Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Los Angeles Times was a pre-War newspaper which continued production in the vaults.[1][2]


Founded in 1881, the Los Angeles Times is a daily newspaper that was published in Los Angeles, California. Publication was then continued in the vaults[3] in order to maintain a sense of normality.[4] It is likely, however, that these reported on news in the vaults, rather than pan-South California as it once had, as no-one had been above ground since 2003.[5]

Company details[]

Known facilities[]

All 12 So Cal Vaults, as they are identical in design, must have continued production of the L.A. Times if Vault 13 did.

Known products[]

Los Angeles Times newspaper


The L.A. Times was to be featured briefly in the opening scene of the canceled Fallout movie by Interplay Films.[6]

Behind the scenes[]

The L.A. Times newspaper is a real-world newspaper.


  1. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #1
  2. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #7: 'all the So Cal vaults are identical in design'
  3. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #1
  4. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #4
  5. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #7
  6. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #1