Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

As you approach the old artillery cannon, an old man in raggedy Army fatigues approaches you. His beard is long past regulation and he smells as if he hasn't even heard of a bath. He eyes you suspiciously.— Introduction text

Major Coot is a character from the Wastelad holotape minigame.


A grizzled old Major, Coot is one of the few remnants of the United States army. After the bombs fell, Coot chose to stick by his guns (quite literally) and remained at his artillery cannon for many years.

When Wastelad and his party arrive, Coot has them collect two very important items for him; a nuclear power core and a plasma shell. Once Coot has the items, he will fire the cannon at Cheng's fortress and blow an entrance into it.


Major Coot appears only in Wastelad.
