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Fallout Wiki

Chairman Cheng stands before you, the antithesis of everything America fights for. Just looking at him gives you a headache. Empowered by the drained will of a billion innocents, he charges at you!— Pre-Battle introduction text

Chairman Cheng is the primary antagonist of the Wastelad holotape game.


The military leader of the People's Republic of China, Cheng holds the positions of Chairman of the Communist Party of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. During the events of Wastelad, Cheng has hidden himself away in his fortress until disrupted by Major Coot and his cannon. He is directly responsible for creating the wasteland that is seen in-game, and is the primary antagonist of said game. If he is defeated, the game will be completed and the victory screen will show.


Despite being the final boss of the game, he has less HP than two of the mini-bosses (the Goliath and Lagoon Monster) who have 1,100 and 1,150 HP respectively.


Chairman Cheng appears only in Wastelad.
