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|leader =Darion ([[Timeline#2241|2241]])
|leader =Darion ([[Timeline#2241|2241]])
|headquarters =[[Vault 15]]
|headquarters =[[Vault 15]]
|members =[[Karla (Fallout 2)|Karla]]<br />[[Phil (Khans)|Phil]]
|members =[[Karla (Fallout 2)|Karla]]<br />[[Phil (Khans)|Phil]]
|parent =[[Khans]]
|parent =[[Khans]]

Latest revision as of 20:17, 10 July 2024

The New Khans[2] are the successor of the Khans in Fallout 2. They were wiped out by the Chosen One in 2241, and their remnants reformed into the Great Khans, abandoning New California in favor of the Mojave Wasteland.


The New Khans were founded by Darion, son of Garl Death-hand,[Non-game 1] after Garl's dreams of world domination were cut short in 2161 when he and the rest of the original Khans were killed by the Vault Dweller. Darion was the only survivor of the attack, hiding in favor of fighting.[3] Since that day he has vowed to take revenge on those who caused the fall of his gang: Tandi and the Vault Dweller. Darion rebuilt the Khans using mercenaries, as the only true Khan remaining, and planned for the day he would one day face Tandi. Plans gradually turned into an obsession, then into overwhelming paranoia.[4]

Some time before 2241, Darion had established a base in the ruins of Vault 15, using a large band of vagrants to provide a smokescreen. In exchange for his promise of returning the Vault to full functionality, the squatters would deter NCR attempts to retake the Vault.[5] When Darion's mercenaries were not kidnapping squatters,[6] they were raiding Republic caravans in the vicinity for their food and water to maintain the appearance of a functioning bunker.[7][8] Darion also managed to plant a spy in the NCR Congress, giving him near perfect intel on the NCR.[9]

In 2241, President Tandi of the New California Republic hired the Chosen One to retrieve computer parts from Vault 15, who managed to broker a deal between the squatters and the Republic. They would kill Darion and retrieve the parts, while the squatters would grant the NCR access to the Vault in return for annexation, education, and supplies necessary to survive.[10]


As opposed to their predecessors, the New Khans are primarily made up of mercenaries hired by Darion as guards[11] As a result, they resemble little of the Khans that came before them. There appears to be little to no traditions at all, with many members being those who enjoy violence and who, like Garl Death-hand, have murdered their own fathers.[12] Morale is low, many of the New Khans are sick of living in a dark and dirty vault,[13] and there have been no new recruits in some time.[14]

Darion leads the New Khans alone, which is a deviation from the original Khans of old. Instead, the people closest and most trustworthy to Darion are his personal guard and his beloved dog. Due to this, many of the mercenaries Darion employs have little loyalty to the cause, or even any understanding as to what that cause is.[15]

Lacking the ferocity of their predecessors, the New Khans make up for in strategy, creating a stronghold out of the abandoned Vault 15 and creating the illusion of normality on the surface. They even have a spy planted in the NCR congress.[16]

Relations with the outside

The New Khans are mostly hostile to outsiders, killing or imprisoning any outsider who might get inside their vault.[17] They continue their history of enslaving wastelanders, kidnapping both a doctor and a young woman.

The closest relation the New Khans hold is with the Squat, the squatters living on the surface above Vault 15. In exchange for keeping the NCR away, Darion has agreed to repair the vault for the squatters to live in. The catch to this agreement however, is that the squatters do not know that the Khans are raiders, the vault is not being repaired, and the food and water they are being provided with has been stolen from caravans.[17] The squatters have no choice however, as the Khans control the supply of water and have all the guns.[18]


Though the New Khans recovered Vault 15, they were never able to fully repair the vault's power systems.[5] Instead, they used flaming torches to light up the corridors instead of fixing the vault's electrical system, which is something the Chosen One is able to do with a science skill check followed by a repair skill check. Despite this, they are still able to make use of at least one terminal to use holodisks.[19]

The Khans also have access to advanced medical treatment via the captive Doctor Jones. As a result, Darion is both very old and very fit.[20]

The weapons each Khan carries varies widely. Darion himself wields a Flamer, while his personal guard utilize assault rifles, spiked knuckles and power fists. However, the average Khan raiders can carry anything from throwing knives to a desert eagle 44., to plasma grenades.


The New Khans appear in Fallout 2 and are mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "Julie Farkas said you might know something about the Great Khans."
    Ezekiel: "Oh my, yes! They're a fascinating tribe with a long and, unfortunately, tragic history. Their original incarnation, much farther out west, was almost completely wiped out by one of those itinerant heroes so common in the post-War years. Then of course the "New Khans" suffered a similar fate, some say at the hands of the same hero, though of course the dates are all wrong for that."
    (Ezekiel's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Julie Farkas said you might know something about the Great Khans."
    Ezekiel: "Oh my, yes! They're a fascinating tribe with a long and, unfortunately, tragic history. Their original incarnation, much farther out west, was almost completely wiped out by one of those itinerant heroes so common in the post-War years. Then of course the "New Khans" suffered a similar fate, some say at the hands of the same hero, though of course the dates are all wrong for that."
    The Courier: "This is fascinating. Please continue."
    Ezekiel: "Well, after they migrated to the Mojave, we established relations with them, but that soured when all they wanted was to make drugs. The NCR eventually took them down quite a bit, but the really fascinating thing about them is the origin of their culture as a whole. You see...."
    (Ezekiel's dialogue)
  3. The Chosen One: "{132}{}{What can you tell me about Darion?}"
    Doc Jones: "{148}{}{Darion is a mental case, plain and simple. He's got more spooks in his head than his dog has fleas. As far as I can figure it, he was a member of another gang called the Khans. They kidnapped this girl, Tandi, and held her for ransom. Her father didn't take kindly to that, and hired some merc to get her back. Darion was the only one to come out alive.}"
  4. The Chosen One: "{132}{}{What can you tell me about Darion?}"
    Jones:"{168}{}{Now he's paranoid. He believes that Tandi is out to get him. He's obsessed with revenge, and he wants Tandi dead. He's riddled with guilt 'cause he hid and lived, rather than dying with his gang... and the list goes on and on.}"
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Chosen One: "{149}{}{Tell me about the Vault.}"
    Rebecca: "{209}{}{You know, it's kind of funny that they managed to get something that complex fixed, but not the lights. The damn place is lit by torches. Anyway, Darion doesn't want anyone to know what's going on with the Vault. He's afraid that someone will take it all away from us if they find out. So, we're told to drive off anyone who shows up here -- especially the NCR.}"
  6. The Chosen One: "{110}{}{I'm looking for a missing girl. Seen her?}"
    Phil: "{121}{}{I can't believe that you think you can just waltz in here and get answers to your questions! Oh, what the hell, you're about to die anyway and I feel generous. We've got her kid locked in the back room and have been having some fun with her. That bitch, Rebecca, has been trying to find her, so we've been keeping an eye open to make sure she doesn't get too close.}"
  7. The Chosen One: "{117}{}{I'd like to know who you are and what is going on here.}"
    Chrissy: "{120}{}{In a nutshell, my name is Chrissy and I'm from the Squat. I was out exploring last week when I found that entrance out there. I thought it might be an abandoned mine or something, so I decided to check it out. Well, it's not a mine; it's a secret entrance into Vault 15. The Vault is being used as a base for a band of raiders called the Khans. They caught me snooping around and their leader, Darion, had me locked up in here.}"
    "{135}{}{The people of the Squat are protecting these guys by helping them keep the Vault a secret, but they don't know what's really going on here. Darion told us that the Vault was being repaired so we could have a safe place to live with lots of food and water, but it's all a lie. I've been in there and looked around. The Vault is dead, and the food and water machines don't work. Our food and water's been coming from the spoils of raids against caravans.}"
    "{136}{}{Look, I've got to go home and warn everyone about what's really going on here. We can't help these monsters. Will you take me home?}"
  8. The Chosen One: "{124}{}{What do you intend to do about the raiders?}"
    Zeke: "{131}{}{Nothing. They have the guns, they control the water, and they control the food. That means they are in charge. Period. We have no skills and no means of support without the backing of Darion. How can we turn against him? We're at his mercy.}"
  9. The Chosen One: "{261}{}{I'm afraid you have another problem. If you'll look at this holodisk you'll see that you have a spy in the NCR.}"
    Tandi: "{264}{tand35}{Damn, the only person who knew all this was Feargus! I'm not suggesting anything, but maybe Gunther should know about this.}"
  10. The Chosen One: "{139}{}{Would you consider making a deal with NCR?}"
    Zeke: "{140}{}{That all depends. What did you have in mind?}"
    The Chosen One: "{142}{}{Join NCR, let them annex your territory, and give them access to the Vault. In return, they can teach you all the skills you need to survive on your own and offer you their protection.}"
    Zeke: "{143}{}{Not bad... I like it. You've got yourself a deal if you can get NCR to agree to it as well. But... Look, someone has to take care of Darion and his cronies. It should be done now before they realize what has happened and have time to prepare for an attack. Why not get this over with and take Darion out now? You'll have the element of surprise on your side.}"
  11. Khan Raider: {110}{}{Man, Darion doesn't pay me enough to stand around here and do nothing.}
  12. Khan raider:{126}{}{I think my father would be proud of me today. Too bad I killed him.}
  13. Khan raider: {118}{}{So when are we going to get out of this stupid place?}
    {119}{}{I don't know about you, but I think this sucks.}
    {120}{}{There ain't nothin' to kill around here.}
    {121}{}{Where's the damn bathroom?}
  14. Khan raider:{117}{}{Hey, we never get any new blood around here.}
  15. The Chosen One: "{151}{}{Look, a young girl's life is at stake here. The daughter of a worried mother. Can you please help me out?}"
    Dalia: "{152}{}{I don't give a radrat's ass... I'm sorry. I'm just a gun who was hired to stand here and guard this trail. Other than that, I don't know what's going on around here. I had a daughter once, though, and...yeah, some guy went by here. I let him through because he knew the proper sign...just like the sign you gave me. Go on. I'm outta here. }"
  16. NCR spy holodisk: "This disk seems to be filled with reports about NCR - monthly production totals, caravan schedules, security rosters, minutes of Congressional hearings, secret council reports, diplomatic correspondence from New Reno, Redding, and Vault City, even several weeks worth of President Tandi's appointment schedule. There's nothing here about Vault 13 or a GECK, though. All the reports are addressed to Darion and are signed "F-"."
  17. 17.0 17.1 The Chosen One: "{109}{}{I'd like to know who you are and what is going on here.}"
    Chrissy: "{120}{}{In a nutshell, my name is Chrissy and I'm from the Squat. I was out exploring last week when I found that entrance out there. I thought it might be an abandoned mine or something, so I decided to check it out. Well, it's not a mine; it's a secret entrance into Vault 15. The vault is being used as a base for a band of raiders called the Khans. They caught me snooping around and their leader, Darion, had me locked up in here.}"
    "{135}{}{The people of the Squat are protecting these guys by helping them keep the vault a secret, but they don't know what's really going on here. Darion told us that the vault was being repaired so we could have a safe place to live with lots of food and water, but it's all a lie. I've been in there and looked around. The vault is dead, and the food and water machines don't work. Our food and water's been coming from the spoils of raids against caravans.}"
  18. Zeke: {131}{}{Nothing. They have the guns, they control the water, and they control the food. That means they are in charge. Period. We have no skills and no means of support without the backing of Darion. How can we turn against him? We're at his mercy.}
  19. Give Spy Holodisk to authority in NCR
  20. {102}{}{You see an older man with thin, gray hair. He seems to be in good shape for his age.}


  1. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets pp.201-202: "10. Doc Jones. The good doctor here in the medical bay (see Figure 10.9) is a prisoner of the gang. From him, you can find out that this gang of Raiders is none other than the descendants of the Khans, the Raiders who kidnapped Tandi in Fallout 1. Darion, the leader of the reborn Khans, is the son of Garl and would like to destroy Tandi for the havoc she, and your ancestor the Vault Dweller, visited upon his father's band of Raiders. After you learn of that from the doc, he'll heal you if you need it, as long as you haven't hurt any of the squatters (#1)."