Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
Fallout 4Miss Nanny
Fallout 76Miss Nanny
Whitespring Miss Nanny
Whitespring Ms Maid
Whitespring concierge
Ms Waitress

Miss Nanny is a variant of the Mister Handy.


Miss Nanny is a new model launched by General Atomics International shortly before the Great War,[1] they were also a utility bot designed to care for and raise newborns; these were incredibly useful in the vaults as there were many children in need of care after the war. It's considered a female equivalent of the Mister Handy, due to its feminine voice and the use of a Handy shell, still bearing the brand logo.[2][3] Its design focuses on caretaking tasks, intended for parents of children of all ages. The specialized programming of a Miss Nanny includes disciplinary and behavioral management skills (with an optional corporal punishment mode that had to be manually turned on by parents), vocal tonality analysis routines allowing it to interpret the needs of its charges (even infants), and hazard detection matrices for childproofing rooms.[4] However, the complexity of its neural network and programming made it a natural candidate for other related tasks, such as medical research. At least one Miss Nanny was modified in this way: Curie. By combining it with custom software and RobCo expertise, it was intended to act as the steward and archivist of Vault 81.[5]

Named units[]


Miss Nannies appear in Fallout 4, Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, and Fallout 76.



  1. General Atomics factory terminal entries; Receptionist terminal, Reminder, Attn. Ms. Hayes
  2. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Miss Nanny robot was created by General Atomics International as the female equivalent of the Mister Handy. As such, it carries similar built-in armaments."
  3. Fallout 76 loading screens: "General Atomics International built the Miss Nanny robot as a female counterpart to the Mister Handy. Both are equally adept in their duties and feature the same interchangeable implements."
  4. General Atomics factory test area: "Greetings, Unit 761. Welcome to the General Atomics Quality Assurance Department, where we assure your functionality is up to our high standards. We must run a few tests before returning you to your caregiving duties. Now please, proceed into the first test chamber.
    First we must test your disciplinary and behavioral management skills. A quality assurance associate will be playing the role of your hypothetical charge, little Timmy. Little Timmy has broken a valuable vase while playing catch in the house. The vase was a family heirloom and is quite irreplacable. Please punish the the child accordingly.
    Fantastic. The appropriate punishment was separation of the child from any potential source of entertainment. And please remember: corporal punishment is strictly forbidden unless the user enables it in your configuration mode. Please proceed into the second test chamber.
    A proper Ms. Nanny unit must be able to identify the needs of her charges. Please assess the state of the crying child and fufill its need. Correct. The child was hungry. Your vocal tonality analysis programming seems to be in working order. Please take this opportunity to reconfirm that any deprecated muffling procedures are not left in your programming. Now please, proceed into the third testing chamber.
    We will now test your hazard detection matrices. Please childproof this environment by moving any hazardous object to where little hands cannot reach. Splendidly done. All potentially fatal objects have been put out of a child's reach. Please remember, children have a penchant for finding ways to harm themselves. They never are truly safe. Absolute diligence is required. Congratulations! It appears you are fully functional and ready to return to service. Please take a replacement fusion core from the safe in the hallway on your way out."
    Note: This is a transcript of a scene from DN050 General Atomics Factory Quest; no dialogue export is available for scenes
  5. The Sole Survivor: "Then let us get under way."
    Curie: "I am the top of the line of RobCo technology. I assure you I am capable of this."
    (Curie's dialogue)