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Fallout Wiki

Kora was a member of the Free States some time before 2102.


Kora's corpse is part of the Free States Loner random encounter. On her person is the government's plan. In a nearby duffle bag, Kora's journal entry can also be found.

Like many other members of the Free States, Kora distrusted the United States government. She suspected that the government planned the Great War to get rid of the lower class and most of the middle class as well, allowing bureaucrats and members of the military free reign to "restore whatever order they want." However, she argues that the nuclear aftermath was worse than anticipated for them.[1]

Kora survived the Great War in a bunker, though at some point Strangler vines managed to grow through the concrete wall and into the bunker's water purifier and air purifier, destroying both. She speculated that she could stay with other members of the Free States, but had heard some of them wanted to help other survivors - the same ones that "ridiculed us... killed Caleb's family... even found two dead bodies outside my own bunker trying to break in." She instead decided to take the rest of her supplies and head west, though she died before leaving the Mire.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions dead
This character is deceased (Dead).
FO76 ui roleplay team
This character is involved in random encounters.

Free States Loner



Kora appears only in Fallout 76.

