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Dialogue for Doc Jones, a prisoner of Darion in Vault 15.


{100}{}{You see a short man carrying a book in his hands.}
{101}{}{You see Doc Jones, the doctor.}
{102}{}{You see a short man with a book called "So, You Want to be a Doctor."}
{103}{}{Hello, I'm Doc Jones. You can call me Doc. What can I help you with?}
{104}{}{Got owie. You fix?}
{105}{}{Feel icky. You fix?}
{106}{}{Me gimp, you fix?}
{107}{}{Got questions. Okay?}
{108}{}{Sorry, me go.}
{109}{}{I'm injured. Can you help me?}
{110}{}{I feel ill. Can you help me?}
{111}{}{I'm crippled. Can you help me?}
{112}{}{I wanted to ask you some questions.}
{113}{}{Just saying hello.}
{114}{}{Why, certainly. Here, we'll give you a shot of this -- this'll sting a bit -- now a bandage, and there, you're all set.}
{115}{}{Me thank. Bye.}
{116}{}{Thanks, Doc. I feel much better.}
{117}{}{Why, certainly. Here, you'll need to drink this -- all of it, I know it tastes foul. Now, just lie down on the bed over there, and I'll wake you in the morning.}
{118}{}{Me feel good. Bye.}
{119}{}{Thanks Doc, that did the trick.}
{120}{}{I'm sorry, but I don't have the proper facilities to perform surgery. I'd suggest you go to one of the bigger cities and see a surgeon. Try Vault City. It's north of here.}
{121}{}{Okay. Bye}
{122}{}{All right. Thanks anyway.}
{123}{}{What would you like to know?}
{124}{}{You work Darion?}
{125}{}{You leave here when want?}
{126}{}{What you know about Darion?}
{127}{}{How you be here?}
{128}{}{You say Darion got doggie?}
{129}{}{Me go now.}
{130}{}{Do you work for Darion?}
{131}{}{Can you leave here if you want?}
{132}{}{What can you tell me about Darion?}
{133}{}{How did you come to be here in the first place?}
{134}{}{You mentioned Darion has a dog?}
{135}{}{Thanks for the information. I'll be heading out now.}
{136}{}{Well, yes and no. It's not by choice. I'm a prisoner here. Darion is getting up there in years and he needs a dedicated physician to look after him. The Khans keep me here for his needs. I'd rather be here for the people in the town above. They have no medical help at all, and there is a lot I can do to aid them.}
{137}{}{Okay. Need know more.}
{138}{}{Thanks. Bye.}
{139}{}{That's very commendable of you.}
{140}{}{I see. I'll be going now.}
{141}{}{They're squatters! Let 'em die. Get on with your life.}
{142}{}{No, I'm pretty much trapped here. I can't even leave to refill my medical supplies. Darion sends out for anything I need.}
{143}{}{Me got it. Go now.}
{144}{}{Need ask more.}
{145}{}{I guess you just aren't a trustworthy enough person to be allowed freedom.}
{146}{}{All right. I'm sorry, but I have to get going.}
{147}{}{I'm sorry to hear that.}
{148}{}{Darion is a mental case, plain and simple. He's got more spooks in his head than his dog has fleas. As far as I can figure it, he was a member of another gang called the Khans. They kidnapped this girl, Tandi, and held her for ransom. Her father didn't take kindly to that, and hired some merc to get her back. Darion was the only one to come out alive.}
{149}{}{Uh... what you said.}
{150}{}{Got go now.}
{151}{}{Uh-huh. Well, I'll be leaving now.}
{152}{}{Wow; I'm impressed with your knowledge.}
{153}{}{Sounds like my kind of guy.}
{154}{}{I was kidnapped. I was traveling from Vault City to New Reno for a well-deserved vacation. Went to bed one night and woke up bound and gagged the next morning. A week or so later, I was here. Been here ever since.}
{156}{}{Thanks. Me be leave now.}
{157}{}{The weak are often the prey of the strong.}
{158}{}{I'm sorry to hear that.}
{159}{}{Interesting, but I need to get going.}
{160}{}{Yeah, he's got a dog. Personally, I think it's the meanest, most vile creature on the face of the earth. It seems to love Darion, though, so I guess it can't be all that bad.}
{162}{}{Uh, bye.}
{163}{}{I see. Well, thanks for the warning.}
{164}{}{Ah. Well, I've got to go.}
{165}{}{I'll not help someone like you. Go away.}
{166}{}{Okay, well, you take care, and come back if you need anything.}

{168}{}{Now he's paranoid. He believes that Tandi is out to get him. He's obsessed with revenge, and he wants Tandi dead. He's riddled with guilt 'cause he hid and lived, rather than dying with his gang... and the list goes on and on.}
