Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Bandit King, Brutus Butkus leaps down from his throne. He wields a spiked baseball bat in one hand, and a flaming hockey stick in the other. The stadium erupts with cheers as the onlooking bandits root for their king. Madness flashed in his eyes as he charges directly at you.— Pre-Battle introduction text

Brutus Butkus is a location boss of the Wastelad holotape minigame.


The Bandit King, Brutus Butkus earned his title by being the most vicious bandit he could be. He set up a throne room on the football field at the Kip LaBombard memorial stadium, and challenges any visitors to a battle to the death. Of course, Brutus always wins.

While the party can't engage in combat right off the bat, after speaking to the overseer of Vault 2, Wastelad will be able to challenge him. Once Brutus has been defeated, his Lucky #2 jersey can be taken.


Brutus Butkus appears only in Wastelad.

