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This is a transcript for dialogue with Curie.


1-Where did all the cars go?
2CIT had miles of tunnels underneath it. I read this in a book.
3There is a considerable amount of ordinance here.
4Nuclear missiles. To think something so comparatively small could destroy so very much.
5According to my memory, this used to be a military site.
6So many cars.
7Oh, look. A secret base.
8Is anyone famous buried here, you think?
9The Old North Church. Such history.
10The Commonwealth almost looks healthy from up here.
11Oh, look. It is so tall.
12The human preoccupation with fiction is a mystery to me.
13A television studio. We are supposed to get autographs, yes?
14Ah, look. It is working.
15I am no engineer, but the engines could be fixed, I think.
16The submarine, it is still working. Somewhat.
17Oh, are we going to see a movie?
18Is this what it was like back then?
19Oh, look at the pony.
20Why bury the dead in one place? Unless it is for fertilization, there is no point to this.
21Another part of the city's core infrastructure useless.
22Henry David Thoreau lived here!
23If you spot a cadaver, let me know.
24If you are injured, I doubt they can help you here.
25Support meetings are very important for those dealing with addiction.
26It appears we are not alone.
27Some sort of training ground... yes?
28My Vault had us conducting secret experiments on the residents. Perhaps the same is true for this one.
29A Vault. I suppose it's worth investigating.
30I wonder what they did up here?
31The population of the Commonwealth is a tiny fraction of what it was. The humans left should focus on reproduction.
32It would take a staggering number of gallons of water to fill this.
33We should talk with the robot. I am always excited to exchange data.
34Excess of drink is the cause of many health problems.
35Ah, the famed Gwinnett Brewery. It was one of the oldest in America.
36What do they put in the cage?
37I am curious to see how the current biosphere interacts with this newly surfaced area.
38Fort Independence is looking much better thanks to you.
39Sample collected. I suspect it is partially digested meats and other biological matter.
40Analyzing. It is interesting how the insect population deals with humans.
41Boston Common. Can we explore?
42Look at their technology. Can we talk to them?
43Oh, a co-op. I never understood why more humans did not adopt this societal model.
44Oh a Co-Op. I never understood why more humans did not adopt this societal model.
45What is on the island, I wonder?
46Has the Commonwealth exceeded subsistence level with their agriculture? That is vital to achieve if civilization is to flourish.
47I wonder if the warning will ever end.
48Be careful. Much of Slocum's Joe food greatly exceeds the daily allowance of carbohydrates and fat.
49Surely there is a working airplane somewhere. To study the world from above would be very illuminating.
50Shopping is not as elegant as I was picturing up here.
51A working ironworks could be most useful for some of my plans.
52These criminals are heavily armored. Caution.
53The initial casualties of the bombs must be staggering.
54And the people here are mining this place? Smart.
55No more little kids to play...
56Was this a ranger cabin?
57The robots appear to be guarding personal property. We should avoid them.
58The Robotics Pioneer Park! Please, we must go. It is a monument to one of my creators.
59What a nice motel.
60Super Mutants are so wasteful in their consumption. Usually hunters are very efficient with their kill.
61Revere Beach. Are we going to vacation here?
62Who knew the beach was so very dangerous?
63There were studies showing the long war had an intense psychological effect on all America. They gave examples very similar to this.
64Gas stations... they are eerie now, are they not?
65Oh, the poor little girl.
66I suppose driving cross-country is now out of the question.
67I wonder if there is a monument to John Adams here. He was born in Quincy, you know?
68I suppose there is little need of quarrying stone now.
69Such a tragedy.
70Propsect Hill. I feel like such a tourist.
71I have never seen the insides of a turbine.
72Oh, the reservoir appears to be broken.
73Such a waste.
74This whole facility is fascinating. I suggest we carefully and methodically push the buttons.
75*cough* What... What was that? This gas. In my throat?
76My sensors detect a high level of an unknown agent in the atmosphere. I recommend extreme caution.
77For medical research, autopsy and the study of the human body is important. But this... this is sick.
78I wonder what's in the camp?
79The entire infrastructure of the Commonwealth is no more. This sewage plant serves no purpose.
80And people used to live in these little trailers, yes?
81Oh, look, a park.
82Remnants of the military are everywhere.
83Nothing left to power nearby. How sad.
84The vast power of the ocean is too often underestimated.
85Ah, too bad. The data they have is not current.
86No more fishies.
87Oh, what are they doing? Torture?
88Can we take the tour? Please?
89Oh no. That... That is a nuclear bomb!
90The ghouls are farming? So they still require nourishment? Or is this strictly for barter?
91Perhaps after our journeys, I could use this place. It is well suited for medicine.
92I suggest we use a different, more secure bank.
93Why have they built such defenses on a highway?
94Oh, Mass State. Perhaps some scientists live there. I hope we meet them.
95Killing this sniper truly was necessary.
96Oh, dumping of radioactive material is a serious crime.
97It is almost pretty in a toxic and radioactive sort of way.
98Ah, look. It's working!
99Mass Fusion used to power the whole city. Look at it.
100Too bad the subway is out of order.
101The fishing industry has seen better days.
102Maybe someone lives in there?
103Oh, what is happening?
104I like the little logo. Pelicans are a majestic creature.
105Are we not committing a felony?
106Oh, look, a big boat. I wonder what is inside.
107Please, tell me we are done with the fighting. This is not what I expected to be doing up here.
108Ah, Lexington. So much history here. Please, can we go to the museum?
109Warning. This lake is highly irradiated. I recommend we avoid.
110This lake is a mirelurk habitat. I shall observe their behavior.
111Ah, a lighthouse. How picturesque.
112Oh, can we go in and meet the DJ?
113It is marvelous! It says a great deal about the culture of the time. I will record this.
114The Treasure must be magnificent to warrant all this.
115Are these Cultist truly human now? Or have they mutated beyond that point?
116Once the shelves were stocked. And now, all rubble.
117Domestication of mirelurks may be impossible. Interesting.
118This was clearly a severe ethical violation. Maybe we should lodge a complaint.
119A whole pack of feral ghouls. Or is it a herd? Or maybe a murder?
120Another victim of the atomic age.
121It feels like I can see forever from up here.
122Perhaps one day we can make this a center of learning again.
123Human adaptability is quite marvelous. Using a crane as a road...
124You can see glimmers of what they saw for the future here. So sad.
125We simply must study these feral ghouls more. Do they possess only animal cunning? Or is there trapped inside some higher cognition?
126College Square. I was hoping some professors or even students would be here...
127No books here. Although, home construction has never been my area of expertise.
128I wonder where all the soldiers went.
129We should mark this location. Blood transfusions are useful in a variety of medical situations.
130One day we will find a proper swimming pool. But not today, I think.
131This is just like a movie. Soon will they break into song?
132An actual Institute scientist's lab. Oh, we must look everywhere.
133Oh, imagine the view from here before all of this.
134This is GNN. So much fine journalism here.
135What were they testing here?
136Oh, bowling!
137The Mister Handy line really is quite magnificent, don't you think?
138Do fraternal orders always carry such stockpiles?
139Fish are an excellent source of Omega-3.
140All this ordinance lying around. Very dangerous.
141Oh, a choo choo train. Maybe one day the tracks will be clear and we can take a trip.
142So many disasters in the Commonwealth. And who will clean it up?
143This simply will not do. No kids will play here now.
144Look at all that. We should go into all the shacks now.
145Oh, Faneuil Hall. It would be even better without all the intestines.
146What is that noise? Oh, it is some sort of animal.
147Where are all the people?
148Oh, can we take the tour?
149Is this... horse racing?
150Oh, the poor prisoners. They may need medical attention.
151I wonder if any organisms live in the pool? Shall we collect a sample?
152What a strange place for a quarry.
153I wonder what they were studying here.
154Surely those boats were not put there intentionally? Such great chaos after the bombs.
155Up there? In the skyscraper? Is that a boat?
156The boat. It is on the building. That is the USS Constitution. Mon dieu.
157My word, what is that?
158Oh, it leads to the subway.
159I have heard of the Croups. Very influential back in the day. And now...
160So much devastation from the bombs.
161Those Raiders guard that tunnel quite ferociously.
162I read that the Corvega Blitz is quite economical and family friendly. But, not so much any more.
163Your new Coast Guard is quite strange, I think.
164Boats belong in marinas. Not drawbridges.
165Look at the little row boat.
166Look at all the books. But where are the students? There is so much to learn.
167We've missed lunch, I think.
168Do they have a schedule here? I would love some Mozart.
169I wonder. What happened to all the satellites? Are some still working in the darkness of space?
170Oh, there is someone inside. We must rescue them.
171Oh, laboratories. We must see what they were researching.
172I think this is not the good type of science.
173It is so... tall.
174Oh. The poor farmers.
175Those are not sorted in the proper Dewey Decimal System. Hmph.
176Oh, a library! Please, we must go in.
177Ah. Basketball. I have read about this. Now, you must dribble.
178Taking the easy way out, sadly, popular choice.
179Do they have beer tasting here? I hear those are quite entertaining.
180Oh, shopping!
181Ah, I have heard of these. This is a speak easy.
182Oh, it's a secret base. Just like the detective books.
183We must be careful. We don't want to tamper with evidence, yes?


184AO_Companion_Bar_CookeOh, a bar. I have read so much about places like this.Bartender: Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear.A4a
185Bartender: Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear.I would like a Rum and Nuka-Cola. With a bunch of cherries, please.Bartender: If you're unhappy hanging out with your crew, you could always work for me. Good pay and all the free drinks you can handle.A4a
186Bartender: If you're unhappy hanging out with your crew, you could always work for me. Good pay and all the free drinks you can handle.Hmm. This smells quite... potent.A3a
187myActor: Quaint little place they've got here... I like it.Excuse me, barkeep.Bartender: Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear.A3a
188AO_Companion_Bar_DeezerOh, it is a Mr. Handy.Bartender: Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!A3a
189Bartender: Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!Lemonade, truly? But I see no lemons.Bartender: There are no alcoholic additives or artifical preservatives of any kind! Only good old-fashioned cold refreshment!A3a
190Bartender: There are no alcoholic additives or artifical preservatives of any kind! Only good old-fashioned cold refreshment!He is very odd, no?A3a
191myActor: Is that a robot... sellin' drinks?What is your function?Bartender: Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!A3a
192AO_Companion_Bar_SavoldiI was led to believe this Bunker Hill was a bit grander.Bartender: You came to the right place, darling. I've got the best vodka money can buy.A3a
193Bartender: You came to the right place, darling. I've got the best vodka money can buy.Or maybe a book? A pamphlet? Even... a postcard?Bartender: Well... it appears I finally have a customer who wants to show a little class.A3a
194Bartender: Well... it appears I finally have a customer who wants to show a little class.This statement does not seem inaccurate.A3a
195myActor: Oh, they have a bar down here?Monsieur. Are there any tour guides to talk of the history of this place?Bartender: You came to the right place, darling. I've got the best vodka money can buy.A3a
196AO_Companion_Bar_TakahashiPower Noodles. Sounds very nutritious.Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?A3a
197myActor: Be right back, gonna grab a quick drink.What type of noodles do you serve?Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?A3a
198Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?Oh, Japanese. Watashi wa Curie desu.Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?A3a
199Bartender: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?You know, I think this robot is broken.A3a
200AO_Companion_Bar_VadimWhat a fascinating place.Bartender: Bobrov's Best. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Very strong though. Two shots, you pass out on floor... guaranteed.A3a
201Bartender: Bobrov's Best. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Very strong though. Two shots, you pass out on floor... guaranteed.The gods? You think to fool me. There is no proof of any divinity in all my records.Bartender: Record is mine. Fourteen shots in less than two minutes. If you beat, I give them to you free. You lose, you pay double.A3a
202Bartender: Record is mine. Fourteen shots in less than two minutes. If you beat, I give them to you free. You lose, you pay double.He is joking with me? The pulling of the leg. I say, humans are so confusing.A3a
203myActor: Oh... this place looks interestin'.Monsieur. Do you serve alcohol here?Bartender: Bobrov's Best. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Very strong though. Two shots, you pass out on floor... guaranteed.A3a
204AO_Companion_Bar_WellinghamThe Colonial Taphouse. Sounds so authentic.Bartender: Excuse me, madame, but if you wish to be served I'd ask that you maintain proper decorum.A3a
205Bartender: Excuse me, madame, but if you wish to be served I'd ask that you maintain proper decorum.I am new to this whole drinking activity. I will have what you recommend.Bartender: Madame, if you don't refrain from using that tone with me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.A3a
206Bartender: Madame, if you don't refrain from using that tone with me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.Oh, I think he just insulted you.A3a
207myActor: Okay, please tell me this robot bartender knows how to pour a drink.Pardon me, monsieur, I would like a drink.Bartender: Excuse me, madame, but if you wish to be served I'd ask that you maintain proper decorum.A3a
208AO_Companion_Bar_WhitechapelSo many Mister Handies around.Bartender: Miss Cait. I thought you were fighting at the Combat Zone. Whatcha doing here, love?A3a
209Bartender: Miss Cait. I thought you were fighting at the Combat Zone. Whatcha doing here, love?What a curious accent. That is not the standard voice modulation suite.A3a
210What is your designation?Bartender: I wouldn't take it too hard. I know Tommy, and I'm betting he's got your best interests at heart.A3b
211Bartender: I wouldn't take it too hard. I know Tommy, and I'm betting he's got your best interests at heart.Oh. How rude.A3a
212myActor: I know this place.Do you serve drinks here?Bartender: Miss Cait. I thought you were fighting at the Combat Zone. Whatcha doing here, love?A3a


213BoS100_02_SceneMainPlayer Default: I'll continue to help, but you owe me an explanation first.Surely, you find this a reasonable request?BoS100Danse: Very well.A3a
214Player Default: At this rate, you'll be dead within two days. And I want no part of it.Where are your manners?BoS100Danse: Then there's no need for you to remain here.B4a
215Player Default: That all depends. How much are you paying?Can't we just help those who need it?BoS100Danse: So you're a mercenary. Typical. Fine. You help us, and I'll see you're compensated for your services.X2a


216BoS201_00_PrydwenArrivesIf mankind can still do something like... that. There is hope.A3a
217BoS201_01_DanseStage20Player Default: Going to be a quick war with that thing on our side.Who could stand against that?BoS201Danse: That's the plan.A3a
218Player Default: After rolling that thing in, you've certainly started a war.And war is the last thing the Commonwealth needs.BoS201Danse: If history's proven anything, it's that an overwhelming show of force has a chance of halting a conflict before it begins.B3a
219BoS201_07_MaxsonStage140Player Default: I refuse to allow the mistakes of the past to be repeated.Learning cannot be contained, by stifling it, it can make the flames burn ever brighter.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.A3a
220Player Default: I'm a bit surprised that you don't realize that by now.Treating them like children is no way to ensure mistakes are not made again.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.B3a


221BoS202_01_MaxsonStage10Player Default: The Brotherhood cannot allow those abominations to have a nuclear arsenal at their fingertips.If we are to fight, this is a good cause.BoS202Maxson: Now... we have a vertibird on standby, fully armed and ready to depart.A3a
222Player Default: If we leave Fort Strong unchecked, we have a potential security threat on our hands.Perhaps it is a good idea to kill these Super Mutants, then.BoS202Maxson: Now... we have a vertibird on standby, fully armed and ready to depart.B4a
223BoS202_02_DanseStage100Player Default: I wish all of mankind shared your sentiment.This thirst for blood, is most unsettling.BoS202Danse: These monstrosities are just another example of man blindly taking a step forward only to wind up stumbling two steps back.A3a
224Player Default: Have you taken leave of your senses?The ravages of the FEV has demonstrable physiological and psychological ramifications. But a noble sentiment, I think.BoS202Danse: These monstrosities are just another example of man blindly taking a step forward only to wind up stumbling two steps back.B4a


225-{Concerned} Good luck, General. I hope you find your son.


226BoS301_04_DoctorDuffBoS301Duff: I'm afraid something terrible has happened to her.We should help find her.Player Default: Don't worry, I'll find her.A3a
227BoS301_05_ScaraStage0060BoS301Scara: The whole thing's rather complicated, perhaps I'll explain it to you sometime.Aww. I was hoping she could direct me to her university.BoS301Scara: So, now that I've formally introduced myself, perhaps you'd care to tell me why you're here?A3a
228BoS301_06_LiStage0070Player Default: Because we care what happens to the Commonwealth.Many lives are at stake, Doctor Li.BoS301Li: You know, if anyone else wearing a Brotherhood of Steel uniform said something like that, I'd laugh in their face.A3a
229Player Default: If you don't work on Prime, I'll have you shot.Isn't that rude?BoS301Li: You son of a bitch!B4a
230BoS301_10_ChildofAtomStage0160BoS301ChildofAtom: That is why they must be safeguarded.I believe some psychological counseling is in order.Player Default: I want to spread his, uhh, glory... Look, the bombs will get used, okay? Isn't that what you want?A3a


231BoS302_01_MaxsonStage010Player Default: With pleasure. I'll make him pay for lying to us.{Curie is alarmed, because she IS a Synth, and the player is agreeing to kill another Synth. She uses doublespeak in front of the synth hater.} Surely you can think of some synths that do not deserve to die. Surely.BoS302Maxson: I appreciate your cooperation.A4a
232Player Default: With pleasure. I'll make him pay for lying to us.Why does a group so scientifically advanced despise this wonder of technology...?BoS302Maxson: I appreciate your cooperation.A5a
233Player Default: I won't do it. Danse deserves a chance to explain himself.What he asks is just wrong. Monsieur Danse is our friend.BoS302Maxson: You will do it. This is not up for judgment or debate!B3a
234Player Default: I don't know what to say.Please, do not be swayed by his words. Monsieur Danse is our friend.BoS302Maxson: This isn't a request that requires an answer, Knight. This is a direct order.X4a
235Player Default: Isn't there some other way?Please, you surely must see reason.BoS302Maxson: Absolutely not. My decision is final.Y3a
236BoS302_03_HaylenStage040BoS302Haylen: If you're not convinced by what he says, or somehow he's become truly lost to us, then you do what you have to do.Is not compassion a worthy virtue?Player Default: All right, I'll hear him out.A3a
237BOS302_13_CompanionReactsExecuteAnd the Brotherhood thinks we are the barbarians.Companion: That Maxson fella seemed like he knew what was best. Maybe you should've listened to him.A4a
238Goodbye, Monsieur Danse.Companion: I wished you had the bollocks to do that yourself. At least it's over with.A4a


239BoS303_01_Stage10BoS303Ingram: That's where we're headed. Hope you don't mind a little company, because I'm coming with you.Is she coming with us? Oh, there is so much science we could talk about.Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A4a
240BoS303_01_Stage10PostPrimeBoS303Ingram: That's if you don't mind a little company of course.I would welcome Monsieur Ingram's company. Think of the things we can discuss as we travel.Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A4a
241BoS303_01_Stage10PrePrimeBoS303Ingram: That's if you don't mind a little company of course.I would welcome Monsieur Ingram's company. Think of the things we can discuss as we travel.Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A3a
242BoS303_03_RoofBoS303Ingram: All right, let's head into the lab. Can't wait to get a look at the place.Indeed. Mass Fusion's technology is fasinating.A3a
243BoS303_04_MissingAgitatorBoS303Ingram: It must have been moved. Let's check out that terminal over there.Where could it be?A3a
244BoS303_07_PowerLossBoS303Ingram: Damn it! They've knocked out the power to the elevators.This makes things a little more complicated.A3a
245BoS303_09_ViewReactorBoS303Ingram: There it is... Mass Fusion's reactor. Don't make them like that anymore.What a technological marvel. And it is still working.A3a
246BoS303_10_BeforeEnteringChamberBoS303Ingram: I'll communicate with you though their intercom system while I monitor everything from out here.Without protection, the radiation will surely be lethal. Be careful.A3a
247BoS303_14_ElevatorToLobbyBoS303Ingram: The Institute must have sent reinforcements.Oh, this is not good.BoS303Ingram: I'll help hold them off, just make sure you get the Agitator out of here!A4a


248BoSM01_CompanionStage070_Commentary1The human survival instinct is fascinatingly strong.A3a
249BoSM01_CompanionStage080_Commentary1I suspect the soldier had his femoral artery severed. His death would've been excruciating.A3a


250CIS_ChatWithNPC_Curie_SceneOh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Target: University? You're not serious, right?A1a
251Are there any trade publications for the medical profession these days? One must remain current on the latest procedures.Target: Sure there are. Just a couple hundred years old, though.A2a
252Perhaps we should organize a conference of fellow physicians. So we can share our theories.Target: My theory is you're a little off your rocker.A3a
253The medical arts will not advance unless we share our findings with each other.Target: Most people look at medicine as a business these days. Makes no sense to share stuff with your competition.A4a
254Since the bombs fell, surely there have been scientific advances?Target: We're lucky to even get close to what they knew back then. Well, unless you're the Institute.A5a
255Would you be interested in the data I've collected on indigenous species?Target: Uh, if it's free, sure. Thanks.A6a
256I plan on sharing all my medical findings with the entire Commonwealth. Anything you can provide would help greatly.Target: Hmm. I do have a few notes here. You're welcome to them.A7a
257One day, I would like to establish a hospital. Where medical practioneers could come and learn and perform dangerous procedures.A8a
258Would you be interested?Target: If you get that hospital up and running, yeah, sign me up.A8b


259CIS_CurieScan_SceneThis person has interesting life signs I want to scan.Companion: Very interesting.A1a
260This thing might have important bio records I should scan.Companion: Very interesting.A2a
261Companion: This person has interesting life signs I want to scan.Very interesting.Target: Ummm...A1a


262-Are we going to see this baseball game? How exciting!
263Oh, can we see the Old State House? Maybe they have the tourist brochure?
264Combat. Zone. What a useful warning. We should avoid this place, yes?
265Ahh, the airport. Can we fly to Los Angeles? I hear it is most lovely there.
266Oh, look at the architecture. So lovely.
267The stories I have read of Parsons are most disturbing.
268Exciting. I wonder if the exhibit, "Treasures of the Jamaica Plain", is still open. Maybe it is precious artwork? Oh, or a mummy!
269Ah, my Vault. Please, let's go elsewhere.
270Are we going on an undersea voyage? Like Jules Verne!
271Oh, the ship is covered in rust. Have you had your tetanus shot?
272I wonder if anyone lives up there now. It must have quite the view.
273My records mention nothing of this place. How bizarre.
274Oh, Fort Independence. The Commonwealth is so full of history.
275Perhaps, in time, it will return to its former grandeur.
276Oh, what a pleasant little place. We should go in, yes?
277Oh! Bunker Hill. I so wanted to visit. Do they have tours?


278COMCaitPickUpScenePlayer Default: About time I got out of this place. Let's go.I think if you travel with Cait, you may need to bring a little more ammo.Dogmeat: (curious sound)A5a
279COMCodsworthPickUpSceneCodsworth: By the way, Concord is nearby, and I've seen people there. I don't know if they can help, but perhaps we should take a look?{Friendly} If it isn't Monsieur Codsworth. It is a pleasure to see you again.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A8a
1407COMDansePickUpScenePlayer Default: Roger that.Oh, it is Monsieur Danse. One day soon we must talk of the technological marvels of the Brotherhood.Dogmeat: (curious sound)A5a
1408COMDeacon_PickUpScenePlayer Default: I'm all ready to go.Do not get him in any trouble, Monsieur Deacon.Deacon: Always am, Codsworth. That's one thing you can count on.A2a
1409Player Default: I'm all ready to go.Do not get her in any trouble, Monsieur Deacon.Deacon: Always am, Codsworth. That's one thing you can count on.A3a
1482DogmeatPickupScenePlayer Default: (playful bark){Friendly scientist} Fascinating the bond between human and animal.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A3a
1410COMHancockPickUpScenePlayer Default: Done.You are such a fascinating specimen, Monsieur Hancock.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A8a
1411COMMacCreadyPickUpScenePlayer Default: About time. I was getting bored.Do you have any new injuries for me to treat today, Monsieur MacCready?Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A9a
1412COMNickPickupScenePlayer Default: Well alright.You are a scientific marvel, Monsieur Nick.Dogmeat: (pained whimper)A8a
1413COMPiperPickupScenePlayer Default: Will do.You know, your Publick Occurrences should have scientific articles.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A12a
1414COMPrestonFollowStartScenePreston: Take care, Codsworth.I'll head for home, then. Good luck.A1a
1415I think with more people like you, Monsieur Garvey, civilization will rise again.Preston: Take care, Codsworth.A7a
1461COMStrongPickUpScenePlayer Default: Strong learn secret of humans.To see a Super Mutant up so close. It is amazing.Strong: Robot stop squawking. Strong smash.A7a
1462COMX688_PickupScenePlayer Default: Right behind you, sir.I am so curious about just everything in the Institute.X688: He couldn't be in better hands.A10a



1331COMCurieTalk_RelationshipScene{You're speaking to someone you're desperately in love with. / Happy} We are better than ever. I never knew life could be such bliss.A2a
1332{You're speaking to someone you're desperately in love with. / Happy} I think we are too good. Can you hear? My heart may burst.A3a
1333{You're speaking to someone you're desperately in love with. Interrupts herself with sentiment. / Happy} We are... I love you... Sorry, it is so hard to keep my feelings contained.A4a
1334{You're speaking to someone you're desperately in love with. / Amused} You have no need to ask. As long as we are together, I... I have no words.A5a
1335{You're speaking to someone you're desperately in love with. / Happy} I thought the greatest challenge to advancing science would be the limitations of the human brain.A6a
1336{Flirty} But it is instead you. So deliciously distracting.A6b
1337{You're talking to your best friend. / Happy} Traveling with my bestest friend makes it feel like nothing could go wrong.A2a
1338{You're talking to your best friend. / Happy} I cannot wait for our next adventure. With you, things are never dull.A3a
1339{You're talking to your best friend. / Happy} We are good. We are great. All we need is some sort of theme song, no?A4a
1340{You're talking to your best friend. / Happy} Together, I feel like we could turn this desolate world around. You fill me with such hope.A5a
1341{You're talking to your best friend. / Happy} We're fantastic. You keep doing all the things you do, and I think there will be books about you.A6a
1342{You're talking to a good friend. / Amused} I... I'm still adjusting to everything. But my feelings towards you are quite pleasant.A2a
1343{You're talking to a good friend. / Friendly} It is so hard to wrap my head around what I feel about you. Before there was only duty.A3a
1344{Pondering} Now... something more.A3b
1345{You're talking to a good friend. / Friendly} It is a true pleasure traveling with you. I feel we are making a real difference.A4a
1346{You're talking to a good friend. / Amused} My feelings towards you are one of the few things I can process. We are, as you say, good.A5a
1347{You're talking to a good friend. / Amused} I... enjoy our traveling together. It is very satisfying.A6a
1348{You're talking to someone you have lukewarm feelings about. / Neutral} I find these traveling arrangements quite acceptable.A2a
1349{You're talking to someone you have lukewarm feelings about. / Neutral} As long as we stay clear of Vaults, I am quite content.A3a
1350{You're talking to someone you have lukewarm feelings about. / Neutral} Being with you is quite exciting. I hope we can do many great things.A4a
1351And further science, of course.A4b
1352{You're talking to someone you have lukewarm feelings about. / Neutral} Everything is good. To be fair, anything would be an improvements to scanning the same four walls for centuries.A5a
1353{You're talking to someone you have lukewarm feelings about. / Neutral} I find our journey most invigorating. The constant stream of data is most rewarding.A6a
1354{You're talking to someone you're not a fan of. / Irritated} You keep squandering precious opportunities to affect positive change.A2a
1355Considering the sad state of the world, this is most distressing.A2b
1356{You're talking to someone you're not a fan of. / Irritated} Our traveling arrangments are barely satisfactory. Sometimes I wish I stayed in the Vault.A3a
1357{You're talking to someone you're not a fan of. / Irritated} Until you start treating the people of the Commonwealth better, you and I are not good.A4a
1358{You're talking to someone you're not a fan of. / Irritated} You have done so many things that violate my ethical programming. If you do not right things, you and I are through.A5a
1359{You're talking to someone you're not a fan of. / Irritated} Start helping people. Treating people well. Otherwise our journeys will be terminated.A6a
1360{You're speaking to someone you hate. / Angry} How are we? Very, very bad. Is that a sufficient answer?A2a
1361{You're speaking to someone you hate. / Angry} Leave me alone. I have no wish to deal with you any further.A3a
1362{You're speaking to someone you hate. / Angry} I cannot stand you. I can't believe I'm traveling with you.A4a
1363{You're speaking to someone you hate. / Angry} Change your behavior immediately, or I am leaving. Yes?A5a
1364{You're speaking to someone you hate. / Angry} Just leave me alone.A6a
1365COMCurieTalk_TalkScenePlayer Default: That's all for now.Not a problem. Let us continue our journeys.B2a
1366Player Default: That's all for now.As you say.B3a
1367Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{The player just dismissed you. You're a little disappointed. You love the player. / Neutral} It pains me to say goodbye. But we will be together again soon, yes?X1a
1368Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{The player just dismissed you. You're a little disappointed. Player is best friend / Neutral} Must we? Well, visit me soon, yes?X2a
1369Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{The player just dismissed you. You're a little disappointed. / Neutral} All good things must end, I suppose.X3a
1370Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{The player just dismissed you. / Neutral} I look forward to resuming our journeys.X4a
1371Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{Irritated. The player just dismissed you. / Irritated} This is a relief.X5a
1372Player Default: We should go our separate ways.{Angry. The player just dismissed you and you're happy about it because the player has made you angry. / Irritated} Good, and I hope to never see you again.X6a
1373I have made some medicine for you. If you like.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1374I have made a Stimpak for you.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1375Do you need a Stimpak? I have made extra.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1376My Stimpaks have gone through extensive quality control. Would you like one?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1377{Sharp} What do you want?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1378{Sharp} Yes?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1379{Sharp} If we must.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1380{Sharp} Do you want something?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1381{Sharp} Speak. But speak quickly.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1382{Irritated} What is it now?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1383{Sharp} Yes? Do you need something?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1384{Irritated} Yes?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1385{Irritated} What do you require?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1386{Irritated} Need something?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1387{Mildly friendly} May I be of assistance?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1388{Mildly friendly} Yes?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1389{Mildly friendly} Can I help you?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1390{Mildly friendly} What is it?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1391{Mildly friendly} Do you need something?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1392{Friendly} I am happy to help.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1393{Friendly} Always a pleasure.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1394{Friendly} For you, I have time.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1395{Friendly} What shall we talk about?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1396{Friendly} May I help you?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1397{Best friend} Yes?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1398{Best friend} What shall we discuss?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1399{Best friend} Can I help you with something?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1400{Best friend} What can we talk about today?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1401{Best friend} I was just thinking of talking with you.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1402{Love} Yes, my love?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1403{Love} What shall we talk about?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1404{Love} Mmmm... yes?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1405{Love} What do wish to talk about?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1406{Love} I was just thinking of you.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A


1416-{Cheery / Relieved} You survived the transmission to the Institute? Such luck! Now I can begin my testing. All your molecules are here, yes?
1417{Excited} To find this Railroad, we must follow the Trail. Oh, I hope we can find a tour guide.
1418{Very excited / Amused} A real private investigator. I hope he can find your little boy.
1419{Happily explaining the science / Happy} The olfactory glands of the canine are quite advanced. We will find this Kellogg.
1420{Serious, empathic / Confident} For what this man has done to your family. His end is well deserved.
1421{Giddy / Impressed} We simply must find a way onto the Brotherhood's airship. Think of all the things they must know.
1422{Excited / Concerned} I should write a paper on this. The science of your neurological journey is quite fascinating.
1423{Excited / Impressed} This Virgil is a fascinating fellow. I look forward to dealing with him more.
1424{A little awe-struck / Concerned} Such a wonder. The Institute has advanced bioengineering to such a degree. So much power is contained in such a small tiny chip.
1425{Excited about the science / Impressed} You simply must survive. I need to conduct a full battery of tests on you when you return. Such a marvel.
1426{Sad} It is such a shame that such a worthy scientific community required such a final end.
1427{Trying to understand} Truly, the Railroad goes to such extremes to rescue synths? This is noble, yes?
1428{Considering} Joining this Railroad. I think I approve.
1429{A little sad} What a formidable base. It is a shame the Railroad was forced to flee.
1430{A little stunned} If you had not been there, I sincerely think the Railroad would be all gone.
1431{Excited - then nervous} Flying, this would be so exhilarating. If we were perhaps not going to our destruction on the other side.
1432{Nervous} Ever since I heard of them, I wanted to visit this Institute. But under very different circumstances. Mon dieu.
1433{Approving} It is encouraging to see not everyone had devolved to... barbarism. We must help this Brotherhood.
1434{Excited} I cannot wait to meet more of this Brotherhood.
1435{Beside herself, excited} Now that you are in this order, we simply must see what this Brotherhood knows. Of medicines, diseases, pathogens.
1436{Astounded} The FEV virus is a virtual miracle. To transform base homo sapiens into something so... rigorous. Amazing.
1437{Excited} I cannot wait to see this Liberty Prime fully operational!
1438{Very upset} Time and time again, scientific understanding is at odds with basic morality. Danse has served the Brotherhood well.
1439{Still upset} Why should it matter if he's a synth or not?
1440{Sad, upset} Danse should not have met an end like that. It is not right.
1441{Conflicted} At least Danse is free. But this whole attitude about synths...
1442{Sad, conflicted} This Railroad only sought to help synths. Do they really deserve... this?
1443{Giddy} One piece away from resurrecting such a formidable technology. Are you excited, too?
1444{A little awed, even Curie doesn't believe her optimism at the end} Mankind's technoligcal achievements in war are unmatched. Perhaps when this Institute is dealt with, we can further other fields, as well.
1445{Thoughtful} This synth we are after, clearly he deserves this fate.
1446{Conflicted} But these synths only wanted to be free. Is that really wrong?
1447{Tragic} I suppose the Brotherhood must be dealt with. It is a shame there is no peaceful alternative.
1448{Excited} Perhaps this alliance will be the start of something truly great. With the Institute helping the people... The possibilities!
1449{Nervous} Everyone is abuzz about your broadcast. Many are quite afraid about the Institute... I hope they needn't be.
1450{Sad, rhetorical question at the end} Did the Railroad really need to die? Truly, there were no other alternatives?
1451{Solemn} The price for this victory has been so high. I hope you use this opportunity wisely.
1452{Clinical} It is good you were here. The offensive capabilities of this Deathclaw are quite advanced.
1453{Excited} Retaking Fort Independence... Oh, this would make a good movie.
1454{Proud} Mirelurks prove no match to humanity working in concert.
1455{Utterly entranced by the science} We must study this fascinating creature. Do all mirelurks come from such a beast? Or is this a case of parallel evolution?
1456{Passing curiosity} Hopefully the armory is still accessible. Time ravages all things.
1457I hope the Minutemen will use their old armaments to help people.
1458{Considering} Given the technological levels of the Commonwealth, this artillery may tip the balance favorably for the Minutemen.
1459{Solemn, sad / Thinking} Science when used to advance the species is a most wondrous thing. To see such knowledge perverted...
1460{Quiet, mourning} This is a tragedy beyond words. But I think you did the right thing.


1463DialogueAbernathyFarmBlakeScenePlayer Default: There's nothing worse than losing a child. Believe me, I know.This world is full of terrible loss.Blake: I'm sorry to hear you say so.A3a
1464Player Default: If your daughter was that stupid, she got what she deserved.That's a terrible thing to say.Blake: You're a real son of a bitch, aren't you?B4a


1465MoeGreetSceneBaseball02Player Default: It was America's pasttime. A sport that united families on warm summer days. And it wasn't violent. Mostly.And so many statistics were involved. RBIs, batting averages.Moe: ... I like my version better.A7a
1466Player Default: The teams would also beat the spectators to death. That's how the term "spectator sport" got started.Which game exactly did you go to?Moe: ... I like my version better.B8a
1467Player Default: There were balls, strikes, three bases, and home runs. You kept score by how many runners made it to home plate.As far as sports go, it is fairly straight forward.Moe: ... I like my version better.X7a


146808MayorIntroScene2aPlayer Default: Always believed in freedom of the press.Without free and unbiased information, an electorate's decisions would be all wrong.Mayor: Oh, I didn't mean to bring you into this argument, good sir. No no no... You look like Diamond City material.A3a
1469Player Default: Newspapers just like to stir up trouble.{objecting to what the player just said} But isn't the free flow of information worth any bumps along the way?Mayor: Oh, I didn't mean to bring you into this argument, good sir. No no no... You look like Diamond City material.B4a


1470DialogueGraygardenIntroPlayer Default: That's pretty ingenious. I bet you can work around the clock.Among many other benefits.SupervisorWhite: Of course, darling. Our unique hierarchy allows for constant operation.A3a
1471Player Default: Robots can do simple tasks, sure, but you need a human being to make the big decisions.From what I have seen of human decision making, perhaps you are not one to throw stones. I said it right, yes?SupervisorWhite: Ah, but that's where Graygarden is unique, darling.B4a
1472Player Default: There's not even one person here?And this is a surprise? Robots are quite capable.SupervisorWhite: That's right, darling. We are entirely self-sufficient, with no need for human guidance.Y2a
1473SupervisorWhite: Perhaps you've noticed that I possess a rather singular personality, as do the other supervisors.It is quite common for owners to modify a robot's pre-installed personality.Player Default: Well, it's definitely unique. Sort of hard to miss.A3a


1474DialogueWarwickHomesteadIntroPlayer Default: No wonder your crops are doing so well.And Old World fertilizer means your crops would be safer for human consumption.Roger: Yeah, they really are.A3a
1475Player Default: I don't care how fertile the soil is, this place reeks.Does no one have manners any more?Roger: Yeah, but you get used to it.B3a


1476DN019JoinCultEmogenePlayer Default: I'm a friend of the family. Maybe I can talk some sense into her.Please, surely you will let us just talk.CultLeader: Look... truth is, we had a little, uh, disagreement about her joining the movement. She got kind of violent.A3a
1477Player Default: I killed the last guy who was running this scam. In case that matters to you.You should know that we are regrettably quite skilled in the use of violence.CultLeader: Uh, good to know. Let me just unlock the door for you, okay?B4a
1478DN019JoinCultEmogeneBribeIf this is what it takes to avoid the bloodshed... *sigh*CultLeader: Well, that's different.A4a
1479DN019JoinCultOfficeGaveItemsDo not listen to him. All my readings indicate enlightenment is never so cheaply won.Player Default: "I deserve a better life. A better life is coming. A better life is almost here."A4a
1480DN019JoinCultOfficeSceneCultLeader: Just go ahead and give me everything you own, and I'll initiate you as a first level Pillar of the Community.Oh, no good can come from this.Player Default: Here, this is everything I have.A4a


1481DN036_MainPlayer Default: They've got something they use to control us, to make us do things we don't want to do.{Empathy for the unhinged lady / Thinking} I could see this being most distressing.Phyllis: Any second now they might send some signal, or I'll see the color orange, or whatever it is they do and BOOM.A10a


1483FFDiamondCity08GiveNukaScenePlayer Default: Here you go.This only provides temporary relief. But it is a mercy, to be sure.Sheffield: *gasp* Oh thank you! Thank you!A4a
1484Player Default: You want a soda? Is that it?Some studies show drinking Nuka-Cola can be extremely habit forming. Bordering on addiction. Poor man.Sheffield: Dugout Inn usually has some... but I can't go there... can't be around booze... Doctor says I can't drink that...Y4a
1485FFDiamondCity10_002_DannyPlayer Default: Hold on. My friend here can help.I will administer first aid and trauma stabilizers...DannySullivan: Thank you, miss... Pardon me if I don't get up for a while...A1a
1486Player Default: Just let go. It'll all be over soon.But, we could save him!DannySullivan: We should've done something... about McDonough... Ain't like we weren't warned. Just didn't want to admit it...B1a
1487Player Default: Hold on. I'll be back.Do not wait too long, his injuries are most severe.DannySullivan: Not much else I can do...X1a
1488FFDiamondCity10_021_CompanionShouldn't we have negotiated with him? Killing a public official is a grave crime.Companion: Next time you're thinkin' of lettin' someone off the hook, ask them to pay up first. You missed a golden opportunity.A4a
1489Killing a mayor is a most foul crime. I am glad he is unharmed.Companion: Well, scratch one wolf in sheep's clothin'. I guess we're done here.A3a
1490Oh, the mayor is dead. This is not good.A3a


1491-I have so much data, I have much to do once I am home.
1492I will leave, then. But I hope we will continue our journeys soon.
1494I will follow you closely.
1495Yes, close range.
1496Good. Being close will make it easier to talk.
1497I will position myself accordingly.
1498I understand. Medium range.
1499I can stay at a intermediate distance.
1500Very well. I will stand further back.
1501I shall keep my distance.
1502Moving to range.
1503So I shoot people before they shoot us. I hope I do not make a mistake.
1504If anyone is threatening, then I shall respond.
1505If you think shooting first is wise.
1506If anyone attempts to harm you, I will leap to your defense.
1507I will assist if violence falls upon you.
1508I far prefer to be defensive.
1509Hostile detected.
1510Danger approaching.
1511We appear to be under attack.
1512You need assistance.
1513I must help.
1514I will assist presently.


1515Inst301BranchBossExtortPlayer Default: You have my word. Give me you what you've got, and we'll leave.So we are working with pirates now? You cannot trust them, all the stories say so.SynthBoss: The password to get into the stash is "Mad Orca".A4a
1516Player Default: Hell no. I'll think just take what I want.We will not associate with the likes of you.SynthBoss: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.B3a
1517Player Default: On second thought, nah.I fear this will not end well.SynthBoss: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.X4a
1518Inst301SceneX6GivesResetCodePlayer Default: Good, I'd like to avoid any unnecessary violence.Surely there are alternatives? There is already so much needless bloodshed in the world.X6: Well, he might not be alone up there. Violence might be inevitable.A4a
1519Player Default: I'm not going to destroy this man's identity and free will. Killing him would be more humane.I agree. What you are suggesting is akin to murder.X6: He's not a man, sir, he's a synth. A synth that's confused and dangerous.B4a
1520Inst301SceneX6IntroX6: I've already neutralized the perimeter guard. Just give the word, and we can start the assault on the main flotilla.He seems most eager for violence, no?Player Default: Alright, let's go.A4a


1521Inst302Stage40CourserScenePlayer Default: Remember, the synths are the primary objective. Harm must be avoided at all costs.And with so many civilians around we should be extra careful, yes?X418: Here are the recall codes. Follow me.A3a


1522Inst306Stage20DesdemonaPlayer Default: Of course I'm not going to go through with it. So how do I deal with it?The situation is highly complicated.Desdemona: We'll deal with that later. We need to prepare for a Brotherhood assault.A4a
1523Player Default: I'm afraid you all have to die.We do this with a heavy heart.Desdemona: Deacon vouched for you. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. Or you. We're not going down without a fight.B4a


1524InstM01CedricScenePlayer Default: I know you're in a tough situation here, but lives are at stake. Please help me.Please, we would like to help.Cedric: Bill isn't the only one who's afraid. People all over the Commonwealth are talking about this Institute.A3a
1525Player Default: A man's life is at stake, and you're fishing for a bribe? You're pathetic.This is abhorrent.Cedric: Then I guess this conversation's over.B3a
1526InstM01RogerSceneSuspectRoger: Now he's starting to work on my wife and kids, trying to turn them against me too.Sounds very complicated. We can help him, yes?Player Default: They just need to be convinced Bill's wrong. That won't be hard.A3a


1527InstMassFusion_10_RoofAllieFilmore: Well, you were right. The Brotherhood sure is here. Guess we'll have to go through them.This may be easier said than done.AllieFilmore: Oh... my. Well, I wasn't expecting this. I... guess it's nice to see some of our... older models... have been useful to you.A3a
1528InstMassFusion_11_AgitatorMissingAllieFilmore: No sign of the Agitator... We'll have to search the rest of the building.Where could it be?A3a
1529InstMassFusion_13_PowerLossAllieFilmore: They cut the power to the elevators... It's clever, I'll give them that.Then we go on foot.A3a
1530InstMassFusion_15_ViewReactorAllieFilmore: There's the reactor. Not a bad piece of work, for its time.It is a true marvel of engineering.A3a
1531InstMassFusion_20_ElevatorToLobbyAllieFilmore: These guys just don't know when they're beaten, do they?Indeed, they are vexingly tenacious.AllieFilmore: I'll help the synths buy some time. Make sure you get back to the Institute with the Agitator!A3a


1532Min01PrestonOutroFinalPreston: We need someone who can bring the whole Commonwealth together in a common cause. And I think you've got it in you to be that leader.You do have a certain something, no?Player Default: Okay. I'll do it.A4a
1533Player Default: Okay. I'll do it.It feels like I have witnessed something historic.Preston: Good. Good! Welcome aboard. I feel like this is a whole new start for the Minutemen, and the Commonwealth, too.A4a
1534Player Default: No. I'm not your savior. I have my own problems to deal with.Oh... This is too bad.Preston: I get it. You can't take care of other people's problems when you're still overwhelmed by your own.B4a
1535Min01SturgesIntroLet me know if I can help, too.Player Default: I'd be glad to help.A3a


1536Min02PrestonCastlePrebattle2Player Default: Let's not over-complicate this. Just get in there and hit them with everything we've got.If you think this is best.PrestonGarvey: If you say so.A4a
1537Player Default: Let's hit them from both sides.This sounds clever, yes?PrestonGarvey: We'll split up and you can join which ever side you think needs the extra support.X4a
1538Player Default: Set up a firing line and I'll draw them out.We are going to do what?PrestonGarvey: Sounds good. We'll hold back and wait for them to come to us. Just don't get yourself trapped in there.Y4a
1539Min02PrestonCourtyardPrestonGarvey: Let's do this, General.If we are to do this, let's do it.A3a


1540Min03RonnieIntroBrawlPlayer Default: Easy. I just didn't know there were any other Minutemen out there.{Apologetic} No offense was meant, madame.RonnieShaw: Yeah, I did take a pretty long vacation after Joe died. Not surprised you never heard of me.A3a
1541Player Default: I'd like to see you try.{Concerned} I know how this will end.RonnieShaw: This is going to be fun.B3a


1542MinDestBoSFiringPrestonGarvey: Good lord above. Almost makes you feel sorry for those poor bastards.So many people... And so much technology lost.RonnieShaw: They had it coming. Should've never tried to lord it over the Commonwealth. That never ends well.A3a


1543MinVsInstMinutemenStage30CitizenQuestionPlayer Default: The Institute wants the same things you do. We can find a way to work together.No one here wants more blood spilt.MinutemenContact: I don't know about that, but... Look, if nothin' else, you'd best get in there and make sure that man's okay.A3a
1544Player Default: I know for a fact they won't hurt that man, and if you get in the way, I'm going to have to take you down.Please, do not let it come to this.MinutemenContact: Woah, look... I'm not trying to get everyone here killed, okay?B4a
1545Player Default: You don't have all the information. I do, and I'm telling you this isn't what it looks like. That man's not in danger.Do not let this become a tragedy.MinutemenContact: You'd better be right. If you're not, that man's life is on your head.X3a
1546MinVsInstStage50EnricoScenePlayer Default: You're right, I suppose.This is all so... distasteful.Enrico: I know they've been keeping an eye on him for years. Not sure how they originally found him; probably don't want to know.A3a
1547Player Default: Look, I had the same intelligence reports as everyone else. No one saw this coming.So many lives are in danger because of you.Enrico: I know they've been keeping an eye on him for years. Not sure how they originally found him; probably don't want to know.B3a


1548MQ106_CompanionDogmeatScene{Friendly / Friendly} So many breeds of canis familiaris. But I think this may be one of the best. Good dog. He led us straight to Kellogg.A3a
1549DogmeatLostTrailIt appears the little doggy has found a clue.Companion: This Kellogg bloke certainly isn't makin' this easy, is he.A4a
1550We must be getting closer to this Kellogg.Companion: I'm gonna kill this Kellogg fella meself for makin' us walk all to hell and back lookin' for him...A3a
1551Monsieur Dogmeat has something for us.Companion: I'm gonna hear that damn dog barkin' in me sleep.A3a
1552This Kellogg is a very cold man, no?Companion: This better be the place. Getting' tired of playin' cat and mouse with Kellogg.A3a
1553I fear we will be upon Monsieur Kellogg any moment.A4a
1554Site04_RobotConversationJabberbot: Assailant route tracked. Pursuit possible to Northwest.Oh, it's just dreadful what Kellogg did to this poor thing.Dogmeat: (alert bark)A2a


1555MS01BillyOutOfFridgePlayer Default: Then let's go find your home.Don't worry, everything will be fine.Billy: Thanks. I live in Quincy. Or at least I used to. But I don't know how to get there.A3a
1556Player Default: You'll have to figure out your own life.Are we not supposed to protect the young? Well, he's old... But he's still young.Billy: I guess I'll just sit here until some monster comes and eats me.B4a
1557Player Default: I hate to tell you this, but your parents are probably dead.Such a cruel thing to say.Billy: Dead? You really think so?X4a


1558MS04_0100_IntroPlayer Default: Good on you for trying to make the world better.A Ghoul with such fine aspirations. What a complex sub-species they are.Kent: I just have to do something, you know?A2a
1559MS04_0500_2_AJPlayer Default: Hand over the caps.So now no one will stop him. Hmpf.AJ: Here. And don't show your face around here again.A2a
1560Player Default: Stop selling to children, miscreant. Or face my wrath.What you are doing is quite illegal.AJ: Screw you. Waste the freak.B3a
1561MS04_1300_SinjinConfrontationPlayer Default: Looks like it's my lucky day. Because I'm getting both of you.Oh no.A3a
1562Kent: He'd... He'd. Episode 23.He is free.Sinjin: *laugh* Enjoy the show, Kent. After I'm done with the Shroud, you're next.X3a
1563MS04_Comp_ActingLikeShroudYou are speaking just like the radio. How bizarre.A4a
1564MS04_Comp_PCisAssassinYou murdered that poor woman.A4a
1565MS04_Comp_PCKilledHostageYou shot your little friend.A4a


1566MS05B_ReturnEggToNest{Happy} And so we preserve the fragile ecosystem. Although, perhaps the Deathclaw is not so fragile?A4a


1567004_MS07aCrockerScene02Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.Is it not the duty of the doctor or scientist to learn from their failures. You cannot deny the data.DocCrocker: You're...you're right. There's one thing I can do. Only one thing's going to make this all better.A3a
1568Player Default: Oh, screw this. Say "hi" to Earl for me.And again with the killing... *sigh*B2a
1569Player Default: You've killed a man, doctor. You're going to pay for it. Put the gun down, and come with me.You would be wise to listen. This is a mercy being offered to you.DocCrocker: I... I did it, didn't I? I killed a man. Oh god. There's so much blood. So much blood all over me!X3a
1570004b_MS07aCompanionInterjectsIs the world full of such... tragedy? I thought this was only in books. But you tried to make it better, at least.Companion: Crocker got exactly what was comin' to him.A3a
1571This doctor went so very wrong. But surely there were other options...?A3a


1572MS09CabotHouseIntroJackPlayer Default: That's really interesting.I put my trust in the scientific method. Not this pseudo-spirituality.Jack: I'm glad to hear you say that. It's become my life's work.A3a
1573Player Default: You can believe whatever wacko theories you want, as long as I get paid.I heartily agree.Jack: Well if that's how you feel, I'll leave you to Edward. He'll be your immediate supervisor.B4a
1574Player Default: I'm really just here about the job.I tire of Monsieur Cabot's nonsense.Jack: I'm sorry if I'm rattling on. I sometimes forget not everyone finds these things as compelling as I do.X2a
1575Player Default: You think aliens created human civilization?Do not listen to this absurd nonsense.Jack: Yes, if by "alien" you mean a non-human precursor to the commonly understood founding cultures -- Sumer, Egypt, Assyria.Y2a
1576MS09Mission2EmogeneAgeKnowPlayer Default: I have a vial of that serum with me. Here, looks like you need it.And you're giving it away? Think of the tremendous opportunity for study.Emogene: How did you get that? Never mind, I'd rather not know. Thank you so very much.A5a
1577MS09ParsonsBossRoomLorenzoEscapesJack: You fool! Why didn't you do as I asked?Curie interjectsA4a
1578MS09ParsonsCaptainScene1Player Default: Thanks for your help.It is appreciated.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Sure thing.A2a
1579Player Default: So you've just been waiting for me to show up to do something about those assholes?We are supposed to be working together, no?ParsonsGuardCaptain: As far as I remember, I don't answer to you. And yeah, we were waiting for you.B2a
1580MS09ParsonsCaptainScene1APlayer Default: Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.So now all is well.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Was that an apology? Now I've seen everything.A4a
1581Player Default: Lucky for you I'm not afraid of a few raiders.Doesn't anyone have manners any more?ParsonsGuardCaptain: Well, then, why don't you get out of my face and go kill them?B4a
1582Player Default: That's true. Edward wouldn't have hired me if he thought you could have done the job.{Puzzled} Is there any reason to provoke this lady?ParsonsGuardCaptain: You're throwing a lot of attitude for the new guy. I guess we'll see soon enough if you're just blowing smoke or not.X4a


1583MS11_0080_Constitution_Scene_3Player Default: Whoa, whoa. Easy there.It is against your core programming to use lethal force against an invited guest. It is illegal.FirstMate: Unable to comply.A4a
1584Player Default: Try that and you'll be nothing but scrap metal, pal.If we shoot him, then the others will certainly return fire.FirstMate: Threats detected. Awaiting permission to terminate target.B4a
1585Player Default: This must be a misunderstanding. You invited me aboard.And your core programming dictates guests cannot be harmed.FirstMate: No records found.X3a
1586Player Default: What, you're going to kill me?Yes, this makes no sense.FirstMate: Affirmative.Y3a
1587MS11_0100_Meet_IronsidesPlayer Default: A sad state of affairs for such an historic ship.So much history. To remain here is... sad.Ironsides: On that we are in agreement.A3a
1588Player Default: You should just abandon the ship.But without the machines, others would strip the ship bare.Ironsides: It is not in my character, sir, to retreat simply because the odds are great. I will persevere.B4a
1589Player Default: How did it even get up here?That is curious. Are not boats supposed to be in the water?Ironsides: A harrowing tale, of that there can be no doubt. Or I should say, I assume it is.Y3a
1590MS11_0350_Meet_MandyPlayer Default: Yeah, I'm in. What's the plan?And another piece of history goes poof.Mandy: That's the right call.A5a
1591Player Default: No deal. I'm with Ironsides.All you do is for purely material gain. Captain Ironsides is a robot of vision.Mandy: Then screw you, asshole. You're lucky we don't gun you down.B4a
1592Player Default: I need to think about this.Might I ask we help Captain Ironsides. He is a cut above these people.Mandy: Don't take too long, or we'll crack the Constitution open ourselves. And then you'll get nothing.X3a
1593MS11_Comp_SabotageI wonder what will be left of the ship.A4a


1594MS13BAfterConfrontationViolencePerhaps this is for the best.A4a
1595MS13BConfrontCookePaulPembroke: Keep talking.Monsieur Cooke, please choose your words with great care.HenryCooke: Look, I'll, uh, I'll stay away from Darcy from now on. It's over. You have my word on that.A3a
1596Player Default: Paul, put the gun away. Nobody needs to get shot here.Life is too precious to throw away.PaulPembroke: Screw that.A3a
1597Player Default: Better just shoot him, Paul.I do not think this is helping.PaulPembroke: Keep talking.B3a
1598Player Default: Put the guns away before this gets out of hand.Please, listen, otherwise this will not end well I fear.PaulPembroke: Too late.X3a
1599MS13BConfrontCookeAlonePlayer Default: Think this through. Darcy isn't worth dying for - or killing for.Yes, please listen.HenryCooke: You know what? You're right.A3a
1600Player Default: I'm counting to three. One... two...Why are you counting?HenryCooke: Hold up. Don't get crazy on me. We can talk this out.B3a
1601MS13EDivideSpoilsPlayer Default: No. I'm taking all of it as the rest of my payment.Where is the honor in this?PaulPembroke: That was never part of the deal!B3a
1602Player Default: 70-30 seems more like it.Perhaps this is fair. This would never have worked without us.PaulPembroke: Yeah, whatever. Screw me over one more time. I guess I should be used to it by now.X4a
1603MS13PaulIntroScenePlayer Default: Still not interested.Matters like these are so complicated. Is there some sort of manual for it?PaulPembroke: I don't know why I expected you to help me.B3a
1604Player Default: You're going to have to make it worth my while.Is it typical to charge for this kind of service?PaulPembroke: Uh. Well... okay. I can only pay you 80 caps right now, but I'll scrape together more after we take care of Cooke.X3a


1605-I cannot believe he asked this of us.
1606You aren't seriously considering... this?
1607Is this what we are reduced to?


1608MS14BobrovOpeningScenePlayer Default: All right! Now, it has to be quietly, with no fuss. Maybe lead him out of town...I think he is talking about... murder!Yefim: All right, that's enough!A4a
1609Player Default: I tell you, it would be easier than you think. You just talk him into following you out of town...What a criminal suggestion, monsieur.Yefim: All right, that's enough!B3a
1610Player Default: It would be quick, and probably mostly painless. You just first lead him out of town...You cannot be suggesting... murder?Yefim: All right, that's enough!X3a
1611MS14TravisBarPreFightSceneTravis: Well, if you think it would work...You will be fine, you'll see.A3a
1612Travis: I'm not a coward!You must stand up for yourself.B3a
1613Player Default: Nothing will change unless you make it happen.Take charge, monsieur.X3a
1614MS14TravisStage65ScenePlayer Default: But if I hadn't gotten into that fight with them, maybe this wouldn't have happened.They have played us all the fool.Travis: Look... I don't really... I mean, I don't have a lot of friends.A3a
1615Player Default: Oh, man. I can't believe this.This will not help Monsieur Miles.Travis: Look... I don't really... I mean, I don't have a lot of friends.B3a
1616MS14TravisStage70ScenePlayer Default: Okay, okay. Good. I mean, I can do this. Totally.Together we will triumph.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.A3a
1617Player Default: Oh. Okay... Not, uhh, not exactly the pep-talk I was looking for...Oh dear.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.B3a
1618Player Default: Okay, right. Sure. Yeah.Breath. Get plenty of oxygen into your blood. It will help.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.X3a
1619MS14TravisStage90ScenePlayer Default: Thanks.Your accomplishments are most impressive.Travis: After all this, I think about the things that had me worried so much, and it just seems... silly, you know?A3a
1620Player Default: Yeah, yeah. I know.But he... Fine.Travis: After all this, I think about the things that had me worried so much, and it just seems... silly, you know?B4a
1621MS14VadimStage10ScenePlayer Default: Haven't met a man I couldn't lay out.And this is a good thing?Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.A3a
1622Player Default: I'm not some thug. I don't get involved in stuff like that.Some of us are civilized, you know?Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.B3a
1623Player Default: I can hold my own, if that's what you mean.Hold your own... what?Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.X2a


1624MS17_300_Dan_FollowsPlayer Default: No deal.But we gave him our word.HonestDan: We'll see who finds those caravan hands first, then.B4a
1625MS17_300_JacobWarningPlayer Default: You can keep your caps.You cannot put a price on life.JacobOrden: Please, just leave well enough alone. There's more going on then you realize.B2a
1626Player Default: Surely, there's room for compromise? I get Stockton's survivors and we stay... friends. I'd have to know more, though.You sound sincere, monsieur. But you must see our position in this.JacobOrden: That's a tall order. A deal like that, well, that's above my pay grade.X3a
1627MS17_400_ChambersPlayer Default: Continue your work, then.What else could we do?HonestDan: I wish you hadn't said that.A4a
1628Player Default: That's a deal I won't accept.You have violated your most sacred oaths.DoctorChambers: Then you'll just have to kill me.B2a
1629MS17_Comp_KilledChambersShe went too far, but could we have spared her?A4a


1630MS19CurieInLabWhere are you going? Do you intend to just leave me here?A1a
1631Curie: However, be advised, there is only one dose left, and I can no longer make any more.If that is all, I am most eager to leave.Player Default: Thanks for the cure.A1a
1632Player Default: Uh... I am so authorized. You are released.Superb. I had almost given up all hope of leaving here.Curie: I'll open the door for you.A1a
1633Player Default: Heck no. I'm just a guy looking for the cure to a mysterious disease.You're quite certain? Perhaps you just misplaced your papers.B1a
1634In fact papers are not strictly necessary, no?Player Default: Uh... I am so authorized. You are released.B1b
1635Player Default: Heck no. I'm just a guy looking for the cure to a mysterious disease.My audio circuits must be malfunctioning. I distinctly heard you say "yes."Curie: I'll open the door for you.B2a
1636Player Default: Vault-tec is gone. No need to follow their rules any more.Gone? Truly? My programming doesn't cover this contingency.X1a
1637Please tell me the authority to release me was transferred to you.Player Default: Uh... I am so authorized. You are released.X1b
1638Player Default: Why can't you just leave?I require verbal or written authorization. Actually any Vault-tec employee, even you, could authorize me.Y1a
1639You must be Vault-tec or you couldn't possibly be here.Player Default: Uh... I am so authorized. You are released.Y1b
1640Player Default: Why can't you just leave?Why, yes. I've grown quite fond of them over the years. But they out lived their usefulness 83 years ago.Player Default: Uh... I am so authorized. You are released.Y2a
1641Player Default: Superb. I had almost given up all hope of leaving here.I'll open the door for you.Curie: Since you are a Vault-Tec representative, I entrust you with the broad spectrum cure I developed.A1a
1642Curie: I'll open the door for you.Since you are a Vault-Tec representative, I entrust you with the broad spectrum cure I developed.A1a
1643If you have an equivalent to my digital Hippocratic oath, please use it quickly to prevent any undue suffering.A1b
1644However, be advised, there is only one dose left, and I can no longer make any more.Curie: If that is all, I am most eager to leave.A1c
1645Player Default: Thanks for the cure.It is my hope that this cure finds it's way to someone who needs it.Curie: Hopefully now I can properly further my scientific research.A1a
1646Player Default: I have no more use for you.Excellent. Then I will depart.Curie: Hopefully now I can properly further my scientific research.B1a
1647Player Default: You can go.Freedom at long last.Curie: Hopefully now I can properly further my scientific research.X1a
1648Player Default: You only have one dose?That is correct. There used to be more, but they all expired.Y1a
1649Sadly, the organic compounds necessary to make more have all deteriorated.Player Default: Thanks for the cure.Y1b
1650Player Default: You only have one dose?My primary responsibility is to obey the orders of specified Vault personnel. Even if those orders violate my ethical matrix.Y2a
1651But since you have graciously discharged me of this duty, I can give you the cure without directly disobeying my previous order.Y2b
1652And if you happen to use the cure to save a life, then this is just a happy coincidence, no?Curie: Hopefully now I can properly further my scientific research.Y2c
1653Player Default: It is my hope that this cure finds it's way to someone who needs it.Hopefully now I can properly further my scientific research.A1a
1654Since my job here is done, I think I will follow you out.A1b
1655NPCFCurie: Oh. Another stranger.Are you Vault-Tec security? I've waited so very patiently for you to arrive.Player Default: Yes. Yes, I am.A1a
1656Player Default: Yes. Yes, I am.Superb! I placed an emergency call so long ago. I was beginning to think something dreadful must've happened.Curie: I am pleased to report I completed my primary duties 83 years ago.A1a
1657Player Default: Do I look like Vault-Tec security? Geez.Over the long years, who is to say what is fashionable now.B1a
1658True, your attire is a bit dirty, but not all people properly value the important of hygiene and cleanliness.Curie: I am pleased to report I completed my primary duties 83 years ago.B1b
1659Player Default: Just open the door for me.There is a proper procedure to do this thing.Curie: I am pleased to report I completed my primary duties 83 years ago.X1a
1660Oh. Another stranger.Curie: Are you Vault-Tec security? I've waited so very patiently for you to arrive.A
1661You've returned.Curie: Are you Vault-Tec security? I've waited so very patiently for you to arrive.A
1662As I was saying.Curie: Since you are a Vault-Tec representative, I entrust you with the broad spectrum cure I developed.A
1663Player Default: Who the heck are you?I am a Contagions Vulnerability Robotic Infirmary Engineer, or CVRIE.Y1a
1664The human scientists call me Curie. Or more properly, they called me this when they were alive.Y1b
1665I repeat, are you Vault-Tec security?Player Default: Yes. Yes, I am.Y1c
1666Player Default: Who the heck are you?My poor little darlings.Y2a
1667They were used to grow all manner of new and interesting pathogens.Y2b
1668Then vault citizens would be exposed to these viruses in the hopes that they would develop new antibodies.Y2c
1669But they never got a chance to execute their plan.Y2d
1670Clyde got out of his cage. He was smarter than the others, my sweet Clyde.Y2e
1671He let out the others and those poor scientists never stood a chance.Y2f
1672Clyde's been dead for almost two centuries now, but his descendants have free run of the vault.Y2g
1673I'm rambling. Where are my manners. Are you Vault-tec security?Player Default: Yes. Yes, I am.Y2h
1674Player Default: Superb! I placed an emergency call so long ago. I was beginning to think something dreadful must've happened.I am pleased to report I completed my primary duties 83 years ago.A1a
1675Thousands of pathogens were grown in the mole rat hosts.A1b
1676Then a single broad spectrum cure was developed to treat them all. Very satisfying work for many decades.A1c
1677Now, please tell me you are authorized to release me from the lab.Player Default: Uh... I am so authorized. You are released.A1d
1678-I detect intruders. Please neutralize them.A
1679So much new data, even here. Imagine what I could uncover elsewhere.
1680Please see that the cure is used well.
1681I find myself without a master or orders. What a curiously pleasant dilemma.
1682{fondly} Oh dear. Clyde's offspring have been breeding. They are such sweet creatures.
1683{uncertain} I think this one is Lucy. Or is it Ricky?


1684RR102_100_Deacon_IntroPlayer Default: Your leader was just being cautious.It must put all of you in a very delicate situation.Deacon: Exactly. Kind of killed our chance at a friendy first impression, though.A3a
1685Player Default: If you greet all newcomers like that no one's ever going to help you.But surely caution is a reasonable thing in such a situation?Deacon: Don't be too hard on the old girl. She's just looking after her wayward children.B3a
1686RR102_Comp_PCisAntiSlaveWhat the Institute does to synths is terrible. I am glad you agree.A3a
1687RR102_Comp_RickySuicideYou have put Monsieur Dalton at great risk.A4a
1688RR102_Comp_SynthsAreMachinesI'd like to think even machines deserve some respect. Unlike you, apparently.A3a


1689RR302_0700_AtPoliceStationPlayer Default: Relax, Tom, you'll be all right.Excellent advice. The effect of hypertension and stress on health is often underestimated.TinkerTom: Right, the whole breathing in and out. OK.A3a
1690Player Default: Another of your paranoid fantasies.But Monsieur Tinker is a friend, yes? Surely he deserves a kind word.TinkerTom: C'mon, man, maintain positive energy.B3a


1691RR303_0300b_GloryDeathPlayer Default: I don't have time for this.But... she's our friend, yes?Glory: Isn't there... supposed to be a light?B4a
1692Player Default: I promise.Rest easy, noble warrior.Glory: If anyone... *cough*X3a
1693Player Default: How bad is it?Multiple gunshot wounds. She's losing a great deal of blood.Glory: No escape... this time. *cough*Y2a


1694RRM01_0300_MeetingStocktonPlayer Default: No one likes delays.Umm... What are we talking about?OldManStockton: It's bad for business.A1a
1695Player Default: You're talking about synths, right?Oh, that's what this is about!OldManStockton: Yes, I am talking about synths.B1a
1696Player Default: A trader always has to move his merchandise efficiently.Are we traders now? I am so confused.OldManStockton: Exactly.X1a


1697UFOCrashQuestFlybyReactionLook, in the sky!A3a
1698UFOCrashQuestImpactReactionWe simply must investigate the crashed vessel. Remarkable.A3a