

Livegiver or Life Giver is a perk in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout 2d20 and Fallout Tactics.

Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics[]

With each level of this Perk, you gain an additional 4 Hit Points every time you advance a level. This is in addition to the Hit Points you already gain per level based off of your Endurance.— Fallout 2 In-game description

Every time the player character gains a level, they gain an additional four Hit Points for each rank of this perk. With two ranks of Lifegiver, that's +8 HP each level, which is more than 10 points in Endurance would give you.

Although it's not clear from the description, Lifegiver grants +4 HP for every level gained, including the level when the perk was taken. (Fallout Tactics does not give the HP on the level you take the perk.)

Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas[]

With the Life Giver perk, you gain an additional 30 Hit Points.Fallout 3 description

You gain an additional 30 Hit Points.

This perk also gives the player character unique dialogue choices when speaking with some specific characters, like Tree Father Birch in Oasis.


  • In the data files, it is listed as being available in 3 ranks, and loading screens will mention multiple "levels" of the perk.
  • The corresponding image is a Vault Boy version of Jesus.


Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 In Fallout: New Vegas, the health that Lifegiver grants is excluded from the 50% calculation for Ferocious Loyalty. [已验证]

Fallout 4[]

You embody wellness! You also receive an instant Health increase, which has no downsides (except it takes slightly longer to inflict Nerd Rage! on a set of foes). If you need extra Health, this is a must-take perk.Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide description


Rank Requirements Description Base ID
1 END 3 You embody wellness! Instantly gain +20 maximum Health. 0004A0CF
2 END 3, LVL 8 You instantly gain another +20 maximum Health. 001D2465
3 END 3, LVL 20 You instantly gain another +20 maximum Health, and slowly regenerate lost Health. 001D2467

This is best as an early-game perk. The math is such that, once one reaches Level 32, they would have been better off just putting 1 more point into Endurance than in getting a level in the Lifegiver perk. However, the benefits of +20 Health early game can be considerable.

The health regeneration gained from the third rank grants the player 0.5% health every second. However, health is not regenerated while in combat (i.e. when enemies are nearby.) The health regeneration is fast enough (out of combat) to be a real convenience.

Fallout 76[]

You embody wellness!


Rank Description Base ID
1 Gain a total of +15 to your maximum Health. 0004A0CF
2 Gain a total of +30 to your maximum Health. 001D2465
3 Gain a total of +45 to your maximum Health. 001D2467
Nuclear Winter

Lifegiver is a perk in the Nuclear Winter battle royale mode. It requires 1 SPECIAL point to equip.

Rank Description Base ID
1 Gain a total of +45 to your maximum Health. 00479B41

Fallout 2d20[]

Increase one's maximum health points by one's Endurance rank.

Each time this perk is taken, the level requirement increases by 5.


Perks in Fallout Tactics