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Vault 13 was set to appear, and play a key role, in the canceled Fallout movie.


There were thirteen mentioned vaults in the Fallout film treatment,[1] but only two were set to appear in the film proper. These two vaults were Vault 13 and Vault 8.

We are introduced to Vault 13 in the very first scene. It is a scaled-down replica of Los Angeles complete with climate control, complete with its own subway system. Everything is designed to help people cope with living in an underground, and frankly claustrophobic world.[2][3]

It is governed by the Elders, first-generation survivors, with the help of the vault's police force.[4][5]

During the film, the unstable social situation becomes more clear. The film treatment likens the situation to the 1960s in our world: there is an intensifying generational divide.[6] It turns out the main characters of the film had been sent out of the vault, not for the water chip that they believed was the reason, but rather so that the Overseer could quell the unrest and remove the key elements of discontent.[7]

This backfires at the end of the film. The news that people had been sent to the surface slowly spreads,[8] and in the end, there is a social revolution that overthrows the overseer,[9] with a little help from the Master and his mutants.[10] In the final scenes, the remaining 50 or so survivors left the vault.[11]


Vault 13 is revealed to be near Lancaster, L.A., California.[12]


  • The L.A. Times is produced in the vault, and many of the inhabitants read it.[13]
  • Video surveillance is used to keep an eye on the inhabitants.[14]
  • Marriages are assigned in the vault based on a utilitarian system; they are based on the genetic requirements of the vault, and the people in them have no say in this.[15]
  • These preceding two points are nicely summed up in the film treatment; "It may look idyllic, but this is not a free society."[16]
  • Vault 13 had lost communication with the other twelve vaults in the South Californian region by the time the film is set.[17]


Vault 13 was set to appear in the canceled Fallout movie by Interplay Films.


  1. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #7
  2. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #1
  3. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #12
  4. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #6
  5. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #4
  6. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #5
  7. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #38
  8. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #20
  9. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #40
  10. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #40
  11. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #44
  12. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #12
  13. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #1
  14. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #4
  15. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #9
  16. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #9
  17. Fallout film treatment, bullet-point #7