

聯邦酒廊 是沙克斯( a bartending Protectron)經營的酒吧,位於特佩尼大廈一樓,只出售酒類和治療針。

Unlike other shops, the Federalist Lounge is open at any time. This is handy if you come into the tower late at night from an excursion. Should Shakes be killed during the ghoul takeover, no one will run the Federalist Lounge.


The 联邦人酒吧 is located on the right side of the Tenpenny lobby, opposite New Urban Apparel.

A pool table stands in the center of the room, with chairs and tables spread haphazardly around it. A jukebox is in the right-side corner. Shakes stands ever present in the left side of the room, near the shelves and his liquor cabinent.


  • 如果你成功入侵了沙克斯身旁的電腦,你會獲得50 %的貴賓折扣,這樣一來聯邦酒廊會是一個出售你不想要的物品的好地方。此外,如果你同時擁有10 %和50 %的折扣,你可以以最低25個瓶蓋的價格買到治療針。he only has 120 caps at a time, and he cannot repair items, which makes his use limited. He restocks on caps every 72 hours if you are willing to get the most out of your loot.
  • 如果你禁用了他的戰鬥抑制器(機器人背後那個東西,打壞了之後機器人會攻擊任何人),你可以殺死他並拿走櫥櫃的鑰匙,這時沒有任何警衛會攻擊你。之後,你就可以竊走威士忌,以及櫥櫃中的其他飲料。
  • Regulars include Herbert Dashwood, Irving Cheng, Tiffany Cheng and of course the town drunkard Michael Hawthorne.
  • Strangely enough, at certain times, all the current customers will get up and swap sits, a weird and unnecessary ritual.
Tenpenny Tower