Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki
Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki

Since the day I was born I've never lied... not even once! I'm a good natured weakling! I deserve pity, but no one has any sympathy for me.
Hantengu about himself in Get it Together, Moron!

Hantengu ( (はん) (てん) () Hantengu?), along with Gyokko, was one of the primary antagonists in the Swordsmith Village Arc of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He was a demon affiliated with the Twelve Kizuki, holding the position of Upper Rank Four ( (じょう) (げん) () Jōgen no Shi?).[2]


Hantengu's Manifestations
Main Body
(怯 Fear)
(怒 Anger)
(楽 Pleasure)
(哀 Sorrow)
(喜 Joy)
(憎 Hatred)
(恨 Resentment)


Hantengu is a short, frail man with a very thin and skeletal body, covered with veins and wrinkles, and is usually seen crouching. His most noticeable feature is a large bump on the top of his head, accompanied by two curved horns. His face is thin with a sharp chin, and he constantly wears an expression of terror and fear, with a prominent brow ridge that lacks eyebrows. His forehead is also noticably shrivled and discolored reddish-purple. His eyes are narrow and often appear to be squinting, obscuring his pupils. He has red eyes with golden irises, with the kanji of "Upper Rank" ( (じょう) (げん) Jōgen?) and daiji of "Four" ( () Shi?) engraved into them. Hantengu also has the kanji for "fear" ( () Obie?) etched into his tongue.

He has dark, shoulder-length, disheveled and wavy hair with a low hairline, only growing out from the back of his head and ears, which themselves are sharper and longer than normal humans. His nails are long but not sharp like most other demons and retain their natural square form.

Hantengu wears an asymmetrical kimono that is split in the middle, the right half being black and covered in a pattern of flowers and lines (simplifed to just yellow lines in the anime), with the left half being a dark red and lacking any detailed features. He also wears a pair of zōri.

As a human, Hantengu was nearly identical to his appearance as a demon, barring any obvious demonic features and discolored forehead. In addition, from the brief glimpse shown of his eyes, his pupils were small and black dots.

Sekido ( (せき) () Sekido?, lit. Anger) is a tall young man with a lean muscular build, and narrow, deep red eyes that have the kanji of "Upper Rank" ( (じょう) (げん) Jōgen?) and daiji of "Four" ( () Shi?) engraved into them. When he was first formed, he had unkempt wavy hair similar to Hantengu. After Aizetsu forms from his head, he grows long, spiky hair that goes past his shoulders. In both instances his hair had a reddish tinge. He has two prominent curved horns on his noticably shrivled and discolored reddish-purple forehead and markings under his eyes that give his face a cracked appearance. He also has the kanji for "anger" ( () Ika?) etched into his tongue. As a demon, Sekido has pointed ears and sharp nails on each finger. He is usually seen wearing an irritated or enraged expression on his face.

Sekido wears the same asymmetrical kimono as Hantengu, as he is formed from Hantengu's headless body. He also wears a pair of zōri and is always seen carrying around a Khakkhara ( (しゃく) (じょう) Shakujō?).

Karaku ( () (らく) Karaku?, lit. Pleasure) is a tall young man with a lean muscular build, and narrow, deep green eyes with the kanji of "Upper Rank" ( (じょう) (げん) Jōgen?) and daiji of "Four" ( () Shi?) engraved into them. When he was first formed, he had unkempt wavy hair similar to Hantengu. After Urogi forms from his head, he grows long, spiky hair that goes past his shoulders. In both instances his hair had a greenish tinge. He has two prominent curved horns on his noticably shrivled and discolored reddish-purple forehead and cracked markings under his eyes. Karaku also has the kanji for "pleasure" ( () Raku?) etched into his tongue. Karaku has pointed ears and sharp nails on each finger. He is usually seen wearing a sadistically gleeful expression on his face.

Karaku wears nothing but dark green hakama pants, accompanied by a dark Yuigesa harness with white pom-poms. Karaku is always seen carrying around a fatsia leaf-shaped Uchiwa (團扇 (うちわ) Uchiwa?). The fan is orange and fades into a lime-green and blue color gradient, and it has a wooden handle with a purple tassel.

Aizetsu ( (あい) (ぜつ) Aizetsu?, lit. Sorrow) is a tall young man with a lean muscular build, shoulder-length spiky hair with a blueish tinge, and narrow, deep blue eyes with the kanji of "Upper Rank" ( (じょう) (げん) Jōgen?) and daiji of "Four" ( () Shi?) engraved into them. He has two prominent curved horns on his noticably shrivled and discolored reddish-purple forehead and cracked markings under his eyes. Aizetsu also has the kanji for "sorrow" ( () Ai?) etched into his tongue. As a demon, Aizetsu has pointed ears and sharp nails on each finger. He is usually seen wearing a dejected expression on his face.

Aizetsu wears a navy blue kimono with blue bows and white lines running through his sleeves, matching navy blue pants with white lines running through his legs, and blue rope-like accessories tied around his shoulders. Aizetsu is also seemingly barefoot with only a pair of black tabi socks on his feet. Aizetsu is always seen carrying around a Jūmonji Yari ( (じゅう) (もん) () (やり) ?).

Urogi ( (うろ) () Urogi?, lit. Joy) is a tall young man with a lean muscular build, long spiky hair that goes past his shoulders with a yellowish tinge, and narrow gold eyes with the kanji of "Upper Rank" ( (じょう) (げん) Jōgen?) and daiji of "Four" ( () Shi?) engraved into them. He has two prominent curved horns on his noticably shrivled and discolored reddish-purple forehead and cracked markings under his eyes. Urogi also has the kanji for "joy" ( () Ki?), etched into his tongue. Urogi has pointed ears and sharp nails on each finger. He is usually seen wearing an sadistically overjoyed expression on his face, similar to Karaku.

Unlike the rest of Hantengu's humanoid manifestations, Urogi possesses an avian physiology, possessing two large wings on his back and raptor-like feet armed with sharp talons that take the place of his hands and legs; additionally, Urogi has a thick coat of brown feathers around his legs, reaching down to his knees, and he only wore a chain of gold colored pearls around his waist along with purple tassle ornaments hanging from two pearls.

Zohakuten ( (ぞう) (はく) (てん) Zōhakuten?, lit. Hatred) is a short and muscular young boy with short black hair that spikes up at various angles around his head, large bushy eyebrows, and narrow gold eyes with red sclera and the kanji of "Upper Rank" ( (じょう) (げん) Jōgen?) and daiji of "Four" ( () Shi?) engraved into them. He has two prominent curved horns on his noticably shrivled and discolored reddish-purple forehead and cracked markings under his eyes. Zohakuten also has the kanji for "hatred" ( () Niku?) etched into his tongue. He is usually seen wearing a composed but angered scowl on his face.

Zohakuten's clothing seems to be a combination of Sekido's, Karaku's, Aizetsu's, and Urogi's clothes. He wears dark brown hakama pants covered with a piece of cloth bearing a close resemblance to the wavy pattern on Sekido's kimono and tied together with a long strap of white cloth. He also wears long brown sleeves that bear a resemblance to Aizetsu's striped kimono. On the back of his head hung the purple tassle ornaments found on Urogi's pearl belt. Finally, he dons a plate of golden armor that only covers his upper chest.

Zohakuten has a series of drums connected to each other that are inexplicably floating behind his back, with each drum having the kanji of "hatred" ( () "Niku"?) displayed on them. He also carries around a bone-like dagger in each hand.

Urami ( (うら) Urami?, lit. Resentment) is identical in appearance to Hantengu, with the exception of his larger size, towering over Tanjiro and Genya, and has the kanji for "resentment" ( () ?) etched into his tongue. His striking resemblance to Hantengu is likely a deliberate ploy so any attackers would target Urami, unaware of the main body hiding within his heart. In adddtion, unlike Hantengu, he also wears an exasperated and furious expression on his face instead of an expression full of terror and fear. Urami also possesses a much more muscular physique than Hantengu's frail body and noticeably has veins popping out all throughout his body. In addition, he seems to be the only emotion clone to lack any sort of pupils. His eyes are a solid red sclera without the yellow irises the real Hantengu has.


Hantengu cowers in fear as his clones fight the Demon Slayers

Hantengu's constant state of fright and cowardice.

Hantengu's primary form has a persona of extreme cowardice and agitation. He was easily frightened by what occurred in his surroundings, showing traits of paranoia, fear, and delusion. He was always shown to cry out in fear at even the most insignificant things, such as the number of years since the last meeting of the Upper Ranks being 113. Moreover, during said meeting, Hantengu spent most of the situation crying out and cowering in fear over everything around him, from Muzan reprimanding them, to the in-fighting between Akaza and Doma. This extreme paranoia is especially evident in the fact that when in his regular form, he always chooses to crawl instead of walking up straight, and is often shown to quake in fear. Even in combat, Hantengu was shown to be extremely cowardly and afraid, crying when he was slashed by Muichiro Tokito and when he was hiding from the Demon Slayers throughout most of the battle, trying to calm himself by hoping that his clones would kill them off.

Hantengu also believed that he was completely innocent despite the obvious evidence pointing toward his numerous crimes as a human. He had a habit of deflecting the blame towards anything but himself, even proclaiming at one point that his hands were guilty but not himself as a whole. Even as a demon, killing and eating scores of innocent people, he stubbornly and erroneously maintained that he was innocent, and claimed that he deserved the sympathy of others. He also had an extrmemly prevelant victim-complex where he belived himself to be the victim of unfair treatmeant with the people wronging him being unjust villains. This type of behavior was evident even as a child, and only got worse as an adult, where he had a habit of settling down with a wife and children, only to murder to them when his duplicitous nature was called into question. He would show this treatment to a man who threatened to report him to the magistrate shortly before his last murder trial.

In addition, Hantengu is shown to be greedy and deceitful, as evident in his constant theivery and his tendency to come up with excuses, from blindness to it being the work of his hands to which he had no control over.

Sekido angered at having to work with Karaku

Sekido's unyielding annoyance and displeasure.

As the manifestation of Hantengu's anger, Sekido was in a constant state of vexation, irritation, and rage, even towards his fellow clones, which could be seen when he easily got angered when they failed to meet his expectations and were subdued by the Demon Slayers. Sekido was also seen to care very little about his brethren, as shown when he forcibly absorbed them against their will to form Zohakuten, even as Aizetsu protested. He also showed himself to be the most dominant of the emotion clones and seemed to be the leader, as he was the one who gave out orders to them and took charge at critical junctures when they were battling the Demon Slayers.[3] In addition to his usual irate demeanor, he can be seen displaying hints of sadism when he has his enemies backed to a corner, as he showed a smile of satisfaction in seeing Tanjiro and Nezuko forced on the defensive.

Despite being the manifestation of Hantengu's anger, Sekido is not blindly wrathful, and instead is more of a tactical and rational fighter in contrast to the impulsive Karaku. In addition, he's the first clone to recognize Tanjiro's Bright Red Nichirin Sword as being similar to that of Yoriichi Tsugikuni.

Karaku enjoying his battle

Karaku's ceaseless ease and amusement.

As the manifestation of Hantengu's pleasure, Karaku showcased himself to be the most relaxed and laid-back of Hantengu's clones. The entire time he was battling against Genya, Tanjiro and Nezuko, he was constantly praising them and, instead of taking the battle seriously, he saw it as nothing more than a game, seeming to only take interest in the new experiences he was obtaining in the battle. This was demonstrated during his battle with Nezuko, when, instead of finishing her off immediately, he decided to tease and play with her despite being able to easily overpower her anytime he wanted. He also seems to display slight masochistic tendencies, which could be seen when he happily expressed his interest in the new sensation of having his neck being severed by a gunshot from Genya, commenting that he had never been injured like that before. Despite this, he could lose his patience should his opponent prove too challenging to finish off.

This behavior easily got on the nerves of his fellow clones, such as Sekido, who constantly berated him for not taking on a serious outlook in battle, and Aizetsu, who was confused at why he was taking so long to kill Nezuko.

Aizetsu mocking Genya as weak

Aizetsu's perpetual despondency and dejection.

As the manifestation of Hantengu's sorrow, Aizetsu was portrayed to be completely dejected, sour, and negative, constantly describing everything as depressing. Out of all the manifestations, Aizetsu was shown to be the calmest and most collected out of all five of them, as seen when instead of frivolously wasting time on entertainment as Urogi and Karaku or immediately getting agitated and enraged by anything like Sekido, Aizetsu was shown to calmly analyze his opponents and think out his strategy and figure out his opponents' abilities and weaknesses before attacking. Unlike the usually vicious and bloodthirsty attitude most demons possess when killing humans, or even compared to the rest of Hantengu's clones, Aizetsu chooses to kill quickly by striking vital areas, and feels sadness should his opponent fail to die a quick death. His perpetual dour and sadness even extends towards his fellow clones, as seen when he complies with Sekido's orders only to make him stop yelling.

Urogi watches Tanjiro fall

Urogi's constant glee and enjoyment.

As the manifestation of Hantengu's joy, Urogi is the most jovial and giddy of Hantengu's clones. Similar to Karaku, he seemed to view the entire battle against the Demon Slayers as nothing more than a game or as a source of entertainment, as seen when he happily complimented Tanjiro on his intelligence for correctly guessing that neither one of the four clones was the "real" body and constantly exclaimed that the entire fight against Tanjiro was delightful. He is also shown to very boastful of his avian abilties, as he brags to Tanjiro about the speed and strength of his talons. Despite this, he could lose his patience should his opponent prove too challenging to finish off.

Zohakuten angered at Tanjiro's retorts

Zohakuten's unrelenting animosity and spite.

As the manifestation of Hantengu's hatred, Zohakuten shared many personality traits with Sekido, as he too was easily enraged and was incredibly spiteful and hateful towards his enemies, due to him deeming them as "evil" for bullying the "weak and innocent" Hantengu. Like Sekido, he was also foul-mouthed as seen when he constantly insulted his opponents and referred to Mitsuri as a harlot, constantly calling her various degrading names in his thoughts.

He also seemed to harbor an immense sense of loyalty towards Muzan Kibutsuji, as seen when he told Mitsuri that he only heeds and follows the orders of one man in the entire world. Out of all the clones, he was shown to be the most intelligent and insightful, aside from Sekido, as seen when he easily analyzed why the Love Hashira survived his powerful attacks and figured out the true source of her strength. Moreover, he was not above admitting to his own weakness, as he determined that the best way to kill Mitsuri was to exhaust her endurance and strength through incessant attacks upon seeing that she was capable of evading and attacking his Blood Demon Arts successfully.

Urami admonishes Tanjiro for bullying Hantengu

Urami's indignant over Tanjiro's actions.

As the manifestation of Hantengu's resentment, Urami was shown to be just as hypocritical and delusional as Zohakuten and Hantengu, as he angrily told Tanjiro not to bully and hurt his "weak and innocent" self. He angrily asked why Tanjiro couldn't "see" his innocence and, true to his name, he has shown to be the embodiment of Hantengu's resentment due to him being punished and persecuted for crimes that he was "innocent" of. In addition, he is much more aggressive and quick to anger than his smaller counterpart, as he actively tries to seek out humans to replenish his regeneration and yelled at them when they tried to escape, and became enraged when Tanjiro vowed to decapitate him.


Overall Abilities[]

As the holder of the fourth highest title in the Twelve Kizuki, Hantengu was an extremely powerful demon. Through his Blood Demon Art, he is able to create four clones that were manifestations of his emotions, each of them possessing an Upper Rank demon's level of strength and having their own unique power, allowing him to outnumber and overwhelm the Demon Slayers that tried to slay him and giving him a wide arsenal. Most notoriously about Hantengu's unique power is that he takes advantage of the traditional method of decapitation to kill a demon, as beheading Hantengu's primary form will cause Sekido and Karaku to emerge and engage the threat. Beheading the first two manifestations further will then result in the release of Aizetsu and Urogi, and any subsequent decapitations of the clones will prove futile if Hantengu remains alive, or in Urogi's case, severed body parts can even use his Blood Demon Art to attack an opponent.

They were able to hold off and overwhelm the combined efforts of Tanjiro, Nezuko and Genya, all of whom were powerful and seasoned Demon Slayers. Genya stated that Hantengu was particularly difficult to defeat as the Demon Slayers would have to play a cat-and-mouse game instead of a traditional confrontation, hunting the main body while being hunted themselves by four Upper Rank-level demons.[4] As another testament to their strength, when the four clones fused into one body, Zohakuten, he was once again capable of fending off all three Demon Slayers as well as the Love Hashira, Mitsuri Kanroji, one of the strongest Demon Slayers in the Demon Slayer Corps singlehandedly. Even after the Love Hashira awakened her Demon Slayer Mark and gained a considerable boost in speed and strength, she could only evade and dodge Zohakuten's attacks and stall him until the Demon Slayers defeated the main body, Hantengu. As Zohakuten and Tanjiro had stated, Mitsuri would've run out of stamina and died if not for the sun rising and Hantengu being killed.[5][6] This nearly came to fruition as Mitsuri eventually did became too exhausted to continue fighting and was only saved when Zohakuten was burned to ash from Hantengu's death.[7]

Demon Abilities[]

Size Alteration: Hantengu has the ability to change his size at will, as shown when he shrunk himself to a small enough size to fit into a wooden burl during most of Zohakuten's battle with the Demon Slayers, allowing him to stay hidden until the Demon Slayers began to actively seek him out.

Physical Abilities[]

Genya unable to cut Hantengu's head

Hantengu's incredibly durable neck.

Immense Durability: Hantengu possesses a body so durable that not even Genya's Nichirin steel shot could leave a dent on his body,[8] the same bullets which tore of the necks of his clones with relative ease. Even when Genya tried to cut off Hantengu's body with his Nichirin Sword, his blade broke before it could do any damage.[9] Even with the use of his bright red blade, Tanjiro was initially unable to make a dent in his neck.

Immense Speed & Reflexes: As an Upper Rank demon, Hantengu possesses incredible movement speed and reflexes, being able to evade both Muichiro's Mist Breathing technique and Tanjiro's Hinokami Kagura's technique with little effort.[10] When he was in his smallest form, he could run fast enough that Tanjiro, Nezuko, or Genya, then enhanced with the flesh of an Upper Rank, could not keep up.[11]

Supernatural Abilities[]

Enhanced Stealth: Due to his ability to shrink in size, Hantengu possesses immense skill in stealth, which can be seen when he managed to easily infiltrate the Swordsmith Village, one of the Demon Slayer Corps' most vital and well fortified bases, without any of the numerous Demon Slayers stationed there noticing. Hantengu later managed to sneak into Muichiro's and Tanjiro's room without any of them detecting him, despite the former possessing a heightened ability to sense the presence of demons and the latter possessing an incredibly acute sense of smell that would've sensed a demon's presences from extremely long distances. His stealth also enabled him to trick both Muichiro and Tanjiro into a false sense of security, as it was not until he got close to attack them that they realized Hantengu was truly an Upper Rank.[12]

Demon Abilities[]

Biological Absorption: Sekido displayed the ability to draw in and absorb the bodies of Karaku, Urogi, and Aizetsu, fusing to become Zohakuten.[13]

Sekido creating a new staff

Sekido forming a new Khakkhara to fight Tanjiro.

Flesh Manipulation: Like all demons, Sekido possesses the ability to control and alter his flesh to a certain extent. Sekido uses this ability to shape his flesh into a Khakkhara which he uses as a means to channel his Blood Demon Art.[14] He is shown to be capable of creating more than one at a time.[15]

Physical Abilities[]

Immense Speed & Reflexes: As an Upper Rank demon, Sekido possesses incredible speed and reflexes comparable to that of the Hashira. This was shown when he was fast enough to block the bullets from Genya's shotgun before they could reach him. He is also seen being able to absorb Karaku, Urogi, and Aizetsu in the mere blink of an eye to transform into Zohakuten, a feat only witnessed by the perception of the demon-enhanced Genya.

Demon Abilities[]

Flesh Manipulation: Like all demons, Karaku possesses the ability to control and alter his flesh to a certain extent. Karaku uses this ability to shape his flesh into a maple leaf-shaped Uchiwa. Similar to Sekido, Karaku can create more than one Uchiwa at a time, even creating an enlarged version of it to increase its area of effect.[16]

Physical Abilities[]

Karaku kicks through Nezuko's body

Karaku kicks through Nezuko's abdomen.

Immense Strength: Karaku displayed incredible physical strength as he was able to nonchalantly overpower Nezuko, pierce her durable body with a single kick, and ripped her hand off with ease.[17]

Unlimited Stamina & Endurance: Like all demons, Karaku possesses infinite stamina and endurance. When Genya shot off his head with his shotgun, leaving his head dangling on a piece of flesh and having his neck bones exposed, Karaku never showed any signs of pain but rather exclaimed in excitement over how he has never felt an attack like that and proclaimed that it was fun.[18]

Demon Abilities[]

Flesh Manipulation: Like all demons, Aizetsu possesses the ability to control and alter his flesh to a certain extent. Aizetsu uses this ability to shape his flesh into a Jūmonji Yari.

Physical Abilities[]

Unlimited Stamina & Endurance: Like all demons, Aizetsu possesses infinite stamina and endurance. This was shown when he was able to engage in battle with Genya for an extended period of time without showing any signs of fatigue in the slightest. Aizetsu was also completely nonchalant when Genya destroyed his neck with a shotgun that fired Nichirin steel shot, even managing to attack without his head intact and heal his neck with ease.[19]

Demon Abilities[]

Urogi flies down to attack

Urogi's eagle-like attack.

Avian Physiology: Urogi's unique body allows him to gain the attributes and abilities of avian creatures, namely his large feathered wings and razor sharp talons. These large wings grant Urogi the ability to fly at incredibly high speeds while his talons are powerful enough to cut through diamond.[20] He frequently fights in the same manner as how a bird of prey hunts, swooping down to a target to attack with his talons. A drawback to this ability is that his body has to be extremely light for him to fly, which gave an opportunity for Tanjiro to use Urogi's own flight against him.[21]

Demon Abilities[]

Flesh Manipulation: Like all demons, Zohakuten possesses the ability to control and alter his flesh to a certain extent. He primarily uses this ability to form the drums attached to his back to form his Blood Demon Arts and the bone-like daggers to beat said drums to control it.

Supernatural Abilities[]

Zohakuten's aura

Zohakuten's paralyzing aura.

Menacing Aura: Zohakuten possesses an extremely menacing and overwhelming presence. Tanjiro choked on his breath and felt immense pain in his heart from Zohakuten's mere gaze.[22] His aura is so strong that Genya could barely stand and caused him to start sweating profusely.[23]

Demon Abilities[]

Size Alteration: As Hantengu's last ditch attempt to escape from the Demon Slayers, Urami has the ability to greatly increase his size in order for Hantengu to hide in his heart.[6]

Physical Abilities[]

Urami burning in sunlight

Urami's extreme resistance to sunlight.

Immense Durability: As Upper Rank Four's largest manifestation, Urami proved to be incredibly durable. He was able to shrug off the effects of Nezuko's fires with little trouble and has the notable feat of being able to endure the effects of direct sunlight for an extended amount of time, due to Hantengu still being alive and hidden inside him. Tanjiro noted that though his death in sunlight was inevitable, it would have taken enough time to cost the lives of the swordsmiths he is pursuing and forced him to take immediate action.

Immense Strength: Due to his large size and muscular physique, Urami is immensely strong and hard to take on in a physical fight. He uses this in an attempt to strangle Tanjiro, with a demon-enhanced Genya struggling to pry Urami's hands off. Urami proved so physically potent, Nezuko was forced to use her Blood Demon Art in order to simply weaken him to the point they could continue attacking.

Fighting Style[]

Blood Demon Art[]

Hantengu's main clones and their fused form

Hantengu's primal emotions.

Emotion Manifestation: Hantengu's Blood Demon Art allows him to manifest his emotions as younger clones of himself. Each clone personifies a core emotion, which can be identified by a kanji on their tongue. These clones all have different appearances, abilities, and weapons, with their individual strength being at least Upper Rank caliber, and all of them seemingly resembling a younger Hantengu. The emotions shown are anger, pleasure, sorrow, joy, hatred, and resentment, with Hantengu himself having the kanji of "fear" etched onto his tongue. It is implied that Hantengu can control these clones however he sees fit, as seen when he took control of Urami's body to kill a group of swordsmiths after he was beheaded.[24]

Hantengu splitting into Sekido and Karaku

Hantengu splits into his anger and pleasure clones upon decapitation.

This Blood Demon Art is activated when Hantengu's head is cut off, where his head and body turn into two separate clones, one that personifies his anger, and the other which personifies his pleasure. After these two clones are decapitated, they split off into two more clones, personifying his sorrow and joy. One notable trait about these manifestations is they cannot be killed when Hantengu himself is still alive. Damaging the clones' tongues has shown to slow their regeneration speed momentarily.[25]

If need be, Sekido, the personification of Hantengu's anger, can absorb the 3 other clones present to form a younger, even stronger clone, Zohakuten, who is able to use all of the 4 clone's Blood Demon Arts along with his own.

Sekido shocks Genya

Sekido paralyzing Genya mid-attack with waves of electricity.

Electricity Generation: Sekido's Blood Demon Art allows him to generate electricity that flashes blue and red from his Khakkhara by stabbing it onto a surface, typically the ground.[26] His electricity is extremely potent, instantly paralyzing targets, even if they are in mid-air, and causing them to lose consciousness in a short period of time. His Blood Demon Art has a wide area of effect, allowing him to subdue multiple targets at once.[27][28] He can also summon electricity in the form of lightning that strikes his targets from above. One drawback to his electricity is that it cannot pass through anything made from his own cells, such as the body parts of any of Hantengu's clones, which Tanjiro utilized to avoid getting shocked.[29]

Karaku blows Tanjiro and Nezuko out of the building

Karaku blasts Tanjiro and Nezuko out of a building.

Wind Blasts: Karaku's Blood Demon Art allows him to generate powerful gusts of wind using his maple leaf-shaped Uchiwa. By simply swinging his Uchiwa down, Karaku can generate a gust of wind strong enough to blow Muichiro into a distant forest in an instant,[30] leave gigantic craters, level an entire building,[31] and crush Demon Slayer and demon alike under its immense pressure, even knocking them unconscious.[32]

Karaku is capable of using his Blood Demon Art tactically, hitting the entire battlefield with gusts of strong wind in order to make it harder for his opponents to move akin to being in a tornado.[33] However, this ability is not limited to him; anyone who has possession of his Uchiwa can create his powerful winds, as shown when Nezuko used Karaku's own Uchiwa to blow him away.[34]

Spear Projection: Aizetsu's Blood Demon Art allows him to project the thrusting attack of his Yari over great distances, allowing him to attack his targets from afar. Additionally, its potency has been shown to be enhanced, as Genya, in his attempt to shield Tanjiro, was left with numerous puncture wounds all over his body. [35]

Tanjiro cuts Urogi's leg as Urogi blasts him

Urogi unleashing sound waves that momentarily knock Tanjiro out.

Sonic Scream: Urogi's Blood Demon Art allows him to generate powerful sound waves from his mouth.[36] The power from Urogi's scream is strong enough to make Tanjiro bleed from his nose and ear, momentarily stunning him. He can even utilize it while not whole, as shown when his leg was severed but still attached to Tanjiro, enabling him to manipulate his flesh into a mouth to use the scream again. However, the strength of his attack appears to be at a specific level, as Tanjiro noticed that the scream of his leg's mouth was not as potent as before.

Zohakuten and his wooden dragons

Zohakuten summons dragons made of wood.

Wood Manipulation: Zohakuten's main Blood Demon Art grants him the ability to generate wood out of his flesh and blood and manipulate it by striking the drums at his back.[37] Zohakuten mainly shapes the wood into massive snake-like dragon heads that can stretch up to twenty meters in length,[38] though he can also create dragon heads within the main dragon heads in order to increase its length and reach.[39] Using Countless Striking Trees ( () (けん) (ごう) (じゅ) Muken Gōju?), Zohakuten can create a lot more wooden dragons to attack his targets. The dragons attack by biting them with their massive jaws or trapping them inside its mouth to be crushed.[40] The wood he creates is extremely durable, being impervious to sword slashes from a demon-enhanced Genya Shinazugawa. Zohakuten's dragons have incredible maneuverability, and their numbers make them even more deadly to deal with. As these wooden dragons are made from his flesh and blood, they can regenerate quickly if they are damaged.

Other than his wooden dragons, Zohakuten also displayed the ability to shape wood into a twisted trunk-like burl which he uses to protect and hide Hantengu's main body. Like his dragons, Zohakuten can move this burl at will to conceal it or to attack those that get too close to it. This trunk can also create branch to act as whips to deter targets.[41]

Zohakuten strikes the Demon Slayers with lightning (GIF)

Zohakuten summons Sekido's electricity in the form of lightning.

Ability Combination: Zohakuten and his wooden dragons can use the Blood Demon Arts of Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu, and Urogi. Moreover, Zohakuten can use them at a much higher level than the four clones. Zohakuten and his wooden dragons can emit electricity in the form of lightning bolts, unleash powerful wind blasts that leave craters in the ground, project spear-like attacks out of thin air, and generate deafening sound waves that can momentarily knock out Mitsuri Kanroji, a Hashira.[42][43]

Urami uses Urogi's sonic scream

Urami uses Urogi's Blood Demon Art.

Ability Combination: It is heavily implied that Urami is able to utilize the other clone's Blood Demon Arts as seen when he utilized Urogi's powerful sound waves to stun Tanjiro and Genya.


  • Weeping Spears ( (げき) (るい) () (とつ) Gekirui Shitotsu?):[44] Aizetsu violently thrusts his Yari, creating multiple long-ranged projections of the spear attack.
  • Crazed Cry of Thunderdeath ( (きょう) (めい) (らい) (さつ) Kyōmei Rai Satsu?):[42] Zohakuten strikes a drum, commanding two wooden dragons to unleash Sekido's electricity and Urogi's sound waves respectively.
  • Countless Striking Trees ( () (けん) (ごう) (じゅ) Muken Gōju?):[45] Zohakuten incessantly strikes his drums, unleashing numerous wooden dragons to create a wide-ranged attack.
  • Compressed Sound Waves ( (きょう) (あつ) (めい) () Kyōatsu Meiha?):[46] Zohakuten opens his mouth and unleashes extremely loud and powerful sound waves that were able to knock even a Hashira unconscious.

Hantengu's Blood Demon Art


Khakkhara: Sekido wields a Khakkhara fashioned from his flesh. It serves as his main tool in combat when used in conjunction with his Blood Demon Art, allowing him to channel his lightning and strike at close and wide ranges to shock, paralyze, and incapacitate his targets. When fighting in close combat, Sekido can also use his Khakkhara as a melee weapon, which he does when Nezuko arms herself with Karaku's Uchiwa. Sekido has also been shown to create multiple Khakkharas at the same time, as he formed a new one in his hand to attack Tanjiro whilst his previous one was still imbedded in Nezuko's neck.


Uchiwa: Karaku wields a maple leaf-shaped Uchiwa fashioned from his flesh. It serves as his main tool in combat when used in conjunction with his Blood Demon Art, allowing him to generate powerful gusts of wind to launch his enemies a far distance and to level any battlefield and turn it into one full of torrents of wind, making it extremely difficult for his opponents to fight or even move. However, this Uchiwa can be used by anyone, which makes Karaku susceptible to having his wind Blood Demon Art used against him by his opponents.


Jūmonji Yari: Aizetsu wields a Jūmonji Yari fashioned from his flesh. It serves as his main melee tool in combat, being used to unleash close to mid-ranged thrusting or slicing attacks as well as allowing Aizetsu to block and parry attacks from his opponents as a traditional weapon. He also occasionally uses the blunt end of the weapon in order to stun enemies. His Blood Demon Art works in conjunction with his Yari, allowing him to project and lengthen the spear's attacks to strike his targets from afar.


Double-Bladed Dagger: Zohakuten wields two bone-like double-bladed dagger fashioned from his flesh and blood. It serves as his main tool to unleash his Blood Demon Art, using it to strike the drums on his back and activate his techniques.




  • The alias "Hantengu" contains the On'yomi reading of the kanji for "half" ( han?), "heaven" ( ten?) and "hound" ( gu?). The last two kanji in his name means Tengu ( (てん) () ?), a winged yōkai that uses fans in battle. The aspects of the Tengu are shared between two of (and thus half of) Hantengu's four basic emotions (Urogi's wings and Karaku's fans and Yuigesa harness), hence the name.
  • The prefix "Han" may also refer to a hannya, a mask used in Noh theater which heavily resembles Hantengu's horned head, and fearful expression. Although hannyas are usually worn by female demons born of jealousy or obsession, they are also often associated with the complexity of human emotions, which ties in with Hantengu's main demonic ability.
  • Hantengu's first four emotions are derived from the "Yojijukugo (four-character idiom)" ( () () (あい) (らく) Kidoairaku?), which can be used to describe the range of human emotions people (rather demons in this instance) feel as a whole. All his manifestations (not including Hantengu himself), have the kanji for their respective emotion in their names.
  • The drums behind Zohakuten's back represent the Taiko drums of the Shintō kami "Raijin" ( (らい) (じん) ?). Whenever Raijin strikes the drums levitating behind his back, lightning strikes upon both the human world and the underworld.
  • Muzan sees Hantengu as normal but sometimes he's so annoying it's intolerable.[47]
  • Even as a child, Hantengu lied to make those around him look bad and gain sympathy.[1]
  • Hantengu lied about his name, age, and background so much that he forgot about what his real name, age, or background really is.[1]
  • Hantengu has married and had children several times. This didn't last though as whenever he would be accused of dishonesty, he would feel as if he was mistreated and kill his wives and children in anger.[1]
  • His appearance was described to look like an 87-year-old man.[1]
  • Zohakuten was initially colored by Gotouge on the cover page of Chapter 125 to have golden irises with white sclera, but in Shounen Jump's promotional material, he is shown to have golden sclera with golden irises. The anime adopts a third scheme, with Zohakuten sporting Sekido's red sclera (as he was the one who absorbed the other clones), while still having golden irises.
  • Ironically, the punishments Hantengu was sentenced to by the magistrate would come to fruition in his final battle, as Urami's hands were severed from him by Genya and he was decapitated in the end by Tanjiro.[48]
  • The floral pattern on Hantengu's kimono, which is also used by Sekido, Urami, and is present in Zohakuten's cloth, are changed to simple wavy lines in the anime, possibly to make it easier to animate. However, the original kimono design was seen when Enmu envisions challenging an Upper Rank to a duel to usurp them, and a silhouette of Hantengu can be seen.[49]
  • Hantengu makes an appearance Witch Watch's 9th chapter and is said to be the favorite character of Kanshi Kazamatsuri's father.


  • (To himself) "Since the day I was born I've never lied... not even once! I'm a good natured weakling! I deserve pity, but no one has any sympathy for me."[50]
  • "Quickly, quickly! We must kill every one of them. Anyone who opposes my lord must be eliminated!"[51]
  • (Sekido to Karaku) "There's nothing fun about this. All I'm feeling is uncontrollable rage!"[51]
  • (Karaku to himself) "Well, isn't this fun and entertaining! I've never been hit with an attack that felt like that!"[51]
  • (Aizetsu to Genya) "You're so weak it's sad."[51]
  • (Urogi to Tanjiro) "This makes my heart sing! It's been so long since I was last split off!"[51]
  • (Zohakuten to Tanjiro and Genya) "You brutal fiends who torment the the extreme. Damn you, awful villains..."[52]
  • (Urami to Tanjiro) "What gives you the right to bully and wrong the weak?! Answer me!"[53]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Kimetsu no Yaiba Second Fanbook.
  2. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 98 (Page 4).
  3. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 113 (Page 13).
  4. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 114 (Page 14).
  5. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 124 (Page 9).
  6. 6.0 6.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 125 (Page 11).
  7. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 127 (Page 9).
  8. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 114 (Page 13).
  9. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 114 (Page 15-16).
  10. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 106 (Page 8-10).
  11. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 125 (Page 4-5).
  12. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 106 (Page 7).
  13. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 116 (Page 10-12).
  14. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 109 (Page 11).
  15. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 110 (Page 6).
  16. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 110 (Page 12).
  17. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 109 (Page 10-11).
  18. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 107 (Page 10).
  19. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 109 (Page 3).
  20. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 106 (Page 15).
  21. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 110 (Page 3).
  22. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 116 (Page 14).
  23. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 116 (Page 15).
  24. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 126 (Page 11-12).
  25. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 110 (Page 9).
  26. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 106 (Page 20).
  27. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 106 (Page 21).
  28. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 109 (Page 16).
  29. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 110 (Page 7-8).
  30. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 106 (Page 16-17).
  31. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 112 (Page 19-20).
  32. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 110 (Page 14).
  33. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 114 (Page 3).
  34. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 109 (Page 14-15).
  35. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 115 (Pages 16-17).
  36. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 107 (Page 12).
  37. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 116 (Page 13).
  38. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 122 (Page 8).
  39. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 122 (Page 12).
  40. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 122 (Page 13).
  41. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 124 (Page 13).
  42. 42.0 42.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 122 (Page 18).
  43. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 123 (Page 4).
  44. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 115 (Page 16).
  45. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 123 (Page 5).
  46. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 123 (Page 9).
  47. Kimetsu no Yaiba First Fanbook.
  48. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 45.
  49. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 30.
  50. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 124 (Page 18).
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 47.
  52. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 51.
  53. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 55.


[v · e · ?]
Demon Slayer Corps
Ubuyashiki Family: Kagaya Ubuyashiki · Amane Ubuyashiki · Hinaki Ubuyashiki · Nichika Ubuyashiki · Kiriya Ubuyashiki · Kuina Ubuyashiki · Kanata Ubuyashiki · Senri Ubuyashiki · Akito Ubuyashiki
Hashira: Giyu Tomioka · Mitsuri Kanroji · Obanai Iguro · Sanemi Shinazugawa · Gyomei Himejima · Kyojuro Rengoku · Tengen Uzui · Muichiro Tokito · Shinobu Kocho · Kanae Kocho · Sakonji Urokodaki · Jigoro Kuwajima · Shinjuro Rengoku
Demon Slayers: Tanjiro Kamado · Zenitsu Agatsuma · Inosuke Hashibira · Genya Shinazugawa · Kanao Tsuyuri · Murata · Ozaki · Masachika Kumeno · Yoriichi Tsugikuni · Takeuchi · Nagakura · Noguchi · Yoshioka · Shimamoto
Butterfly Mansion: Aoi Kanzaki · Sumi Nakahara · Kiyo Terauchi · Naho Takada · Goto
Swordsmith Village: Tecchin Tecchikawahara · Hotaru Haganezuka · Kozo Kanamori · Kotetsu · Tetsuido
Other/Associates: Sabito · Makomo · Suma · Makio · Hinatsuru · Masao Maeda
Demons: Muzan Kibutsuji · Nezuko Kamado · Temple Demon · Hand Demon · Swamp Demon · Asakusa Demon · Tamayo · Yushiro · Susamaru · Yahaba · Tongue Demon · Horned Demon · Spider Demon (Father) · Spider Demon (Mother) · Spider Demon (Son) · Spider Demon (Daughter) · Shizu Shinazugawa · Woodland Demon · Serpent Demon
Twelve Kizuki: Kokushibo · Doma · Akaza · Nakime · Hantengu · Gyokko · Gyutaro · Daki · Kaigaku · Enmu · Rokuro · Wakuraba · Mukago · Rui · Kamanue · Kyogai
Kamado Family: Tanjuro Kamado · Kie Kamado · Takeo Kamado · Hanako Kamado · Shigeru Kamado · Rokuta Kamado · Sumiyoshi Kamado · Suyako Kamado · Sumire Kamado
Shinazugawa Family: Kyogo Shinazugawa · Sumi Shinazugawa · Teiko Shinazugawa · Hiroshi Shinazugawa · Koto Shinazugawa · Shuya Shinazugawa
Northwest Town: Kazumi · Satoko · Tokie
Tsuzumi Mansion: Teruko · Shoichi · Kiyoshi
Entertainment District: Koinatsu · Omitsu · Toyo · Rei · Yatsu
Other: Saburo · Hisa · Senjuro Rengoku · Ruka Rengoku · Yuichiro Tokito · Tsutako Tomioka · Sayo · Keizo · Koyuki · Kotoha Hashibira · Akeno Tsugikuni · Uta · Takaharu
Animals: Chachamaru · Kaburamaru
Species/Groups: Kasugai Crows · Ninju
Kamado Family: Kanata Kamado · Sumihiko Kamado
Agatsuma Family: Toko Agatsuma · Yoshiteru Agatsuma
Other: Aoba Hashibira · Tojuro Rengoku · Tenma Uzui · Giichi Tomioka · Sanehiro Shinazugawa
Spin-Off/Anime Original Characters
Civilians: Yae · Taro · Fuku · Tomi · Tatsu
Demons: Matazo · Hairo · Flute Demon · Ubume · Slasher · Mantis Demon