
關於a cross-game overview,參見yao guai

Yao guai are creatures found in the Capital Wasteland in 2277.


中国大戰集中营关押者的后代命名,妖怪是变异的美国黑熊[1][2] 以及废土中比较凶恶的生物之一,有着锋利的爪子和牙齿,性情恶劣。[3]



They can be encountered across the entire Capital Wasteland in and around craggy, hilly places, or in caverns. There are two spots where one is guaranteed to come across concentrated populations of yao guai, including the yao guai tunnels and the yao guai cave. Yao guai are generally found in pairs or sometimes wandering alone, frequently at night. Some wasteland scavengers travel with a yao guai companion. They will not attack on sight and can be approached safely, although they will defend themselves and their ally if threatened.

Gameplay attributes[]

Yao guai attack by using running pounces followed by slashes and bites after closing the distance to their target. Like all creatures with pounce attacks, the yao guai cannot pounce with a crippled hind leg. However, even with a crippled limb, it will resume charging after a split second. Yao guai have a high Perception, and do not require a direct line of sight to notice the presence of others. Yao guai are affected by the Animal Friend perk. They are sometimes friendly towards bloatflies.


Yao guai[]

Yao guai

The standard yao guai with all characteristics listed above. Prime locations are in the cliffside cavern and the yao guai tunnels, but they can also be found across most of the wasteland.

名称 (Base ID)数据行为能力物品
Yao guai
Experience Points
Hit Points
Damage Resistance
Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
Melee (75 Damage)
  • Dead 100% yao guai meat

Scavenger's yao guai[]

Yao guai

These yao guai seem domesticated. They travel alongside scavenger-merchants, defending them against any threat that may arise.

名称 (Base ID)数据行为能力物品
Scavenger's yao guai
Experience Points
Hit Points
Damage Resistance
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
Melee (75 Damage)
  • Dead 100% yao guai meat


  • Can be found in Cliffside cavern.
  • Can be found in Yao guai tunnels.
  • Can be found in the Yao guai cave.



  • When one is extremely close to a passive yao guai, they can be heard to have a wheezing, raspy breath. This can also be heard by entering the Pip-Boy menu whenever a yao guai approaches or nears the Lone Wanderer.
  • Though yao guai are not as deadly as deathclaws or some of the wasteland's other inhabitants, they are formidable opponents, occasionally appearing southeast of Megaton near the crossing into Washington, D.C.
  • Yao guai can sometimes be seen taking out some Talon Company mercs in a random encounter. Sometimes, after the Lone Wanderer encounters this, they will not attack.
  • If a yao guai and an Outcast patrol cross paths under the overpass closest to Megaton and the Outcasts kill the yao guai there, it can become a recurring encounter approximately every three in-game days.
  • Yao guai meat is more contaminated by radiation than other meats, but grants a unique temporary damage bonus when eaten.


Yao guai appear in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

  • 在普通话中,yāo guài (妖怪) 翻译作"怪物"或者"恶魔。" 在中国神话中,“妖怪”通常是被虐待的动物或堕落的神兽的精神的物理表现。
  • 辐射3的早期概念艺术中,妖怪的名字拼写为"yaogwai."
  • 妖怪从中变异的黑熊是西弗吉尼亚州的官方哺乳动物。
  • Three Dog's advice, "don't feed the yao guai," is a reference to the adage, "please don't feed the bears," a saying commonly found on signs in parks, zoos and other areas populated by bears.
  • The yao guai model was created by Jonah Lobe. He was not satisfied with the finalized model, and considers it as one of his worst works.[5]


Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Yao guai seem to be unusually prone to physics glitches, which may cause them to fly or launch when killed. This is most common when one is killed mid-air, usually with a combat shotgun.[已验证]


  • Sniffing yao guai

  • Forward attacking yao guai

  • Swing attacking yao guai



  1. Fallout 3 loading screens: "Yao Guai are fast, powerful predators, and are descended from the area's black bears."
  2. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Originally named by the descendants of those held in Chinese internment camps before the Great War, the Yao Guai is a ferocious mutated bear."
  3. Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, Yao Guai
  4. Scavengers' yao guai
  5. JonahLobe on Reddit: "Thank you Will! I think the two worst pieces of art that I ever contributed to those games were the Yao Guai in F3 and the Skinned Hounds from Shivering Isles! Not at all proud with how either of those turned out, but hey you cant win em all!!"