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Jefferson Memorial conversations refer to conversations between non-player characters which occur in and around the Jefferson Memorial in Fallout 3 (including Taft Tunnel). In the base game, these conversations are all scripted as part of the main questline. With Broken Steel, certain additional dynamically-occurring and/or randomized conversations are also available at the Memorial.


These are dynamic conversations initiated by James which may occur during The Waters of Life after the Project Purity team moves in, but before the Enclave invades.

# Speaker Line
1 Dad Are you all right, Madison?
Doctor Li Did we forget to compensate for the power fluctuations in our last calculation? I'd hate to see us short something out now.
I'm concerned that we're overlooking something, James. I don't want us to be too hasty.
Dad It's fine, Madison. Everything is taken care of. There's no reason to be nervous.
We haven't forgotten anything. We're on top of the situation. Come on, we're professionals!
Doctor Li I suppose you're right. Being back here after all this time, I can't help but be a little concerned.
2 Dad Janice, I have something for you.
Janice, a moment please.
Janice Kaplinski Yes, Doctor?
Dad Make sure to stay in contact with Daniel and Alex. I'm waiting for a report from them.
When you have a moment, can you check the pressure on tanks 3 and 4? I'm concerned there may be a leak.
Janice Kaplinski I'm already taking care of that. I'll let you know if there are any abnormal results.
Doctor Li asked me to keep an eye on the power relays in level 3, but I'll take care of that for you.
Yes sir. I'll attend to that in just a moment.
Dad Thank you, Janice.



Both conversations are between Colonel Autumn and James in the Project Purity control room. First conversation is the start of the scene; second conversation is after Autumn kills Janice.

# Speaker Line
1 Colonel Autumn By the authority of the President, this facility is now under United States government control. The person in charge is to step forward immediately, and turn over all materials related to this project.
Dad That's quite impossible. This is a private project; the Enclave has no authority here. I'm going to have to ask you to leave at once.
Colonel Autumn Am I to assume, sir, that you are in charge?
Dad Yes, I'm responsible for this project.
Colonel Autumn Then I repeat, sir, that you are hereby instructed to immediately hand over all materials related to the purifier.
Dad I'm sorry, but that's....
Colonel Autumn Furthermore, you are to assist Enclave scientists in assuming control of the administration and operation of this facility at once.
Dad Colonel... Is it Colonel? I'm sorry, but the facility is not operational. It never has been. I'm afraid you're wasting your time here.
Colonel Autumn Sir, this is the last time I am going to repeat myself. Stand down at once, and turn over control of this facility.
Dad Colonel, I assure you that this facility will not function. We have never been able to successfully replicate test results...
2 Colonel Autumn I suggest you comply immediately, sir, in order to prevent any more incidents. Are we clear?
Dad Yes, Colonel. I'll do whatever you want; there's no need for more violence.
Colonel Autumn Then you will immediately hand over all materials related to this project, and aid us in making it operational at once.
Dad Very well. Give me a few moments to bring the system online.


Unused. Presumably would have played shortly before James floods Project Purity with radiation.

Speaker Line
Doctor Li James, this is wrong. You can't do this.
Dad Madison, please. Now's not the time. I'll get the information the Colonel needs, but I need you to...
Doctor Li I won't help you do this James. Not after everything it took to get here.
Dad I need you to monitor the output levels on pumps three and four. Please step over to the panel and keep an eye on them, will you?
Doctor Li What? What are you talking about? That doesn't even make any sense...
Dad Madison, please. It's very important that you do this right now. Just step over to the panel while I access the computer in the control booth.
Doctor Li James, I...
Dad Please. Just monitor the pumps.


Plays at the beginning of The Waters of Life, in the Rivet City science lab, when James and Doctor Li reunite.

Speaker Line
Dad I told you it would work, Madison, and now I can prove it.
Doctor Li James! You're back!
Dad And with good news. I was right about Braun and the G.E.C.K. If we can find one, we can adapt it to work with the purifiers.
Doctor Li I'd like to believe you, James. Really I would. This is all just so... So sudden.
Dad Madison, I'm telling you this is real. I talked to Braun himself. He confirmed it. Don't you see? This is what we've been waiting for!
Doctor Li I... I don't know, James. So many years have passed. Is it really still worth trying?
Dad How could it not be worth improving the lives of everyone in the Wasteland? What could be a more worthy endeavor?
Doctor Li You haven't lost any of your passion, have you James.
Dad It's as important to me as ever, Madison. I know it's important to you too. Let's finish this together.
Doctor Li James, I... We don't have a G.E.C.K. I can get a small team together, but we'll need proof that it works before people believe us.
Dad I know, I was thinking about that. The lab at the facility had some old pre-war computers that we scavenged. One of them might be useful.
Doctor Li From the last reports, there's no power at the facility. Even if one of those computers had a database, we couldn't access it.
Dad That's why we're going to head over there right now and get things up and running as best we can.
Doctor Li You know if it were anyone else asking me to do this, I'd have them run right out of Rivet City.
Dad And you know I wouldn't be here if I didn't think this would really work. It's time, Madison.
Doctor Li Damn you, James. When this is all over, you owe me a drink. I'll get the team together.
Dad Thank you, Madison. It's good to be working with you again.

Doctor Li and Garza[]

These four conversations are dependent on how the player character opts to deal with Garza after he collapses in Taft Tunnel (provided he is alive at that point).

  • Conversation 1 occurs if the player chooses the Very Easy Speech challenge with Doctor Li to give Garza Buffout.
  • Conversation 2 occurs if the player chooses the Very Easy Speech challenge convincing Doctor Li to leave Garza behind.
  • Conversation 3 occurs if the player chooses the option with Doctor Li to give Stimpaks to Garza.
  • Conversation 4 occurs if the player chooses the Very Easy Speech challenge convincing Garza to stay behind.
# Speaker Line
1 Doctor Li Garza, we have no medicine... but there is something else that may help for now.
Garza If it will help me, then I will take it. I trust you, Doctor Li.
Doctor Li I... Yes, well. If we weren't in danger right now, I'd suggest something different. But this should see you through for the time being.
Garza Thank you, Doctor Li.
2 Doctor Li Garza, I'm sorry, but we must keep moving. If you can't keep up, I'm afraid we'll have to go on without you.
Garza But... What will I do? You would leave me here alone?
Doctor Li I'm sorry, Garza. I have everyone else to think of as well. If you reach the Citadel, they'll be waiting for you.
Garza I cannot make it on my own, Doctor Li! I am too weak!
Doctor Li Garza, I'm sorry. We have to go now.
3 Doctor Li Garza, here. This will help you to feel better. Once we reach the Citadel, you'll be fine.
Garza Thank you, Doctor Li. I'm feeling better already. Let us continue, and not waste more time here.
Doctor Li All right. If you're up to it, we'll continue.
4 Doctor Li Garza, I'm sorry. I don't know what to do.
Garza You know what to do, Doctor Li. You must go on without me.
Doctor Li We can't just leave you here. It isn't right.
Garza I insist. You have greater problems to worry about. I will be all right. Now please, go.
Doctor Li I'm sorry, Garza. I wish there was more we could do.

Broken Steel[]

These conversations are added by Broken Steel and take place upon starting the add-on.


Contained in DLC03Encounters. Scripted conversation between a Brotherhood of Steel knight and two Rivet City security officers guarding a water caravan outside the Memorial. After the conversation ends, the caravan sets off on its water delivery route for the rest of the game.

Speaker Line
Brotherhood of Steel knight You're good to go.
Rivet City security (1) All right then. We'll see you in a few days.
Brotherhood of Steel knight Well... sure. Let me guess -- your first time on caravan duty?
Rivet City security (1) Yeah. So what?
Rivet City security (2) You think we can't handle it? Believe me, you guys aren't the only ones who know how to put down a raider.
Brotherhood of Steel knight Take it easy. I'm sure you'll be fine. Just like all the other caravans.
Rivet City security (2) Whatever.
Rivet City security (1) All right, let's move it out!
Scavenger Okay then. Come on, there, Sukey! Gee-up now!

Bigsley and scribes[]

Contained in DLC03WQ. These are the conversations between Scribe Bigsley and the four Brotherhood of Steel scribes outside his office who routinely enter to give him reports. Each conversation can be started by any of the scribes and is chosen at random out of the same stack, with some caveats:

  • Conversations 1 through 7 only occur once per day.
  • Conversation 8 through 10 are chosen sequentially: they are also chosen at random, but conditioned such that #8 must play before #9 can play, and so on for #10, before cycling back to #8.
# Speaker Line
1 Brotherhood of Steel scribe The mercenary caravan has returned. They ran into some trouble - Sir? Scribe Bigsley? Is everything alright, sir?
Scribe Bigsley What? Oh yes. I'm just a little tired. What was this about them running into trouble?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Waylaid by Raiders. Or was it Mutants? They want additional "compensation" for losses and "unexpected expenditures."
Scribe Bigsley It's the goddamned Wasteland. What the hell did they expect?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe I don't know, sir. Should I tell them to go away?
Scribe Bigsley I wish. But no, I need them. They're some of the few that bothered to come back at all - a hardy bunch, this group. Almost as good as our own men.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe I see. Well, what should I do with them? About their demands for compensation?
Scribe Bigsley Did anyone die?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe I don't think so, no.
Scribe Bigsley That's good. Some bottle caps then? How much is left in the petty cash box?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe They want plasma weapons.
Scribe Bigsley What?!
Brotherhood of Steel scribe They saw an initiate lugging a crate to the armory.
Scribe Bigsley Fucking hell... ... Damn it.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sir?
Scribe Bigsley Those weapons were to go to Rivet City. But, whatever. A rifle, grenade or two. But only if they agree to take a shipment -immediately!- to Big Town.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Yessir.
Scribe Bigsley What kind of name is "Big Town" anyway?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe I don't know sir.
Scribe Bigsley Well go on. Don't keep our "guests" waiting any longer. I have work to do.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Yessir.
Scribe Bigsley Now, where the hell did I put that damn clipboard?
2 Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sir. Some messages arrived for you.
Scribe Bigsley And...?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe "And" what, sir?
Scribe Bigsley Were any of the messages important?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe I don't know, sir. I thought I should bring them straight to you.
Scribe Bigsley You didn't READ them?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe No sir, I - I ...
Scribe Bigsley Well, WHO are they from?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe I don't know sir, I - I thought...
Scribe Bigsley Can't you see I'm busy?!
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sorry, sir.
Scribe Bigsley I'm up to my eyeballs!
Brotherhood of Steel scribe ...
Scribe Bigsley Invoices and clipboards with god-knows-what on them! And the maps, so many USELESS maps, drawn by children apparently.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe ...
Scribe Bigsley And requisition requests, is there anyone who DOESN'T want something from me?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe ...
Scribe Bigsley And... and the messages. Always with the messages!
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sorry...
Scribe Bigsley Really?! Am I the only one who can do ANYTHING around here?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sorry sir. I can see you're busy. I'll leave you.
Scribe Bigsley You're right I'm busy!
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sorry, sir.
Scribe Bigsley Wait. Just leave the messages. I'll deal with them later.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Yessir.
Scribe Bigsley Next time look them over first. I need you to be a filter for all the inconsequential crap that otherwise lands on my desk.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Yessir.
Scribe Bigsley Go now. Take a short break. Steal a few minutes for yourself. God knows we all deserve it.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Yessir, thank you sir.
Scribe Bigsley Go on. Get out of here. Shoo!
3 Brotherhood of Steel scribe I just came back from the Citadel.
Scribe Bigsley Oh? And how was your visit? Did Lyons treat you to tea and biscuits?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe He asked about that shipment again.
Scribe Bigsley And what did you tell our illustrious leader?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe I told him things were being taken care of, not to worry.
Scribe Bigsley And? How did he take that?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe The same way he took it the last ten times that he asked and I dodged the question.
Scribe Bigsley <Grumble>
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sir, permission to speak freely?
Scribe Bigsley I don't have time for protocols and bullshit. Speak as freely as you like. Just speak quickly!
Brotherhood of Steel scribe I don't think he's going to stop asking. I think he suspects something.
Scribe Bigsley The man SHOULD be focused on fighting the Enclave. Or has he forgotten about THEM? So what if a few shipments of water go missing? Damn him.[Note 1]
The man SHOULD be focused on picking up the pieces of the war. And questing for technology. So what if a few shipments of water go missing? Damn him.[Note 2]
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sir...
Scribe Bigsley Don't worry. It's MY ass that's on the line.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Yessir.
Scribe Bigsley Well, go on. Leave me be.
4 Brotherhood of Steel scribe Scribe Bigsley? I've finished the corrections to the map.
Scribe Bigsley Indeed you have. Much improved.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Thank you, sir.
Scribe Bigsley One small thing, though.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sir?
Scribe Bigsley Megaton is WEST of here.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sir, that's where I've drawn it.
Scribe Bigsley Is that so? Oh, my mistake. I must have been looking at it upside down.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe It's alright sir, I know you're probably exhausted.
Scribe Bigsley <Clears throat> Have you ever seen a map? North... points... UP!
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Oh... sir, I - I, uh...
Scribe Bigsley Try again.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sorry sir.
Scribe Bigsley The Brotherhood only accepts the best and the brightest, don't they?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Yes sir.
Scribe Bigsley Humanity is doomed.
5 Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sir, the "lab coats" report a delay in the next batch of water.
Scribe Bigsley What now?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Something about a recent power outage. They blame us.
Scribe Bigsley Those ungrateful sons-of-bitches. I needed to temporarily -TEMP-O-RAR-ILY- divert power while we brought additional security systems online.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Just thought you should know sir, about the delay.
Scribe Bigsley Yes of course. Thank you.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe I'll leave you be, sir.
Scribe Bigsley If only someone else wasn't in line right behind you. Well go on, then.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Good luck Bigsley. We have faith in you.
Scribe Bigsley I wish I did. Now, get back to work.
6 Brotherhood of Steel scribe One of the scientists fell off some scaffolding and broke an arm.
Scribe Bigsley And how the hell is that MY problem?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe They're complaining we've "confiscated" all the medical supplies.
Scribe Bigsley Well, I need SOMETHING to pay the caravan drivers with. I ran out of cigarettes and booze last week.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe So what do I tell them?
Scribe Bigsley You mean, besides "Go soak your heads in the basin!"?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sir?
Scribe Bigsley Fine. Grab some meds from the supply, but tell them: "That's it." Put up railings or something.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Yessir.
Scribe Bigsley And hang a sign outside my door that reads: "Welcome to the Babysitters of Steel."
Brotherhood of Steel scribe That's funny sir.
Scribe Bigsley Not really.
7 Brotherhood of Steel scribe The caravan never returned, sir.
Scribe Bigsley That's a shame.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe They're a week late, sir.
Scribe Bigsley Damnnit! I'm aware of that. I make the shipping schedules, don't I?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Should we send out a search party?
Scribe Bigsley For a couple of Wasteland hustlers and a pack Brahmin?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe What about our men?
Scribe Bigsley I'm not wasting any more resources.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Yessir.
Scribe Bigsley If Lyons wants to chase after his deliveries, fine. Let HIM do it. But I'm done wasting resources and risking lives on this pet project of his.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe For what it's worth, you aren't the only one who feels that way.
Scribe Bigsley Thank you. Now, kindly get the hell out of here. I need to think.
8 Brotherhood of Steel scribe A caravan's returned.
Scribe Bigsley Excellent. Did anyone die?
Brotherhood of Steel scribe No sir.
Scribe Bigsley Even better. Pay them and send them out again.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Yessir.
9 Brotherhood of Steel scribe Important messages for you, sir.
Scribe Bigsley Wonderful. Put them on my desk.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Anywhere in particular, sir?
Scribe Bigsley Look for the folder labeled: "I don't GIVE a damn."
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Right. Sorry sir.
Scribe Bigsley <Grumble>
10 Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sir. The next shipment of water is buttoned up and ready to go.
Scribe Bigsley Excellent. I'm glad I don't have to oversee that anymore.
Brotherhood of Steel scribe You're welcome sir.
Scribe Bigsley I'm glad something is going right for a change.
11 Brotherhood of Steel scribe Sir?
Scribe Bigsley <Grumble>
Not now!
This better be important.
What is it now?!
Brotherhood of Steel scribe Right. Sorry sir.
It can wait. I'll try again later.
Whoa... okay, I'll be back later on then.
I'll try again some other time.
Oh-Kay... I'll swing by another time.

Between scribes[]

Contained in DLC03WQ. These are dynamic, two-line randomized conversations between the four Brotherhood of Steel scribes outside Bigsley's office in the Memorial.

# Speaker Line
1 Brotherhood of Steel scribe (1) Whew. Long day.
The boss is in one of his moods again.
Think I caught the boss napping at his desk again.
You know, I didn't sign up with the Brotherhood to be an errand boy.[Note 3]
You know, I didn't sign up with the Brotherhood to be an errand girl.[Note 4]
Gah! One more day of this and I'm gonna eat a bullet.
Has Lyons forgotten about the war with the Enclave? What the hell are we doing here, really? We have better things to do.[Note 1]
I'm not 100% sure it's safe to go in there.
You know, these chairs aren't very comfortable.
Bigsley could really cut us some slack.
What the hell are we doing here, really? We have better things to do.[Note 5]
Brotherhood of Steel scribe (2) You're telling ME that?
Tell me something I don't know.
Tell me about it.
You're preaching to the choir.
I hope I get reassigned soon.
Think I might just not show up tomorrow. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? I get fired?
I'm tired of this. I miss the Citadel.
No kidding.


  1. 1.0 1.1 This response is used if the Broken Steel main questline has not been completed.
  2. This response is used if the Broken Steel main questline has been completed.
  3. Only used if the speaker scribe is male.
  4. Only used if the speaker scribe is female.
  5. This line is not correctly implemented as part of the random greeting stack, so it will never play in-game. It is intended to play only if the Broken Steel main questline has not been completed.