Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

What was once a monument to the great American pasttime is now a colosseum of murder and mayhem. Burning junkpiles litter the field. Captives scream from hanging cages. Atop a towering throne erected in one of the end zones sits the largest bandit you've ever seen, wearing shoulderpads, helmet, and the #02 Jersey. He roars at you as you enter.— Entrance text

The Kip LaBombard memorial stadium is a location in the Wastelad holotape minigame.


A multi-sport arena named after famous hockey player Kip LaBombard, the stadium is the headquarters of the Bandits. The bandit king Brutus Butkus has turned the football field into his throne room, filled it with cages, prisoners, slaves and gore, and fights all those who challenge him. The ability to fight him only becomes available after speaking to the overseer of Vault 2. If Brutus is killed, the countless bandits taking up the stands go silent, and the bandit leadership is destroyed for good.


The Kip LaBombard memorial stadium appears only in Wastelad.
