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Barter - 60 missing skill checks[]

FNV - Barter missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Barter skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

NPC Prompt Reply
Agent Keller 70 Barter (FAIL) <Give 250 caps> I'm sure Contreras would be willing to work with you... [FAILED] You don't bribe a Ranger. You had better have something compelling to say, or you can join Contreras in hell.
Agent Keller 70 Barter (SUCCEED) <Give 250 caps> I'm sure Contreras would be willing to work with you... [SUCCEEDED] I wouldn't normally do this, but seeing so much money change hands between scumbags on a daily basis has me thinking.
Agent Keller 80 Barter (SUCCEED) Leave him alone and he'll share contact information. [SUCCEEDED] He has himself a deal. However, If he tries to run or he continues to deal strategic assets with enemies, he's a dead man.
Ambassador Dennis Crocker 60 Barter (FAIL) That's it? [FAILED] I'm sorry, but those are the only funds I was able to allocate. You'll have to make due with it. Besides, you may have other tasks soon.
Ambassador Dennis Crocker 60 Barter (SUCCEED) I risked my neck out there. Couldn't you spare a little more? [SUCCEEDED] Well, I don't officially have access to any more funds, but here. This is from me personally. There's more coming your way, too.
Anderson 50 Barter (FAIL) How about twenty percent? Twenty is better. [FAILED] You ask too much. We barely make a profit as it is.
Anderson 50 Barter (SUCCEED) Westside's secret is easily worth more, but I'm willing to settle for twenty percent. [SUCCEEDED] Twenty percent it is. Etienne won't like it, but at least our secret will be safe.
Big Sal 55 Barter (FAIL) [Nero] You give me 4500 caps and I'll let you look at the proof I found. [FAILED] I'm not sure if you're funny or just stupid, but I'm not amused. Make me a real offer and we can talk.
Big Sal 55 Barter (FAIL) [Big Sal] I'll give you the journal for... um... 5% of Gomorrah's earnings. [FAILED] {Laughs}You're real funny. Man, I haven't had a laugh like that in days. Thanks. Now, let's get real here.
Big Sal 55 Barter (SUCCEED) [Nero] This will be worth your while, so much that you won't regret paying 300 caps for it. [SUCCEEDED] This'll be worth your while. I wouldn't be here talking to you otherwise.
Big Sal 55 Barter (SUCCEED) [Big Sal] I'll give it to you for 200 caps. [SUCCEEDED] Ok, that sounds fair.
Blake 50 Barter (FAIL) What's the problem? They have vegetables - trade them for that. [FAILED] We don't need vegetables, and besides, they spoil. The meat you can dry and turn into jerky.
Blake 50 Barter (SUCCEED) McCarran is overstocked with water and fresh vegetables. Arrange for a two for one trade. [SUCCEEDED] That should work. We'll do a weighted exchanged based on the going value of meat and vegetables. Water is invaluable in this dusty hole.
Boomer Teacher 50 Barter (FAIL) I could teach you some tricks about trading. [FAILED] It doesn't look like we're going to be trading with anyone outside of Nellis anytime soon, so I'd rather not bother.
Boomer Teacher 60 Barter (SUCCEED) There are some key principles to stick to when it comes to bartering with traders. [SUCCEEDED] That sounds good for teaching the kids how to negotiate prices. I keep saying we need to open trade with the outside, but no one listens.
Carlitos Wayne 65 Barter (FAIL) I think 400 caps is a fair deal. [FAILED] No deal, we agreed on less than that.
Carlitos Wayne 65 Barter (SUCCEED) I think 400 caps is a fair deal. [SUCCEEDED] We have a deal, then.
Diane - same as Jack ? 50 Barter (FAIL) But you could turn a profit and help the people of the Mojave! [FAILED] That's touching, but it would take away from our bottom line. I'll have to pass.
Diane - same as Jack ? 50 Barter (SUCCEED) Medical supplies are always scarce, and they don't kill the buyer as often. Think of the profits! [SUCCEEDED] You've got a point. Selling meds to the locals could be a pretty nice side gig. All right, I'll tell Jack to give it a try.
Jack - same as Diane ? 50 Barter to get Jack to start creating medicinal chems instead of drugs during Aba Daba Honeymoon.
Don Hostetler 40 Barter (SUCCEED) I've got proof of what I've said. I don't want to talk about this, didn't you hear? Now, get lost before we run you off the hard way.
Fitz 60 Barter (SUCCEED) They have an tons of vegetables and water. How about expanding your business? Expanding isn't a bad idea. Maybe I could open up a small cafe restaurant with the more diverse inventory...
Fitz Speech (60) McCarran could work out a regular exchange of fresh vegetables and clean water. Rations do get tight from time-to-time and it would be nice to keep a regular stock of goods.
General Oliver 75 Barter (FAIL) Maybe we could... give you some caps, from the battle? [FAILED] {Irritated}What, loot we'd get anyway once we kicked your ass and more? No, I don't think so.
General Oliver 75 Barter (SUCCEED) What if we give NCR some concessions in trade with Vegas - and the East? [SUCCEEDED] If you're buying our ear for the moment, Hoover Dam's more than a fistful of caps to my superiors. Vegas is interesting... the East...
Gomorrah Prostitute 55 Barter (FAIL) [FAILED] Yeah, but come back when you have the money. / Free sounds better to me. [FAILED] Yeah, but come back when you have the money. [FAILED] I bet it does, but free ain't gonna work.
Gomorrah Prostitute 55 Barter (SUCCEED) How about 200 caps and I forget we ever met. [SUCCEEDED] Sounds like a deal to me.
Henry Jamison 50 Barter (FAIL) What? No way. Pay off the Omertas, sure, but you don't get a single cap more. [FAILED] Tough shit. That's what I want, or I'm not going anywhere.
Henry Jamison 50 Barter (SUCCEED) The better deal would be for me to walk away and let the Omertas handle you. [SUCCEEDED] Fine, whatever. Forget the severance. Just get the Omertas off my back, and you can tell McLafferty she won't see my face again.
Issac 80 Barter (FAIL) Just buy the supplies from the other merchants around here. Easy enough. [FAILED] Oh hell, no. Working with our competition is not an option.
Issac 80 Barter (SUCCEED) Arrange a temporary supply deal with other merchants. It'll still lead to a profit for you. [SUCCEEDED] I guess we'll have to. If Caesar's Legion drives the NCR from the area, there goes ninety percent of our business.
Keith 45 Barter (FAIL) Boy... I sure could use some drugs. You know anybody that sells drugs? [FAILED] What? Are you some kind of idiot? Why, uh... why would I know that?
Keith 45 Barter (SUCCEED) Gambling's not my scene. Maybe you could hook me up with something "medicinal?" [SUCCEEDED] Oh, I getcha. Lookin for a slightly more chemical thrill?
Legate Lanius 55 Barter (FAIL) Look... there must be some deal we can make to stop this fighting - it's useless. [FAILED] {Disgust}You seek to buy my conviction, like some merchant from the West.
Legate Lanius 55 Barter (SUCCEED) You could take the West. *Holding* it is another matter. [SUCCEEDED] {Contempt}I have no *need* to hold it - anything the West sends against me shall break against the wall that is the Legion.
Legate Lanius 75 Barter (FAIL) So you, uh, think military strength is enough, even without supplies? [FAILED] Your reliance on comfort... it rots you from the inside. You are in need of the teachings the Legion will bring to your people.
Legate Lanius 75 Barter (FAIL) But the Legion... it's destroyed a bunch of... well, towns you need. [FAILED] Your reliance on comfort... it rots you from the inside. You are in need of the teachings the Legion will bring to your people.
Legate Lanius 75 Barter (SUCCEED) And they don't *need* to send an army, your supply lines will kill you first. [SUCCEEDED] {Derisive}You think we would march without a means of resupply? We have the Fort, we will have the Dam - other communities will fall.
Legate Lanius 75 Barter (SUCCEED) Towns? The Legion destroyed Nipton, poisoned Searchlight, butchered Nelson. [SUCCEEDED] {Pauses}Vulpes... brought the touch of Caesar to such places.
Legate Lanius 90 Barter (FAIL) The farther West, your strength will fail you, I promise you. [FAILED] {Growing anger, disgust}I shall carve your {emph}promises into your skin so that you might think on them - and let that be the lesson this day.
Legate Lanius 90 Barter (SUCCEED) There's no communities to support you in the West - you've seen to that. [SUCCEEDED] {Growing anger}There are many towns, many slaves... ripe for the taking as the tribes from the East were.
Missionary 70 Barter (FAIL) Would, say, 10 caps maybe change your mind? [FAILED] Look, we're trying to help people here. Put away your money.
Missionary 70 Barter (SUCCEED) I've got 100 caps here that all say I'm a loyal NCR citizen. [SUCCEEDED] Now I know you're from the NCR! None of the vagrants around here would even think of giving their money away.
Missionary 80 Barter to successfully bribe the NCR missionary for the squatters' secret password during G.I. Blues.
Motor Runner 60 Barter (FAIL) I was thinking closer to 150. Sorry, no deal.
Motor Runner 60 Barter (SUCCEED) The NCR is leaving you alone, 150 seems like a small price to pay. Okay, I don't need the money that bad. 150 it is. This doesn't make us friends though.
North Vegas Fiend 50 Barter (FAIL) You can't really enjoy living here. Take 50 caps and get out of here. [FAILED] You're shitting me. You got a real offer, or are you just going to waste my time?
North Vegas Fiend 50 Barter (SUCCEED) You can't really enjoy living here. Take 50 caps and get out of here. [SUCCEEDED] Heh. More than I could make in a week of shaking down these assholes anyways.
Norton 55 Barter (FAIL) 2500 caps is too much. Can't we come to a deal on a lower price? [FAILED] Sorry, but I've got men to pay and equipment to maintain. 2500 caps or no deal.
Norton 55 Barter (SUCCEED) 2500 caps? I'm doing you a favor by paying you now. I doubt you were expected to survive this. [SUCCEEDED] That thought had crossed my mind as well, actually. Fine, make it 2000 caps and we'll call it square.
Omerta Thug 75 Barter (FAIL) Make it a 1000 caps. That's enough to betray the Omertas, no? [FAILED] Do you think us inferior men, willing to sell their soul for scraps! Enough of this.
Omerta Thug 75 Barter (SUCCEED) Right, loyalty is worth more than, say, a 1000 caps. [SUCCEEDED] That much, huh? You're right, we could use a tribute to our... I mean, our family's coffers.
Pacer 50 Barter (FAIL) That's it? [FAILED] That's all you get. Now keep your mouth shut. Now if you'll pardon me, I got some important business to take care of.
Pacer 50 Barter (FAIL) I'll need at least two thousand caps to motivate me. [FAILED] What the hell? I ain't got that kind of money!
Pacer 50 Barter (SUCCEED) That's a good start... [SUCCEEDED] Fine, here's some more, but you better keep you mouth shut! I'm out of here. Got some important business to take care of.
Pacer 50 Barter (SUCCEED) What's my help worth to you? [SUCCEEDED] You're a bastard after my own heart. Here, it's all I got.
Pacer - WHICH above is this 50 Barter to extort additional caps from Pacer to promise not to talk to The King during G.I. Blues.
Rotface 50 Barter (FAIL) You want even more money? Are you insane? [FAILED] I've got a business to run here, you know. The price is 250.
Rotface 50 Barter (SUCCEED) I've already paid good money for this information. A hundred more caps, no more. [SUCCEEDED] Fine, fine. One hundred it is, but only because you're a good customer.
Ruby Nash 50 Barter (SUCCEED) <Give 100 caps> 200 seems a bit steep. How about 100? [SUCCEEDED] You drive a hard bargain, but 100 caps will do until we can get a regular deal worked out with McCarran.
Ruby Nash 60 Barter (FAIL) "<Give 200 caps> Alright. 200 caps it is." Great. I'll just pick up future payments from McCarran directly when I drop off my snacks.
Santiago 40 Barter (FAIL) You need to pay me to pay the Garrets right now. [FAILED] You are not a VIP. You do not tell Santiago what he needs to do.
Santiago 40 Barter (SUCCEED) With a price on your head, you should be paying me to say you're dead. [SUCCEEDED] When did this happen?! Hey, look. I only do the Santiago bit as a way of getting free stuff. I didn't think it would get me in trouble.
Sarah Weintraub 65 Barter (FAIL) I'll also bring you Boomer suits. You can fix them and sell them. [FAILED] Do I look like a seamstress to you? Those boomsters can stay in their nowhereville until the sun runs out of gas, for all I care. No deal.
Sarah Weintraub 65 Barter (FAIL) I'll also bring you Boomer suits. You can fix them and sell them. [FAILED] Do I look like a seamstress to you? Those boomsters can stay in their nowhereville until the sun runs out of gas, for all I care. No deal.
Sarah Weintraub 65 Barter (FAIL) I'll also bring you Boomer suits. You can fix them and sell them. [FAILED] Do I look like a seamstress to you? Those boomsters can stay in their nowhereville until the sun runs out of gas, for all I care. No deal.
Sarah Weintraub 65 Barter (SUCCEED) Shame that you can't fix Boomer suits. They're very similar to vault suits. [SUCCEEDED] Hey, who says I can't fix that? You bring me those boom-suits too, okay?
Sarah Weintraub 65 Barter (SUCCEED) Shame that you can't fix Boomer suits. They're very similar to vault suits. [SUCCEEDED] Hey, who says I can't fix that? You bring me those boom-suits too, okay?
Sarah Weintraub 65 Barter (SUCCEED) Shame that you can't fix Boomer suits. They're very similar to vault suits. [SUCCEEDED] Hey, who says I can't fix that? You bring me those boom-suits too, okay?
Sergeant Daniel Contreras 50 Barter (FAIL) I've got caps. Name your price. [FAILED] I don't think so. This is what I've got. Take it or leave it.
Sergeant Daniel Contreras 50 Barter (SUCCEED) I've got connections. Maybe we could make an arrangement? [SUCCEEDED] Now you're talking my language. I do have an expanded inventory for people I can trust.
Sweetie 30 Barter (FAIL) 100 caps. Take it or leave it. [FAILED] {unimpressed}I'll leave it. You can leave, too.
Sweetie 30 Barter (SUCCEED) Let's say 100 caps. Or you could earn zero keeping your mouth shut. [SUCCEEDED] {mischievous}Funny how I make caps every time I open my mouth.
Thomas Hildern NOT SURE ON BELOW
Thomas Hildern 50 Barter (SUCCEED) What contract? You cut an under-the-table deal with me. [SUCCEEDED] You're saying that I didn't file the proper paperwork, is that it? I suppose you're an expert on NCR procedures?
Thomas Hildern Speech (50) All right. Then I'll sell this data to some other interested party... [SUCCEEDED] Now... wait a minute...
Thomas Hildern Barter (<50) AND Speech (<50) Well... consider it a down payment on future service. [FAILED] No, I'm sure I won't require your services in the future. The OSI does not enter into long-term arrangements with its contractors.
Thomas Hildern Speech (<50) AND Barter (<50) Well... consider it a down payment on future service. [FAILED] No, I'm sure I won't require your services in the future. The OSI does not enter into long-term arrangements with its contractors.
Thomas Hildern Speech (<50) AND Barter (50) Well... consider it a down payment on future service. Of course, we're all very grateful for your efforts, and I'll make certain that you're credited in our final report. Good day to you.
Thomas Hildern Speech (<50) AND Barter (50) Well... consider it a down payment on future service. Of course, we're all very grateful for your efforts, and I'll make certain that you're credited in our final report. Good day to you.
Thomas Hildern - WHICH above is this ? 50 Barter to persuade Dr. Hildern to offer additional caps for the Vault 22 research data during There Stands the Grass.
Tommy Torini 25 Barter (FAIL) Hang on, this comes out to 1,500 caps for Billy! He's worth three times that! [FAILED] Baby, you have got to be joking! Now take your cut and stop being crazy.
Tommy Torini 25 Barter (FAIL) Hang on, this comes out to 1,500 caps for Billy! He's worth three times that! [FAILED] Baby, you have got to be joking! Now take your cut and stop being crazy.
Tommy Torini 25 Barter (FAIL) Billy's worth three times what you're paying him. [FAILED] Baby, you have got to be joking!
Tommy Torini 25 Barter (SUCCEED) Hang on, this comes out to 1,500 caps for Billy! He's worth three times that! [SUCCEEDED] All right, you drive a hard bargain, baby. Tell you what, I'll bump him up to 3,000. That's fair. Here's your cut.
Tommy Torini 25 Barter (SUCCEED) Hang on, this comes out to 1,500 caps for Billy! He's worth three times that! [SUCCEEDED] All right, you drive a hard bargain, baby. Tell you what, I'll bump him up to 3,000. That's fair. Here's your cut.
Tommy Torini 25 Barter (SUCCEED) Billy's worth three times what you're paying him. [SUCCEEDED] All right, you drive a hard bargain, baby. Tell you what, I'll bump him up to 3,000. That's fair. Here's the difference for your cut.
Walter Phebus 70 Barter (FAIL) Two Gundersons, that's worth a 500 caps at least. [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid.
Walter Phebus 70 Barter (SUCCEED) The best don't come cheap, Walter. 400 caps' my fee. [SUCCEEDED] All right, kid! I'm taking a liking to you. It's a deal.
Walter Phebus 70 Barter (SUCCEED) Two Gundersons, that's worth a 500 caps at least. [SUCCEEDED] You'll leave me drier than tumbleweed, kid, but I reckon anything I can do to get back at Heck is well worth the expense.
Walter Phebus 80 Barter (FAIL) 500 and Ted's history. [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid.
Walter Phebus 80 Barter (FAIL) Two Gundersons, that's worth a 750 caps at least. [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid.
Walter Phebus 80 Barter (SUCCEED) Heck's a powerful man - I'd need extra for his son's life, 500 caps. [SUCCEEDED] You'll leave me drier than tumbleweed, kid, but I reckon anything I can do to get back at Heck is well worth the expense.
Walter Phebus 80 Barter (SUCCEED) Two Gundersons, that's worth a 750 caps at least. [SUCCEEDED] You'll leave me drier than tumbleweed, kid, but I reckon anything I can do to get back at Heck is well worth the expense.
Walter Phebus 90 Barter (FAIL) Heck's life? That's big game, a 1000 caps. [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid.
Walter Phebus 90 Barter (FAIL) Two Gundersons, that's worth a 1000 caps at least. [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid.
Walter Phebus 90 Barter (SUCCEED) Heck's life and a safe future have a steep price, Walter. 1000 caps' my fee. [SUCCEEDED] I'll pay that much and die a happy man when my time comes. So, we got a deal?
Walter Phebus 70 Barter (FAIL) I'll find out for you but not cheaply - 400 caps. [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid.
Walter Phebus 90 Barter (SUCCEED) Two Gundersons, that's worth a 1000 caps at least. [SUCCEEDED] You'll leave me drier than tumbleweed, kid, but I reckon anything I can do to get back at Heck is well worth the expense.
Father Elijah (DM) Barter (75) You followed the signal, too. You want what's down here, I want out. Let's deal. [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant, but tempted, to himself}That signal... that siren's call... lured me in, yes. And being trapped in the Sierra Madre, perhaps forever...
Father Elijah (DM) Barter (<75) Look, let me out, you get in the vault, we're both happy. [FAILED] If you want to appease me, then do so in silence. I'll come for you, in time. Irritate me, and I'll silence you forever.
Father Elijah (DM) Barter (75) Greed implies you want more than you deserve. You've earned this. [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant, tempted, to himself}I... I {emph}have earned it, fought for it. {Beat}Paid for it in blood, mine, others - countless times.
Father Elijah (DM) Barter (<75) No traps, just a trade, you and the vault, me and the exit. [FAILED] {Snorts}Let you go? To crawl back to whatever caravan whore spawned you? No, she was perhaps more talented in {emph}deals than you.
Daniel (HH) Barter (50) I'm trading Pre-War goods and supplies from the Mojave Wasteland. You need those too, don't you? [SUCCEEDED] I do. {pause}All right. I can provide you with supplies, but be frugal with them.
Daniel (HH) Barter (<50) But I have... caps. Many of them. Let me show you all of my fine caps. [FAILED] {laughing softly while speaking} I'm sure your caps are fine, but I have to hold on to the supplies I have here. Sorry.
Doctor O (OWB) Barter (25) I'm going to need something to debug the Central Intelligence barter routines. [SUCCEEDED] *Sure... let's see. What could we feed that stupid personality chip...*
Doctor O (OWB) Barter (<25) What did you and Klein say before about the Central Intelligence Unit barter functions? [FAILED] *I have no idea. I am a robotical engineer, not a... rememberer... of archaic trade routines.*
Doctor Klein (OWB) Barter (25) I can trade with the Sink Intelligence? Then I'll need something to activate that function, won't I? [SUCCEEDED] I CANNOT DISPUTE YOUR LOGIC. DO WE HAVE OBJECTS TO ACTIVATE THE CHIP'S EXCHANGE ROUTINES?
Doctor Klein (OWB) Barter (50) This amount clearly represents a deficiency in the amount of caps needed. [SUCCEEDED] AGAIN, YOUR LOGIC IS UNASSAILABLE IN ITS SIMPLISTIC NEED. O?
Doctor Klein (OWB) Barter (<50) Um... excuse me, do you have any more? [FAILED] NO. IF THOSE DON'T WORK, THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO SELL IT YOUR NOSE OR SOME OF YOUR PENISES.
Doctor Klein (OWB) Barter (75) I'd hate to come back and ask for more. A little extra would guarantee you're not disturbed. [SUCCEEDED] IF I WERE NOT AS INTELLIGENT AS I AM, I WOULD FEEL AS IF PERHAPS I AM BEING TRICKED. UNPOSSIBLE. O - MORE.
Doctor Klein (OWB) Barter (<75) Still feels a little light. Might need a little more. [FAILED] {DUPE}NO. IF THOSE DON'T WORK, THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO SELL IT YOUR NOSE OR SOME OF YOUR PENISES.
Doctor Klein (OWB) Barter (90) - this one on barter page already Hold on, let's be logical about this. I don't need a ton, just as much as I can carry in trade. [SUCCEEDED] AGAIN, THE LOGIC OF THE REQUEST IS CLEAR. TONNAGE IS NOT NEEDED, ONLY ADEQUATE WEIGHT. EVERYONE, DISPLAY YOUR THINGS.
Doctor Klein (OWB) Barter (<90) - this one on barter page already The ton of things sounds good. [FAILED] {DUPE}NO. IF THOSE DON'T WORK, THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO SELL IT YOUR NOSE OR SOME OF YOUR PENISES.

Barter --> merchant discounts[]

Positive Reputation Points ("Fame")
Negative Reputation
Points ("Infamy")
Neutral Accepted Liked Idolized
Shunned Mixed Smiling Troublemaker Good-Natured Rascal
Hated Sneering Punk Unpredictable Dark Hero
Vilified Merciful Thug Soft-Hearted Devil Wild Child

\/ This table format is confusing. The written out sentences for available discounts is way better format.

We may have some information inaccurate - need to verify info we have on Barter page

  • i.e. is Chet discount 25% or 75% with mixed reputation ?
  • Trudy example: does 75 mean 25% discount (pay 75%); or does it mean 75% discount (pay 25%) ?
  • negative numbers like -50 means it's not a discount at all, the Courier is charged MORE than normal by the merchant ?
  • what does a discount of a 1:1 ratio mean ???
Merchant Faction Reputation
None Neutral Smiling Troublemaker Good-Natured Rascal Accepted Liked Idolized Sneering Punk Merciful Thug Dark Hero Soft-Hearted Devil Mixed Unpredictable WildChild Shunned Hated Vilified
Trudy Goodsprings 0 75 0
Chet Goodsprings 50 if the Powder Gangers have taken over the town, otherwise normal prices 75
Johnson Nash None Discount of 75 if Myers is made sheriff, Increase of -25 if the town is annexed by the NCR, normal prices otherwise
Cliff Briscoe Novac 0 or 25 discount if you spoke to Jeanie May 30 0 or 25 discount if you spoke to Jeanie May 35*
Corporal Farber NCR 0-28 -50 X X X
Doctor Kemp NCR 0-20 -50 X X X
Lacey NCR 0 -50
Quartermaster Mayes NCR 0 -50
Sergeant Contreras NCR 0 -50
Mick Freeside 0 10 15 20 25
Ralph Freeside 0 10 15 20 25
Mister Holdout The Strip 0 -40 X X 0 40 0 40 85 40 80
Street Vendor The Strip 0 40 80 0 X 0 -40 -80 X X X
White Glove Bartender White Glove Society 75 or -80 based on membership in the white glove society
Gourmand Food Supplier None Discount of 50 if you framed Heck Gunderson, otherwise normal prices
Gomorrah Bartenders None 80
Doctor Usanagi Followers of the Apocalypse 0 95 0
Julie Farkas Followers of the Apocalypse 0 0 20 30 40 50 60 -20 -30 0 -40 -50 -60
Great Khan Armorer Great Khans X X 0 85 80 75
Jack (Khan) Great Khans 0 65* 70* 75* 80*
Knight Torres Brotherhood Of Steel X X 15 20 25 30 35 0

Energy Weapons - NO missing skill checks[]

Explosives - 5 missing skill checks[]

FNV - Explosives missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Explosives skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

NPC points Prompt Reply Notes
Decanus Severus Explosives (10) Study this as long as you need. <Show him the Powder Charge schematic.> Tin cans, gunpowder, scrap metal, and duct tape? {Humph!}We won't have any trouble finding those ingredients! requires Exp 10 or Exp 50 ?? with powder charge schematics, can teach Decanus Severus to craft for +4 to Legion fame
Christine Royce Explosives (<35) But... your collar's still on. So you're not free. [FAILED] Free? I have more freedom of movement than you do, and that's all I need.
Christine Royce Explosives (35) You can modify the detonator signal. I don't see how that helps you. [SUCCEEDED] Oh, it helps... as long as I need to control your movements.
Courier's Brain Explosives (<75) I think bombs? Yeah, maybe bombs. [FAILED] I see. And you plan to be standing in the midst of this mayhem? Well, that's a novel strategy.
Courier's Brain Explosives (75) Ever had a squirrel brain omelet? That, but on a bigger scale. And with bombs. [SUCCEEDED] Well, you have always been thorough in your destruction. All right, what's your plan?

Guns - __ missing skill checks[]

FNV - Guns missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Guns skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

Lockpick - __ missing skill checks[]

FNV - Lockpick missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Lockpick skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

Medicine - __ missing skill checks[]

FNV - Medicine missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Medicine skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

Melee Weapons - __ missing skill checks[]

FNV - Melee Weapons missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Melee Weapons skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

Repair - __ missing skill checks[]

FNV - Repair missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Repair skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

Science - __ missing skill checks[]

FNV - Science missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Science skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

Sneak - __ missing skill checks[]

FNV - Sneak missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Sneak skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

Speech - __ missing skill checks[]

FNV - Speech missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Speech skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

Survival - __ missing skill checks[]

FNV - Survival missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Survival skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text

Unarmed - __ missing skill checks[]

FNV - Unarmed missing skill checks

Written out sentences for Unarmed skill checks are way better than this table that only includes the dialog text


Energy Weapons original page[]

The Energy Weapons skill determines your effectiveness with any weapon that uses small energy cells, micro fusion cells, electron charge packs, or flamer fuel as ammunition.— In-game description

Energy Weapons is a skill in Fallout: New Vegas. This skill determines the player's combat effectiveness with energy-based weapons.

Initial level[]

Example: A starting Perception of 5 and Luck of 5.

In Fallout: New Vegas, energy weapons are more distinct. Lasers tend to have fast firing, accurate beams and lower damage, while plasma has a slow moving yet powerful projectile.

Ways to increase Energy Weapons[]


Affected weapons[]

Perks that require Energy Weapons skill[]

Perk Requirement Level Additional Requirements
Run 'n Gun 45 4
Plasma Spaz 70 10
Meltdown 90 16
Concentrated Fire 60 18 Guns 60
Laser Commander 90 22

Interactions that require Energy Weapons skill[]

Notable Energy Weapons skilled non-player characters[]

  • Arcade Gannon (50→100), Follower of the Apocalypse and possible companion of the Courier.
  • Christine Royce (53→100), former scribe of the Brotherhood of Steel and a companion of the Courier (Dead Money add-on).
  • Father Elijah (37→100), former elder of the Mojave Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel (Dead Money add-on).
  • Jean-Baptiste Cutting (117), second-in-command of the Mojave branch of the Van Graffs.
  • Veronica Santangelo (46→100), active Brotherhood of Steel member and possible companion of the Courier.
  • Orion Moreno (100), a retired Enclave soldier living in the outskirts of New Vegas.