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This is a transcript for dialogue with Griffon.


DLC03AudioHolotapesWQ02GriffonExplains DLC03AudioHolotapesWQ02GriffonExplains Neutral 50 This is Griffon recording. All you clowns listen up. I'm leaving you in charge of the bottling operation while I'm away doing my thing at Underworld. 1
Neutral 50 Here are my instructions. First off, shoot anyone who isn't me or one of you. Don't want anyone nosing around inside. {giving instructions to his gang} 2
Neutral 50 When Bigsley's men arrive from Project Purity pay them promptly but don't let them in. {giving instructions to his gang} 3
Neutral 50 Take the Aqua Pura, dump it into tubs and sinks to hold for later, then fill the empty bottles with the treated irradiated water. {giving instructions to his gang} 4
Neutral 50 When you get enough bottles to make it worthwhile, make a trip over to Underworld. I'll take the new bottles and give you your cut. {giving instructions to his gang} 5
Anger 50 Oh, and leave the wigs alone. I don't want your greasy heads touching them. I mean it! {giving a stern warning to his gang} 6
DLC03WQ02BuyBottle I might like a bottle of Aqua Cura. How much are you selling them for? Happy 50 Well friend, how much would you be willing to pay? For such an AMAZING product as the Amazing Aqua Cura? {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 7
Happy 100 Many would pay 50, 75, even 100 bottlecaps for such an amazing product! With such an amazing guarantee! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 8
Surprise 25 But, for a limited time only I'm able to offer the Amazing Aqua Cura for an introductory, exceptionally low price! Care to take a guess at how much? {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitchEmphasis on "limited time only"} 9
Here's 10 caps. I'll take a bottle. Happy 100 Here you go! Another satisfied customer, I'm sure! {enthusiastically making a sale} 10
DLC03WQ02End I've seen your bottling operation. The jig is up. Fear 100 My what now? My bottling operation? Oh you mean where I add my secret ingredient to the Aqua Pura. {worried his con is discovered} 11
DLC03WQ02EndBlackmail That's NOT Aqua Pura. If you want my silence, you'll have to buy it. Anger 50 Why you... I ought to... <Grumble> {angry} 12
Disgust 50 <Sigh.> Fine. If you promise to keep your mouth shut, I'll cut you in. {hates to be blackmailed} 13
Happy 30 Me and my boys continue to do our thing, you come and check on us once in a while, and I'll cut you in for your share. {negotiating} 14
Surprise 50 Each week you make it by, I'll give you 20% of the previous week's profits? That's more than fair for doing nothing. I'm doing all the hard work. {negotiating} 15
DLC03WQ02EndBlackmail1 We split the profits 50/50 or this will end badly for you. Disgust 50 Fine. 50/50 it is. But only of the profits. I still have to recoup my initial investment. You come back once a week, and I'll give you your share. {annoyed he has to share} 16
40/60 in your favor. Disgust 50 Fine. 60/40 it is. But only of the profits. I still have to recoup my initial investment. You come back once a week, and I'll give you your share. {annoyed he has to share} 17
30/70? Disgust 50 Fine. 30/70 it is. But only of the profits. I still have to recoup my initial investment. You come back once a week, and I'll give you your share. {annoyed he has to share} 18
DLC03WQ02EndBlackmail2 Fine, 20/80 in your favor. But if you stiff me, you'll regret it. Disgust 50 Fine. 20/80 it is. But only of the profits. I still have to recoup my initial investment. You come back once a week, and I'll give you your share. {annoyed he has to share} 19
DLC03WQ02EndBlackmail3 Forget all that. Just give me 300 caps this once, and we'll call it even. Surprise 50 Hmm. That's pretty steep... {considering if he's being ripped off} 20
Surprise 50 What the hell. It's just this once, and then we're through. Fine. Here's your 300 caps. {paying off extortion} 21
Anger 50 There. I just bought your silence. So keep your mouth shut. {upset he's been blackmailed} 22
DLC03WQ02EndConfess Either you tell them, or I tell them. Your call. Surprise 50 I can't believe it... I have a good thing going here... Why mess that up for me? What have I done to you? {shocked and annoyed} 23
Happy 50 I'm not hurting anyone. I mean, really? Reverse the ghoul condition? With a bottle of water? I wasn't fooling anybody; they were fooling themselves. {justifying his lies} 24
Sad 50 Fine. I've made enough money here, anyway. Well, um... It's probably best if I tell them. I think I know what to say. {resigned, giving up} 25
Happy 100 Wish me luck. {worried, but pretending to be chipper} 26
DLC03WQ02EndReal Look. I won't expose your lies... but only if you start selling real Aqua Pura. Disgust 50 That's seriously going to cut into my profits... but perhaps you're right. {annoyed but resigned} 27
Surprise 50 After all it's not like it was going to be a piece of cake selling the Aqua Pura to Raiders and Slavers. They're a nasty bunch. {looking on the bright side} 28
Happy 50 Fine. I'll sell them the real deal. But I'll keep the Amazing Aqua Cura patter. It gives this sorry lot a little hope for the future. 29
Happy 50 I hope no one notices the switcheroo. And who knows, maybe it really WILL be a miraculous cure! Come back in a few days. We'll see if anyone notices. 30
DLC03WQ02GreetingA1 Is that any different from regular Aqua Pura? Fear 100 Why? Have you heard otherwise? {suddenly worried his scam is found out} 31
DLC03WQ02GreetingA1a No. I mean, you just changed the name? Or did you do something to it? Neutral 50 I changed the name to help Ghouls realize its amazing properties. And, well, just between us... {confidentially, snakeoil salesman confiding in an allyEmphasis on "amazing"} 32
Happy 50 I've also added a few secret ingredients to enhance the flavor of the original. So it's not EXACTLY the same, it's BETTER! Care to procure a bottle? {enthusiastic, snake-oil sales pitch} 33
DLC03WQ02GreetingA1b You can get Aqua Pura for free. Why pay for yours? Sad 50 The Brotherhood doesn't deliver to Underworld, you know. There's shipping expenses and all that. Not to mention sneaking past Super Mutants. {defensively explaining} 34
Happy 100 But, beyond that, I added a few of my own secret ingredients. To enhance the flavor of the original! So what do you say? Care to procure a bottle? {enthusiastic, snake-oil sales pitch} 35
DLC03WQ02GreetingA2 You got a nice head of hair. For a Ghoul, I mean. Happy 100 Aha! That's right my good fellow. The Amazing Aqua Cura will rescue, restore, and regrow your hair back from premature balding. {enthusiastic, snake-oil sales pitch} 36
Surprise 100 Act now, and I'll throw in a box of Abraxo for, wait for it... FREE! Mix those together and you'll have the best shampoo known to mankind! {coiffure. } 37
Neutral 50 So what do you say, young man. Care to procure a bottle? 38
You got a nice head of hair. For a Ghoul, I mean. Happy 100 Aha! That's right my dear! The Amazing Aqua Cura will rescue, restore, and regrow your hair back from premature balding. {enthusiastic, snake-oil sales pitch} 39
Surprise 100 Act now, and I'll throw in a box of Abraxo for, wait for it... FREE! Mix those together and you'll have the best shampoo known to mankind! {coiffure. } 40
Neutral 50 So what do you say, young woman. Care to procure a bottle? 41
DLC03WQ02GreetingA3 Tell you what. I'll trade you a piece of blue sky for a bottle. Fear 50 Ha ha ha. {nervous laughter} 42
Happy 50 Tell you what, friend. Just for you, and only if you act in the next five minutes, I'll sell you a bottle for half-price! 43
Happy 100 What do you say? You want to procure a bottle? {enthusiastic, snake-oil sales pitch} 44
DLC03WQ02GreetingB1 Got a free sample I could try? Surprise 50 A FREE sample you say? Hmm... Well... I normally don't do this... but, for YOU, for this ONE TIME ONLY, a VERY special VIP promotional offer... {snake oil salesmen} 45
Happy 50 Ladies and gentlemen, DING-DING-DING! We have a new winner in our daily Aqua Cura Sweepstakes! Here you go, sir. Your FREE bottle! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales man} 46
Happy 100 Step right up in the next 5 minutes, and get your VERY OWN bottle of the Amazing Aqua Cura at HALF price! Ladies and gentlemen. Half price! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 47
Got a free sample I could try? Surprise 50 A FREE sample you say? Hmm... Well... I normally don't do this... but, for YOU, for this ONE TIME ONLY, a VERY special VIP promotional offer... {snake oil salesmen} 48
Happy 50 Ladies and gentlemen, DING-DING-DING! We have a new winner in our daily Aqua Cura Sweepstakes! Here you go, ma'am. Your FREE bottle! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales man} 49
Happy 100 Step right up in the next 5 minutes, and get your VERY OWN bottle of the Amazing Aqua Cura at HALF price! Ladies and gentlemen. Half price! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 50
DLC03WQ02GreetingB2 How much are you selling them for? Happy 50 Well friend, how much would you be willing to pay? For such an AMAZING product as the Amazing Aqua Cura? {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 51
Happy 100 Many would pay 50, 75, even 100 bottlecaps for such an amazing product! With such an amazing guarantee! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 52
Surprise 25 But, for a limited time only I'm able to offer the Amazing Aqua Cura for an introductory, exceptionally low price! Care to take a guess at how much? {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitchEmphasis on "limited time only"} 53
DLC03WQ02GreetingB2a I don't know, 40 caps? Surprise 50 No, sir. Try again. Lower! {extremely enthusiastic, asking to guess the LOW LOW price!} 54
I don't know, 40 caps? Surprise 50 No, ma'am. Try again. Lower! {extremely enthusiastic, asking to guess the LOW LOW price!} 55
30 caps? Surprise 75 Wrong! Try again. Lower still! {extremely enthusiastic, asking to guess the LOW LOW price!} 56
20 caps? Surprise 80 Nope. It's insane isn't it? How could I sell it for any less? But I can! And I WILL! Try again. LOW-WER! {extremely enthusiastic, asking to guess the LOW LOW price!} 57
10 caps? Happy 100 DING-DING-DING! We have a winner, ladies and gentlemen! {extremely enthusiastic snake oils salesmen} 58
Surprise 100 That's right, for the low-low price of just 10 caps you can walk away with your very own bottle of the Amazing Aqua Cura! 59
Sure. Here's 10 caps. Give me a bottle of the "Amazing" Aqua Cura. Happy 100 Right you are! Here's the bottle, and I'll take those caps. Pleasure doing business with you, sir. Come again! {extremely enthusiastic snake oils salesmen} 60
Happy 100 And remember: All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. {(cheerfully) caveat emptor!} 61
Sure. Here's 10 caps. Give me a bottle of the "Amazing" Aqua Cura. Happy 100 Right you are! Here's the bottle, and I'll take those caps. Pleasure doing business with you, ma'am. Come again! {extremely enthusiastic snake oils salesmen} 62
Happy 100 And remember: All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. {(cheerfully) caveat emptor!} 63
DLC03WQ02GreetingB2b Do I really have to guess? Neutral 50 Why yes! You can't imagine how low the special introductory price is. Go on, just guess. You'll never believe it! 64
Look, just tell me the price or I'm leaving. Sad 50 You're no fun. 10 caps. Pretty amazing, huh? You want a bottle? {annoyed} 65
Fine. Take my 10 caps already. Disgust 50 Here you go. Run along now. {annoyed} 66
Happy 100 And remember: All sales are final. No refunds. {(cheerfully) caveat emptor!} 67
DLC03WQ02GreetingB2c I'm done playing your guessing game. Disgust 50 Fine. You're blocking all the real customers anyway. Go on. Get out of here. {annoyed} 68
DLC03WQ02GreetingB2Poor Well, if I had 10 caps, I might buy a bottle. Sad 50 Oh. I didn't realize you were so poor. Well, tough break kid. Maybe you can find someone who can spot you the caps? {disappointed} 69
Disgust 50 If you'll excuse me, I have real customers waiting. {annoyed} 70
DLC03WQ02GreetingB3 I think I'll pass. Thanks anyway. Surprise 50 Oh really? I'm sure you'll change your mind after you discover how AMAZING the product really is! Stick around, I give regular demonstrations. {trying to keep a potential customer, snake oil salesmen} 71
DLC03WQ02GreetingNotInterested Look, I'm not really interested in buying your Aqua Cura. Surprise 100 Wh-ell, w-hell, well... if you aren't here to buy the Amazing Aqua Cura, what are you here for? {blustering exaggerated shock} 72
DLC03WQ02GreetingPoor I don't quite have 10 caps. Disgust 50 Well then I presume you won't mind if I focus on the customers who actually brought money with them? Have a nice day, and good luck finding a job. {not going to waste his time} 73
DLC03WQ02GreetingPoorCanPay Sure. Here's 10 caps. Give me a bottle of the "Amazing" Aqua Cura. Happy 100 Right you are! Pleasure doing business with you, sir. Come again! {extremely enthusiastic snake oils salesmen} 74
Sure. Here's 10 caps. Give me a bottle of the "Amazing" Aqua Cura. Happy 100 Right you are! Pleasure doing business with you, ma'am. Come again! {extremely enthusiastic snake oils salesmen} 75
DLC03WQ02Irradiated Pip-Boy analysis shows that your Aqua Cura is irradiated. Interesting... Surprise 50 Uhhhh... What? That doohickey on your wrist says the water's irradiated? That's a pretty fancy device if it can know something like that... {nervous his scam is uncovered} 76
Fear 100 But, clearly it's, ah, misinformed. You should get that fixed, because it's definitely giving you false information. {nervous his scam is uncovered} 77
Pip-Boy analysis shows that your Aqua Cura is irradiated. Interesting... Fear 100 I already told you, your Pipsqueek 2000 or whatever it's called is broken. There's nothing wrong with the water. {nervous his scam is uncovered} 78
DLC03WQ02Irradiated1 You're clearly up to something. There's no denying it. Talk. Now! Disgust 50 Oh alright, alright. But if you start blabbing, I've got some buddies with itching trigger fingers... {annoyed his scam was found out} 79
Surprise 50 So I've got this little operation taking Aqua Pura and replacing it with regular crap. It's not like it'll hurt us ghouls. {annoyed his scam was found out} 80
Neutral 50 The Aqua Pura I'm storing to sell back to humans later. You know, raiders, Outcasts, etc. The guys the Brotherhood doesn't share with. {annoyed his scam was found out} 81
Happy 50 I'm not a bad guy. I'm just trying to help. The Brotherhood needs me. My caps mean water for the Wasteland. Just ask Bigsley at Project Purity. {rationalizing} 82
DLC03WQ02Irradiated2 There's nothing wrong with my Pip-Boy. You sir, are a liar. Disgust 100 Ha! I'd like to see you try and prove that... {arrogantly daring then cutting himself shortemphasis on "prove"} 83
Surprise 75 Er, um, rather, even it were true, you'd need proof to convince my customers. My - ahem - very LOYAL customers. {realizing he said to much and trying to cover it up} 84
Happy 75 They're already convinced... er, I mean, they already see the many benefits of the Amazing Aqua Cura! {momentarily offguard, then lying smoothly again} 85
DLC03WQ02Irradiated3 Relax. I don't care. Take these morons for all their worth. I'm just curious. Surprise 50 It's true, I got a thing going. {leveling with a fellow criminal} 86
Happy 50 I take the Aqua Pura, store it to sell to humans later, then I put the regular irradiated crap in the bottles and sell it to these fools. {amused, quietly leveling with a fellow crook} 87
Neutral 50 No one's getting hurt. In fact, the Brotherhood actually needs the caps and technology I give them to fund their "free" water caravans. {rationalizing} 88
Surprise 50 Just ask Bigsley at Project Purity, he'll tell you how grateful he is I'm helping them out like this. 89
Anger 50 But watch yourself. Get in my way, and... let's just say, I'm good at removing problems. {threatening} 90
Relax. I don't care. Take these morons for all their worth. I'm just curious. Happy 50 Heheh. You're not fooling anyone. Everyone knows you're one of the good guys. {laughing at someone trying to act tough} 91
Happy 75 But seriously kid. I'm not up to anything. Just ask any of these fools - ahem - I mean, LOYAL customers. {arrogantly} 92
Happy 100 They already see the many benefits of the Amazing Aqua Cura! {lying smoothly again} 93
DLC03WQ02Location Care to tell me where this water operation of yours is located? Fear 50 No, not really. {nervous and upset he's being questioned} 94
Disgust 50 Now, if you'll excuse me. I have customers that need my attention. {ducking out of a conversation} 95
DLC03WQ02Source I'm curious. Where'd you get all this Aqua Pura? Fear 100 Really, what's it matter to you anyway? {nervous his scam might be found out} 96
DLC03WQ02SourceA1 I'm not interested in making trouble. I'm just curious where you got the water. Surprise 50 Alright. But keep your mouth shut about it... {explaining a secret} 97
Disgust 50 The Brotherhood's happy just giving the stuff away, right? Well they drove ME out, claiming "Ghouls don't need fresh water!" {bitter} 98
Neutral 50 Well, big surprise that when I offered to PAY for it, next thing I knew, I was talking to Scribe Bigsley, the guy in charge of the whole shebang. {sarcastic} 99
Neutral 50 Didn't really want to, but on principle I wanted to prove Ghouls are WORTH the cost, so I paid him. Now I'm stuck selling the stuff. 100
Surprise 100 Good thing whatever they put in it to kill the radiation also undoes the radiation damage to Ghoul physiology! And thus, Aqua Pura becomes Aqua Cura! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 101
DLC03WQ02SourceA2 I'd have thought giving Aqua Pura to a Ghoul would seem like a waste. Anger 50 Huh. I hadn't pegged you as a bigot. My mistake. {offended} 102
DLC03WQ02SourceA3 Just making conversation. I really don't care where you got the stuff. Surprise 50 Oh. Sorry. I guess I'm just a little sensitive about the question. Some people think giving Aqua Pura to Ghouls is a waste, afterall. {apologizing} 103
Neutral 50 I didn't STEAL it, if that's what you're getting at. I got it fair and square. 104
DLC03WQ02WigTopic Who does your hair? It looks rather similar to mine, doesn't it? Fear 50 Aheh. Um... yeah, look at that. We practically have the same hair cut. What are the chances of that? Aheh. {extremely nervous} 105
GREETING GREETING Surprise 25 I don't have your money yet. Once a week, remember? {somewhat surprised} 106
Disgust 50 Come back in a few days. {annoyed} 107
GREETING Surprise 100 Oh, I hadn't seen you in so long. I thought you died. Um... I stopped setting aside money for you... um, here. Take this. It's all I have to spare. {somewhat surprised} 108
Disgust 50 Now get out of here before my customers take notice. {annoyed} 109
GREETING Surprise 25 You're really going to blackmail me? <sigh> {somewhat surprised} 110
Disgust 50 Here. Take it. I'll see you next week. Now get out of here before my customers notice what's going on. {being blackmailed} 111
GREETING Surprise 50 Is it that time already? Fine. Here's your money. {somewhat surprised} 112
Disgust 50 Now get out of here. I'm trying to earn some money. {annoyed} 113
GREETING Surprise 50 I believe our business is concluded, friend. {(under his breath) con man brushing aside someone he doesn't want to be seen with} 114
Happy 100 See here folks: another happy customer. A great day to you, too, sir! Thank you for stopping by! {snake oil sales pitch} 115
GREETING Surprise 50 I believe our business is concluded, friend. {(under his breath) con man brushing aside someone he doesn't want to be seen with} 116
Happy 100 See here folks: another happy customer. A great day to you, too, ma'am! Thank you for stopping by! {snake oil sales pitch} 117
GREETING Happy 75 Well, hello there Smoothskin! Step right up. Have you come to savor the great taste of the Amazing Aqua Cura? {enthusiastic, snake-oil sales pitch} 118
GREETING Happy 50 Did you manage to scrounge up the 10 caps? It's a small price indeed for the Amazing Aqua Cura! {enthusiastic snake oil salesman} 119
GREETING Happy 100 Welcome back! I trust you've changed your mind and have come for your very own bottle of the Amazing Aqua Cura? {enthusiastic snakeoil sales pitch} 120
GREETING Fear 50 Ah, I hope there's nothing wrong with your Aqua Cura. Remember, all sales are final... um, now how can I help you, dear returning customer of mine? {worried he's got a disgruntled customer} 121
GREETING Happy 100 Welcome back. What can I do for you? {enthusiastic snake oil salesman} 122
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Sad 100 Oh I'm sorry! I'm fresh out of free samples. Try again tomorrow! {lying, snakeoil sales man} 123
SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 50 You know kid, you really ought to have proof before you go around insulting people like that. {smoldering anger} 124
Anger 25 Now, if you don't mind, why don't you take your baseless accusations elsewhere. I have important business to conduct. {annoyed} 125
SpeechChallengeFailure Fear 20 My business arrangements are private. {hiding something} 126
SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 50 Are you kidding? {angry he is being blackmailed} 127
SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 50 No way. Try again. {angry he is being blackmailed} 128
SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 50 I'm afraid not. 20% seems more than fair to me. {angry he is being blackmailed} 129


DLC03WQ02Confession DLC03WQ02Confession Fear 100 Ah... my um... LOYAL customers and FRIENDS! {nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 130
DLC03WQ02Confession Surprise 100 It appears I may have slightly exaggerated some of the benefits of the, uh, Amazing Aqua Cura. {nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 131
DLC03WQ02Confession Happy 50 Aheh. {(nervous chuckle) nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 132
DLC03WQ02Confession Surprise 100 Turns out due to ah... a bottling irregularity - aheh- rather than actual Aqua Pura... <deep breath> {nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 133
DLC03WQ02Confession Sad 100 You've all been purchasing regular, unpurified, irradiated water. {(the painful truth) nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 134
DLC03WQ02Confession Surprise 25 Yeah, but we're ghouls so it's not like it's hurt anybody. {(stalling) nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 135
DLC03WQ02Confession Neutral 50 Aheheh. Wooo. {(nervous chuckle) nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 136
DLC03WQ02Confession Fear 100 Now. Before you all get upset... {nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 137
DLC03WQ02Confession Surprise 100 I'd like to point out something to you folks, that you might be overlooking in your current state of rage - aheh - {nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 138
DLC03WQ02Confession Happy 50 You've all seen an actual improvement in your lives. {nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 139
DLC03WQ02Confession Surprise 50 Granted, it's not due to any inherent -material- property of the water. {(quickly) nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 140
DLC03WQ02Confession Happy 100 BUT! Due to your BELIEF in the transmuting power of the AMAZING Aqua Cura, you have ALL experienced renewed hope! {(enthusiastic conviction!) nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 141
DLC03WQ02Confession Happy 50 And for that, I trust you will remain grateful. {(arrogant conclusion) nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 142
DLC03WQ02Confession Fear 100 Aheheh. {(nervous chuckle) nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 143
DLC03WQ02Confession Surprise 100 And, as I've said with each and every purchase: "All sales are final." Eheh. {nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 144
DLC03WQ02Confession Fear 100 I can assure you, ladies and gentlemen, that violence won't be necessary. {(backing away from mob) nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 145
DLC03WQ02Confession Happy 50 I'll just pack up my things and be going now. {(hasty retreat) nervous con-man, talking his way out of retribution} 146
DLC03WQ02Confession Sad 100 I've made a huge mistake. {(to himself) denouement} 147
DLC03WQ02Pitch DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Happy 100 Come one, come all! Taste the smooth succulent sensation of radiation reversing - Aqua Cura! - It's simply Amazing! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 148
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Happy 100 Step right up, step right up. One and all, and purchase the Amazing Aqua Cura. It's the answer to all your problems. Guaranteed! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 149
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Happy 100 The Amazing Aqua Cura cures all the common ghoul ailments! Guaranteed! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 150
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Happy 100 The Amazing Aqua Cura! Not only does it taste great, but it also reverses radiation poisoning! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 151
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Happy 100 Are you plagued by hellacious halitosis? Extreme epidermal exfoliation? Well, friends, your days of suffering are ended! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 152
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Have cap strapped friends or relatives? No need to fret. {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 153
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Wondering how it works? It's simple... {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 154
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Having trouble sleeping? Still haunted by the war? {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 155
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Have you tried the Amazing Aqua Cura? All your friends and neighbors have. {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 156
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Have a dress from before the war that's seen better days? Pour a little Aqua Cura on it, scrub vigorously with a stiff brush, and get your party on! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 157
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Having trouble seeing? Got a little something in your eye? {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 158
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Have an oozing sore that just won't go away? {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 159
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Have a woman who keeps looking the other way? {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 160
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Having trouble concentrating? Tired of dry mouth and other side effects of Mentats? Then try the Amazing Aqua Cura! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 161
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Muscles atrophying? Getting picked on by bullies? Well fear the dark alleys no longer, friends! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 162
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Losing your hearing? Having trouble eavesdropping across the room? {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 163
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Do people call you clumsy? Do things just seem to slip out of your hands? {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 164
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Hellacious halitosis. It's a common condition of the ghoul state. But it's not permanent. Not with Amazing Aqua Cura that is! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 165
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Surprise 100 Extreme epidermal exfoliation. It's something we all face. Or rather, we all HAD to face in the PAST! {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 166
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch Happy 100 Friends, have you stopped combing your hair? Afraid of pulling out the few remaining plugs? {enthusiastic, snake oil sales pitch} 167
DLC03WQ02Pitch01 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch1 Happy 100 That's right! With each swig of pure Aqua Cura, you're one step closer to being your old self again! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 168
DLC03WQ02Pitch02 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch2 Happy 100 Well fear no longer! Cast your gaze upon my luxurious coiffure. And now you too can get your hair back with the Amazing Aqua Cura! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 169
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch2 Surprise 100 Guaranteed, or your bottlecaps back! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 170
DLC03WQ02Pitch03 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch3 Happy 100 Try the Amazing Aqua Cura! Guaranteed to have you feeling better in seven days or less, or your money back! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 171
DLC03WQ02Pitch04 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch4 Happy 100 Simply sign up for our "Friends and Family Referral Program" and get deep discounts on bulk orders of the Amazing Aqua Cura! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 172
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch4 Surprise 100 What are you waiting for? Sign up today! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 173
DLC03WQ02Pitch05 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch5 Happy 100 Just drink one bottle with every meal, and you'll start seeing the positive effects the very next day. It's that easy. {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 174
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch5 Surprise 100 The Amazing Aqua Cura! Get yours now, while supplies last! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 175
DLC03WQ02Pitch06 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch6 Happy 100 Put your mind at rest. Heat up a cup of Aqua Cura before bedtime, and sail away on sweet dreams of a brighter future. {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 176
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch6 Surprise 100 The Amazing Aqua Cura, it's like a vacation in a bottle! Guaranteed. {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 177
DLC03WQ02Pitch07 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch7 Happy 100 And you know what? THEY are ALREADY enjoying the many benefits that Aqua Cura brings. {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch (THEY = the audience's neighbors)} 178
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch7 Surprise 100 Act in the next five minutes, and new customers will get an extra bottle... for FREE! What are you waiting for?! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 179
DLC03WQ02Pitch08 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch8 Happy 100 That's right, it removes stains as well as headaches! The Amazing Aqua Cura! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 180
DLC03WQ02Pitch09 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch9 Happy 100 Rinse it out with the Amazing Aqua Cura and you'll instantly SEE why it's THE ONLY product you'll ever need again. {(enthusiastic) "SEE" is a pun, because you are rinsing out your eye -- enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 181
DLC03WQ02Pitch10 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch10 Happy 100 Take a clean bandage, soak it in Aqua Cura, wrap it around your wound, and see your skin restore itself in just minutes! Guaranteed! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 182
DLC03WQ02Pitch11 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch11 Happy 100 Slip a little Aqua Cura in her drink, be the next man she lays eyes on, and she'll be sure to fall in love with you. {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 183
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch11 Surprise 100 Just be sure you REALLY want to spend the rest of your life with her, because she'll be yours forever. {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 184
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch11 Happy 100 Guaranteed! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 185
DLC03WQ02Pitch12 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch12 Happy 100 Studies have proven that 10 out of 10 drinkers of Aqua Cura do 50% better on all standardized tests! It's a scientific fact! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 186
DLC03WQ02Pitch13 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch13 Happy 100 Drink Aqua Cura regularly and put even Grognak to shame! Men will fear you, women will love you. Guaranteed! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 187
DLC03WQ02Pitch14 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch14 Happy 100 Scientific tests conclude, beyond a reasonable doubt, that rinsing out your ears each morning with Aqua Cura, guarantees your hearing will come back! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 188
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch14 Surprise 100 It's better than a fact. It's Science! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 189
DLC03WQ02Pitch15 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch15 Happy 100 You could be suffering from a common ailment, one of the many cured by the Amazing Aqua Cura! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 190
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch15 Surprise 100 Drink Aqua Cura with every meal, and wash your hands and feet 10 times a day with soapy Aqua Cura... {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 191
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch15 Happy 100 And soon you'll be doing magic tricks and juggling knives. Guaranteed! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 192
DLC03WQ02Pitch16 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch16 Happy 100 Brush your teeth morning, afternoon, and evening, rinsing religiously with Aqua Cura, and find your breath as sweet as a spring time breeze! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 193
DLC03WQ02Pitch17 DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch17 Happy 100 Now, with the Amazing Aqua Cura, your days of droopy skin and gaping sores are over! {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 194
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch17 Surprise 100 Wash profusely with Aqua Cura morning and evening, or better yet, buy a 10 gallon barrel and take a bath in it... {enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 195
DLC03WQ02GriffonSalesPitch17 Happy 100 And you'll see your skin return to its natural, smooth state! It's guaranteed! {continuing an enthusiastic snake oil sales pitch} 196
GOODBYE I have to go now. Surprise 50 Come back before supplies run out! {enthusiastic snake oil salesman} 197
I have to go now. Surprise 50 Remember: Aqua Cura, it's simply AMAZING! {enthusiastic snake oil salesman} 198
HELLO HELLO Happy 100 Step right up! {enthusiastic snake oil salesman} 199
HELLO Happy 100 The Amazing Aqua Cura! {enthusiastic snake oil salesman} 200