
The Rose Room is a location in the Savage Divide region of Appalachia辐射76,引入于Expeditions: Atlantic City 更新 part two, America's Playground . It is a nightclub operated by the Russo family, built over a manor previously known as 英格蘭姆大廈.


Located in a pre-War mansion freshly cleared of wildlife (both mutated and human), the Rose Room is the brainchild of the Russo family from Atlantic City. Technically led by the father, Antonio Russo, its day to day operations are managed by the overworked Vin Russo, the bartender, who manages not just his senile father, but also unstable, vengeful mother, Evelyn Russo, and unpredictable Abbie Russo, his sister. The opening day, meant to be a new break in Appalachia, ends in tragedy, starting a new, dark chapter in the lives of the family.[1]



  • 艾碧·盧梭
  • 安東尼奧·盧梭
  • 依芙琳·盧梭
  • 文恩·盧梭


  • 每月案件紀錄,十月 - 遠征:大西洋城改版前在一樓客廳桌上。
  • Wastelanders 第八章 - 原本在一樓餐桌上,遠征:大西洋城改版後出現在房子外頭有電鋸的木板上。
  • Wastelanders 邪教徒:心靈之眼游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 - 原本在屋內的壁爐前,改版後跑到房子外頭的電視櫃。
  • Expeditions: Atlantic City 稍後再回來 - 美國遊樂場改版前出現,釘在大門上。
  • Expeditions: Atlantic City 喪失心智 - 二樓安東尼奧·盧梭的終端機旁邊,只有在完成父親之罪任務,女兒離開家裡的結局才出現。
  • Expeditions: Atlantic City ���自己的房間 - 廚房檯子上。
  • Expeditions: Atlantic City 玫瑰室評論 - 地下室吧檯後面的牆壁架。
  • Expeditions: Atlantic City 給伊芙琳 - 二樓臥室床上,只有在完成父親之罪任務,女兒待在大西洋城的結局才出現。
  • Expeditions: Atlantic City 給文恩 - 樓上臥室床底下。
  • Expeditions: Atlantic City 文恩的待辦清單 - 樓上長圓桌,旁邊有酒和籌碼。
  • Expeditions: Atlantic City 安東尼奧的鑰匙和密碼 - 這兩個在完成父親之罪任務自動獲得。
  • 一次性金鑰 - 原本是屋內牆上終端機,需用核子可樂行銷授權碼 (來自墜毀的飛機)登入產生。改版後終端機移到房子的後面。


The Rose Room appears only 在辐射76,引入于Expeditions: Atlantic City 更新 part two, America's Playground . It was built over the previous location of Ingram Mansion, which had been in the game since release. The Boardwalk Paradise update boarded up the location and teased the introduction of the Rose Room with the note Come back soon. The location was fully revamped and renamed with America's Playground.

Behind the scenes[]

Level designer Craig Bernardo worked on this location's conversion into a Cult of the Mothman retreat with the Wastelanders update.[Non-game 1]


Before Wastelanders

America's Playground

Boardwalk Paradise

  1. Opportunity Knocking

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