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Wastelad is the player character and main protagonist of the Wastelad holotape minigame.


The main protagonist of the titular game, Wastelad is the member of Vault 1 chosen to strike back at Chairman Cheng. Alongside 0-2 other members of his vault, he leaves Vault 1 and goes on an expedition to kill Cheng in his fortress.

After leaving the vault, the group heads south towards the damaged artillery cannon where they meet Major Coot. He wants to help fight Cheng but his cannon is damaged and he needs Wastelad's help. Coot sends the group northeast towards the Chinese radio tower to collect a nuclear power core. However, when the group arrives they are greeted by a deadly Bat-Bear which they must fight before they can power up the tower.

Unbeknownst to the group, powering up the radio tower summons the vicious Comrade Chrome. After a long battle, the group can salvage the power core and return to Coot. He will then require a plasma shell; however, it is on the other side of a raging river and the only way through it is to travel through a cliff pass. He will then send them to Vault 2, as that is the only way through the cliffs and into Cheng's fortress. Although turned away at the door, Wastelad is told that he can return if he brings a rare sport item. He then heads to the Kip LaBombard memorial stadium where he must fight the Bandit King, Brutus Butkus. Once Brutus is killed, Wastelad can loot his pristine sports jersey and return to the vault, where he will be allowed to travel through the cliff pass.

Once on the other side of the pass, Wastelad must travel to the abandoned armory where he can grab the shell for Coot. Once Wastelad returns to Coot with the items, Coot will fire the artillery at Cheng's fort, giving Wastelad a means to enter it. Once at the fort, he must enter and face off against the sinister Chairman Cheng. After Cheng has been defeated, the game has been completed. Wastelad saved the day!

He is capable of a special attack that increases damage towards enemies for all party members.


Wastelad appears only in Wastelad.

