Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

A Mutant larger than you've ever seen wears wrecked automobiles like armor. He's beaten a semitruck bumper into a massive battle axe that he points at you. You can hear him growl under his breath... or is that a laugh?— Pre-Battle introduction text

Goliath is a wandering mini-boss of the Wastelad holotape minigame.


One of the largest enemies seen in game, Goliath is a mutant that has grown to an enormous size. Likely the oldest and strongest of his kind, he has had years of unrivaled dominance, allowing him to grow unprecedentedly.

He wields a truck bumper, which he formed into a huge axe. He also mounted old cars on himself as armor, granting superb all-round protection.

Based on the name of his special attack, he is strong enough to lift and throw boulders, for use as a form of ranged damage.


Despite Wastelad being created pre-War, Goliath bears a striking resemblance to a super mutant behemoth.


Goliath appears only in Wastelad.

Behind the scenes[]

In the Bible, Goliath was a Philistine giant who was defeated by David in single combat, despite David being much smaller than the gargantuan Goliath. The phrase "David and Goliath" is often used when referring to an underdog scenario.
