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Fallout Wiki

Comrade Chrome towers over you, a monstrosity of metal and circuitry. Its cold metal pincers reach for you as its PA system screams at you in Mandarin.— Pre-Battle introduction text

Comrade Chrome is a wandering mini-boss of the Wastelad holotape minigame.


A towering Chinese robot, Comrade Chrome is a beast of battle, designed purely to destroy all enemies of China.

It is made entirely of metal, with a torso reminiscent of a spine and ribcage. It has a large chest, with the housing for the power core exposed and glowing. It has a large, semispherical head, with one laser-shooting eye in the center of a Chinese star decal. It has two arms, each with a large grabbing claw on the end. It has two mechanical legs.


Comrade Chrome appears to serve the same purpose as Liberty Prime: A giant propaganda spouting war machine. It is unknown if Comrade Chrome is based on an existing Chinese robot, or if it was created only for the game.


Comrade Chrome appears only in Wastelad.
