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Fallout Wiki

There ain't nothin' to kill around here.

The New Khans raiders have occupied Vault 15 around 2241.


They originate from the band of raiders when Garl Death-Hand was in charge. When the Vault Dweller slaughtered the original Khan gang in 2161, a young Khan Darion hid and survived. After the event, he felt guilty that he alone lived. As a result, he spent the next decades of his life rebuilding the tribe to its once former glory. By 2241, the tribe members were once again built up and strong again. Darion also led them to their place of origin Vault 15. They made a deal with the squatters to provide them with food and water by raiding the caravans but particularly the NCR and in return, the squatters hide the fact that the dangerous band's true headquarters was right below them.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
33 Protector
This character is allied with the following faction(s).


  • Kill Darion: If Darion is attacked, they will turn hostile.

Other interactions[]

  • There is a script where one of the raiders will ask the Chosen One why they are in the vault; the Chosen One can say that they are a new member named Pat and if their Speech is high enough, they won't be met with hostilities.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • If the Chosen One repairs the generator on the second level, they will comment on it.


* The extra ammo that the raiders leave on their corpses is only on level 1.

Notable quotes[]

  • "You see a tough looking person with armor, weapons, and a bad attitude. It must be a Khan." – In-game description
  • "I think my father would be proud of me today. Too bad I killed him."
  • "There ain't nothin' to kill around here."
  • "What the hell is your problem with rats?"
  • "That was kind of weird; now I can see. Jesus, this place looks like shit!"*
  • "I don't think the generator just fixes itself, does it?"*
  • "Hey, look -- the lights came on. What the..."*

* Only if the generator is repaired (these lines will be said only once).


Khan raiders appear only in Fallout 2.
