
Ever since the Children showed up, anyone who doesn't believe in their vision disappears. They say that they are here for peace, but we know differently.Nicole

The Children of the Cathedral was the religious branch of the Unity, a widespread personality cult that the Master established as both a cover for his activities and to spread his philosophy. The organization was managed by Morpheus, to act as the public face of the Unity, infiltrating wasteland settlements,[Fallout Bible 3] recruiting potential converts for the cause,[3] and ease the transition of power by acting as moral guidance for the people.[4]


Origins of the Children lie in a doomsday cult headed by Morpheus, which was captured by Unity forces in 2152 and pledged service to the Master's cause, forming the core of the Children.[Fallout Bible 4]

The Children were formally established in 2156, as the Master saw the benefit in establishing a benevolent religion to spread his doctrine throughout the wasteland, acting as advocates, infiltrators, and fifth columnists for the Unity. Missionaries slowly spread out across the wasteland, acting as eyes and ears.[Fallout Bible 1] Their power base was set up above the Los Angeles Vault, concealing Unity operations on site.[Fallout Bible 5] Although Morpheus was infamous for his ties with the Boneyard Rippers, the Children successfully concealed their origins from prying eyes, particularly the Followers of the Apocalypse.[5]

In subsequent years, the Children slowly expanded across the wasteland communities, establishing clinics and hospitals. The services they rendered to those in need quickly earned them a reputation as a decent, if peculiar group of people.[6] The only group 他们的行动受到了天启追随者的怀疑,因为他们观测到否定大教堂之子理念的人时常就会神秘失踪。[7]

The Children were destroyed on March 3, 2162, as the Vault Dweller assassinated the Master and the Cathedral was engulfed in nuclear fire.[Fallout Bible 2] The surviving Children fled their hospitals and joined the remnants of the Unity in their retreat across the wasteland. Some made it as far as the Den in subsequent years, 他们之中有人因为主教之死而自杀。[8]


We know there is a higher level, a glorious place humanity should strive to reach. Ours is the goal to find the life better, more fulfilling, than the present one, marred by hardship and strife.Morpheus

Members of the Children were united by a general belief in the Holy Flame and its endless quest to heal the land and the people. By following the Cathedral's teachings, the Children would be able to find a better, more fulfilling life that's free of hardship and strife that marred existence in the wasteland.[9]

自愿加入者需进行长达数周的冥想与斋戒,before approaching an elder for acceptance into the ranks of the faithful.Alternatively, a prospective Child could volunteer to an elder for社区活动,包括喂养饥饿者、治疗病患和教育儿童。[10] 加入者被大教堂之子要求务必保持自己思想与精神的纯洁性,因而被要求绝对禁止嗑药与饮酒。[11] 如果成员满足了大教堂之子的要求并提供了服务,则也会被教会满足需求。[12]

Of course, as with any powerful and influential faction, the Children attracted a broad variety of people. On one end was the head of the organization, High Priest Morpheus, truthfully considered to be a corrupt opportunist,[Fallout Bible 6] and numerous thugs used by the Cathedral as soldiers.[13] On the other were people like Thorndyke, altruists who firmly believed in selfless service and sharing. Virtue was its own reward.[14]

Clerical structure[]

Those wishing to serve the Cathedral began their journey as initiates, after fulfilling the aforementioned requirements (weeks of meditation and fasting or voluntary service to the elders).[10] All the lesser functions were collectively referred to as acolytes.[15]

满足了对自己忠诚的证明并有意愿晋升后,他们就会被带入内殿,遭受大剂量药物注射和酷刑,意图将其思维推向崩溃,此仪式结束后还能保持精神状态稳定的人即晋升成功,获得紫色长袍正式成为成员,一名仆人。[15] 而仪式失败者,强壮者会成为卫兵,其余人将会成为劳工,这些人的精神已经严重异常,也被称呼为僵尸一般的人。[16]

最高层为以墨菲斯为首的教廷议会,包括12位大祭司和教主,They acted as agents of the great 黑暗之神, 传达主教的意志给教众,监督管理教会的运行与扩张。 [2] They and their agents are also the only ones cleared to enter the Inner Sanctum of the Cathedral.[17][18] At the time of the Cathedral's destruction, the thirteen High Priests included Morpheus, Father Lasher,[19] and Elder Jain at the Hub.[20]


Trinity Test - 1945

"The Holy Flame is a metaphor for the death of the old world and the beginning of the new. It is the power of life and death. What is more worthy of worship than that?" --Thorndyke

另见: Glossary of Children of the Cathedral terms

As a religion, the Children of the Cathedral had three core beliefs:

  1. 大教堂之子崇拜核武器,因为他们认为旧世界腐朽邪恶堕落(see United States of America and China for details).[21]Commonly described as justice,[22] 因而他们称呼核武器为圣火,带来旧世界的死亡和新世界的新生。[23]
  2. 人是有罪的,因为人性决定了人的恶意、愚蠢和暴力,这导致了人类进一步延伸出了邪恶与贪婪,[24] 进而导致了人类之间无穷无尽的矛盾冲突。[25]
  3. 为了彻底终结这个怪圈,主教(第二次圣火)降临是有必要的,他将会成为万物之主,追随其光芒,化有私为无私,[26] and cleansing the unfaithful, the Nexus of Rebirth would be reached,[27][28]让地球重生and allowing humanity to thrive.[29] 不计种族、性别让所有人类化为一体,清除所有不愿忠诚之人,[30]并带来更高的生活水平。[31]

The veneration of the Master was a common element among the Children (although some denied his existence to non-believers),[32] and they would be invoked for vengeance, protection, forgiveness, and retribution among others - either by the Master's title or as the Holy Flame. The enemies of the Children would also be slain in the name of the Master, in service to the faith, true to the conviction that "peace must be fed with the blood of enemies".[33]

Those who progressed far enough in service to the Children were able to learn first-hand some of the means through which Unity would be brought into existence: 有价值的仆人可以有机会实施转化仪式,在FEV大桶里转化为超级变种人。Although 失败率���高, the resulting mutants were bigger, stronger, and faster than regular humans - and crucially, free of the vices that caused so much strife and misery among regular people.[34]

The super mutants were considered gods by the rest of the Children,[35] and presented as outsiders accepted by the Cathedral to those who did not share the faith.[36]

Ghouls held a special place in the Children's beliefs. 认为尸鬼是圣洁的,因为他们身上遭受的苦难是旧世界人们罪孽的体现。[37]

Varieties of faith[]

The Cathedral granted a lot of freedom in the interpretation of its core tenets, with most High Priests developing their own doctrine based on the core tenets.


FO01 NPC Morpheus N

"The Unity is our search for a higher level of life, and unity with our fellow man." --Father Morpheus

Morpheus' sermons focused on大教堂之子作为进化的使者角色以及土地及其人民的治疗师,强调寻求团结:追求没有困难和冲突的更高层次的生活,与人类同胞和超级变种人的团结。[38][39]



Other High Priests represented a more practical approach in their doctrine. Elder Jain, head of the Hub hospital, echoed Morpheus' doctrine while offering a concrete road to this higher life. A life of contentment and fulfillment could be attained by working for future generations, rebuilding the planet and making it a better place for those who come after.[41]

Perseverance in the face of adversity was key. Jain proposed that the Children could accomplish anything through persistence and effort - military if need be. While a peaceful solution was preferable, bringing others into the fold without violence, those who resist would be subjected to militant crusades aimed at destroying them as an obstacle to the Children's cause.[42]


On the other end of the spectrum, Father Lasher focused on personal development, rather than service. The mutation was a non-factor: Every birth is a mutation of parents' DNA, everyone is a mutant: What matters is that they are guided on a moral and productive path.[43] Moral progress could be achieved through pain, the most instructive force in the universe. The faithful were to be broken and then remade into tools of the Master's will.[44] Enduring pain purified the mind and prevented decadence and ease, fostering evolution necessary for survival in the harsh wasteland.[45] Those who succumb to pain and expire were a necessary sacrifice.[46]

Lasher's philosophy did not focus on simple endurance of physical pain. Righteousness was also attained through struggle, trauma, and recovery until one accepted the Master's truth without hesitation.[47] Achieving that state was rewarded with consecration. Beyond that lay baptism, the ultimate honor, achieved by perfecting oneself through the endurance of pain, by the acquisition of wisdom, and the performance of service: Pain is knowledge, Wisdom is obedience, and Service is courage. In the end, one rejected the Light that destroyed humanity and pledged themselves to the Darkness in which all are equal.[48]



A Unity rose, its color representing the Holy Flame, peace, and harmony.[49]

Beyond the extremes of pacifism, militancy, and enlightenment through suffering, there were also moderate positions within the Cathedral. Sister Viola is a philosopher, who formulated a utilitarian philosophy. She accepted the Apocalypse as a fait accompli, one that was the result of a dissolute, fragmented world that rejected peace and unity. She believed the Children represented the only viable option at creating a unified world in a New California divided between isolated, conflicted factions. It was a conclusion drawn from the facts: The Followers and the Brotherhood were content to sit on the sidelines, the Hub was fraught with oligarchical strife, while the Boneyard was a stretch of ruins torn apart by tribal gangs.[25]

She she applauded efforts by adventurers and local militias to root out monsters and brigands, she believed that a concerted effort on a larger scale was necessary. Children would bring order to the chaotic wasteland, ensuring its survival and preventing monsters from hurting humanity again. They would purge selfishness from human hearts, the same madness that drove humanity to unleash Apocalypse on itself, allowing all to work for the common good.[26]

The able would be elevated to positions where they could help the community,[50] working as part of an ordered society that would allow all to excel in the role best suited for them: Drone, soldier, or queen.[51]

The physical conquest of the wasteland was a necessary sacrifice if the result was a united world. As imperfect as it would inevitably be, she argued, it would have a better chance of holding itself together than the dissolute New California of the 22nd century,[52] which would continue to develop into packs of powerful enclaves, eventually powerful enough to start Apocalypse all over again.[53] Therefore, the Unity was a necessary defense of humanity from self-destruction, not dissimilar to the actions of self-proclaimed heroes killing foes by the dozen without a second thought.[54]

At the same time, she did not believe that violence was ethical. Its only justification lay in the absence of superior methods to achieve the goals of the Cathedral.[55] By extension, the Master's actions, could be accepted as, from her perspective, the only viable way to unify New California. Even the apparent genocide could actually be salvation in disguise, especially if its threat would ensure the people's cooperation and even eventual revelation of safer, less morally corrosive ways to achieve the Unity's goals.[56]

The capstone of her philosophy was something she regarded as the paradox of peace: No struggle comes without a price, and the greatest struggle inevitably enacts the greatest cost.[57] This struggle was an obligation, to yourself and your children, an obligation to improve your life. Abdicating that responsibility, citing the sorry state of the world, was cowardice.[58]

Outside relations[]

Fo1 Cathedral Front

The facade of the Cathedral, with adherents milling before it.

The most noticeable effort of the Children was a network of hospitals set up in settlements across the wasteland, offering hope and some of the best medical care in the wasteland at a fraction of the usual cost.[59][60] Their services were popular among the wastelanders, particularly when they matched the care quality of local practices at a significantly lower cost. For example, Doc Morbid at Junktown lost all of his business to a freshly-established clinic, falling prey to his own business practices and price-gouging.[61]

As a religious movement, the Children were naturally opposed to other groups that claimed a similar philosophical or religious foundation. The Followers of the Apocalypse were considered ignorant fools, following a false path that would only bring pain and suffering to fellow humans.[62] Likewise, the Brotherhood of Steel was seen as misguided, lacking that which would make them truly righteous.[63]

Interactions with the player character[]

  • The Children are encountered at hospitals throughout New California. The largest of these is located in the Hub, where they displaced the Crimson Caravan offices, offering free healing and flowers. Jain, the head of Hub operations, is the target of Decker's assassination attempt.
  • A smaller clinic is ran by two Children in Necropolis, offering complete healing in exchange for a fixed percentage of your caps.
  • Another clinic appears in Junktown, by Doc Morbid's garage, offering healing services at dumping prices.
  • The most important location controlled by the Children is in the Boneyard, south of Adytum. The Cathedral is the heart of its operations, housing key members of the cult: Morpheus, Lasher, Dr. Wu, and of course, the Master in the Los Angeles Vault.


The Children's technological level varied. Their rank and file members were typically armed with simple melee weapons and armor, such as spears and leather armor, with most chanters wearing nothing more than the robes on their backs. Bodyguards in field operations were issued Desert Eagle .44 pistols for protection, with rifles, explosives, and ammunition secreted away in storerooms for use in the coming conquest of New California.[64] However, their medical technology was advanced, as they were able to provide a variety of medical services in the field to those in need, asking for little to no money in return.[65]

Children enjoyed a high quality of life for the time. The Cathedral, the heart of the movement, was a clean and entirely habitable place stocked with food, water, and medicine, with its own power generator, working electricity, restored Mach IV computers, and comfortable quarters for veteran members of the organization.[66] Furthermore, the protection provided by nightkin was unmatched (except by crack assault Paladins of the Brotherhood of Steel), enabled by a combination of natural super mutant endurance, high-end weapons, and standard-issue Stealth Boys provided to all members of the Cathedral and Vault garrison.[67]


The Children of the Cathedral appeared in Fallout and is mentioned in the Fallout Bible. They are mentioned and a robe of theirs appeared in Fallout 2. There is also an indirect mention in Fallout: New Vegas, on Black Mountain Radio. Former members were to appear in Van Buren.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the earliest Vault 13 timeline, the Cathedral was named Citadel and the cult was, accordingly, the Children of the Citadel.
  • The earliest Children, Dumar and Zack Barstow seem to have been used as testbeds for the script and message file systems, with Dumar's "script" file being just an uncompiled plain text file, while Zack has both, but the script file also has hardcoded dialogue options. The GENINT.INT file indicates the idea of discrete named initiates was quickly abandoned.
  • In an early design, before the city was reconceptualized, the Children were a fifth force in the Boneyard divided by a bitter turf war. Between the Rippers and Blades, stuck Adytum, with the Followers of the Apocalypse on the sideline. The Children would be divided into several ranks, starting with the Initiates, who could then become either Scholars, spreading the doctrine of the Unity, or Scribes, and led by Elders.[68]
  • The Children would wage a covert war against the Followers, and eventually conquer them without the player's intervention (likely depending on the resolution of the Heather spy plotline; her text file is also filled with context explanations for translators), with initiates Ronald, Caroline, Myles, Alisha, Thomas, Gabriel, Charlene, Ekdar, Hopper, and Radek leading the attack. Scholars Theslin, Slater, Aunanut, Eikenkoff, Spikavar, Varalone, Quinonos, Ziegliff, Jones, and Smithe appearing to pilfer through the Followers' headquarters for intelligence.[69]
  • Children scouts and guards would also be present in the Boneyard, reacting to the player's actions (such as cleansing the Rippers) and directing them to Orfeo, a Senior Member leading the Children's Boneyard contingent.[70] Although it is commonly believed that Orfeo was an early incarnation of Morpheus, Morpheus was already conceptualized as early as February 1995,[71] and script listings note that he is unrelated to Orfeo.[72]
  • The super mutants would also be a separate force, led by Uthern and including Thinker Nightkin, super mutant scouts,[73] and generic supermutants, who would also be present at the Followers' library, pilfering through their books. Interestingly, these were low-intelligence mutants, yet still described as nightkin.[74]
Final design cuts
  • There's cut content in the final design too: The Children would originally gradually spread their influence out among the cities, establishing clinics from Adytum to Shady Sands. All this functionality was scrapped, with only the clinic at Junktown remaining.[75]



  1. COC badge: "A badge in the shape of the Children of the Cathedral symbol. (...)"
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Vault Dweller: "{1005}{}{Order}"
    Morpheus: "{1105}{MORP55}{We are the high priests of the great Dark God. Thirteen of us are so blessed to pass his mighty words to the rest of the Children. }"
  3. The Vault Dweller: "{109}{}{Tell me more about the Children and the Followers.}"
    Caleb: "{132}{}{Well, the Children of the Cathedral all live in this big black church-type building. They have some sort of big god, an' they go around tryin' to convert people to their cult.}"
  4. The Vault Dweller: " {1004}{}{Hub}"
    Jain: "{1104}{JAIN304}{Like many other cities, they will embrace the moral leadership of the Cathedral.}"
  5. The Vault Dweller: "{150}{}{Where did the Children come from?}"
    Nicole: "{165}{Nic_22}{They showed up around the same time we did, but no one knows how they came about. We've heard rumors that their leader, Morpheus, was part of the Rippers before he was 'enlightened' by their Dark God.}"
  6. The Vault Dweller: " {111}{}{A hospital?}"
    Julio: "{113}{}{The Children of the Cathedral run a small hospital here in the Hub. They seem like a decent bunch.}"
  7. Nicole: "{144}{Nic_16}{The Children of the Cathedral. We believe in bringing peace to the land, but there's some things that just can't be helped.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{145}{}{What do you mean? What did they do?}"
    Nicole: "{147}{Nic_17}{Ever since the Children showed up, anyone who doesn't believe in their vision disappears. They say that they are here for peace, but we know differently.}"
  8. The Chosen One: "{119}{}{So, tell me what you know about the Master.}"
    Leanne: "{144}{}{Well this might take a bit. Be a gentleman and buy me a drink, wouldn't you please? Not whiskey though, Nuka-Cola please.}"
    The Chosen One: "{147}{}{Sure.}"
    Leanne: "{149}{}{Thanks. Now let's see... I remember my mom telling me about this huge migration that happened 70... or was it 80 years ago...}"
    The Chosen One: "{150}{}{Please, go on.}"
    Leanne: "{151}{}{Really big mutants with weapons as tall as you and me came from the south. Mom said it looked like a big migration of some sort.}"
    The Chosen One: "{152}{}{How many?}"
    Leanne: "{153}{}{Don't know, but there were multiple groups of them. Some would continue north, others headed east. No one knew where they were going.}"
    The Chosen One: "{154}{}{Go on.}"
    Leanne: "{155}{}{They were quite upset and seemed to be fleeing from something.}"
    The Chosen One: "{156}{}{Really?}"
    Leanne: "{157}{}{Yeah, there were also others in dirty, tattered purple robes... they kept babbling about how the Master was dead...}"
    The Chosen One: "{158}{}{Interesting.}"
    Leanne: "{159}{}{Some of them even committed suicide right here in town!}"
    The Chosen One: "{160}{}{So?}"
    Leanne: "{161}{}{Well don't you see. They were talking about the Master, the one your ancestor killed.}"
    The Chosen One: "{162}{}{Thanks for the story.}"
  9. Jain: "{163}{JAIN27}{Blessings of the Holy Flame to you, my Child.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{164}{}{Who's the Holy Flame?}"
    Jain: "{183}{JAIN202}{There is no one greater then the Holy Flame and we are His servants.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{184}{}{Really? Wow. So, what's the reason for someone to join your order?}"
    Jain: "{136}{JAIN14}{A lifetime of contentment. Fulfillment in the knowledge you're working to rebuild the planet and make a better place for those that follow.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{137}{}{Sounds very interesting, could you tell me more? I seek fulfillment.}"
    Jain: "{148}{JAIN20}{You are in the right place for spiritual fulfillment. The Children of the Cathedral seek a peaceful resolution of our world's problems and could use your help.}"
  10. 10.0 10.1 Vault Dweller: "" {132}{}{How does one become an initiate?} "
    Viola: " {254}{}{You should spend several weeks of meditation and fasting here, and then approach one of the elders. Or you could volunteer for service work.} "
    Vault Dweller: "{256}{}{Who do I approach about volunteering?}"
    Viola: "{305}{}{We perform many services for people. Healing the sick, feeding the hungry, teaching the young. I am quite proud of them. If you corner Father Morpheus, he may be able to tell you how to get involved with our hospices. Farewell, friend.}"
  11. The Vault Dweller: "{126}{}{I'm looking for large quantities of liquor. I'd like to remove them from the premises . . .}"
    Francis: "{137}{}{My goodness! Alcohol and chems here! You must be mistaken. The Master would never tolerate it. He wants all of his followers to keep their minds healthy and pure.}"
  12. Thorndyke: "{159}{}{I am a healer, not a moneylender. The Cathedral sees to my needs, so I might see to the needs of others. Now, let me see to your injury, shall we?}"
  13. Children with real attitudes, Ton, and others are a prime example.
  14. Vault Dweller: "{133}{}{How much?}"
    Thorndyke: "{148}{}{There were a few wise ones among the ancients who believed virtue is its own reward. That is my belief as well. Perhaps if more people shared this opinion, there would have been no need for the Holy Flame… Forgive me, but I have no patience for long conversation. There are other people who may instruct you better than I. Please excuse me.}"
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Vault Dweller: "{194}{}{What did they do to you?}"
    Dane: "{198}{}{Dumped me in chemicals, filled me full of holes, played loud noises for me. That sort of shit. Tried to make me into something I'm not. Parents do that all the time.}"
  16. The Vault Dweller: "{165}{}{What's going on around here?}"
    Dane: "{170}{}{This is the baptismal. They make Servitors here. When acolytes have been indoctrinated, they bring them here and they go through the process. A few of them survive . . .}"
    "{171}{}{Most lose their minds, but they're still useful. They throw them downstairs, rant at them about the Master and walk around in a stupor. You've seen the zombies. Great slave labor -- and soldiers . . .}"
  17. The Vault Dweller: "{1003}{}{Sanctum}"
    Morpheus: "{1103}{MORP53}{Don't concern yourself with that. Only the High Priests may enter. }"
  18. Francis: "{135}{}{I think that's one of the Inner Mysteries that the priests discuss upstairs in the Inner Sanctum. I have not been privileged enough for that revelation yet, but I'm working at it!}"
  19. The Vault Dweller: "{1009}{}{Lasher}"
    Morpheus: "{1109}{MORP59}{He is another High Priest. He spends much of his time in the studies. }"
  20. Jain: "{101}{JAIN00}{Why do you disturb an elder of the Cathedral?}"
  21. Vault Dweller: "{197}{}{If the Holy Flame is so great, why don't you want to see it all the time?}"
    Thorndyke: "{194}{}{The old world was filled with evil and decadence. The Holy Flame destroyed it. We can either fear the Holy Flame, or worship it and attempt to understand it. The Children have chosen understanding. Although we do not wish to see the Holy Flame unleashed again.}"
  22. The Vault Dweller: "{1000}{}{War}"
    Jain: "{1100}{JAIN300}{It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice.}"
  23. Vault Dweller: "{196}{}{Worship? The Bomb? What's so great about a bomb?}"
    Thorndyke: "{204}{}{The Holy Flame is a metaphor for the death of the old world and the beginning of the new. It is the power of life and death. What is more worthy of worship than that?}"
  24. Vault Dweller: "{140}{}{What have you learned?}"
    Thorndyke: "{176}{}{I have learned we are a spiteful, violent and stupid species, unworthy of the Holy Flame. I have seen greed and evil everywhere. And unless we do something drastic, we shall be burned by Holy Flame again…}"
  25. 25.0 25.1 Viola: " {179}{}{Look at the people who caused the Apocalypse! They didn't believe in peace and unity, and look what they did to us! Unity is the only way to prevent this from happening again, and Unity must happen NOW, before the other Vaults around the world have a chance to muster their forces.} "
    Vault Dweller: " {183}{}{And why is the Master the best one to lead us?} "
    Viola: " {202}{}{I've looked at the locals. The Brotherhood of Steel and the Children of the Apocalypse just want to be left alone. The Hub thinks they can buy the world - what a pack of fools! Only the Master has the strength to do what must be done. Think about it!} "
  26. 26.0 26.1 Viola: " {247}{}{We have very similar interests. You have slain monsters and brigands and made the world a safer place. We plan to do the same, on a larger scale.} "
    Vault Dweller: " {248}{}{What sort of scale?} "
    Viola: " {288}{}{As large as possible. The world is in chaos. It needs order, or it will not survive. We will bring order, and prevent the monsters from hurting it again, as they did in the Apocalypse. Words to think about, at any rate. Good-bye.} "
    Vault Dweller: " {249}{}{Who are the monsters and brigands that you're planning to slay?} "
    Viola: " {289}{}{Those who would let their selfish desires oppose the better good of humanity. The Apocalypse was caused by human selfishness. If the world is to survive, this madness must be purged from the human heart. Words to think about, at any rate. Good-bye.} "
  27. The Vault Dweller: "{1001}{}{Master}"
    Jain: "{1101}{JAIN301}{There is no Master but the Holy Flame. He is our master, He is the Master of all.}"
  28. The Vault Dweller: "{1007}{}{Holy}"
    Jain: "{1107}{JAIN308}{The Holiest of Holies. He is the guiding light we follow. He shall cleanse those unfaithful when the Nexus of Rebirth is reached.}"
    (JAIN.MSG) Note: The same reply is offered to the query "Flame" (node 1010) at node 1110.
  29. The Vault Dweller: "{1002}{}{Cathedral}"
    Jain: "{1102}{JAIN302}{The will of the Holy One brings a rebirth to the planet. We are His Children and carry out His plan.}"
  30. The Vault Dweller: "{1008}{}{Unity}"
    Jain: "{1108}{JAIN309}{It is the uniting, by the Holy Flame, of all people, of all races and the cleansing of the heathens from this world.}"
  31. The Vault Dweller: "{1008}{}{Unity}"
    Morpheus: "{1108}{MORP58}{The Unity is our search for a higher level of life, and unity with our fellow man. }"
  32. Laura[需要引证]
  33. COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout): "# 15. Children, Brainwashed (Cathedral) (...)
  34. The Vault Dweller: "{178}{}{Do you want to die? I can put you out of your misery.}"
    Dane: "{181}{}{I'm screwed, but this is only Phase 1 of the Cathedral Screwover Plan. When servitors get completely brainwashed, they got to Phase 2. That's when the Master baptizes them in the FEV-2!}"
    "{182}{}{Most die right there. But those who survive become mutants. BIG mutants. Nightkin! The Master thinks that only the Nightkin can survive. He wants to make everyone Nightkin because they're tough!}"
    "{183}{}{You know all this peace and unity bullshit? It really isn't bullshit to the Master. He really thinks that he's saving the world!}"
    "{184}{}{Sterile! We're all going to be hideous, sterile freaks! Sterile! Sterile! Sterile! My name's not Errol! Sterile!}"
  35. The Vault Dweller: "{171}{}{So where is this Master?}"
    Lieutenant: "{173}{LIEUT23}{He's busy with the Children of the Cathedral. They actually consider us gods. But then, who can blame them.}"
  36. The Vault Dweller: "{1000}{}{Nightkin}"
    Morpheus: "{1100}{MORP50}{The Nightkin came to us a while ago. They might be hideous mutants but they are extremely loyal to the Children. As we all are.}"
  37. The Vault Dweller: "{1003}{}{Mutants}"
    Jain: "{1103}{JAIN303}{They are holy for they bear marks of past sins for present witnesses.}"
  38. Morpheus: "{192}{MORP31}{ Our plans? We are the messengers of evolution, my child. We follow the Master in his endless quest to heal the land and the people.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{193}{}{Really? Just what kind of evolution are you teaching?}"
    Morpheus: "{195}{MORP32}{ We know there is a higher level, a glorious place humanity should strive to reach. Ours is the goal to find the life better, more fulfilling, than the present one, marred by hardship and strife. }"
    Vault Dweller: "{194}{}{What kind of healing?}"
    Morpheus: "{210}{MORP39}{ We cure the physical body to start. You've certainly seen our hospitals. Then we offer hope and healing for the spirit. }"
  39. Vault Dweller: "{1008}{}{Unity}"
    Morpheus: "{1108}{MORP58}{The Unity is our search for a higher level of life, and unity with our fellow man. }"
  40. Morpheus: "{1101}{MORP51}{It is he who brought me the vision of the Unity and it is he who will bring peace to this troubled land.}"
  41. Jain: "{133}{JAIN13}{Are you interested in converting to our faith? We can offer you what no one else can...}"
    Vault Dweller: "{134}{}{And what's that?}"
    Jain: "{136}{JAIN14}{A lifetime of contentment. Fulfillment in the knowledge you're working to rebuild the planet and make a better place for those that follow.}"
  42. Jain: "{148}{JAIN20}{You are in the right place for spiritual fulfillment. The Children of the Cathedral seek a peaceful resolution of our world's problems and could use your help.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{149}{}{What are the Children's plans for mutants?}"
    Jain: "{151}{JAIN21}{Those that can be brought into the fold, shall be. Those that resist will suffer.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{150}{}{How can Children find peace in this wasteland?}"
    Jain: "{156}{JAIN22}{With perseverance, the Children can accomplish anything. We will not fail.}"
  43. Lasher: "{155}{}{I instruct the children. It is my duty. All children are wicked beasts. It is my duty to force them into evolve into human beings. Perhaps you have heard that I do not tolerate frivolity. This is true. I want my charges to suffer as much as possible.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{156}{}{And are mutants more evolved than human beings?}"
    Lasher: "{201}{}{Mutation is nothing to fear. Every birth is a mutation of our parents’ DNA. We are all mutants. The only thing that matters is that the mutant is guided on a moral and productive path. This is my job. And this also ends this discussion. Leave me now.}"
  44. Vault Dweller: "{116}{}{I seek the guidance of the Cathedral.}"
    Lasher: "{168}{}{Learn to embrace pain as your closest friend, for pain is the most instructive force in the universe. Break yourself until you can exist no longer as an individual, then remake yourself into the Master’s tool. That is the solution to all of your problems.}"
  45. Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{Nice rod you’ve got there! Is that why they call you "Lasher?"}"
    Lasher: "{151}{}{The rod is a holy instrument, through which I instruct my charges. Pain clears the mind of evil thoughts and allows them to better comprehend the glory of the Master.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{153}{}{That’s a horrible thing to do to children!}"
    Lasher: "{200}{}{Decadence and ease prevents evolution, evolution that is necessary for survival in a harsh world. Fortunately, I am a hard man who cares nothing for seductive pleasures. I see that you disagree with me. I do not care about your opinion. Get out of here!}"
  46. Vault Dweller: "{159}{}{Tell me more about your teaching methods.}"
    Lasher: "{202}{}{I deal out pain. If the animal is worthy and can learn from it, it evolves into a righteous soul. If it does not, it does not deserve to exist. On rare occasions, the animal is removed the genetic pool, although not as often as I would like. This happens more often with failed grown animals.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{203}{}{And the Master approves of the teaching methods?}"
    Lasher: "{186}{}{I have not consulted him, but I am certain he is pleased with the righteous souls I have brought him. It is difficult work, but I do it well. Unfortunately, it is also quite time consuming, which is why I must order to you to leave right now.}"
  47. Lasher: "{114}{}{Why have you come, initiate? You know that I do not like to be disturbed.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{115}{}{Forgive me, Father, but I am troubled.}"
    Lasher: "{162}{}{You are a woman, and therefore you are always troubled. It is an endemic condition of your breed. Tell me your problem, madam, and I will resolve it for you.}"
    Lasher: "{163}{}{If your heart was not so full of wickedness, sir, you would be at ease. A righteous heart knows no cares. Tell me your problem, but be quick!}"
    Vault Dweller: "{164}{}{Tell me how to attain righteousness!}"
    Lasher: "{211}{}{Righteousness is attained through struggle, trauma, and recovery. We are animals who must be continuously be broken until we accept the Master’s truth without hesitation. Now that you have heard the truth, seek it with the body of your experiences. Get out of here.}"
  48. Lasher: "{131}{}{My quarters are not open to those who have not been consecrated. I must ask you to leave at once.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{134}{}{I wanted to ask you about consecration.}"
    Lasher: "{138}{}{That is a privilege reserved for only the most faithful servants. Only baptism is a higher honor.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{139}{}{And how does one earn baptism?}"
    Lasher: "{183}{}{By the endurance of pain, by the acquisition of wisdom, and the performance of service. Pain is knowledge, Wisdom is obedience, and Service is courage. }"
    Lasher: "{185}{}{You must reject the Light that nearly destroyed us all, and pledge yourself to the Darkness in which all are equal. Now that I have told you this thing, go seek it. Seek the Master and his wisdom.}"
  49. The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{What's so special about the flower?}"
    Flower child: "{121}{}{It's a Unity Rose. It's the color of the Holy Flame, and represents the peace and harmony we'll have when the Children of the Cathedral helps everyone in the whole world become friendly and strong! Uh, do you want one?}"
  50. Viola: " {179}{}{Look at the people who caused the Apocalypse! They didn't believe in peace and unity, and look what they did to us! Unity is the only way to prevent this from happening again, and Unity must happen NOW, before the other Vaults around the world have a chance to muster their forces.} "
    Vault Dweller: " {180}{}{You seem a little too intelligent for this pack of zombies.} "
    Viola: " {199}{}{Maybe I'll be so intelligent that when the Master takes power, I'll be able to do something to help. Maybe you will too! Join us! Join us and change the world! Just think about it, that's all I ask!} "
  51. Viola: " {179}{}{Look at the people who caused the Apocalypse! They didn't believe in peace and unity, and look what they did to us! Unity is the only way to prevent this from happening again, and Unity must happen NOW, before the other Vaults around the world have a chance to muster their forces.} "
    Vault Dweller: " {181}{}{You want everyone to act like the people in this room? That's worse than being dead!} "
    Viola: " {200}{}{There have always been drones in any society. Forget them! We need drones, but we also need soldiers and queens. And you look like a good soldier at least. Consider what you could do, you could be very useful to our cause. Help us. Think about what I've said, that's all I ask!} "
  52. Viola: " {179}{}{Look at the people who caused the Apocalypse! They didn't believe in peace and unity, and look what they did to us! Unity is the only way to prevent this from happening again, and Unity must happen NOW, before the other Vaults around the world have a chance to muster their forces.} "
    Vault Dweller: " {182}{}{You're crazy! That'll just lead to another Apocalypse.} "
    Viola: " {201}{}{Or maybe we can overwhelm their defenses before they have time to build up again. Maybe we can unite the other Vaults and cities with one swift, clean stroke. A united world won't be perfect, but it will have a better chance of holding itself together. Think about it!} "
  53. Viola: "{207}{}{The world won't stay like that. It never does. And if all we do is build packs of powerful enclaves, eventually one of them will get powerful enough to start the Apocalypse over again. Join us and unite the world before this happens! Think about it!}"
  54. Viola: " {184}{}{You've never taken a life? You aren't packing enough firepower to give the Brotherhood of Steel gun envy? Stop being such a hypocrite! You feel it's justified to defend yourself. The Master's defending humanity from another attack of self-destruction. It's all the same!} "
    Vault Dweller: " {188}{}{That's bullshit, Lady!} "
    Viola: " {205}{}{Is it? Think about it. Think real hard. If you continue to oppose us, you'll die. You've seen our forces, you know there's more where that came from. A lot more! You can't stop us! But If you join us, you could save lives. Just think about it!} "
  55. Vault Dweller: " {187}{}{So mass slaughter is all right if you intend to save the world?}"
    Viola: "{204}{}{No. It isn't all right. But it's the only option that has a chance of saving us over the long term, which is why I'm with these people. There's no better way! Think about it!}"
  56. Viola: " {166}{}{Because the Master is a necessary evil. Because somebody has to unite the world, and he's the only one in the area who has a chance to unify it.} "
    Vault Dweller: " {170}{}{I like this world just fine.} "
    Viola: " {189}{}{What the Hell kind of world do you think this is? It's a nightmare out there!} "
    Vault Dweller: " {192}{}{A world where I can be free to live my own life as I choose.} "
    Viola: " {194}{}{Tough. I don't like radiation and the FEV virus, but I didn't have a choice about it. You can't always get what you want in this world. Sometimes you have to make compromises. And sometimes you have to open your mind to unpleasant ideas.} "
    Vault Dweller: " {196}{}{There's compromises, and there's genocide.} "
    Viola: " {209}{}{Or maybe there's salvation disguised as genocide. Maybe the world won't be such a bad place if people work for the Master's vision. Perhaps we can even find ways to do it with less bloodshed. Think about it!} "
  57. Vault Dweller: " {228}{}{Why must so many people die to attain peace?} "
    Viola: " {268}{}{No struggle comes without a price, and the greatest struggle inevitably enacts the greatest cost. That is the paradox of peace, I fear. Words to think about, at any rate. Good-bye.} "
  58. Vault Dweller: "{193}{}{Life ain't pretty, sister. Never has been, never will be.}"
    Viola: "{208}{}{And that's just a cowardly excuse that solves nothing. If life is shitty, we should try to change it. We owe it to ourselves and to our children. Do you think the world will stay the same when we divide ourselves into warring pieces? Think about it!}"
  59. The Vault Dweller: "{1007}{}{Hospitals}"
    Morpheus: "{1107}{MORP57}{The Children of the Cathedral hospitals provide the best care in all of this blasted, torn land. This care is vital to the Unity.}"
  60. The Vault Dweller: "{189}{}{What are the Children's plans?}"
    Morpheus: "{192}{MORP31}{ Our plans? We are the messengers of evolution, my child. We follow the Master in his endless quest to heal the land and the people.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{193}{}{Really? Just what kind of evolution are you teaching?}"
    Morpheus: "{195}{MORP32}{ We know there is a higher level, a glorious place humanity should strive to reach. Ours is the goal to find the life better, more fulfilling, than the present one, marred by hardship and strife. }"
    The Vault Dweller: "{194}{}{What kind of healing?}"
    Morpheus: "{210}{MORP39}{ We cure the physical body to start. You've certainly seen our hospitals. Then we offer hope and healing for the spirit. }"
  61. Morbid: "{153}{}{My business has dropped off recently. I'm happy to see any customers, these days. Not that I mind your company, of course.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{155}{}{Why has your business dropped off?}"
    Morbid: "{158}{}{In case you haven't noticed, I got some competition.}"
    Morbid: "{160}{}{ Those damn Children have moved in next door, and all, um, much of my business has gone to them. I don't like it, but I can't lower my prices to match theirs. I can only provide better service.}"
  62. The Vault Dweller: "{1010}{}{Followers}"
    Morpheus: "{1110}{MORP60}{My heart bleeds for them. Led down a false path. They don't know their efforts will bring only pain and suffering to their fellow beings.}"
  63. The Vault Dweller: "{1005}{}{Steel}"
    Jain: "{1105}{JAIN305}{They claim a religious foundation, but lack that which would make them truly righteous. Their zeal is refreshing, however.}"
  64. Hub hospital storeroom
  65. Thorndyke
  66. Cathedral layout and amenities.
  67. Nightkin inventory at the Cathedral and the demonstration Vault.
  71. Early character concepts from February 1995.
  72. SCRIPTS.LST (Fallout): "Morph.int  ; Morpheus (not relation to Orpheus) of the Children (power hungry) "
  75. The Vault Dweller: "{212}{}{Where are these hospitals?}"
    Morpheus: "{213}{MORP40}{ Our glorious effort has just reached Adytum and, of course, the Hub shines with our efforts there. But, I have a feeling there's more you wish to ask. }"
    Morpheus: "{214}{MORP41}{ These are wondrous days. Junktown now joins in Adytum and the Hub in our quest to save body and soul. Is there more you wish to know, my child? }"
    Morpheus: "{217}{MORP42}{ The Children's vision now stretches from Adytum, to the Hub, Junktown, and now gently caresses Shady Sands. Why do you ask? }"

Fallout Bible

  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout Bible 0: "2156 The Master sees advantages in establishing a benevolent "religion," the Children of the Cathedral, and using them as spies in settlements throughout the wastes. Missionaries from the Children of the Cathedral spread slowly across the wasteland, acting as eyes and ears for Morpheus and the Master."
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fallout Bible 0: "2162 March 3 Vault Dweller kicks the Master's ass."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2156 The Master sees advantages in establishing a benevolent "religion," the Children of the Cathedral, and using them as spies in settlements throughout the wastes. Missionaries from the Children of the Cathedral spread slowly across the wasteland, acting as eyes and ears for Morpheus and the Master."
  4. Fallout Bible 0: "2152 As their influence slowly spreads throughout the wastes, the Master finds humans, doomsday cultists, and rather than dip them in the vats, he demands their obedience as spies - their leader is a man named Morpheus, and he pledges his followers to the Master. Morpheus and his cultists form the future core of the Children of the Cathedral."
  5. Fallout Bible 0: "2155-2156 After capturing a caravan of strange-garbed travelers (vault dwellers), Master learns the location of the Boneyard Vault, the future site of the Cathedral. He conquers the inhabitants and sets up operations there, and the human cultists begin to use the Vault as their powerbase. Within the Vault, the Master learns of other Vaults, and realizing their human occupants are ripe for transformation, begins to send out patrols to Vault locations in search of these other Vaults."
  6. Scott Bennie, Fallout Bible 8: "I almost regret not doing more with the Cathedral, but I did my best not to throw in side quests because I thought at that time the player would be pretty much streaking for the endgame and any quests at this point would be more annoying than useful. There's a time for speed bumps, and there's a time when you have to let them cut loose. So the Cathedral's mostly for color. I tried to come up with a few NPCs there who weren't despicable; I thought it'd be more interesting if the cult attracted a few people who weren't stupid and thuggishly evil. That way, they'd contrast better with people like Morpheus (whose dialogue was written before I came on the project) who *was* an opportunistic scumball."