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The Water Distribution Network is the system established by Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel to deliver Aqua Pura throughout the Capital Wasteland in the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel.



Formed in the wake of the Battle of Project Purity in 2277/2278, the operational agreement between Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel and Rivet City started before a single caravan was sent from Project Purity. The Brotherhood's representative during its consultation with Rivet City was Scribe Bigsley. He successfully negotiated the deal between the Brotherhood and Rivet City that the Rivet City Security Force would take over the system once the Brotherhood worked out the initial foundation.[1] After a week of deliberation, Officer Lepelletier was chosen to lead their effort.[2] The payment of the service would be both in money and kind (caps and technology).[Non-game 1] The goal of the network would be the distribution of water to every larger settlement in the region, with the cost for the settlements to be nothing.[Non-game 2] This operational deficit may have been a propaganda tool, but its consequences would prove counter-productive.[3] Meanwhile, at Project Purity itself, the last founder of the project, Dr. Madison Li, would leave for the Commonwealth. The scientists of Rivet City took up where she left off and even improving on her work.[4][5]

Initially believing that it would take no more than two weeks to set up, he was quickly proven wrong.[1] Starting with a lackluster support staff. Whether it was due to the Brotherhood needing its more competent staff elsewhere due to its war with the Enclave, or internal politics, scribes sent to the project were not trained in logistics. Some having apparently failed their cartography training.[6][7][8][9] With the war in full swing, the problems became exacerbated, with Scribe Reginald Rothchild essentially abandoning the network to its own devices, while the servicemen assigned to escort duties becoming ever more resentful of their unsupported posting.[10]


As the caravans started to travel, they began to almost immediately be targeted by raiders and bandits.[11] With the vast majority of the guards being untrained Rivet City security staff and inexperienced Brotherhood initiates, casualties, both deaths and those missing in action, quickly skyrocketed.[12][13] Eventually, over a quarter of the caravans out on delivery would not return.[14][15][16][17] With caravans being a week late being the only clue as to something being amiss, Bigsley would have to take the most pragmatic options. Assuming that they are dead and just did not run off with the water, and since they did not have the staff or materiel to go looking for them, they hope Lyons' would divert resources to do so when he sees fit.[18] One of the few caravans that did return was run by mercenaries, who demanded greater compensation, (after seeing an initiate carrying a crate of plasma weapons into the armory, which was to be payment to Rivet City) for their losses on the trip. Scribe Bigsley would believe they were extorting them, but had no choice but to pay them. A rifle and a couple of grenades if they left for a delivery to Big Town immediately.[19]


The high attrition rate for caravans, and lack of payment for said water delivery service would have crippled the network, were it not for the desperate measures taken by both Officer Lepelletier and Scribe Bigsley. While the officer would essentially finance investigatory mercenary work by pawning off payment to the Brotherhood, Scribe Bigsley would find a better solution.[3][14][20] Almost out of the blue, a ghoul named Griffon offered to pay for shipments of water in caps and technology. This deal would prove just barely lucrative enough to support the current operation of the system.[21][22][Non-game 3] It would not be enough to finance cost-cutting infrastructure improvements, such as a pipeline to Rivet City, to cut down on shipping,[23][24] or water bottling equipment. Which was done, barrel and bottle, completely by hand.[25] Within the second week, Scribe Bigsley was forced to pay the mercenaries with the facility's non-emergency medical supplies, having run out of cigarettes and alcohol in the first week. This temporary solution caused a fuss when one of the scientists fell from a scaffolding that did not have railing and broke their arm.[26] A further delay to production would be as they brought new security systems online.[27]

Griffon's scheme was far more lucrative and intricate. After the delivery is made, secretly, to the Museum Authority Building in the Mall and payment exchanged,[28] he and his men would put treated irradiated water in the rebranded Aqua Pura bottles,[29] and sell that to the ghouls in Underworld as "Aqua Cura."[30] The remaining Aqua Pura would be sold to whoever Lyons' Brotherhood is not giving it away to for free (id est raiders, slavers, Brotherhood Outcasts, et cetera).[Non-game 3][31][32][33][34]


This would not be the only major complication the network faced. Its arguably most visible failure was what happened to the last Megaton shipment. On their way to make the delivery, four members of Lyons' Brotherhood found a woman meditating in Springvale. After they found her there, she told them where she was from, and they told her to share the water with her people. That woman was Mother Curie III, a devout member of the Children of Atom.[35] In her religious stupor, she took this to be a vision from Atom himself. That four armored angels of war appeared, to give her the barrels of Aqua Pura and "bless" them with radiation to spread the cult's message of "enlightenment" to everyone.[36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43] This developed into her starting her own, arguably heretical, branch of her cult. She and Brother Gerard would found a monastery in Springvale and work to spread their "enlightenment" by giving passersby "holy water," irradiated Aqua Pura, and brainwashing.[44] As Megaton was deprived of their shipment of water, they would file a complaint to the Brotherhood. While Scribe Bigsley would have no reason to doubt the report,[45] it was by this time that Bigsley's superiors were getting curious at why so many deliveries were simply disappearing and how come there was so much delay in the processing and deliveries made.[46] Eventually, the missing shipments would gain the attention of Elder Owyn Lyons.[47] The scribes that would visit the Citadel from the project would continually reassure their elder that everything was being taken care of and not to worry.[46] Although the scribes did not like their posting, they saw first hand that Scribe Bisley was not the problem and supported him the best they could.[18]

It is at this point that the Lone Wanderer awakens from their two week coma.[48] Now able to help the Brotherhood, Elder Lyons advises the Lone Wanderer to seek Scribe Bigsley and help their efforts at the purifier.[49] Once there, the Lone Wanderer can help solve their two biggest tactical issues. One of them is the aforementioned scheme that Griffon is operating.[50] The other is the aforementioned organized bandit problem.[51] Neither of which would solve the network's strategic issues.

Meanwhile, the head of the Brotherhood's effort, Scribe Bigsley, is ever nearing a complete mental breakdown. Overworked, underpaid, understaffed, and receiving outright hostility for his work,[Non-game 2] Bigsley has done everything in his power, and outside his powers, to get the network operational. He has not slept well since starting at the position,[52] and it has broken him.[53] He has become overly sensitive to his surroundings,[54] come to resent his staff,[55] which he has started to snap at,[56] and lost all respect for his superiors. His staff meanwhile have been understanding of the situation, even covering for their boss' more lies.[46][18] When the caravans return as scheduled, the scribes ready them for their next trips, trying to process them and the paperwork without disturbing him too much, hoping to not disappoint him.[57][58][59] The scribes themselves have become wistful of their former positions, believing that they should be doing something "more important," they miss the Citadel and believe the worst thing that could happen to them failing is reassignment.[60]


The Water Distribution Network appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel.



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Day One
  2. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Officer Lepelletier is dead."
    Bigsley: "What?! Fantastic. Now we'll all just hold our breath while the Rivet City council picks her replacement. Took them a week to pick her originally. A week!"
    (Bigsley's dialogue) Note: This dialogue option is only available if Officer Lepelletier has been killed.
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 The Lone Wanderer: "I still don't understand why the Brotherhood isn't just selling the water."
    Lepelletier: "You'd think that'd be the smart thing, right? Then the caravan drivers could use the markup to simply pay for their own security. Wouldn't need us. Maybe it's an indirect marketing campaign for the Brotherhood. Considering the war with the Enclave, they might need new recruits. Whatever the case, as long as they keep paying us in caps and tech, we'll keep escorting the water."
    (Lepelletier's dialogue)
  4. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Dr Li
  5. ↑ Project Purity scientist: "Since Dr. Li left, we've all had so much more to do. Who knew she did so much?!"
    (Project Purity scientist's dialogue)
  6. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Incompetence
  7. ↑ Project Purity scientist: "I wish those Scribes would leave us alone. They just get in the way."
    (Project Purity scientist's dialogue)
  8. ↑ Jefferson Memorial conversations; Bigsley and scribes, conversation 2
  9. ↑ Jefferson Memorial conversations; Bigsley and scribes, conversation 4
  10. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Work with me, people.
  11. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, First Casualty
  12. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, MIA
  13. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Big Town Report
  14. ↑ 14.0 14.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What do you mean you'll make 'arrangements'?"
    Lepelletier: "Yes well, I don't really have anything I can give you at the moment. I've simply run out of resources. Only a quarter of my escorts have made it back. I fear the worst. I'll send word to Bigsley, the Brotherhood Scribe running things over at Project Purity. I'm sure the Brotherhood can reward you for your efforts. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
    (Lepelletier's dialogue)
  15. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Mission Brief
  16. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Where are they?
  17. ↑ Brotherhood of Steel knight: "You're good to go."
    Rivet City security: "All right then. We'll see you in a few days."
    Brotherhood of Steel knight: "Well... sure. Let me guess -- your first time on caravan duty?"
    Rivet City security: "Yeah. So what?"
    Rivet City security: "You think we can't handle it? Believe me, you guys aren't the only ones who know how to put down a raider."
    Brotherhood of Steel knight: "Take it easy. I'm sure you'll be fine. Just like all the other caravans."
    Rivet City security: "Whatever."
    Rivet City security: "All right, let's move it out!"
    Scavenger: "Okay then. Come on, there, Sukey! Gee-up now!"
    (Jefferson Memorial conversations; Brotherhood of Steel knight's, Rivet City security's, and Scavenger's dialogue)
  18. ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Jefferson Memorial conversations; Bigsley and scribes, conversation 7
  19. ↑ Jefferson Memorial conversations; Bigsley and scribes, conversation 1
  20. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Petty Cash Account
  21. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Griffon
  22. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Lepelletier
  23. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Rivet City Report
  24. ↑ Rivet City security: "I hate to complain about free water, but the Brotherhood are being damn stingy with it."
    "I don't know why they don't just build a pipeline. Schlepping bottles of water back and forth is the worst kind of stupid."
    Rivet City security: "Yeah. They've got a whole lake of it just sitting there."
    "I know. We run out in two days and then it's back to the radiated shit."
    (Rivet City conversations; Rivet City security's dialogue) Note: This is the dynamic conversation between the Rivet City security members who appear at the water caravan station outside Rivet City upon starting Broken Steel.
  25. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Is it hard bottling all that water? Or is it all done by machines?"
    Bigsley: "You take a bottle, you dunk it under water, and glug glug glug, it fills up. Amazing. But you're right a machine would help. But all the Scribes are busy reverse engineering Enclave gear. A machine that puts water in bottles just isn't on anyone's priority list at the moment."
    (Bigsley's dialogue)
  26. ↑ Jefferson Memorial conversations; Bigsley and scribes, conversation 6
  27. ↑ Jefferson Memorial conversations; Bigsley and scribes, conversation 5
  28. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Griffon's up to something with the Aqua Pura. What do you know about it?"
    Bigsley: "Not that it's really any of your business, but we have an arrangement. He buys water, I send him some. I use the caps and tech he pays me to fund the other water deliveries. I send my men with the water to the Museum Authority in the Mall. Griffon sends the payment back with my men. So far, so good. Lyons wouldn't approve, but I don't really care anymore. I need the resources and there's certainly plenty of water to go around."
    (Bigsley's dialogue)
  29. ↑ Griffon's bottling instructions
  30. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "No. I mean, you just changed the name? Or did you do something to it?"
    Griffon: "I changed the name to help Ghouls realize its amazing properties. And, well, just between us... I've also added a few secret ingredients to enhance the flavor of the original. So it's not EXACTLY the same, it's BETTER! Care to procure a bottle?"
    (Griffon's dialogue)
  31. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Look. I won't expose your lies... but only if you start selling real Aqua Pura."
    Griffon: "That's seriously going to cut into my profits... but perhaps you're right. After all it's not like it was going to be a piece of cake selling the Aqua Pura to Raiders and Slavers. They're a nasty bunch. Fine. I'll sell them the real deal. But I'll keep the Amazing Aqua Cura patter. It gives this sorry lot a little hope for the future. I hope no one notices the switcheroo. And who knows, maybe it really WILL be a miraculous cure! Come back in a few days. We'll see if anyone notices."
    (Griffon's dialogue)
  32. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Did you know Griffon's stashing the Aqua Pura and selling irradiated water?"
    Bigsley: "He he. I guess he's more clever than I thought. He's probably planning on selling the real Aqua Pura to Raiders and Slavers. Hmmm. Now there's a thought! Of course, Lyons would have my head if I tried anything of the sort."
    (Bigsley's dialogue)
  33. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "You're clearly up to something. There's no denying it. Talk. Now!"
    Griffon: "Oh alright, alright. But if you start blabbing, I've got some buddies with itching trigger fingers... So I've got this little operation taking Aqua Pura and replacing it with regular crap. It's not like it'll hurt us ghouls. The Aqua Pura I'm storing to sell back to humans later. You know, raiders, Outcasts, etc. The guys the Brotherhood doesn't share with. I'm not a bad guy. I'm just trying to help. The Brotherhood needs me. My caps mean water for the Wasteland. Just ask Bigsley at Project Purity."
    (Griffon's dialogue)
  34. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "You can get Aqua Pura for free. Why pay for yours?"
    Griffon: "The Brotherhood doesn't deliver to Underworld, you know. There's shipping expenses and all that. Not to mention sneaking past Super Mutants. But, beyond that, I added a few of my own secret ingredients. To enhance the flavor of the original! So what do you say? Care to procure a bottle?"
    (Griffon's dialogue)
  35. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Megaton Report
  36. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Wait a minute... are you saying this 'Holy Water' is irradiated Aqua Pura?"
    Gerard: "That is what the unbelievers from that so called 'Project Purity' call it before we fill it with Atom's Holy Light."
    (Gerard's dialogue)
  37. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How do you make your 'holy water'?"
    Curie III: "It was a gift from Atom. I was meditating right here in Springvale, when four of His armored angels came to me. When I said I was from Megaton, they gave me barrels of 'Aqua Pura,' and said I should share it with my people. They were very clear on that. Naturally, I understood Atom's message. And so, I've been busy blessing this holy water and sharing it with the world."
    (Curie III's dialogue)
  38. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Where did you get your water?"
    Gerard: "Our Luminescent Mother went to meditate outside of the city, and as she wandered in a trance, she was visited by Atom's angels of war. These angels brought her 'Aqua Pura.' Water so pure, so pristine, and so unsullied that she knew it would make the perfect vessel for Atom's Glow. Since that day, she has busied herself consecrating Atom's pure water into the Waters of Light."
    (Gerard's dialogue)
  39. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I'm sure you mean well, but this has to stop."
    Gerard: "Stop helping the needy? I don't think so. And even if I did, it's not my decision to make. Blessing of the holy water is overseen by Mother Curie the Third, our Luminescent Mother. And she's far too busy to speak with outsiders."
    (Gerard's dialogue)
  40. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "You know this water is full of radiation, right?"
    Gerard: "It's full of Atom's Light, if that's what you mean. Brighter and warmer than any water I've ever seen before. Blessing of the holy water is overseen by Mother Curie III, our Luminescent Mother. But her work keeps her busy within the monastery at all times."
    (Gerard's dialogue)
  41. ↑ Curie III: "Children of the Light, hear my words and feel Atom's warmth! For too long, our world has been barren, and our people have become empty. Their hearts have become dry and cold, and thirst consumes the weak and the strong alike. But we can save them! For Atom's bounty has granted us the gifts of mercy and compassion! Oh, my brethren, let us share with them the Waters of Light! Let them be fulfilled by Atom! Let them know his glow and be truly Enlightened! And let them live forever, and walk with us in the grace of Atom's Glow, and never be empty again!"
    (Curie III's dialogue)
  42. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Isn't there some way I can convince you to stop?"
    Curie III: "We're doing holy work here, tending to the suffering and hopeless. Our holy water gives warmth to those who would only die unsaved, otherwise."
    (Curie III's dialogue)
  43. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "You can't trick people into enlightenment. They have to accept it knowingly."
    Curie III: "You judge what you do not understand. By introducing them to Atom's Light, we are saving them from a life of misery."
    (Curie III's dialogue)
  44. ↑ Novice: "Our veins flow with Atom's Eternal Glow."
    (Novice's dialogue)
  45. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Megaton
  46. ↑ 46.0 46.1 46.2 Jefferson Memorial conversations; Bigsley and scribes, conversation 3
  47. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Missing Shipments
  48. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Awake
  49. ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What's going on with the purifier?"
    Owyn Lyons: "The Brotherhood has taken over control of the purifier, and is managing distribution of the water to the people of the Wasteland. If you travel there, speak with Scribe Bigsley. He's heading up the on-site operation."
    (Owyn Lyons' dialogue)
  50. ↑ The events of the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel quest The Amazing Aqua Cura!.
  51. ↑ The events of the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel quest Protecting the Water Way.
  52. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, So tired...
  53. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, New Personal Mantra
  54. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Leak
  55. ↑ Jefferson Memorial terminal entries; Bigsley's terminal, Project Purity Scientists
  56. ↑ Scribe: "I'd stay away from the boss. He's in one of his moods again."
    (Scribe's dialogue)
  57. ↑ Jefferson Memorial conversations; Bigsley and scribes, conversation 8
  58. ↑ Jefferson Memorial conversations; Bigsley and scribes, conversation 9
  59. ↑ Jefferson Memorial conversations; Bigsley and scribes, conversation 10
  60. ↑ Jefferson Memorial conversations; Between scribes, conversation 1


  1. ↑ Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.88: "Officer Lepelletier
    A Rivet City security force team member who, through hard work and dedication, has landed herself the unfortunate position of being in charge of the Water Caravan Escort detail. Rivet City has contracted out with the Brotherhood of Steel to help escort water caravans to their destination, in exchange for getting money and technology from the Brotherhood. Officer Lepelletier has a makeshift office set up outside Rivet City where she handles coordinating the caravans and security details. There is usually a small contingent of caravan drivers, Brahmin, and disgruntled Rivet City policemen buzzing around the bridge gangplank building. Lepelletier's caravans have been getting hijacked more regularly, and she suspects something organized is going on. She'd like you to help investigate what's going on by escorting one of the caravans. She can't pay you, so you'll have to get paid from Bigsley at Project Purity. All her money and gear has already been assigned to other escort details."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.95: "Scribe Bigsley
    This overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated Brotherhood Scribe has the thankless and overwhelming task of setting up and managing the water distribution. He hasn't slept since the water purifier started working. Lyons wants water to go everywhere. The rest of the Brotherhood resents being sent on deliveries. Bigsley is caught in the middle. He agrees with those who feel they should charge for the water, to let the free market set up the distribution network, but he will follow orders as best he can. He's worked out a deal with Rivet City to use their security force to supplement the Brotherhood escorts of the water caravans. He hopes to soon hand over the entire distribution nightmare to Rivet City. But they seem reluctant and are having trouble with bandits. There is literally a line of acolytes outside his door with various questions, reports, and requests regarding the water distribution. Bigsley is on the verge of a nervous breakdown."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.75: "Griffon
    Griffon is a huckster, a con-man, a snake oil salesmen. His current scheme is purchasing Aqua Pura, and stashing the water to sell to humans the Brotherhood isn't giving it to (Raiders, Slavers, Outcasts, etc.). He then puts regular irradiated water in the Aqua Pura bottles, and sells it to Ghouls in Underworld as "Aqua Cura," claiming it reverses the Ghoul condition. He wears a wig he found in the Museum Authority stock room, and for a Ghoul, looks pretty healthy (just a coincidence, but helps make it seem like he’s selling the real deal)"
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)