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Fallout Wiki

Four glowing eyes betray a hideous shape...— Pre-Battle introduction text

The Lagoon Monster is a wandering mini-boss of the Wastelad holotape minigame.


A giant insectoid, the Lagoon Monster is one of the largest creatures seen in game. It has 8 eyes and 8 legs, similarly to most arachnids. However, 4 of its legs are smaller than the others, and were likely used for gripping. With it only having 4 legs to use for mobility, it likely drags its abdomen on the ground behind it when moving, and pulls the whole body forward with its massive front legs.

Also unlike most arachnids, the Lagoon Monster does not have pincers or fangs, but a row of sharp teeth. This alludes at a different eating style than its smaller relatives, behaving more like a true carnivore than with the external digestion method of most spiders.

It has a large spiky carapace, similar to that of a snapping turtle, and a soft underbelly. It also appears to have thin spikes or hairs jutting out from beneath its shell, to the top.

Based on the name of its special attack, the Lagoon Monster appears to have some form of Sonic Attack, allowing for damage from range.


Despite Wastelad being created pre-War, the Lagoon Monster bears a resemblance to a mirelurk queen.


The Lagoon Monster appears only in Wastelad.
