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This is a transcript for dialogue with Lepelletier.


DLC03WQ01AboutSplitJack A guy named Split Jack is behind the attacks. Disgust 50 Well, what are you doing here? You should be out there tracking him down and putting an end to this once and for all! {annoyed} 1
DLC03WQ01Briefing1 You sound pretty certain this particular caravan will be attacked. Neutral 50 I'm "pretty certain" ANY caravan will be attacked. This "particular" caravan also happens to have my most junior men escorting it. {explaining why she needs the player's help} 2
Neutral 50 They could really use someone with Wasteland experience leading the team. {explaining why she needs the player's help} 3
DLC03WQ01Briefing2 If we do get attacked, and I do find a ringleader, then what? Neutral 50 After protecting the caravan, track down the attackers base of operations and put an end to it once and for all. {briefing a recruit} 4
DLC03WQ01Briefing3 I'm getting paid, right? Neutral 50 Do the job right and report back to me, and I'll make certain you get paid appropriately. 5
DLC03WQ01Briefing4 All right, I'll protect the caravan and track down the attackers. Happy 50 Great. I had a feeling you would. Officers Davis and Lorin should have just left Project Purity. If you hurry you'll catch them. {glad to have competent recruit} 6
Fear 50 Their course hugs the river closely. If you head north following the river from Project Purity, you should catch up to them. Please hurry. {worried her men might run into trouble} 7
Where do I find the caravan again? Fear 50 If you head north following the river from Project Purity, you should catch up to them. Please hurry. {worried her men might run into trouble} 8
DLC03WQ01Briefing5 I'm going to pass on this one. Find someone else. Disgust 50 If you aren't man enough for the job, fine. I don't want you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have operations to conduct. {annoyed} 9
I'm going to pass on this one. Find someone else. Disgust 50 If you aren't woman enough for the job, fine. I don't want you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have operations to conduct. {annoyed} 10
DLC03WQ01Briefing6 Thanks. That's all for now. Neutral 50 Fine. 11
DLC03WQ01BriefingPay1 Is that a Plasma Rifle you've got there? I could use that on the mission. Anger 50 I suppose I don't really need it pushing papers around here, do I? Alright. Consider it an advance on your payment. You better not disappoint. {begrudgingly giving up a prized weapon} 12
DLC03WQ01BriefingPay2 I'm afraid I'm going to need to get paid up front. Disgust 50 What are you talking about? You did already get paid up front. Or have you forgotten that little Plasma Rifle I gave you? {annoyed} 13
I'm afraid I'm going to need to get paid up front. Disgust 20 Then I'm afraid you're not the man for the job. I don't have anything I can offer you up front. {mildly annoyed} 14
I'm afraid I'm going to need to get paid up front. Disgust 20 Then I'm afraid you're not the woman for the job. I don't have anything I can offer you up front. {mildly annoyed} 15
DLC03WQ01BriefingPay3 Can you at least tell me what I'll be getting? Surprise 10 I can pay you in bottlecaps, maybe some weapons and armor if I have any left from requisitions. {negotiating} 16
DLC03WQ01BriefingPay4 Understood. Neutral 50 Good. 17
DLC03WQ01Completed1 A guy named Split Jack. Not to worry. He's dead now. Happy 50 Really? That's excellent. Thank you. As soon as I have a moment, I'll make arrangements to see to your reward. {grateful} 18
A guy named Split Jack. Not to worry. I sent him and his gang packing. Happy 50 Really? That's excellent. Thank you. As soon as I have a moment, I'll make arrangements to see to your reward. {grateful} 19
DLC03WQ01Completed2 I killed the ringleader. You owe me big time, lady. Disgust 10 Yes, yes. I'm sure it wasn't easy. I'll make the necessary arrangements to have you paid. {grateful, but annoyed} 20
I dealt with the ringleader. They're gone now. You owe me big time, lady. Disgust 10 Yes, yes. I'm sure it wasn't easy. I'll make the necessary arrangements to have you paid. {grateful, but annoyed} 21
DLC03WQ01DeadExtort Yeah, I killed him. But I'm here to set up a "protection" deal with the gang. Anger 100 What?! {shocked and angry} 22
DLC03WQ01DeadExtort1 Pay 500 caps now, and I'll call off the attacks. Anger 50 Damn it. I just don't have that kind of money at my disposal... {frustrated} 23
Disgust 50 Here's the deal. I'll give you 500 caps, from my own personal savings, mind you, and you call off the attacks. But that's it. That's all I have. {frustrated but with no other choice} 24
DLC03WQ01DeadExtort2 The protection contract costs a mere 200 caps per week. Disgust 50 I can't believe you're trying to extort me! I'm trying to do the right thing here, and you're totally taking advantage. You're a horrible person. {appalled} 25
Sad 100 Fine, tell your gang to send someone over once a week. I'll find some way to get the caps. {resigned} 26
Anger 100 But you... I never want to see YOU again. I trusted you. If you come around again, I'll kill you. You understand me?! I'll kill you! {pissed off} 27
DLC03WQ01DeadExtort3 Never mind. I was just kidding. Disgust 100 You're not very funny. Now get out of here until you've made progress with taking care of that gang. {annoyed} 28
DLC03WQ01DeadExtortNo Not good enough. 500 caps now, and more when I say it's time for more. Anger 100 I gave you the money. That's it. You've pushed me too far. Walk away. Right now. If you come around here again, I'll kill you. {pissed} 29
DLC03WQ01DeadExtortYes It's a deal. I'll call off the attacks. Anger 50 Fine. Here. But really, that's it. There's nothing left. You're squeezing a rock to get water now. {begrudgingly being extorted} 30
Anger 50 Our business is concluded. If you or any of your gang come back here to try to get anything more out of me. I'll kill you. Now get out of here! {deadly serious} 31
DLC03WQ01GreetingA1 That's why I'm here, actually. Bigsley sent me. Surprise 75 Oh, he did? I was beginning to think he forgot about us. {genuinely shocked, but pleased} 32
Neutral 50 Not sure how much you know: There's been an increase in attacks on the caravans. Seems organized and not just the random Raider or Mutant encounter. {briefing a new recruit} 33
Sad 10 I'm running out of resources and I'm down to my greenest men. I want to get to the bottom of these coordinated attacks. The sooner the better. {confiding in a potential ally} 34
DLC03WQ01GreetingA2 I'm a decent shot. Need another hired gun? Surprise 25 Hmm... I've heard about you. I suppose you can handle yourself out there, and I AM down to my greenest boys... {sizing up a potential recruit} 35
Neutral 50 Alright. But it's no cake walk. I got to get these caravans full of water to the farthest reaches of the Wasteland. {briefing a new recruit} 36
Sad 10 I'm running out of resources, and attacks have increased. I suspect something organized is going on. {confiding in a potential ally} 37
DLC03WQ01GreetingA3 I thought Rivet City security was a police force, not a military organization. Happy 50 Heh. Tell me about it. It's enough trouble just keeping the miscreants on that leaky boat under control. {sarcastic} 38
Sad 20 But the Brotherhood needs help delivering all that water. But I'm not getting the support I need. {confiding in a potential ally} 39
Neutral 50 There's been an increase in attacks on the caravan. And they don't seem random any more. {briefing a new recruit} 40
Anger 20 To make matters worse, I'm running out of resources and I'm down to my greenest men. {frustrated, confiding in a potential ally} 41
DLC03WQ01GreetingA4 Military operations? You've got be kidding. Rivet City security are chumps. Anger 75 Say that a little louder. I've got a lot of disgruntled men who'd be happy to prove you wrong. {annoyed and smoldering with deadly anger} 42
Neutral 50 Now, remove yourself before I have you arrested. {annoyed and smoldering with deadly anger} 43
DLC03WQ01GreetingB1 Sounds like you could use some help. What do you need? Happy 50 Great. I can really use a strong arm on this one. {glad to find a capable new recruit} 44
Neutral 50 I need you to escort a caravan from Project Purity to Canterbury Commons. {briefing a new recruit} 45
Neutral 50 If, or rather, WHEN they get ambushed, I need YOU to figure out who's behind the attack. {briefing new recruit, certain an attack will happen} 46
DLC03WQ01GreetingB2 Hire me and your problems are as good as gone. Happy 50 Good. My veterans are all already out in the field, or worse, never came back. I could use someone who knows what he's doing. {glad to have capable new recruit} 47
Neutral 50 I need you to escort a caravan from Project Purity to Canterbury Commons. {briefing new recruit} 48
Neutral 50 If, or rather, WHEN they get ambushed, I need you to figure out who's behind the attack. {briefing new recruit, certain an attack will happen} 49
Hire me and your problems are as good as gone. Happy 50 Good. My veterans are all already out in the field, or worse, never came back. I could use someone who knows what she's doing. {glad to have capable new recruit} 50
Neutral 50 I need you to escort a caravan from Project Purity to Canterbury Commons. {briefing new recruit} 51
Neutral 50 If, or rather, WHEN they get ambushed, I need you to figure out who's behind the attack. {briefing new recruit, certain an attack will happen} 52
DLC03WQ01GreetingB3 Yeah, not interested in dying. Good luck to you and your men. Anger 50 Yeah, right. Clear out of here before I have you arrested. {yeah right - sarcastic disbelief... annoyed} 53
DLC03WQ01MissionQuestions I have some questions about my mission. Neutral 50 What do you need to know? 54
DLC03WQ01RewardA1 What do you mean you'll make "arrangements"? Surprise 100 Yes well, I don't really have anything I can give you at the moment. {embarrassed, slightly annoyed} 55
Fear 50 I've simply run out of resources. Only a quarter of my escorts have made it back. I fear the worst. {giving excuses} 56
Neutral 50 I'll send word to Bigsley, the Brotherhood Scribe running things over at Project Purity. I'm sure the Brotherhood can reward you for your efforts. 57
Happy 50 Now, if you'll excuse me... {trying to get out of a conversation} 58
DLC03WQ01RewardA2 I want my money, and I want it now. Anger 50 I'm afraid I don't have anything to give you. Now don't you go getting upset! {covering embarrassment by getting resentful} 59
Surprise 50 I've simply run out of resources. Only a quarter of my escorts have made it back. I fear the worst. {giving excuses} 60
Sad 50 You'll have to see about getting a reward from the Brotherhood. {sincere} 61
Surprise 100 Speak with Scribe Bigsley at Project Purity. I'm SURE he has something he can reward you with. {not at all sure, hoping it's true} 62
Happy 50 Now, if you'll excuse me... {trying to get out of a conversation} 63
DLC03WQ01RewardA3 You're not trying to stiff me, are you? Anger 50 Nothing of the sort! How dare you even suggest such a thing. Look around for Godsake. Do you see a mountain of bottle caps? A stash of weapons? {resentful} 64
Neutral 50 Only a quarter of the escorts have returned! Those poor boys are likely dead, and sadly for you, they took the last of our resources with them. 65
Disgust 50 No. You will just have to pry a reward from the Brotherhood. Speak with Bigsley at Project Purity. I'm sure he'll be able to offer you a reward. {annoyed} 66
Happy 50 Now, if you'll excuse me... {trying to get out of a conversation} 67
DLC03WQLepelletierTopLevelA What's Rivet City getting out of helping the Brotherhood? Surprise 50 At first it was a win-win. They paid us and shared their technology with us. The spoils of their war with the Enclave were particularly enticing. {annoyed, explaining the good old days} 68
Anger 50 However, with all the recent attacks, the "extra" resources end up being used just protecting the caravans from being exterminated. {annoyed with the situation} 69
DLC03WQLepelletierTopLevelB I still don't understand why the Brotherhood isn't just selling the water. Surprise 50 You'd think that'd be the smart thing, right? Then the caravan drivers could use the markup to simply pay for their own security. Wouldn't need us. {commiserating} 70
Disgust 10 Maybe it's an indirect marketing campaign for the Brotherhood. Considering the war with the Enclave, they might need new recruits. {mildly sarcastic, hypothesizing} 71
Sad 50 Whatever the case, as long as they keep paying us in caps and tech, we'll keep escorting the water. {doubtful} 72
GREETING GREETING Anger 50 I warned you not to come around. I will not be extorted. {about to start shooting} 73
Neutral 50 ... 74
GREETING Anger 100 Quit wasting my time. If you're here to help with the caravan, great. Otherwise, get out of here before I have you arrested. {pissed} 75
GREETING Anger 100 I'm not interested in playing games with you. So unless you're here to offer a hand: GO - A - WAY! {pissed} 76
GREETING Anger 50 Look buddy, I'm a very busy woman. I don't have time for your bullshit. I'm busy coordinating a military operation here. So if you don't mind? {getting angry} 77
GREETING Anger 50 Look missy, I'm a very busy woman. I don't have time for your bullshit. I'm busy coordinating a military operation here. So if you don't mind? {getting angry} 78
GREETING Surprise 50 If you're here looking for water, I'm afraid I can't help you. 79
Disgust 50 All the water is at Project Purity. If you want a hand out, head over to the Jefferson Memorial and ask for Scribe Bigsley. {mildly annoyed} 80
Anger 10 Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm busy coordinating military operations. {curt} 81
GREETING Surprise 20 I have nothing to give you. Go speak with Bigsley at Project Purity if you need a reward. {annoyed} 82
GREETING Surprise 20 Well, did you take care of whoever's behind the attacks on the caravans? {hopeful, but not expecting it} 83
GREETING Surprise 20 Well, did you find out who's behind the attacks on the caravans? {hopeful, but not expecting it} 84
GREETING Anger 50 Shouldn't you be out there, dealing with the attacks on the caravans? {annoyed} 85