is more dismayed by his failure to reconcile the Shinazugawa siblings. The next day, while walking with Zenitsu in the middle of a mountain forest, Tanjiro remarks that he did not intend to have training with Sanemi suspended and believes his training is not bearing fruit; Zenitsu denies this as he witnessed him being able to take on Sanemi, before angrily ranting about the mountainous location of the Stone Hashira's house.

Gyomei in training, surrounded by flames

Gyomei Himejima in training.

He then hears something in the distant and leads Tanijro to a waterfall in a clearing. There, they see trainees, including Inosuke, chanting the Nembutsu as they attempt to keep standing beneath the pressing torrent. The two are shocked by the scene when they hear a voice behind them, who tells them that extinguishing the heart and mind can make even fires cool. Tanjiro and Zenitsu are dumbfounded to see the Stone Hashira, Gyomei Himejima, bearing heavy logs and rocks while atop fiery ground, welcoming them to his training grounds.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Anime Notes[]

  • Although not to the full-episode extent of Tengen and Muichiro, the anime extends Tanjiro training with Mitsuri and Obanai. Notable original scenes include:
    • Mitsuri feeding Tanjiro buttered pancakes.
    • Mitsuri personally stretching open Tanjiro's legs.
    • Obanai receiving a letter from Mitsuri while stewing in his own jealousy as he reads Mitsuri's praises towards Tanjiro.
    • Tanjiro and other Demon Slayers bathing while wincing from the pain of their bruises from training with Obanai. Afterwards, each day of training ends with Tanjiro bathing while enduring his pain.
  • Obanai's training ground in the manga included trainees tied to podiums on the floor, presumably to make Tanjiro watch his footwork as well. The anime removes them.
  • When Zenitsu compares himself to a lizard when he explains how he escaped Sanemi's training, there is a short original scene where he comically crawls around the walls of various buildings to make his point.
  • A Volume Extra where Tanjiro compares Genya and Sanemi's fighting to the playful fights he had with his younger brother, Shigeru, is adapted.
  • In the manga, when Sanemi walks away from Genya after berating him, Genya appears much taller than his elder brother. The anime, however, makes the difference less stark, matching the minor one-centimeter in height difference between them.
  • When Zenitsu complains about Gyomei's residence being so deep in the mountains, the official English subtitles incorrectly translate it as him referring to Sanemi.



[v · e · ?]
Season 1
Episodes: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26
BD&DVD: Vol.1 · Vol.2 · Vol.3 · Vol.4 · Vol.5 · Vol.6 · Vol.7 · Vol.8 · Vol.9 · Vol.10 · Vol.11 · Kimetsu no Utage
Season 2
Episodes: 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 · 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 44
BD&DVD: Mugen Train Vol.1 · Mugen Train Vol.2 · Entertainment District Vol.1 · Entertainment District Vol.2 · Entertainment District Vol.3 · Entertainment District Vol.4 · Entertainment District Vol.5 · Entertainment District Vol.6
Season 3
Episodes: 45 · 46 · 47 · 48 · 49 · 50 · 51 · 52 · 53 · 54 · 55
BD&DVD: Swordsmith Village Vol.1 · Swordsmith Village Vol.2 · Swordsmith Village Vol.3 · Swordsmith Village Vol.4 · Swordsmith Village Vol.5 · Swordsmith Village Vol.6
Other: Rebroadcast Night 1 · Rebroadcast Night 2
Season 4
Episodes: 56 · 57 · 58 · 59 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 63
BD&DVD: Hashira Training Vol.1 · Hashira Training Vol.2 · Hashira Training Vol.3 · Hashira Training Vol.4
Movies: Sibling's Bond · Mugen Train (BD&DVD) · To the Swordsmith Village · To the Hashira Training · Infinity Castle Trilogy
OP/ED: Gurenge · From the Edge · Akeboshi · Shirogane · Homura · Zankyosanka · Asa ga Kuru · Kizuna no Kiseki · Koi Kogare · Mugen · Tokoshie
Insert Songs: Kamado Tanjiro no Uta · Kamado Nezuko no Uta
OST: Original Soundtrack Vol. 1 · Risshi-hen Original Soundtrack · Mugen Train Music Collection
Mini series: Junior High and High School!! Kimetsu Academy Story
Character Books: Volume 1 · Volume 2 · Volume 3 · Volume 4 · Volume 5
Illustration Books: Book 1 · Book 2
Setting Books: Main Characters · Unwavering Resolve Characters · Unwavering Resolve Art · Mugen Train Characters · Mugen Train Art · Entertainment District Characters · Entertainment District Art · Swordsmith Village Characters · Swordsmith Village Art