
启示录,21:6。我是阿尔法,我是欧米茄,我是初,我是终。我要将生命泉的水白白赐给那口渴的人喝。— 詹姆斯背诵"启示录 21:6"




在獨行者出生之前,詹姆斯领导了一项名为净水计划的雄心勃勃的科学事业。[Non-canon 1][Non-canon 2][1]他和他的科学家团队,包括妻子凯瑟琳麥蒂森·黎博士,旨在在杰斐逊纪念堂的废墟中建造一个先进的净水器,用于净化潮汐盆地的水。 [Non-canon 2]

钢铁兄弟会的保护下,当研究正在进行时,凯瑟琳和詹姆斯发现他们有了一个孩子。[2] 凯瑟琳决心在迎接他们的孩子之前完成这个项目,她整天待在实验室里,不顾詹姆斯的反对拒绝休息。[3]该项目开始失去动力,缺乏具体结果,同时不得不弥补因超级变种人攻击而损失的时间。[4] 变种人的数量在稳步增加,保护这个项目对兄弟会来说变得越来越困难。[4] 在一周内失去两名成员,三人受伤后,分会和科学家之间的关系开始紧张。[4]

在这个项目取得成果之前,凯瑟琳生下了他们的孩子,但死于分娩并发症。[5][Non-canon 2]心烦意乱的詹姆斯权衡了他的选择,认识到这个项目缺乏进展,每天都有几次超级变种人袭击,并继续挑战与兄弟会的合作。[6] 他决定不管这个项目对他和凯瑟琳有多大意义,这个地方对婴儿来说并不安全,于是选择离开这个项目,把孩子的需求放在自己的需求之前。[Non-canon 2][7]


在兄弟会的星光聖騎士克羅絲的护送下,詹姆斯带着他的孩子继续前行,穿过特区废墟到达101号避难所[8] 在成功到达并进入大型地下避难所后,詹姆斯开始担任避难所的医生。在他入住后不久,他再次开始了对净水计划的研究,这一次包括每晚潜入避难所的禁区,寻找与该计划目标相关或有帮助的任何东西。[4]

在先进的技术中,詹姆斯在避难所科技设施中寻找任何可能被证明有用的信息。[4] 运气不好,他闯入监督者的办公室并入侵了终端机,获得了对受限文件的访问权限。詹姆斯通过有关杰出研究人员和技术天才斯坦尼斯劳斯·布劳恩博士的信息找到了一个有希望的线索。[4]詹姆斯了解到布劳恩参与了一项社会保护计划,以及他对一项名为GECK伊甸園創造套件的技术的研究。 [4]

关于这项技术的信息对詹姆斯来说是完全陌生的,他提到这似乎是一个奇迹。[7]该设备是一个地球形成模块,能够在贫瘠的生态系统中产生生命。[9] 他怀疑这样的装置能否成为现实,表示整个想法听起来像是纯粹的幻想,即使对于布劳恩这样的人来说也是如此。[9]他了解到它不仅存在,而且在原子战争后被分发到几个避难所中使用。[9]詹姆斯发现布劳恩在112号避难所获得了一个位置,考虑到布劳恩的研究信息可能被保存在里面,推测若能接触到布劳恩天才的一小部分,那么净水计划就可以成为现实。[9]

多年过去了,詹姆斯继续担任避难所的医生,并一直在照顾他们的孩子,因为他们在孩子的每个阶段和年轻的成年期都在进步。[10] 然而,继续推进净水计划的挥之不去的动力从未离开 詹姆斯的视线,他相信布劳恩的研究可能会成为净水计划缺失的一块拼图。独行者已经达到了十几岁的自给自足时期,詹姆斯决定尝试逃离封闭的设施。[11][11] 为了他孩子的持续安全,他打算让他留在避难所里,不让其知道他的计划或目的地。[12]


离开避难所的行为引起了内部危机,监督者认为独行者是他们父亲计划的同谋。[9] 被迫逃离敌对安全部队的詹姆斯的孩子也逃离了101号避难所的限制,打算跟随他到布劳恩的避难所。[13] 詹姆斯前往核彈鎮银河新闻电台,然后是銀河新聞台大廈廣場,沿途会见了老熟人科林·莫里亚蒂三狗。他的老朋友鼓励他继续前进,他决定,如果他希望通过这个项目,他需要麥蒂森·黎博士再次加入这个项目。

詹姆斯追踪麥蒂森到鉚釘城的行踪,并再次向她提出联合请求。[11][14] 然而,麥蒂森和詹姆斯在净水计划上并肩工作已近 20 年,无法调和之前发生的事情,她拒绝了。[3][15]



被他的孩子跟踪后,他们能够跟随他进入模拟,成为测试的一部分,并成功地将他们两个从陷阱中解脱出来。[16]詹姆斯甚至不知道他的孩子能够离开,更不用说找到他并解救他了。[16] 詹姆斯花了一点时间表达了他对最近发生的事件的感受,在同意在铆钉城见面之前与他的孩子进行了简短的交谈。[16]尽管有这些经历,詹姆斯还是获得了他所寻求的研究信息,并带着这最后一个关键因素,同意在铆钉城会见独行者,试图招募黎博士。[14]




奥特姆失去耐心,处决了其中一名科学家珍妮丝,并重复了他对詹姆斯的要求,让他立即交出与该项目相关的所有材料,并帮助英克雷立即启动净化器。[17] 在执行命令的庇佑下,詹姆斯在激活室引起了一场突然而严重的辐射泄漏,杀死了所有人,除了奥特姆。詹姆斯让他的孩子逃跑后跪倒在地,然后倒地并死于辐射中毒。[17][18]



Perk nociception regulator color
Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest
Icon severed ear color


  • 起步: 詹姆斯将一岁大的独行者放在他们房间的婴儿围栏里,里面有你很特別!书。短暂的缺席后,詹姆斯回来向孩子展示他们母亲最喜欢的圣经语录,并带他的孩子去见艾瑪塔
  • 快速成长: 詹姆斯在他十岁生日派对开始时与独行者进行了一次简短的交谈,后来在派对上给了他一把BB枪作为生日礼物,并要求他们杀死一只辐射蟑螂
  • 不完美的未来: 詹姆斯在他现在16岁的孩子的G.O.A.T.测验之前进行了简短的交谈。
  • 快逃!: 詹姆斯从101号避难所的意外缺席引发了一场安全危机,并将独行者推向了废土。
  • 追随他的足迹: 独行者寻找他的父亲。他可以直接前往112号避难所(他被关押的地方);或者他可以按照任务线,前往核彈鎮,这会将他们引导至银河新闻电台,后者将他引导至铆钉城,后者将引导至杰斐逊纪念堂,然后将引导至112号避难所。
  • 宁静小巷: 詹姆斯发现自己在112号避难所,在布劳恩博士创建和控制的虚拟社区中以狗的形式被关押。
  • 科学的追求: 父亲和孩子首先前往铆钉城,然后前往净水计划的所在地杰斐逊纪念馆。当英克雷袭击纪念馆时,詹姆斯拒绝与奥古斯特·奥特姆上校合作。最后,詹姆斯利用辐射充斥房间,试图杀死奥特姆,但在此过程中自杀了,并且没有达到目的。


  • 当独行者执行任务以使净水计划发挥作用时,詹姆斯会说他听说了他们的行动。他的反应会根据任务原子威力大的结果而改变。如果炸弹被解除,他会问独行者他们是否真的做到了,如果被告知是,他会为他们感到自豪。如果相反核彈鎮被破坏并且被詹姆斯承认了,他会表示失望 (他可以被骗,但要是没有很高的业报他不会相信)。
  • 如果原子威力大任务根本没有解决,或者如果詹姆斯在对上述任务发表评论后再次与他交谈,他将根据当前的业报等级评论独行者。好的业报收获,"这表明你是一个好人。" 虽然坏的业报让他转而评论流浪者 "看起来很困扰,就像有一片云笼罩着你," 中立的业报会导致他提供默认的问候语。




  • 在出生场景中,詹姆斯的脸被外科口罩遮住,直到独行者的外观被配置,之后他的种族将与角色的匹配。
  • 出生场景和起步是游戏中唯一一次让詹姆斯刮得干干净净的。
  • 可以在杰斐逊纪念堂下方找到他对独行者的母亲示爱的全息录像带"好日子"。
  • 与大多数非玩家角色不同,詹姆斯被视为同伴,并且会在任何非同伴武器上消耗弹药,因为大多数非玩家角色拥有无限弹药。
  • 在将他从112避难所模拟中解放出来后,独行者可以问他的父亲是否喜欢做一只狗。詹姆斯回答说,它有它的时刻,但他想念有对立的拇指。[19]
  • 辐射:新维加斯中,信使可以在21号避难所附近找到一张詹姆斯和凯瑟琳的照片,靠近赌城大道雪景球[Non-canon 3]





  • 詹姆斯由演员连姆·尼森配音,角色也模仿他的身体建模。 "这个角色是为连姆而写的,并为整个游戏提供了戏剧性的基调。 和连姆一起工作真是太棒了,"辐射3的执行制片人Todd Howard说到。 "很高兴在辐射3中让父亲复活并与贝塞斯达的才华横溢的人一起工作,"尼森说到。"我希望这个结果能让这个系列和游戏的粉丝们感到兴奋。"[20]
  • 狗“Doc”未使用的皮肤看起来像德国牧羊犬。这只狗的右眼是棕色的,而他的左眼是蓝色的,类似于狗肉。这被称为完全异色症
  • 在开发的某个阶段,辐射3的故事有所不同,詹姆斯会成为一个超级变种人[Non-canon 4] 独行者最初从未计划参与净水计划,而是在87号避难所遇到詹姆斯,詹姆斯正在变成变种人,并会要求独行者杀死他。[Non-canon 5]


  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在从112号避难所返回鉚釘城的路上,他有时会在和他一起旅行时被卡住。如果发生这种情况,请快速前往鉚釘城并在科学实验室等待24小时。他会出现并开始与黎博士交谈。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果你从112号避难所快速前往杰斐逊纪念堂,詹姆斯可能会消失。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果玩家闯入城堡并完成任务找到伊甸园美国梦,他们仍然可以去凯西史密斯车库并带他去鉚釘城。抵达后,他会说"给我一点时间和麦迪逊谈谈。"此时,任务夺回!已经开始让他无法被杀死,任务生命之水将无法完成。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 詹姆斯不得通过快速旅行跟随玩家角色前往杰斐逊纪念馆。[已验证]



  1. The Lone Wanderer: "I've been to Project Purity. He wasn't there."
    Madison Li: "Well I know he was going there. Perhaps there's some indication of what he was up to. Did you find any notes? James was always taking notes. Recordings, holotapes... that sort of thing. Go back and search for something like that if you're so determined."
    (Madison Li's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Project Purity Journal: Entry 1
  3. 3.0 3.1 Project Purity Journal: Entry 3
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Project Purity Journal: Entry 5
  5. Project Purity Journal: Entry 7
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "What was my father like back then?"
    Madison Li: "James? He was very driven. Determined to change the world. Well, we all were back then, I suppose. He was focused on two things, really. Making Project Purity work, and your mother. When she died, I think... I think he gave up. I know he wanted to keep you safe, but I think part of what he did was run away. But it seems that he never really was able to get over the idea. I'm frankly shocked that he waited all this time, and wants to try again."
    (Madison Li's dialogue)
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What exactly is this "Project Purity"?"
    James: "It started as an idea, really. Remember the Bible passage your mother loved so much? Free, clean water for everyone. What a difference it could make in the lives of everyone here in the Wastes. Over time, that idea took the form of a purifier. Not like the one in the Vault, though. This one was gigantic, capable of purifying millions of gallons of water at once. We used the old Jefferson Memorial for the location, right on DC's Tidal Basin. Someday soon, I hope you'll see it work."
    (James' dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "You knew my father?"
    Cross: "I did. And you as well! Long ago, I helped guard the water purifier against the Super Mutant horde. When your father left, I escorted the two of you to Megaton. He was... a noble man. I was saddened to hear of his passing. But from what I've heard, he died with honor. He died for you. I only pray that my own death has such meaning."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Project Purity Journal: Entry 8
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "You've got to be kidding me..."
    James: "You must understand. As much as I love you, this project has been my responsibility since long before you were even born. Too many people have made sacrifices to give up on it now. Your mother... If you'll let me, I'd like to show you what we've accomplished. I want you to be there when we change the world. After so many years, I can finally see it through to the end. I can't stop now."
    The Lone Wanderer: "What about me? What am I supposed to do?"
    James: "Yes, what about you? Why, in fact, are you outside the Vault at all? I don't even want to know HOW you got out. As much as I appreciate your help, you were supposed to stay there, to make a life for yourself there, not out here!"
    The Lone Wanderer: "What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you just leave me like that?"
    James: "That's where you belonged. You were an adult, capable of fending for yourself, and you had a good life ahead of you. What's out here is my task, my responsibility. I never wanted you to have any part of this insanity."
    (James' dialogue)
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Project Purity Journal: Entry 10
  12. Project Purity Journal: Personal journal (Zero)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "How could abandoning me be the right choice?"
    James: "For almost twenty years now, I've done everything I can to see that you have a good life. The Vault wasn't perfect, to be sure, but it was the safest place in the Wasteland. That's why I took you there in the first place. I didn't see it as abandoning you. I saw it as moving on, knowing you were safe."
    (James' dialogue)
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 The Lone Wanderer: "Did you get the information you needed?"
    James: "I did indeed. Braun's work, the G.E.C.K., was designed to re-adapt environments for living after a nuclear war. It's not entirely stable, but I'm sure that components of that technology are just what we need, what we've been missing all this time. I need to return to Rivet City. Once Madison knows about the G.E.C.K., I can get her to see that it really will work."
    (James' dialogue)
  15. The Lone Wanderer: "Where's my father? Tell me now!"
    Madison Li: "Calm down, calm down! What are you doing here? James said you were still in the Vault. Look, this is all terribly irrational. Your father just shows up here as if nothing happened... He walked out on us. I know he had his reasons, I know it was to protect you, but still. Project Purity was our life. It was the only thing that mattered, and then he just gave up. He abandoned us, and we were forced to move on. I've already told him that it's over. There's no going back. Project Purity was a failure, and he needs to move on."
    (Madison Li's dialogue)
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 James: "You've saved me. I was afraid I'd be trapped in there forever. It's so good to see you, but... What are you DOING here?"
    James: "Son... You've saved me. I was afraid I'd be trapped in there forever. It's so good to see you, but... What are you DOING here?"
    The Lone Wanderer: "What are YOU doing here? You could've been killed!"
    James: "Well I didn't expect Dr. Braun to be alive and insane. I thought I'd just find notes, or holotapes. I needed information about Braun, and his work on the G.E.C.K."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Good thing I showed up to save you."
    James: "It certainly is! It's nice to feel like I'm on two legs again. And thanks to Doctor Braun, I know that Project Purity isn't lost after all."
    (James' dialogue) Note: The first line in this series differs whether the Lone Wanderer is male or female.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Augustus Autumn: "By the authority of the President, this facility is now under United States government control. The person in charge is to step forward immediately, and turn over all materials related to this project."
    James: "That's quite impossible. This is a private project; the Enclave has no authority here. I'm going to have to ask you to leave at once."
    Augustus Autumn: "Am I to assume, sir, that you are in charge?"
    James: "Yes, I'm responsible for this project."
    Augustus Autumn: "Then I repeat, sir, that you are hereby instructed to immediately hand over all materials related to the purifier."
    James: "I'm sorry, but that's...."
    Augustus Autumn: "Furthermore, you are to assist Enclave scientists in assuming control of the administration and operation of this facility at once."
    James: "Colonel... Is it Colonel? I'm sorry, but the facility is not operational. It never has been. I'm afraid you're wasting your time here."
    Augustus Autumn: "Sir, this is the last time I am going to repeat myself. Stand down at once, and turn over control of this facility."
    James: "Colonel, I assure you that this facility will not function. We have never been able to successfully replicate test results..."
    Augustus Autumn: "I suggest you comply immediately, sir, in order to prevent any more incidents. Are we clear?"
    James: "Yes, Colonel. I'll do whatever you want; there's no need for more violence."
    Augustus Autumn: "Then you will immediately hand over all materials related to this project, and aid us in making it operational at once."
    James: "Very well. Give me a few moments to bring the system online."
    James: "Nearly finished..."
    James: "...run... Run!..."
    (Augustus Autumn's and James' dialogue)
  18. 18.0 18.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What the hell just happened?"
    Madison Li: "James... Your father caused an overload. He sacrificed himself to keep the Enclave from getting the purifier, and to buy us time to escape. There'll be more of them coming. We need to get out of here before they find us, or else your father died in vain."
    (Madison Li's dialogue)
  19. The Lone Wanderer: "What, you didn't like being a dog?"
    James: "Well, I suppose it had its moments. But in the end, I much prefer having opposable thumbs. And now that I'm back, I can get back to work. I need to tell Madison what I've learned."
    (James' dialogue)
  20. Bethesda Softworks Announces Award-Winning Actor Liam Neeson to Play Lead Role in Fallout 3


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.67: "Dad (James)
    Before your birth, your father was the leader of an impossibly ambitious scientific endeavor—Project Purity. Leading a group of scientists, he planned to turn the ruins of the Jefferson Memorial into the most technologically advanced water purifier ever imagined. But when you were born (your mother dying in childbirth), your father had little choice but to abandon Project Purity and get you to the only safe place he knew—the underground fallout shelter known as Vault 101."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide p. 358-05: "Before your birth, your father was the leader of an impossibly ambitious scientific endeavor-Project Purity. Leading a group of scientists, he planned to turn the ruins of the Jefferson Memorial into the most technologically advanced water purifier ever imagined. But when you were born (your mother dying in childbirth), your father had little choice but to abandon Project Purity and get you to the only safe place he knew-the underground fallout shelter known as Vault 101."
  3. Jason Fader's Reddit AMA
  4. Flickr photos
  5. Imgur photos