Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Welcome to my talk page! Be sure to sign your posts with ~~~~, so I know who to respond to. Thanks for stopping by!


I can't tie them together, so if Wonderer behaves, just let him be. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 22:46, September 22, 2014 (UTC)

No Header[]

This music is the bee's knees. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Funnyboy7722 (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

a song i wanted to show[]

I just wanted to show you this even though i could do that in chat but whatever if you ever get sad see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnIAaprIkj0 Derpy 16-bit[[user:The Enclave General|Enclave GeneralDerpy-breakthrough 18:49, November 15, 2014 (UTC)

quick ask[]

hey i just wanted to ask your help to find a Foxy image with a christmas hat for my avatar pretty please link=http://fallout.wikia[[user:The Enclave General|Gaming FoxyPizza 16:14, November 29, 2014 (UTC)

wait forget it link=http://fallout.wikia[[user:The Enclave General|Gaming FoxyPizza 16:58, November 29, 2014 (UTC)

Nukapedian of the Year[]

Congratulations! You are a qualified nominee for NotY 2014 and will be moving on to stage II. Please see this blog here for instructions on writing a little introduction for yourself in preparation for the polling stage. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me on my talk page. --Skire (talk) (via the courier) 23:20, December 10, 2014 (UTC)


Hey, your Template:MHchatban|template is being unused. Should I delete it, or...? Energy X 13:43, December 21, 2014 (UTC)

Well, you could just add it to your user page or sandbox, should clear that problem. Energy X 16:42, December 21, 2014 (UTC)

To the best man I've ever known...[]

FO3 gum drops
You have been given A Gum Drop.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Mojave Habanero flavor! With laxative properties! Merry Christmas, Haileypoo! K4Anarky (talk) 22:14, December 23, 2014 (UTC)

Merry Christmas and a happy new year[]

I would like to use the Christmas-wishes-tradition to thank those around me who kept this wiki and daily life more fun for me during the past year. Everything just seems so normal and evident that we are here almost every day, yet it's very worthwhile to consider for a moment how wonderful it is to have all of you around me, making editing and being on chat a lot more enjoyable. I would also like to use this opportunity to wish a happy and healthy new year for you and everyone around you, with perseverance in tough times, but most of all, with wonderful moments among enjoyable friends and family. Merry Christmas, and a very happy new year in which all your wishes may come true! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 17:51, December 25, 2014 (UTC)


Merry Christmas RefreshingCoolSpringBreeze. Here's to a RadioActive new year. Agent c (talk) 00:59, December 26, 2014 (UTC)

I'm really sad to see you do that especially since other inactives have kept their rights and continued to show up occasionally, but I hope you do stick around and rerun soon. Agent c (talk) 16:15, January 1, 2015 (UTC)


One sexy corpse
You have been given the cover of The Lonely Hearts Murders.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
The most wistful looking corpse ever. Brandon Fox (talk) 13:34, January 10, 2015 (UTC)

Winner Saturday (II) - Week 65[]

You have been given the Highwayman's Friend.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Never used it, but still a nice collector's item! Congratulations on finding out where Erika has been today! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 14:16, January 17, 2015 (UTC)

a Prize[]

You have been given your very own cute Foxy Plushy.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
For always helping me out Free mangled icon by sariasong64-d86sbpnGaming FoxyMangle icon free by deaththewolve-d86vfv2 00:48, February 9, 2015 (UTC)


Panda Express
You have been given a Panda friend.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Don't be a busy bee, 'cos it's your fantasy! Brandon Fox (talk) 21:25, February 15, 2015 (UTC)



To: -Hail-

From: k$
"A lovely rose for you"

K4Anarky (talk) 19:51, April 1, 2015 (UTC)

Hello, it's me again[]

Hi, here's me simply reaching out to contact you over something fun and casual; please reply when you get this. Moleman 9000 13:44, April 13, 2015 (UTC)

Meetings and Moderators[]

As per the meeting today, I made the decision to promote you so you have full patroller rights. That makes you a full mod. Enjoy. Agent c (talk) 23:22, June 20, 2015 (UTC)

yo why have I been banned? was it something I did?

Happy new year![]

I would like to use the Christmas/New Year-wishes-tradition, though I'm a week late, to thank those around me who kept this wiki and daily life more fun for me during the past year. Everything just seems so normal and evident that we are here almost every day, yet it's very worthwhile to consider for a moment how wonderful it is to have people like you around me, making editing and being on chat a lot more enjoyable. I would also like to use this opportunity to wish a happy and healthy new year for you and everyone around you who is dear to you. I hope you'll have a great and healthy new year in which all your wishes may come true! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 00:06, January 6, 2016 (UTC)

You. I like your taste in cartoon horses. My skype's on my profile; you should, like, totally add me and stuff. --Rockymoo (talk) 02:12, April 24, 2016 (UTC)

Bug Policy Proposals and Changes[]

Hi there, I just wanted to notify all special rights holders of the new Bug policy proposals that are being put up for vote in the forums. If you have a free moment, please make sure to go in and vote. Forum:Bug Policy proposals and changes. ---bleep196- (talk) 19:50, June 19, 2016 (UTC)

Merry Christmas and (a bit too early to wish it already, but I'll do it already anyway) a Happy New Year![]

I would like to use the Christmas/New Year-wishes-tradition, to thank those around me who kept this wikia and daily life more fun for me during the past year. Everything just seems so normal and evident that we are here almost every day, yet it's very worthwhile to consider for a moment how wonderful it is to have people like you around me, making editing and being on chat a lot more enjoyable. I would also like to use this opportunity to wish a happy and healthy new year for you and everyone around you who is dear to you. I hope you'll have a great and healthy new year in which all your wishes may come true! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 02:28, December 24, 2016 (UTC)

Merry Christmas![]

Merry christmas and Happy New year, Hailey! :) ----Cassie I can see you 12:10, December 25, 2016 (UTC)

Hi, sorry, but i copied your template onto the Alone in the Dark Wiki, but i have put your user name on the template page and customised a bit of the template itself. I would delete it if you object to it being used, thank you Sclera1 (talk) 08:55, June 28, 2017 (UTC)

Admin talk blog[]

Please see User blog:The Gunny/Admin talk - Discussions moderation for a few site wide changes wikia has made as well as some details on discussions moderating. I will be opening a discussions topic in the next day or so with the intent to better introduce all of our site moderation team to the users there (most of them have no idea who most of us are). When that topic goes live, I will leave another talk page message for you asking that you navigate to the topic to introduce yourself and interact a bit with users there. I feel this is very important and a problem we need to fix. The Gunny  UserGunny chevrons 16:45, July 2, 2017 (UTC)

Soft blocks[]

I have raised a forum to discuss adding the option of soft blocks as an alternative to hard blocks and extend the admin toolset for more flexibity in handling minor breaks in rules and guidelines. Can you read through the forum and give your input. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 20:39, August 7, 2017 (UTC)

Wikia's forced addition of videos to the wiki[]

Hello, I realise you may not have edited the wiki, or even visited us in a while. We do miss you, and I apologise for contacting you with a request for help… but we do need it, and there’s not much you need to do to help us.

As you may be aware, Wikia/Fandom have added a number of videos to pages on the wiki that they have self authored. Although the consensus view so far seems to be that these are not to our standards, I encourage you to view these for yourself and make up your own mind.

You can find a link to all the videos, and a petition I would like you to consider here. If you believe that these videos do not meet our standards, detract from the wiki, and should be removed, I encourage you to vote yes on this petition. You are of course welcome to vote no if you do not believe this is the case.

Thank you for your consideration. Agent c (talk) 21:20, September 7, 2017 (UTC)

Call to Action[]

There have been quite a few sweeping changes to the wiki lately, and now that the Unified Community Platform has come to fruition here, it's more important than ever for our leadership to get together and inspire innovative changes for the next generation of wiki editors/readers.

As someone who is somewhat inactive myself, I understand how life gets in the way, and I'll fully understand if many of you are unable to commit, but I'd still like to try my best to appeal to you all in getting involved in a few of our currently active projects; especially so since rights-users participating in our discussions/votes are at an all-time low, and many internal decisions are having to be made between a select few users, which is bad for building consensus on important matters.

As such, I would like to ask for you all to look into two of our most important projects right now, as it would mean a lot to me and the wiki if as many people as possible got directly involved in helping shape our future:

  1. The Vault Academy is a program for the training and acclimation of new and even veteran users, training them on how to get involved in the various facets of the wiki, as well as helping them build bonds with their fellow users. The program has kicked off in a big way, and we are in desperate need of more rights-users to sign on as mentors, as we're having to share multiple mentees between each mentor. If you're looking to leave your mark on the wiki, then signing onto TVA program will be your way of doing so.
  2. As a minor update, we now have a new plagiarism point of contact. Should you suspect plagiarized content is at play, please get into point with the user FDekker who will be the initial handler of all such cases going forward.
  3. We have an upcoming meeting of the minds coming up on the 20th of this month, and we need people to come forth and pitch their ideas for adapting to the recent UCP changes, and to possibly adopt some of the ideas that our new datamining friends have been pitching to us.

Thanks for your consideration, and I do hope to hear back from you all! Even if it is just some of you dropping by to check the place out and say a quick hello. 寧靜 Fox 14:12, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
